Package hudson.model

Class ProxyView

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Describable<View>, DescriptorByNameOwner, ModelObject, Saveable, SearchableModelObject, SearchItem, AccessControlled, ModelObjectWithChildren, HasWidgets, org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerFallback

public class ProxyView extends View implements org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerFallback
A view that delegates to another. TODO: this does not respond to renaming or deleting the proxied view.
Tom Huybrechts
  • Constructor Details

    • ProxyView

      @DataBoundConstructor public ProxyView(String name)
  • Method Details

    • getProxiedView

      public View getProxiedView()
    • getProxiedViewName

      public String getProxiedViewName()
    • setProxiedViewName

      public void setProxiedViewName(String proxiedViewName)
    • getItems

      public Collection<TopLevelItem> getItems()
      Description copied from class: View
      Gets all the items in this collection in a read-only view.
      Specified by:
      getItems in class View
    • contains

      public boolean contains(TopLevelItem item)
      Description copied from class: View
      Checks if the job is in this collection.
      Specified by:
      contains in class View
    • getItem

      public TopLevelItem getItem(String name)
      Description copied from class: View
      Gets the TopLevelItem of the given name.
      getItem in class View
    • submit

      protected void submit(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest req) throws IOException, javax.servlet.ServletException, Descriptor.FormException
      Description copied from class: View
      Handles the configuration submission. Load view-specific properties here.
      Specified by:
      submit in class View
    • doCreateItem

      public Item doCreateItem(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest req, org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, javax.servlet.ServletException
      Description copied from class: View
      Creates a new Item in this collection.

      This method should call ModifiableItemGroup.doCreateItem(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) and then add the newly created item to this view.

      Specified by:
      doCreateItem in class View
      null if fails.
    • doViewExistsCheck

      public FormValidation doViewExistsCheck(@QueryParameter String value)
      Fails if a global view with the given name does not exist.
    • getStaplerFallback

      public Object getStaplerFallback()
      Specified by:
      getStaplerFallback in interface org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerFallback