Class UserPropertyCategory

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, ModelObject
Direct Known Subclasses:
UserPropertyCategory.Account, UserPropertyCategory.Appearance, UserPropertyCategory.Experimental, UserPropertyCategory.Invisible, UserPropertyCategory.Preferences, UserPropertyCategory.Security, UserPropertyCategory.Unclassified

public abstract class UserPropertyCategory extends Object implements ExtensionPoint, ModelObject
Grouping of related UserPropertys.

To facilitate the separation of the user properties into multiple pages, tabs, and so on, UserPropertys are classified into categories (such as "security", "preferences", as well as the catch-all "unclassified".) Categories themselves are extensible — plugins may introduce its own category as well, although that should only happen if you are creating a big enough subsystem.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • UserPropertyCategory

      public UserPropertyCategory()
  • Method Details