All Classes and Interfaces

Signals a failure where the error was anticipated and diagnosed.
Show "About Jenkins" link.
Sophisticated version of AbstractNodeMonitorDescriptor that performs monitoring on all agents concurrently and asynchronously.
Result object for AbstractAsyncNodeMonitorDescriptor.monitorDetailed() to facilitate extending information returned in the future.
use AbstractAuthenticationToken
Base implementation of Runs that build software.
Represents a change in the dependency.
rather use RunRangeCommand
Partial implementation of Computer to be used in conjunction with AbstractCloudSlave.
Additional convenience implementation on top of Cloud that are likely useful to typical Cloud implementations.
Partial implementation of Slave to be used by AbstractCloudImpl.
A generic script-based installer.
Partial default implementation of Describable.
Base class for utility classes for Groovy view scripts
Partial default implementation of Item.
Refers to an AbstractItem by name.
SortedMap that keeps build records by their build numbers, in the descending order (newer ones first.)
Common part between MarkupText and MarkupText.SubText.
ModelObject with some convenience methods.
Convenient base class for common NodeMonitor implementation where the "monitoring" consists of executing something periodically on every node and taking some action based on its result.
Partial implementation of SecurityRealm for username/password based authentication.
Base implementation of Jobs that build software.
AbstractProject subtypes should implement this base class as a descriptor.
Because the downstream build is in progress, and we are configured to wait for that.
Because the upstream build is in progress, and we are configured to wait for that.
Use LabelValidator instead.
Refer to AbstractProject by its name.
Partial implementation of QueueSorter in terms of Comparator.
implement Queue.Task directly
Common part of CVSSCM.TagAction and SubversionTagAction.
Partial base class for StatusIcon.
implement SubTask directly
implement TaskListener directly
Default base implementation of TopLevelItem.
use AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider
Object that has an ACL
use AccessDeniedException
AccessDeniedException with more information.
Handles AccessDeniedException happened during request processing.
Thrown if an account creation was attempted but failed due to invalid data being entered into a form.
use AccountExpiredException
Translates AcegiSecurityExceptions to Spring Security equivalents.
Gate-keeper that controls access to Hudson's model objects.
A AutoCloseable that captures the previous SecurityContext and restores it on ACLContext.close()
Object that contributes additional information, behaviors, and UIs to ModelObject (more specifically Actionable objects, which most interesting ModelObjects are.)
ModelObject that can have additional Actions.
Iterator that adapts the values returned from another iterator.
Implement AdministrativeMonitor directly instead.
Checks the health of a subsystem of Jenkins and if there's something that requires administrator's attention, notify the administrator.
Show notifications and popups for active administrative monitors on all pages.
This class no longer has any effect.
Pluggable Jenkins TCP agent protocol handler called from TcpSlaveAgentListener.
View that contains everything.
Provides the alternative text to be rendered in the UI.
Each instance of this class represents a text that can be replaced by AlternativeUiTextProvider.
Extension to LargeText that handles annotations by ConsoleAnnotator.
use AnonymousAuthenticationToken
Extension point which allows scheduling a task with variable interval.
Used to expose remote access API for ".../api/"
JENKINS-22474: Makes API Token calls bypass CSRF protection to ease usage
as of 1.576 Use BasicHeaderProcessor
Remembers the API token for this user, that can be used like a password to login.
Configuration for the new token generation when a user is created
Monitor that the API Token are not generated by default without the user interaction.
Monitor that the API Token cannot be created for a user without existing legacy token
Global configuration of appearance configuration.
Discovers the architecture of the system to display in the agent list page.
FileVisitor that creates archive files.
Creates Archiver on top of a stream.
Represents a two dimensional area.
Used to build up arguments for a process invocation.
Copies the artifacts into an archive directory.
Manager of artifacts for one build.
List of configured ArtifactManagerFactorys.
Pluggable ability to manage transfer and/or storage of build artifacts.
Definition of a kind of artifact manager.
Serves files located in the /assets classpath directory via the Jenkins core ClassLoader.
AperiodicWork that takes a long time to run.
Convenient partial implementation of AdministrativeMonitor that involves a background "fixing" action once the user opts in for the execution of it.
Special means of indicating that an executable will proceed in the background without consuming a native thread (Executor).
PeriodicWork that takes a long time to run.
Executor-like class that executes a single task repeatedly, in such a way that a single execution can cover multiple pending queued requests.
Buffered FileWriter that supports atomic operations.
use Authentication
use AuthenticationException
use AuthenticationManager
AuthenticationManager proxy that delegates to another instance.
Login filter with a change for Jenkins so that we can pick up the hidden "from" form field defined in login.jelly to send the user back to where he came from, after a successful authentication.
use AuthenticationProvider
use AuthenticationServiceException
Like SimpleUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler but does not allow open redirects.
Controls authorization throughout Hudson.
Data representation of the auto-completion candidates.
Background task actually running background build discarders.
use BadCredentialsException
Definition of a badge that can be returned by a ManagementLink implementation.
Ball color used for the build status indication.
Implements the dual authentication mechanism.
Checks if the password given in the BASIC header matches the user's API token.
When Jenkins receives HTTP basic authentication, this hook will validate the username/password pair.
Takes "username:password" given in the Authorization HTTP header and authenticates the request.
Checks if the password given in the BASIC header matches the user's actual password, as opposed to other pseudo-passwords like API tokens.
Installs tool via script execution of Batch script.
Executes commands by using Windows batch file.
Indicates that a new build is blocked because the previous build is already in progress.
ParameterDefinition that is either 'true' or 'false'.
Indicates a fatal boot problem, among ErrorObject
Build<P extends Project<P,B>,B extends Build<P,B>>
A build of a Project.
Item that can be "built", for whatever meaning of "build".
AbstractProject that has associated BuildWrappers.
2008-07-20 Use ACL and Item.BUILD.
Action that puts a little icon (or icons) next to the build in the build history.
Builds a job, and optionally waits until its completion.
Implementation of "Discard old build records" feature.
Job.logRotator used to be typed as LogRotator, so such configuration file ends up trying to unmarshal BuildDiscarder and not its subtype.
Defines a BuildDiscarder.
BuildSteps that perform the actual build.
Displays the build history on the side panel.
Receives events that happen during a build.
Wraps a TaskListener as a BuildListener for compatibility with APIs which historically expected the latter.
Show the default build queue.
Reference (by default a SoftReference) to a build object.
Default factory if none other are installed.
An abstraction of Reference.
Extensible factory for creating build references.
An icon used for build statuses
One step of the whole build process.
List of publisher descriptor.
since 1.150
Receives events that happen as a build executes BuildSteps.
since 2.431
Triggers builds of other projects.
Contributes build variables to builds.
Pluggability point for performing pre/post actions for the build process.
List of all installed BuildWrapper.
Inform the admin about the migration.
Transaction-like object that can be used to make a bunch of changes to an object, and defer the until the end.
ByteArrayOutputStream with access to its raw buffer.
Inspects Callables that run on the controller.
Installs CallableDirectionChecker to every channel.
Cancel previous quiet down Jenkins - preparation for a restart
Extension point for adding Captcha Support to User Registration Page CaptchaSupport.
It is a logic representation of a set of Category.
Represents an ItemCategory and its TopLevelItems.
Cause object base class.
since 2009-02-08
A build is triggered by another build (AKA upstream build.)
A build is started by an user action.
If something is blocked/vetoed, this object represents why.
Build is blocked because everyone that matches the specified label is fully busy
Build is blocked because all the nodes that match a given label is offline.
Build is blocked because a node is fully busy
Build is blocked because a node (or its retention strategy) is not accepting tasks.
Build is blocked because a node is offline.
Records why an executor is interrupted.
Indicates that the build was interrupted from UI.
Servlet Filter that chains multiple Filters.
Performs mark up on changelog messages to be displayed.
Encapsulates the file format of the changelog.
Represents SCM change list.
Represents a file change.
Intercepts the new creation of Channel and tweak its configuration.
Establish a periodic ping to keep connections between agents and the main Jenkins node alive.
Various convenient subtype of Channels.
Filter that sets the character encoding to be used in parsing the request to avoid Non-ASCII characters garbled.
Chart generation utility code around JFreeChart.
Can be used as a graph label.
Provides a mechanism for synchronizing build executions in the face of concurrent builds.
Transparently coalesces chunks of a HTTP stream that uses Transfer-Encoding chunked.
Implements HTTP chunking support.
Customized version of ClassFilter.DEFAULT.
Reflective access to various ClassLoader methods which are otherwise protected.
Explicitly sets the Thread.setContextClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader) for threads it creates to its own classloader.
Used to build up an argument in the classpath format.
Clears the build queue
Shows usage of CLI and commands.
No longer used.
Base class for Hudson CLI.
Makes CLI HTTP fallback work with CSRF protection enabled (JENKINS-18114).
Annotates methods on model objects to expose them as CLI commands.
Discover CLIMethods and register them as CLICommand implementations.
Annotates a resolver method that binds a portion of the command line arguments and parameters to an instance whose CLIMethod is invoked for the final processing.
No longer used.
Represents a clock difference.
NodeMonitor that checks clock of Node to detect out of sync clocks.
Creates Nodes to dynamically expand/shrink the agents attached to Hudson.
Parameter object for Cloud.
Allows extensions to be notified of events in any Cloud and to prevent provisioning from a Cloud.
RetentionStrategy implementation for AbstractCloudComputer that terminates it if it remains idle for X minutes.
Default convenience implementation of RetentionStrategy for agents provisioned from Cloud.
SearchIndex built on a Map.
Color constants consistent with the Hudson color palette.
Model object for dynamically filed combo box, which is really just ArrayList<String>
Installs a tool by running an arbitrary shell command.
Common part between Shell and BatchFile.
Performs monitoring of Jenkins InitMilestone status.
Represents the fact that there was at least one Queue.JobOffer which rejected a task.
Enumeration that aggregates multiple Enumerations.
Represents write-once read-many file that can be optionally compressed to save disk space.
Represents the running state of a remote computer that holds Executors.
Used to trace requests to terminate a computer.
Factory of ComputerLauncher.
Extension point to allow control over how Computers are "launched", meaning how they get connected to their agent program.
ComputerLauncher filter that can be used as a base class for decorators.
Receives notifications about status changes of Computers.
Adds box rendered in the computer side panel.
A way to see if a computer is reachable.
Default pinger - use Java built-in functionality.
Periodically checks the agents and try to reconnect dead agents.
Serves as the top of Computers in the URL hierarchy.
Allows plugins to override the displayed list of computers.
Confidential information that gets stored as a singleton in Jenkins, mostly some random token value.
The actual storage for the data held by ConfidentialKeys, and the holder of the master secret.
use SystemProperties directly
No longer used.
Makes sure that connections to agents are alive, and if they are not, cut them off.
Reconnect to a node or nodes.
Consistent hash.
Hashes an object to some value.
Descriptor for ConsoleNote.
Used to convert plain text console output (as byte sequence) + embedded annotations into HTML (as char sequence), by using ConsoleAnnotator.
Annotates one line of console output.
Entry point to the ConsoleAnnotator extension point.
cat/tail/head of the console output.
A hook to allow filtering of information that is written to the console log.
Data that hangs off from a console output.
Extension point that allows implementations to redirect build console links to a specified URL.
Allows administrators to activate and sort ConsoleUrlProvider extensions to set defaults for all users.
Allows users to activate and sort ConsoleUrlProvider extensions based on their preferences.
Authentication implementation for Principal given through HttpServletRequest.
ExecutorService wrapper that resets the context classloader.
Callable meant to be serialized then run on an agent.
FilePath.FileCallable meant to be serialized then run on an agent.
Copies a job from CLI.
Represents fields that are protected for concurrency by the copy-on-write semantics.
List-like implementation that has copy-on-write semantics.
Converter implementation for XStream.
Map that has copy-on-write semantics.
EnvironmentContributor that adds the basic set of environment variables that we've been exposing historically.
This class stores a UUID identifying this instance for telemetry reporting to allow deduplication or merging of submitted records.
Creates a new job by reading stdin as a configuration XML file.
use CredentialsExpiredException
Wraps XStreamException to indicate it is critical for Jenkins.
Table for driving scheduled tasks.
CronTab list (logically OR-ed).
This class provides an empty implementation of CrontabParserListener, which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by CrontabParser.
Allows plugins to define exceptions to the CSRF protection filter.
Checks for and validates crumbs on requests that cause state changes, to protect against cross site request forgeries.
A CrumbIssuer represents an algorithm to generate a nonce value, known as a crumb, to counter cross site request forgery exploits.
Describes global configuration for crumb issuers.
ConfidentialKey that stores a SecretKey for shared-secret cryptography (AES).
Monitor that the CSRF protection is enabled on the application.
Allows extensions to adjust the behavior of ClassFilter.DEFAULT.
Standard filter which can load whitelists and blacklists from plugins.
Standard filter which pays attention to a system property.
Traverses a directed graph and if it contains any cycle, throw an exception.
ThreadFactory that creates daemon threads.
Implements a daily update check for update sites and DownloadService.Downloadables that are due.
no replacement
no replacement
no replacement
Builds CategoryDataset.
Hex-binary decoding stream.
Default portable implementation of ConfidentialStore that uses a directory inside $JENKINS_HOME.
Default implementation of ConsoleUrlProvider that uses the standard Jenkins console view.
A crumb issuing algorithm based on the request principal and the remote address.
Match the name against the agent name and route the incoming agent as Slave.
The Default MyViewsTabBar Extension for MyViewsTabBar.
Default SCMCheckoutStrategy implementation.
Basic default implementation of ScriptListener that just logs.
In case there are no other implementations we will fallback to this implementation.
Default User.CanonicalIdResolver to escape unsupported characters and generate user ID.
The Default ViewsTabBar Extension for ViewsTabBar.
Base implementation of ComputerLauncher that to be used by launchers that perform some initialization (typically something cloud/v12n related to power up the machine), and then delegate to another ComputerLauncher to connect.
Works like FilterOutputStream except its performance problem.
Deletes builds records in a bulk.
CLI command, which deletes a job or multiple jobs.
CLI command, which deletes Jenkins nodes.
Use DependencyDeclarer instead.
Marker interface for project-associated objects that can participate in the dependency graph computation process.
Maintains the build dependencies between AbstractProjects for efficient dependency computation.
Represents an edge in the dependency graph.
Runs a job on all projects in the order of dependencies
Classes that are described by Descriptor.
Persisted list of Describables with some operations specific to Descriptors.
Converter implementation for XStream.
since 2008-08-15.
Metadata about a configurable instance.
Represents a readable property on Describable.
Special type indicating that Descriptor describes itself.
ExtensionList for holding a set of Descriptors, which is a group of descriptors for the same extension point.
List of Descriptors.
Hides Descriptors from users.
Dedicated class to handle the logic related to so-called detached plugins.
Information about plugins that were originally in the core.
A possible cyclic directed graph.
Strongly connected component (SCC) of a graph.
Item group which supports items being directly moved in or out of it.
Marker interface for View its items can be modified.
Has convenience methods to serve file system.
Represents information about one file or folder.
Visits a directory and its contents and pass them to the FileVisitor.
Scans by filtering things out from FileFilter.
Scans everything recursively.
Scans by using Ant GLOB syntax.
use DisabledException
Disable one or more installed plugins.
CLI Command, which disconnects nodes.
Checks available disk space of the remote FS root.
AbstractNodeMonitorDescriptor for NodeMonitor that checks a free disk space of some directory.
Value object that represents the disk space.
NodeProperty that allows users to set agent specific disk space thresholds.
A value class providing a consistent snapshot view of the state of an executor to avoid race conditions during rendering of the executors list.
No longer does anything.
Domain name validation routines.
enum used by DomainValidator.updateTLDOverride(DomainValidator.ArrayType, String[]) to determine which override array to update / fetch
Used to specify overrides when creating a new class.
Makes sure that no other Hudson uses our JENKINS_HOME directory, to forestall the problem of running multiple instances of Hudson that point to the same data directory.
Partial convenience implementation of ToolInstaller that just downloads an archive from the URL and extracts it.
Downloadable and installable tool.
Used for JSON databinding to parse the obtained list.
Service for plugins to periodically retrieve update data files (like the one in the update center) through browsers.
Represents a periodically updated JSON data file obtained from a remote URL.
This installs itself as a listener to changes to the Downloadable extension list and will download the metadata for any newly added Downloadables.
Default Slave implementation for computers that do not belong to a higher level structure, like grid or cloud.
Computes the string edit distance.
Designates the SCM operation.
Enables one or more installed plugins.
Hex-binary encoding stream.
Serves the JNLP file.
Converter for enums.
Represents some resources that are set up for the duration of a build to be torn down when the build is over.
Action that contributes environment variables during a build.
Contributes environment variables to builds.
Serves the combined list of environment variables available from this plugin.
List of Environment.
Represents any concept that can be adapted for a certain environment.
NodeProperty that sets additional environment variables.
Environment variables.
Builder step that wants to integrate local environment filter rules should implement this interface
Exception that occurs during the environment filtering process, with helper to track the source.
Configuration of the filter rules that are applied globally, after filtering which rule applies on which builder
Environment variables filter rule that is configured globally for all jobs.
Environment variables filter rule that is specific to a job configuration, using script-specific variables, etc.
Descriptor for the local rule.
The order of execution of the rules is determined by first their type (local before global) and then, by default, their Extension.ordinal(), higher ordinal first, but configuration can customize the order.
Information that is used for the environment filtering process.
Helper class that provide the list of rules (local + global) for a given builder.
Nodes that are not persisted as configuration by itself.
Record the current user authentication for later impersonation if the response is 404 Not Found.
Executor service that logs unchecked exceptions / errors in Runnable.
Basis for error model objects.
MarkupFormatter that treats the input as the escaped html.
ThreadFactory that creates a thread, which in turn displays a stack trace when it terminates unexpectedly.
Convenience methods around Queue.Executable.
Thread that executes builds.
A listener for task related events from executors.
The default executors widget.
Lifecycle that delegates the responsibility to restart Jenkins to an external watchdog such as SystemD or OpenRC.
Renders a button that can be clicked to reveal additional block tag (and HTML inside it.)
Redact config.xml contents for users with ExtendedRead permission while lacking the required Configure permission to see the full unredacted configuration.
Marks a field, a method, or a class for automatic discovery, so that Hudson can locate implementations of ExtensionPoints automatically.
Discovered Extension object with a bit of metadata for Hudson.
Represents the components that's newly discovered during ExtensionFinder.refresh().
Filters out ExtensionComponents discovered by ExtensionFinders, as if they were never discovered.
Discovers the implementations of an extension point.
Captures information about the annotation that we use to mark Guice-instantiated components.
Discovers components via sezpoz but instantiates them by using Guice.
The bootstrap implementation that looks for the Extension marker.
Retains the known extension instances for the given type 'T'.
ExtensionList listener.
Compatibility layer for legacy manual registration of extension points.
Marker interface that designates extensible components in Jenkins that can be implemented by plugins.
Used by designers of extension points (direct subtypes of ExtensionPoint) to indicate that the legacy instances are scoped to Jenkins instance.
Signals that ExtensionFinder.refresh() had failed.
Represents an error induced by user, encountered during HTTP request processing.
Abstraction for a login mechanism through external authenticator/identity provider (instead of username/password.)
Used in FederatedLoginService.FederatedIdentity.signin() to indicate that the identifier is not currently associated with anyone.
Remembers identifiers given by FederatedLoginService to this user.
Provides a RSS feed view of the data.
use FieldUtils
Uses a presence/absence of a file as a persisted boolean storage.
This class has been created to help make AtomicFileWriter hopefully more reliable in some corner cases.
Default file system storage implementation for fingerprints.
ParameterDefinition for doing file upload.
Default implementation from File.
File like object with remoting support.
Abstract DelegatingCallable that exposes a Before/After pattern for FilePath.FileCallableWrapperFactory that want to implement AOP-style interceptors
Helper class to make it easy to send an explicit list of files using FilePath methods.
Code that gets executed on the machine where the FilePath is local.
This extension point allows to contribute a wrapper around a fileCallable so that a plugin can "intercept" a call.
A dedicated subtype of InterruptedException for when no matching Ant file mask matches are found.
Supported tar file compression methods.
Visits files in a directory recursively.
FunctionContext that removes some XPath function names that are deemed bad as user input.
A file being tracked by Jenkins.
Pointer to a Build.
Range of build numbers [start,end).
Converter Implementation for RangeSet.
Scans the fingerprint database and remove old records that are no longer relevant.
Records fingerprints of the specified files.
Action for displaying fingerprints.
Plugin-specific additions to fingerprint information.
Cache of Fingerprints.
Pluggable fingerprint storage API for fingerprints.
Descriptor for FingerprintStorage.
Utilities to help code change behaviour when it is desired to run in a FIPS-140 enabled environment.
Set of SearchItems that are statically known upfront.
An action interface that allows action data to be folded together.
Server-side code related to the <f:apply> button.
Corresponds to types declared in index.js
as of 1.294 Use FormValidation as a return value in your check method.
as of 1.294.
Checks if the given value is an URL to some Hudson's top page.
as of 1.294 Use FormValidation.URLCheck
as of 1.294.
as of 1.294.
as of 1.294.
Represents a failure in a form field doFillXYZ method.
Represents the result of the form field validation.
Builds up the check URL for the client-side JavaScript to call back.
Performs an application-specific validation on the given file.
Indicates the kind of result.
Convenient base class for checking the validity of URLs.
Adds the 'X-Frame-Options' header to all web pages.
Free-style software project.
AuthorizationStrategy that grants full-control to authenticated user and optionally read access to anonymous users
Server-side counterpart to FullDuplexHttpStream.
HTTP response that allows a client to use this service.
Header that provides its own resources as full replacement.
Unary function y=f(x).
Utility functions used in views.
URL decomposed for easier computation of relevant URLs.
Created when Queue.Item is created so that the caller can track the progress of the task.
Estimated future load to Hudson.
Various Future implementations.
Refers to an Item by its name.
Global configuration UI for background build discarders
Run build discarders on an individual job once a build is finalized
Extension point for global background build discarders.
Replaced by CloudsLink and CloudSet.
Configures check interval for computer retention.
Convenient base class for extensions that contributes to the system configuration page but nothing else, or to manage the global configuration of a plugin implementing several extension points.
Grouping of related GlobalConfigurations.
Security related configurations.
This category represents the catch-all I-dont-know-what-category-it-is instance, used for those GlobalConfigurations that don't really deserve/need a separate category.
Show the crumb configuration to the system config page.
Adds the default view configuration to the system config page.
Allows configuring the settings of fingerprints.
Include NodePropertyDescriptor configurations.
Include config.jelly defined for Plugins.
Configures the project naming strategy.
Configures the system-default quiet period.
Configures global SCM retry count default.
Security configuration.
GNU C library.
use TODO or GrantedAuthority
use TODO or SimpleGrantedAuthority
A JFreeChart-generated graph that's bound to UI.
Executes the specified groovy script.
A collection of Groovy scripts that are executed as various hooks.
Run the initialization script, if it exists.
Executes Groovy shell.
Represents the details of a group.
Generates a pseudo-random sequence of integers in the specified range.
Classes implementing this interface can have widgets, and they can be accessed using relative urls "widget/widgetName"
FilterInputStream that buffers the first N bytes to a byte array on the side.
Extension point that provides capabilities to render a specific header.
Represents health of something (typically project).
Fix deserialization of older data.
An Action that can return information about the health of the Job.
Up to XStream 1.3 the default StringConverter in XStream used String.intern(), which stressed the (rather limited) PermGen space with a large XML file.
Show the list of all commands.
ConfidentialKey that is the random hexadecimal string of length N.
A Run-like object as it might be displayed by BuildHistoryWidget.
Historical algorithms for decrypting Secrets.
Represents an entry used by the HistoryPageFilter.
History page filter.
Displays the history of records on the side panel.
ConfidentialKey that's used for creating a token by hashing some information with secret (such as hash(msg|secret)).
Serves hs_err_pid file.
Finds crash dump reports and show them in the UI.
Various HttpResponse implementations.
More convenient and declarative way to use PluginServletFilter.
HttpSessionListener ExtensionPoint for Jenkins.
only here for backward comp
only here for backward comp
For anonymous requests to pages that require authentication, first respond with HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, then redirect browsers automatically to the login page.
Model object used to display the generic error when Jenkins start up fails fatally during initialization.
Filter that Jenkins uses to implement security support.
Periodically checks the disk usage of JENKINS_HOME, and activate HudsonHomeDiskUsageMonitor if necessary.
Monitors the disk usage of JENKINS_HOME, and if it's almost filled up, warn the user.
Extension point for suggesting solutions for full JENKINS_HOME.
Model object used to display "Jenkins is loading data".
Model object used to display "Hudson is restarting".
SecurityRealm that performs authentication by looking up User.
UserProperty that provides the UserDetails view of the User object.
Displays "manage users" link in the system config if HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm is in effect.
Turns a text into a hyperlink by specifying the URL separately.
Internationalization REST (ish) API.
Interface for computer-like objects meant to be passed to t:executors tag.
Simple icon metadata class.
Format for the icon.
An icon set.
Icon Specification.
Icon type.
A simple root action that exposes the public key to users so that they do not need to search for the X-Instance-Identity response header, also exposes the fingerprint of the public key so that people can verify a fingerprint of a master before connecting to it.
A snapshot of the executor information for display purpose.
The strategy to use for manipulating converting names (e.g.
The default case insensitive IdStrategy
A case sensitive IdStrategy
A case sensitive email address IdStrategy.
Interface for an executor that can be displayed in the executors widget.
ImmutableList should convert like a list, instead of via serialization.
ConcurrentHashMap should convert like a map, instead of via serialization.
Variant of ImpersonatingExecutorService for scheduled services.
UserDetailsService for those SecurityRealm that doesn't allow query of other users.
Model object used to display the error top page if we find out that the container is picking up its own Ant and that's not 1.7.
Model object used to display the error top page if we find out that the container doesn't support servlet 2.4.
Model object used to display the error top page if we find out that XStream is running in pure-java mode.
Indenter<J extends Job>
Used by projectView.jelly to indent modules.
InetAddress validation and conversion routines (
InvocationHandler that reports the same exception over and over again when methods are invoked on the interface.
Placed on methods to indicate that this method is to be run during the Jenkins start up to perform some sort of initialization tasks, for example:
Discovers initialization tasks from Initializer.
Prepares userContent folder and put a readme if it doesn't exist.
Various key milestone in the initialization process of Hudson.
ReactorListeners that get notified of the Hudson initialization process.
Executes the Reactor for the purpose of bootup.
Strategy pattern of the various key decision making during the Jenkins initialization.
Actually runs installations.
Installs a plugin either from a file, an URL, or from update center.
ToolProperty that shows auto installation options.
Jenkins install state.
Allows plugging in to the lifecycle when determining InstallState from InstallUtil.getNextInstallState(InstallState)
Deals with exceptions that get thrown all the way up to the Stapler rendering layer.
Jenkins install utilities.
A source of instance identity.
Holds information about the paired keytypes that can be used to form the various identity keys.
use InsufficientAuthenticationException
Model object used to display the error top page if we find that we don't have enough permissions to run.
ExecutorService that wraps all the tasks that run inside.
Creates a proxy that traps every method call.
Generalization of InterceptingExecutorService to scheduled services.
Action added to Run to record the cause of interruption.
Partial Action implementation that doesn't have any UI presence (unless the InvisibleAction.getUrlName() is overrided).
Interceptor around InvocationHandler.
Just use IOException, which since Java 6 supports a cause.
Represents a cause that puts a computer offline.
Singleton holder of IOHub
Adds more to commons-io.
A task that can be displayed in the executors widget.
Basic configuration unit in Hudson.
A category for Items.
The default ItemCategory, if an item doesn't belong anywhere else, this is where it goes by default.
A Queue.QueueDecisionHandler that blocks items being deleted from entering the queue.
ItemGroup<T extends Item>
Represents a grouping inherent to a kind of Items.
Defines a bunch of static methods to be used as a "mix-in" for ItemGroup implementations.
Receives notifications about CRUD operations of Item.
Convenience methods related to Item.
Walks the tree structure that consists of ItemGroup and Item.
Varios Iterator implementations.
Remove duplicates from another iterator.
Creates a filtered view of another iterator.
Produces {A,B,C,D,E,F} from {{A,B},{C},{},{D,E,F}}.
Collect the value of various Java system properties describing the environment.
Utility class for Java environment management and checks.
List of arguments for Java VM and application.
Information about JDK installation.
Root object of the system.
Hook for a test harness to intercept Jenkins.get() Do not use in the production code as the signature may change.
Public versions of various ClassLoader methods for use in ClassLoaderReflectionToolkit.
Default Header provided by Jenkins
Web container hook for the HttpSessionListener ExtensionPoint.
A utility class to identify if the current JVM is the one that is running Jenkins
Stores the location of Jenkins (e-mail address and the HTTP URL.)
Indicates that Jenkins is interrupted during reload.
New widgets should provide a WidgetFactory instead of relying on this legacy lookup.
Exception in the registry code.
Receives incoming agents connecting through the likes of JnlpSlaveAgentProtocol4 or WebSocketAgents.
ComputerLauncher via inbound connections.
Master-side implementation for JNLP4-connect protocol.
Actual agent restart logic.
Job<JobT extends Job<JobT,RunT>,RunT extends Run<JobT,RunT>>
A job is an runnable entity under the monitoring of Hudson.
Alternate strategy for assigning build numbers.
Provides an externally accessible alias for Job.saveNextBuildNumber(), which is protected.
Periodically call a job's configured build discarder in the background.
Refer to Job by its name.
JobProperty<J extends Job<?,?>>
Extensible property of Job.
since 1.281
Used to build up launch parameters for a Java virtual machine.
JNA interface to Windows Kernel32 exports.
Convenient base class for implementing data storage.
Group of Nodes.
Action that can be submitted to Queue that controls where the task runs.
Atomic single token label, like "foo" or "bar".
Extensible property of LabelAtom.
Utility class for taking the current input value and computing a list of potential terms to match against the list of defined labels.
Boolean expression of labels.
No-op but useful for preserving the parenthesis in the user input.
This class provides an empty implementation of LabelExpressionParserListener, which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by LabelExpressionParser.
Automatically adds labels to Nodes.
Precedence of the top most operator.
Plugins may want to contribute additional restrictions on the use of specific labels for specific context items.
Visitor pattern for LabelExpression.
Remembers the set of GrantedAuthoritys that was obtained the last time the user has logged in.
Listen to the login success/failure event to persist GrantedAuthoritys properly.
Starts a process.
A launcher which delegates to a provided inner launcher.
Launcher that launches process locally.
Launches processes remotely by using the given channel.
Remoting interface of a remote process
Decorates Launcher so that one can intercept executions of commands and alters the command being executed, such as doing this in fakeroot, sudo, pfexec, etc.
Makes it easier to use a lazy RunMap from a Job implementation.
Marker for a Job which uses this mixin.
Marker for a Run which uses this mixin.
Accompanying helper for the run type.
Monitor the list of users that still have legacy token
AuthorizationStrategy implementation that emulates the legacy behavior.
SecurityRealm that accepts ContainerAuthentication object without any check (that is, by assuming that the such token is already authenticated by the container.)
Provides the capability for starting/stopping/restarting/uninstalling Hudson.
Converts line endings of a string.
Supported line ending types for conversion
Filtering OutputStream that buffers text by line, so that the derived class can perform some manipulation based on the contents of the whole line.
Convenience subclass for cases where you wish to process lines being sent to an underlying stream.
Model object of dynamically filled list box.
Retrieves a change list for the specified builds.
Utilities for working with listener interfaces.
Lists all jobs (in a specific view).
Outputs a list of installed plugins.
Displays Jobs in a flat list view.
Extension point for adding a column to a table rendering of Items, such as ListView.
Object whose state can be loaded from disk.
Strategy that decides which Queue.Task gets run on which Executor.
Predicts future load to the system, to assist the scheduling decisions
Considers currently running tasks and their completion.
Utilization statistics for a node or a set of nodes.
Holds a snapshot of the current statistics.
Use a builder so we can add more stats if needed.
Periodically update the load statistics average.
Default implementation of PluginManager.
use LockedException
Records a selected set of logs so that the system administrator can diagnose a specific aspect of the system.
Logger that this recorder monitors, and its log level.
Owner of LogRecorders, bound to "/log".
Default implementation of BuildDiscarder.
Replaced by more generic CompositeIOException.
TaskListener which sends messages to a Logger.
Type-safe instance map.
Entry point to Hudson from command line.
Adds the "Manage Jenkins" link to the top page.
Extension point to add icon to http://server/hudson/manage page.
Categories supported by this version of core.
Works like MapperWrapper except it lets the subtype change the delegation target.
Defines a mapping problem for answering "where do we execute this task?"
Filtering OutputStream that looks for MarkFindingOutputStream.MARK in the output stream and notifies the callback.
Generalization of a function that takes text with some markup and converts that to HTML.
Mutable representation of string with HTML mark up.
ClassLoader that masks a specified set of classes from its parent class loader.
Adds the configuration regarding building on the built-in node.
Callable meant to be run on agent.
FilePath.FileCallables that could run on an agent.
Build by using Maven.
Represents a Maven installation in a system.
Automatic Maven installer from
Optional interface that can be implemented by AbstractProject that has "contextual" Maven.MavenInstallation associated with it.
Marks the log line that reports that Maven3 is executing a mojo.
Filter OutputStream that places annotations that marks various Maven outputs.
Marks the log line that reports that Maven is executing a mojo.
Marks the warning messages from Maven.
Utilities to reduce memory footprint
Monitors the memory usage of the system in OS specific way.
A memory group is conceptually a set of memory pools.
Generated localization support class.
Generated localization support class.
Generated localization support class.
Generated localization support class.
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Generated localization support class.
Generated localization support class.
Generated localization support class.
Generated localization support class.
Generated localization support class.
Generated localization support class.
Generated localization support class.
Look up plugin-provided localized resources for the given URL.
Exception thrown if plugin resolution fails due to missing dependencies
HyperlinkNote that links to a model object, which in the UI gets rendered with context menu and etc.
A model object has a human readable name.
ModelObject that has the children context menu in the breadcrumb.
ModelObject that has context menu in the breadcrumb.
Data object that represents the context menu.
Allows an action to decide whether it will be visible in a context menu.
ItemGroup that is a general purpose container, which allows users and the rest of the program to create arbitrary items into it.
A ModifiableItemGroup to manage TopLevelItem, including copying, creating from descriptor and from XML.
ViewGroup that can be modified.
If NodeMonitor marks the node as offline, we'll show this to the admin to get their attention.
Offline cause to denote it was node monitor what put computer offline.
Jelly tag library for literal-like tags, with an ability to add arbitrary attributes taken from a map.
Wraps commons file-upload and handles a "multipart/form-data" form submission (that often includes file upload.)
Maintains several TimeSeries with different update frequencies to satisfy three goals; (1) retain data over long timespan, (2) save memory, and (3) retain accurate data for the recent past.
Choose which datapoint to use.
Represents the trend chart that consists of several MultiStageTimeSeries.
View that only contains projects for which the current user has access to.
A UserProperty that remembers user-private views.
Extension point for adding a MyViewsTabBar header to Projects MyViewsProperty.
Configures ViewsTabBar in the system configuration.
Thread factory that sets thread name so we know who is responsible for so many threads being created.
Designed for project hierarchies with folders.
Singleton holder of NioChannelHub
Base type of Jenkins agents (although in practice, you probably extend Slave to define a new agent type).
Constants that control how Hudson allocates jobs to agents.
CopyOnWriteArrayList for Node that has special serialization semantics of not serializing EphemeralNodes.
Converter implementation for XStream.
Listen to Node CRUD operations.
Extension point for managing and monitoring Nodes.
When an agent is connected, redo the node monitoring.
Refers to Node by its name.
Extensible property of Node.
Descriptor for NodeProperty.
Uses the LoadStatistics and determines when we need to allocate new Nodes through Cloud.
Periodically invoke NodeProvisioners
The node addition activity in progress.
The default strategy.
Extension point for node provisioning strategies.
Represents the decision taken by an individual NodeProvisioner.Strategy.
Manages all the nodes for Jenkins.
Represents any concept that can be adapted for a node.
Model object used to display the error top page if we couldn't create the home directory.
Localizable implementation that actually doesn't localize.
The same as SecurityContextImpl but doesn't serialize Authentication.
Filter that does nothing.
This class implements X-axis label skipping algorithm to avoid drawing overlapping labels.
Model object used to display the error top page if there appears to be no temporary directory.
BuildSteps that run after the build is completed.
Callable adapter for situations where Callable is not used for remoting but just as a convenient function that has parameterized return value and exception type.
ChangeLogParser for no SCM.
Some old descriptors apparently has the getId() method that's used in different ways and that's causing errors like JENKINS-8866, so detect and report that.
Represents a cause that puts a computer offline.
Caused by unexpected channel termination.
Caused by idle period.
Caused by failure to launch.
Only exists for backward compatibility.
OfflineCause that renders a static text, but without any further UI.
Taken offline by user.
CLI Command, which puts the Jenkins node offline.
Tracks whether any data structure changes were corrected when loading XML, that could be resaved to migrate that data to the new format.
Executor that's temporarily added to carry out tasks that doesn't consume regular executors, like a matrix project parent build.
Concurrency primitive.
CLI Command, which moves the node to the online state.
Marks the objects in Jenkins that only exist in the core and not on agents.
OptionalJobProperty<J extends Job<?,?>>
Job property which may or may not be present.
Telemetry implementation that gathers information about optional permissions.
OptionHandlers that should be auto-discovered.
LoadStatistics for the entire system (the master and all the agents combined), and all the jobs that are running on it.
Read-only map implementation that uses less memory than HashMap/TreeMap.
Should persist like a regular map.
Participates in the rendering of HTML pages for all pages of Hudson.
Defines a parameter for a build.
Allows a Job to make use of ParametersDefinitionProperty and be scheduled in various ways.
Marker for job using this mixin, and default implementations of many methods.
Records the parameter values used for a build.
Keeps a list of the parameters defined for a project.
A value for a parameter in a build.
No longer used.
Header that relies on core resources (images, CSS, JS, etc.) to perform partial replacements.
Parameter whose value is a Secret and is hidden from the UI.
Convenient base implementation for PermalinkProjectAction.Permalinks that satisfy certain properties.
Persistable cache of peephole permalink targets.
The cache entry for this target is present.
There is known to be no matching build.
Cacheable target of a permalink.
A matching build, indicated by Run.getNumber().
The cache entry for this target is missing.
Default cache based on a permalinks file in the build directory.
Extension point to perform a periodic task in Hudson (through Timer.)
List of PermalinkProjectAction.Permalinks with some convenience methods.
Optional interface for Actions that are attached to AbstractProject (through JobProperty.getJobActions(Job)), which allows plugins to define additional permalinks in the project.
Permalink as a strategy pattern.
Permission, which represents activity that requires a security privilege.
Service which can add permissions for a given user to the configured authorization strategy.
Group of Permissions that share the same owner.
Represents the model class Permission acts on and scoped to.
Collection whose change is notified to the parent object for persistence.
Converter implementation for XStream.
Root object of a persisted object tree that gets its own file system directory.
Marker interface for Descriptors which use xml persistent data, and as such need to load from disk when instantiated.
Get notified when a channel triggered a ping failure, but before the channel is killed.
Filters out console notes.
Strategy object that absorbs the platform differences.
Base class of Hudson plugin.
Dummy instance of Plugin to be used when a plugin didn't supply one on its own.
Class loader that consults the plugin's WEB-INF/lib/*.jar and WEB-INF/classes directories and the Jenkins core class loader (in that order).
Contribute localizations for arbitrary resources from plugins.
Manages PluginWrappers.
Remembers why a plugin failed to deploy.
AdministrativeMonitor that checks if there are any plugins with cycle dependencies.
AdministrativeMonitor that checks if there are any plugins that are deprecated.
AdministrativeMonitor that informs the administrator about a required plugin update.
ClassLoader that can see all plugins.
This allows "Update Center" to live at the URL /pluginManager/updates/ in addition to its /updateCenter/ URL which is provided by Jenkins.getUpdateCenter().
Extension point for selectively overriding parts of the PluginManager views Anything extending this and registered with an @Extension can replace existing views and define new views.
Servlet Filter that chains multiple Filters, provided by plugins
Pluggability point for how to create PluginWrapper.
Discovers the subtype of Plugin and generates service loader index file.
Represents a Jenkins plug-in and associated control information for Jenkins to control Plugin.
The result of the disablement of a plugin and its dependents plugins.
An enum to hold the status of a disabling action against a plugin.
The strategies defined for disabling a plugin.
Administrative Monitor for failed plugins
Immutable object that represents the result of SCM polling.
Degree of changes between the previous state and this state.
External process wrapper.
Locally launched process.
An instance of Proc, which has an internal workaround for JENKINS-23271.
as of 1.399.
Extension point that defines more elaborate way of killing processes, such as sudo or pfexec, for ProcessTree.
Allows extensions to veto killing processes.
Describes the cause for a process killing veto.
Represents a snapshot of the process tree of the current system.
Represents a local process tree, where this JVM and the process tree run on the same system.
Code that gets executed on the machine where the ProcessTree.OSProcess is local.
Represents a process tree over a channel.
Remoting interfaces of ProcessTree.
A helper thread which does some computation in the background and displays incremental results using JavaScript.
Project<P extends Project<P,B>,B extends Build<P,B>>
Buildable software project.
This ExtensionPoint allows to enforce the name of projects/jobs.
Default implementation which does not restrict the name to any form.
Naming strategy which allows the admin to define a pattern a job's name has to follow.
Marker interface for Actions that should be displayed at the top of the project page.
Base Descriptor type used for XyzProperty classes.
Encrypt/decrypt data by using a "session" key that only lasts for the duration of the server instance.
use ProviderNotFoundException
HTTP proxy configuration.
Injector that delegates to another one.
A view that delegates to another.
BuildSteps that run after the build is completed.
Publisher has a special sort semantics that requires a subtype.
Builds up a query string.
Parses the query string of the URL into a key/value pair.
Build queue.
Queue.Item in the Queue.buildables stage.
Represents the real meat of the computation run by Executor.
Marks Queue.Tasks that do not consume Executor.
Item in a queue.
Data structure created for each idle Executor.
Queue.Item in the Queue.leftItems stage.
Marks Queue.Tasks that are not affected by the Jenkins.isQuietingDown() quieting down}, because these tasks keep other tasks executing.
Common part between Queue.BlockedItem and Queue.BuildableItem.
An optional interface for actions on Queue.Item.
Extension point for deciding if particular job should be scheduled or not.
Schedule call for near future once items change.
Simple queue state persistence object.
A Stub class for Queue.Item which exposes only the name of the Task to be displayed when the user has DISCOVERY permissions only.
A Stub class for Queue.Task which exposes only the name of the Task to be displayed when the user has DISCOVERY permissions only.
Task whose execution is controlled by the queue.
Marks Queue.Tasks that are not persisted.
Queue.Item in the Queue.waitingList stage.
Pluggable strategy to generate queue item IDs as well as persist an optional opaque state whenever the queue is persisted.
Default implementation if no extension is found.
Interface used by Jelly views to render a queue item through <t:queue>.
Extension point to run Queue.Executables under a specific identity for better access control.
Show the QueueItemAuthenticator configurations on the system config page.
There are cases where a plugin need to provide a QueueItemAuthenticator that cannot be controlled or configured by the user.
Listener for events in Queue.
Singleton extension point for sorting buildable items
Vetos the execution of a task on a node
Base class for defining filter Queue.Task.
Future that can be used to wait for the start and the end of the task execution (such as a build.)
Indicates a SearchItem field/getter.
Quiet down Jenkins - preparation for a restart
This exception is thrown when trying to determine the previous or next occurrence of a given date determines that it's not happened, or going to happen, within some time period (e.g.
Marks modern Describables that allow the current instances to pass information down to the next instance when the configuration is submitted.
BuildSteps that run after the build is completed.
Utility code for reflection.
Regular Expression validation (using JDK 1.4+ regex support).
Represents a Win32 registry key.
Used in conjunction with QueryParameter to refer to nearby parameters that belong to different parents.
Reload everything from the file system.
Reloads job from the disk.
use RememberMeServices
RememberMeServices proxy.
Various remoting operations related to diagnostics.
Heap dump, exposable to URL via Stapler.
Provides information about Remoting versions used within the core.
only used with deprecated -jnlpUrl mode
Captured Jelly Script that can be rendered later on demand from JavaScript.
due to risk for file leak.
due to risk for file leak.
Connects Hudson to repository browsers like ViewCVS or FishEye, so that Hudson can generate links to them.
List of all installed RepositoryBrowsers.
Represents things that Queue.Executable uses while running.
Activity that requires certain resources for its execution.
Simple ResourceBundle utility class.
Controls mutual exclusion of ResourceList.
Configure the resource root URL, an alternative root URL to serve resources from to not need Content-Security-Policy headers, which mess with desired complex output.
Prohibit requests to Jenkins coming through a resource domain URL configured with ResourceDomainConfiguration, except anything going to ResourceDomainRootAction.
Recommend use of ResourceDomainConfiguration to users with the system property hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport.CSP set to override DirectoryBrowserSupport.DEFAULT_CSP_VALUE.
Root action serving DirectoryBrowserSupport instances on random URLs to support resource URLs (second domain).
List of Resources that an activity needs.
This filter allows you to modify headers set by the container or other servlets that are out of your control.
Monitors the round-trip response time to this agent.
Immutable representation of the monitoring data.
Extension point that allows plugins to veto the restart.
Default logic.
Indicates that the Lifecycle doesn't support restart.
Indicates that the plugin cannot be deployed without a restart.
Accompanies Restricted annotation to indicate when the access restriction was placed.
An EntityResolver that will fail to resolve any entities.
The build outcome.
Describes an Result trend by taking the comparing the result of the current and the previous build.
Local rule that removes all the non-retained variables for that step.
Controls when to take Computer offline, bring it back online, or even to destroy it.
RetentionStrategy that tries to keep the node online all the time.
RetentionStrategy that tries to keep the node offline when not in use.
This class implements a process of doing some action repeatedly synchronously until it is performed successfully.
Builder to create a Retrier object.
Like BuildTrigger but defined on the downstream project.
Looks out for a broken reverse proxy setup that doesn't rewrite the location header correctly.
OutputStream that writes to a file.
ReopenableFileOutputStream that does log rotation upon rewind.
Log Handler that stores the log records into a ring buffer.
CollectionConverter that ignores XStreamException.
Custom ReflectionConverter that handle errors more gracefully.
Predefined Roles in Jenkins.
Marker interface for actions that are added to Jenkins.
Jenkins URL is required for a lot of operations in both core and plugins.
RSA public/private key pair as ConfidentialKey.
RSA digital signature as ConfidentialKey to prevent accidental leak of private key.
RSS related code.
Run<JobT extends Job<JobT,RunT>,RunT extends Run<JobT,RunT>>
A particular execution of Job.
Used in to indicates that a fatal error in a build is reported to BuildListener and the build should be simply aborted without further recording a stack trace.
Used to implement Run.getBuildStatusSummary().
Use RunAction2 instead: RunAction.onLoad() does not work well with lazy loading if you are trying to persist the owner; and RunAction.onBuildComplete() was never called.
Optional interface for Actions that add themselves to a Run.
Converts legacy builds directories to the current format.
RunList<R extends Run>
List of Runs, sorted in the descending date order.
RunListener<R extends Run>
Receives notifications about builds.
Makes it possible to incrementally render some information from a RunList.
RunMap<R extends Run<?,R>>
Map from build number to Run.
Run factory.
Constants that control how Run Parameter is filtered.
CLICommand that acts on a series of Runs.
Allows a Run to provide SCM-related methods, such as providing changesets and culprits.
Safe Restart Jenkins - do not accept any new jobs and try to pause existing.
Wrapper so that a fatal error in TimerTask will not terminate the timer.
Wrap the URL handler during deserialization into a specific one that does not generate DNS query on the hostname for URLStreamHandler.equals(URL, URL) or URLStreamHandler.hashCode(URL).
Object whose state is persisted to XML.
Receives notifications about save actions on Saveable objects in Hudson.
Captures the configuration information in it.
Controls the check out behavior in AbstractBuild.
Extension point for various decisions about SCM operations for Item instances.
Implement SCMTriggerItem instead.
Receives notifications about SCM activities in Hudson.
A hook for listening to polling activities in Jenkins.
Immutable object that represents revisions of the files in the repository, used to represent the result of a SCM polling.
List of all installed SCMs.
Trigger that checks for SCM updates periodically.
Associated with Run to show the polling log that triggered that build.
The item type accepted by SCMTrigger.
Scrambles, but does not encrypt, text.
A listener to track in-process script use.
Web-bound object that provides search/navigation capability.
ModelObject that can be searched.
Creates a Search instance for a SearchableModelObject.
Conceptually a set of SearchItems that provide quick look-up from their names.
Builds SearchIndex.
Represents an item reachable from SearchIndex.
Glorified String that uses encryption in the persisted form, to avoid accidental exposure of a secret.
An extension point for authorizing REST API access to an object where an unsafe result type would be produced.
Use or SecurityContext
Creates a delegating ExecutorService implementation whose submit and related methods capture the current SecurityContext and then wrap any runnable/callable objects in another runnable/callable that sets the context before execution and resets it afterwards.
Use or SecurityContext.
use SecurityContextImpl
Unsecured Jenkins is, well, insecure.
Listener notified of various significant events related to security.
What security enforcement does Hudson do?
Pluggable security realm that connects external user database to Hudson.
Just a tuple so that we can create various inter-related security related objects and return them all at once.
Telemetry implementation gathering information about system properties.
Executor that collapses two equal Runnables into one, and makes sure no two equal Runnables get executed simultaneously.
Used in conjunction with /lib/form/serverTcpPort tag to parse the submitted JSON back into a port number.
use ServiceLoader instead.
Prints the current session ID number (that changes for every run) to allow clients to reliably wait for a restart.
A Jenkins instance used during first-run to provide a limited set of services while initial installation is in progress
Executes a series of commands by using a shell.
typedef struct _SHELLEXECUTEINFO { DWORD cbSize; ULONG fMask; HWND hwnd; LPCTSTR lpVerb; LPCTSTR lpFile; LPCTSTR lpParameters; LPCTSTR lpDirectory; int nShow; HINSTANCE hInstApp; LPVOID lpIDList; LPCTSTR lpClass; HKEY hkeyClass; DWORD dwHotKey; union { HANDLE hIcon; HANDLE hMonitor; } DUMMYUNIONNAME; HANDLE hProcess; } SHELLEXECUTEINFO, *LPSHELLEXECUTEINFO;
CategoryAxis shifted to left to eliminate redundant space between area and the Y-axis.
ACL that checks permissions based on GrantedAuthority of the Authentication.
A build step (like a Builder or Publisher) which may be called at an arbitrary time during a build (or multiple times), run, and be done.
Marker for explicitly added build actions (as Run.addAction(hudson.model.Action)) which should imply a transient project action (Actionable.getActions()) when present on the Job.getLastSuccessfulBuild().
A generalization of BuildWrapper that, like SimpleBuildStep, may be called at various points within a build.
An optional callback to run at the end of the wrapped block.
Apply a user-specified build discarder periodically on all jobs.
Participates in the rendering of the login page
Convenient base class for ParameterDefinition whose value can be represented in a context-independent single string token.
RetentionStrategy that controls the agent based on a schedule.
Information about a Hudson agent node.
Web-bound object used to serve jar files for inbound connections.
Extension point to control how to restart an inbound agent when it loses the connection with the master.
Extension point that contributes to the system information page of Computer.
Convenient Callable that are meant to run on the master (sent by agent/CLI/etc).
Use SlaveToMasterCallable instead (and only if you really have to), and think carefully about the security implications.
Lifecycle for Hudson installed as SMF service.
Access control list.
Modified StackedAreaRenderer.
Designed for projects with a self-contained configuration and history.
Default artifact manager which transfers files over the remoting channel and stores them inside the build directory.
Explicitly tell Jenkins the annotated type is to be accessible by Stapler, i.e.
Explicitly tell Jenkins the annotated element is to be dispatched by Stapler, if possible.
Telemetry implementation gathering information about Stapler dispatch routes.
Validates views dispatched by Stapler.
Log a warning message when a "getter" or "doAction" function or fragment view that was filtered out by SECURITY-400 new rules
Lists the view names that should be considered fragments and should not be directly dispatched.
Explicitly tell Jenkins the annotated element is not to be dispatched by Stapler.
Lists the dispatchable views of a class.
Fill the list of getter methods that are whitelisted for Stapler Each item in the set are formatted to correspond exactly to what Function.getDisplayName() returns
Shows the status icon for item.
Job Filter that will filter jobs based on its disabled status
Item can return this from the "getIconColor" method so that its "status icon" can be shown in Hudson UI.
StatusIcon for stock icon in Hudson.
BuildListener that writes to an OutputStream.
Wraps InputStream to Resource.
TaskListener that generates output into a single stream.
Parameter whose value is a string value.
Obtains the structured form data from StaplerRequest.
A component of Queue.Task that represents a computation carried out by a single Executor.
Externally contributes SubTasks to AbstractProject.getSubTasks().
One item of a search result.
Checks the swap space availability.
Memory Usage.
Helper class to load symbols from Jenkins core or plugins.
A Symbol specification, to be passed to Symbol.get(SymbolRequest).
Lifecycle that delegates its responsibility to systemd(1).
Centralizes calls to System.getProperty(String) and related calls.
XMLFilter that checks the proper nesting of table related tags.
Represents an order-preserving tag cloud where each keyword gets a weight and displayed according to their weight.
Partial Action implementation for those who kick some processing asynchronously (such as SCM tagging.)
Receives events that happen during some lengthy operation that has some chance of failures, such as a build, SCM change polling, agent launch, and so on.
Convenience methods around Queue.Task and SubTask.
Thread for performing one-off task.
Tuple of TaskListener and AnnotatedLargeText, representing the interface for producing output and how to retrieve it later.
Listens to incoming TCP connections, for example from agents.
Connection terminated because we are reconnected from the current peer.
This extension provides a Ping protocol that allows people to verify that the TcpSlaveAgentListener is alive.
Extension point for collecting JEP-214 telemetry.
Monitors the disk space of "/tmp".
Like Initializer but used during the shut down.
Various key milestone in the termination process of Jenkins.
Represents a text file.
StringParameterDefinition that uses textarea, instead of text box.
Represents a length of something, like 3sec.
Holds the ScheduledExecutorService for running all background tasks in Jenkins.
Trigger that runs a job periodically.
Scalar value that changes over the time (such as load average, Q length, # of executors, etc.)
A UserProperty that allows a user to specify a time zone for displaying time.
use TokenBasedRememberMeServices
TokenBasedRememberMeServices with modification so as not to rely on the user password being available.
Contains information about the token and the secret value.
Global configuration of tool locations and installers.
Formalization of a tool installed in nodes used for builds.
Subclasses can extend this for data migration from old field storing home directory.
An object which can ensure that a generic ToolInstallation in fact exists on a node.
Descriptor for a ToolInstaller.
NodeProperty that allows users to specify different locations for ToolInstallations.
This Jenkins-wide extension points can participate in determining the actual node-specific path of the ToolInstallation for the given Node.
Extensible property of ToolInstallation.
Descriptor for ToolProperty.
If Hudson is run with a lot of jobs but no views, suggest the user that they can create views.
Item that can be directly displayed under Jenkins or other containers.
Refers to TopLevelItem by its name.
Allows you to add actions to any kind of object at once.
Does not contribute to Actionable.getActions().
Extension point for inserting transient Actions to Computers.
Extension point for inserting transient Actions into AbstractProjects.
Extension point for inserting transient Actions into Users.
Extension point for adding transient Actions to Views.
TreeString is an alternative string representation that saves the memory when you have a large number of strings that share common prefixes (such as various file names.)
Default Converter implementation for XStream that does interning scoped to one unmarshalling.
Builds TreeStrings that share common prefixes.
Trigger<J extends Item>
Triggers a Build.
Runs every minute to check TimerTrigger and schedules build.
Descriptor for Trigger.
An item which can be configured with Triggers.
as of 1.286 See each member for how to migrate your code.
Union of two sets.
Lifecycle implementation when Hudson runs on the embedded servlet container on Unix.
On Unix, restart via exec-ing to itself.
LoadStatistics that track the "free roam" jobs (whose SubTask.getAssignedLabel() is null) and the # of executors that can execute them (Node whose mode is Node.Mode.EXCLUSIVE)
RootActions that are accessible to requests that do not have the READ permission on Jenkins.
If a security exception caused JellyTagException, rethrow it accordingly so that ExceptionTranslationFilter can pick it up and initiate the redirection.
Controls update center capability.
AdministrativeMonitor that checks if there's Jenkins update.
Strategy object for controlling the update center's behaviors.
Source of the update center information, like ""
Represents a deprecation of a certain component.
Metadata for one issue tracker provided by the update site.
A version range for Warnings indicates which versions of a given plugin are affected by it.
Configuration for update site-provided warnings.
Administrative monitor showing plugin/core warnings published by the configured update site to the user.
Keeps track of the uptime of Jenkins.
Records approximations of when Jenkins was started and the current time, to allow for computation of uptime.
Annotates URLs in the console output to hyperlink.
URLClassLoader with loosened visibility for use with ClassLoaderReflectionToolkit.
Decorates the connections that Jenkins open to access external resources.
Objective is to validate an URL in a lenient way sufficiently strict to avoid too weird URL but to still allow particular internal URL to be accepted
URL Validation routines.
Asymmetric cipher is slow and in case of Sun RSA implementation it can only encrypt the first block.
Represents a user.
use User
Per-Jenkins holder of all known Users.
Resolves User IDs by ID, full names or other strings.
Resolve user ID from full name
Tries to verify if an ID is valid.
Sets a Jenkins specific user-agent HTTP header for HttpURLConnection.
Infers avatar image URLs for users
use UserDetails instead
Cache layer for UserDetails lookup.
use UserDetailsService
UserDetailsService proxy that delegates to another instance.
User specific experimental flag to enable or disable specific behavior.
Per user experimental flags to enable features that still not completely ready to be active by default.
Thrown from UserDetailsService.loadUserByUsername(String) to indicate that the underlying SecurityRealm is incapable of retrieving the information, and furthermore, the system cannot tell if such an user exists or not.
use UsernameNotFoundException
use UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken
Finds full name off the user when none is specified.
Extensible property of User.
Grouping of related UserPropertys.
User property related to account settings (e.g.
User interface related configurations (e.g.
Per user feature flags (e.g.
For user properties that are not expected to be displayed, typically automatically configured by automated behavior, without direct user interaction.
Preferences related configurations (e.g.
Security related configurations (e.g.
This category is used when the UserPropertyDescriptor has not implemented the UserPropertyDescriptor.getUserPropertyCategory() method (or the getUserPropertyCategoryAsString method for compatibility reason).
Inject the outer class configuration page into the sidenav and the request routing of the user
Inject the outer class configuration page into the sidenav and the request routing of the user
Inject the outer class configuration page into the sidenav and the request routing of the user
Inject the outer class configuration page into the sidenav and the request routing of the user
Inject the outer class configuration page into the sidenav and the request routing of the user
Listener notified when a user was requested to changed their seed
The seed stored in this property is used to have a revoke feature on the session without having to hack the session management that depends on the application server used to run the instance.
Inject the user seed inside the session (when there is an existing request) as part of the re-authentication mechanism provided by HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter2 and UserSeedProperty.
Various utility methods that don't have more proper home.
Resolves variables to its value, while encapsulating how that resolution happens.
VariableResolver backed by a Map.
Union of multiple VariableResolver.
Retrieves the current version.
Encapsulates the rendering of the list of TopLevelItems that Jenkins owns.
Container of Views.
Implements ViewGroup to be used as a "mix-in".
Job that monitors activities that happen outside Hudson, which requires occasional batch reload activity to obtain the up-to-date information.
Each ViewJobFilter contributes to or removes from the list of Jobs for a view.
Refers to View by its name.
Extensible property of View.
Extension point for adding a ViewsTabBar header to Projects ListView.
Configures ViewsTabBar in the system configuration.
Abstraction over File, FilePath, or other items such as network resources or ZIP entries.
CLI command, which waits till the node switches to the offline state.
CLI command, which waits till the node switches to the online state.
Delegating Handler that uses WeakReference, which de-registers itself when an object disappears via GC.
All the weather icons
Entry point when Hudson is used as a webapp.
Add some metadata to a File, allowing to trace setup issues
use WebAuthenticationDetails
Support for serving WebSocket responses.
One WebSocket connection.
Expose the data needed for /whoAmI, so it can be exposed by Api.
Report the current granted authorities
Box to be rendered in the side panel.
WidgetFactory<T extends HasWidgets,W extends Widget>
Allows you to add new widgets to various kind of objects whose class implements HasWidgets.
Lifecycle for Hudson installed as Windows service.
Utilities for the Windows Platform.
IOException originated from Windows API call.
With winsw, restart via winsw
A model object that may have a console URL.
Allows to access a workspace as an alternative to online build node.
Clean up old left-over workspaces from agents.
Used by Computer to keep track of workspaces that are actively in use.
Book keeping for workspace allocation.
Represents a leased workspace that needs to be returned later.
Allow extensions to override workspace locations on given agents or projects.
Represents a unit of hand-over to Executor from Queue.
Holds the information shared between WorkUnits created from the same Queue.Task.
Represents an XML data file that Jenkins uses as a data file.
Utilities useful when working with various XML types.
XStream customized in various ways for Jenkins’ needs.
Create a nested ConverterImpl subclass that extends this class to run some callback code just after a type is unmarshalled by RobustReflectionConverter.
Strongly inspired by and taking into account Once the related issue is fixed, we will be able to use the regular method from XStream.
XML DOM like structure to preserve a portion of XStream data as-is, so that you can process it later in a separate XStream call.
Enum that represents Boolean state (including null for the absence.)
Installs a tool into the Hudson working area by downloading and unpacking a ZIP file.