Package hudson.model

Class FreeStyleProject.DescriptorImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Saveable, Loadable, OnMaster, IconSpec
Enclosing class:

@Extension(ordinal=1000.0) @Symbol({"freeStyle","freeStyleJob"}) public static class FreeStyleProject.DescriptorImpl extends AbstractProject.AbstractProjectDescriptor
  • Constructor Details

    • DescriptorImpl

      public DescriptorImpl()
  • Method Details

    • getDisplayName

      @NonNull public String getDisplayName()
      Description copied from class: TopLevelItemDescriptor
      Human readable name of this kind of configurable object. Should be overridden for most descriptors, if the display name is visible somehow. As a fallback it uses Class.getSimpleName() on Descriptor.clazz, so for example MyThing from some.pkg.MyThing.DescriptorImpl. Historically some implementations returned null as a way of hiding the descriptor from the UI, but this is generally managed by an explicit method such as isEnabled or isApplicable.

      Used as the caption when the user chooses what item type to create. The descriptor implementation also needs to have newInstanceDetail.jelly script, which will be used to render the text below the caption that explains the item type.

      getDisplayName in class TopLevelItemDescriptor
    • newInstance

      public FreeStyleProject newInstance(ItemGroup parent, String name)
      Description copied from class: TopLevelItemDescriptor
      Creates a new TopLevelItem for the specified parent.
      Specified by:
      newInstance in class TopLevelItemDescriptor
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Description copied from class: TopLevelItemDescriptor
      A description of this kind of item type. This description can contain HTML code but it is recommended that you use plain text in order to be consistent with the rest of Jenkins. This method should be called from a thread where Stapler is handling an HTTP request, otherwise it will return an empty string.
      getDescription in class TopLevelItemDescriptor
      A string, by default the value from newInstanceDetail view is taken.
    • getCategoryId

      public String getCategoryId()
      Description copied from class: TopLevelItemDescriptor
      Used to categorize this kind of item type. @see ItemCategory
      getCategoryId in class TopLevelItemDescriptor
      A string with the category identifier, ItemCategory.UncategorizedCategory.getId() by default.
    • getIconFilePathPattern

      public String getIconFilePathPattern()
      Description copied from class: TopLevelItemDescriptor
      Represents a file path pattern to get the Item icon in different sizes. For example: plugin/plugin-shortname/images/:size/item.png, where :size represents the different icon sizes used commonly in Jenkins project: 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 or 48x48
      getIconFilePathPattern in class TopLevelItemDescriptor
      A string or null if it is not defined.
      See Also:
    • getIconClassName

      public String getIconClassName()
      Description copied from class: TopLevelItemDescriptor
      Get the Item's Icon class specification e.g. 'icon-notepad'.

      Note: do NOT include icon size specifications (such as 'icon-sm').

      Specified by:
      getIconClassName in interface IconSpec
      getIconClassName in class TopLevelItemDescriptor
      The Icon class specification e.g. 'icon-notepad'.