Class AbstractAsyncNodeMonitorDescriptor.Result<T>

Enclosing class:

protected static final class AbstractAsyncNodeMonitorDescriptor.Result<T> extends Object
Result object for AbstractAsyncNodeMonitorDescriptor.monitorDetailed() to facilitate extending information returned in the future.

The getMonitoringData() provides the results of the monitoring as AbstractAsyncNodeMonitorDescriptor.monitor() does. Note the value in the map can be null for several reasons:

Clients can distinguish among these states based on the additional data attached to this object. getSkipped() returns computers that were not monitored as they were either offline or monitor produced null Callable.
  • Method Details

    • getMonitoringData

      @NonNull public Map<Computer,T> getMonitoringData()
    • getSkipped

      @NonNull public List<Computer> getSkipped()
      Computers that were skipped during monitoring as they either do not have a channel (offline) or the monitor has not produced the Callable. Computers that caused monitor to throw exception are not returned here.