Interface QueueItem

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Queue.BlockedItem, Queue.BuildableItem, Queue.Item, Queue.LeftItem, Queue.NotWaitingItem, Queue.WaitingItem

@Restricted(org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.Beta.class) public interface QueueItem extends ModelObject
Interface used by Jelly views to render a queue item through <t:queue>.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Convenience method that returns a read only view of the Causes associated with this item in the queue as a single string.
    default String
    Unique ID (per controller) that tracks the Queue.Task as it moves through different stages in the queue (each represented by different implementations of QueueItem and into any subsequent Run instance (see Run.getQueueId()).
    Returns a human readable presentation of how long this item is already in the queue.
    Gets a human-readable message about the parameters of this item
    Gets a human-readable status message describing why it's in the queue.
    default boolean
    Checks whether a scheduled item may be canceled.
  • Method Details

    • isStuck

      boolean isStuck()
      true if the item is starving for an executor for too long.
    • getTask

      @NonNull Queue.Task getTask()
      The underlying Queue.Task currently in queue.
    • hasCancelPermission

      default boolean hasCancelPermission()
      Checks whether a scheduled item may be canceled.
      by default, the same as ITask.hasAbortPermission()
    • getId

      long getId()
      Unique ID (per controller) that tracks the Queue.Task as it moves through different stages in the queue (each represented by different implementations of QueueItem and into any subsequent Run instance (see Run.getQueueId()).
    • getCausesDescription

      @NonNull String getCausesDescription()
      Convenience method that returns a read only view of the Causes associated with this item in the queue as a single string.
    • getWhy

      @CheckForNull String getWhy()
      Gets a human-readable status message describing why it's in the queue. May return null if there is no cause of blockage.
    • getParams

      @NonNull String getParams()
      Gets a human-readable message about the parameters of this item
    • getInQueueForString

      @NonNull String getInQueueForString()
      Returns a human readable presentation of how long this item is already in the queue. E.g. something like '3 minutes 40 seconds'
    • getDisplayName

      @CheckForNull default String getDisplayName()
      Specified by:
      getDisplayName in interface ModelObject
      a display name for this queue item; by default, Queue.Task.getFullDisplayName()