Class SystemdLifecycle

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Restricted(org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse.class) @Extension(optional=true) public class SystemdLifecycle extends ExitLifecycle
Lifecycle that delegates its responsibility to systemd(1).
Basil Crow
  • Constructor Details

    • SystemdLifecycle

      public SystemdLifecycle()
  • Method Details

    • onReady

      public void onReady()
      Description copied from class: Lifecycle
      Called when Jenkins startup is finished or when Jenkins has finished reloading its configuration.
      onReady in class Lifecycle
    • onReload

      public void onReload(@NonNull String user, @CheckForNull String remoteAddr)
      Description copied from class: Lifecycle
      Called when Jenkins is reloading its configuration.

      Callers must also send an Lifecycle.onReady() notification when Jenkins has finished reloading its configuration.

      onReload in class Lifecycle
    • onStop

      public void onStop(@NonNull String user, @CheckForNull String remoteAddr)
      Description copied from class: Lifecycle
      Called when Jenkins is beginning its shutdown.
      onStop in class Lifecycle
    • onExtendTimeout

      public void onExtendTimeout(long timeout, @NonNull TimeUnit unit)
      Description copied from class: Lifecycle
      Tell the service manager to extend the startup or shutdown timeout. The value specified is a time during which either Lifecycle.onExtendTimeout(long, TimeUnit) must be called again or startup/shutdown must complete.
      onExtendTimeout in class Lifecycle
      timeout - The amount by which to extend the timeout.
      unit - The time unit of the timeout argument.
    • onStatusUpdate

      public void onStatusUpdate(String status)
      Description copied from class: Lifecycle
      Called when Jenkins service state has changed.
      onStatusUpdate in class Lifecycle
      status - The status string. This is free-form and can be used for various purposes: general state feedback, completion percentages, human-readable error message, etc.