Package hudson.model

Class TimeZoneProperty.DescriptorImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Saveable, Loadable, OnMaster
Enclosing class:

@Extension @Symbol("timezone") public static class TimeZoneProperty.DescriptorImpl extends UserPropertyDescriptor
  • Constructor Details

    • DescriptorImpl

      public DescriptorImpl()
  • Method Details

    • getDisplayName

      @NonNull public String getDisplayName()
      Description copied from class: Descriptor
      Human readable name of this kind of configurable object. Should be overridden for most descriptors, if the display name is visible somehow. As a fallback it uses Class.getSimpleName() on Descriptor.clazz, so for example MyThing from some.pkg.MyThing.DescriptorImpl. Historically some implementations returned null as a way of hiding the descriptor from the UI, but this is generally managed by an explicit method such as isEnabled or isApplicable.
      getDisplayName in class Descriptor<UserProperty>
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Description copied from class: UserPropertyDescriptor
      Optional description for the configurable object Displays as plain text
      getDescription in class UserPropertyDescriptor
    • newInstance

      public UserProperty newInstance(User user)
      Description copied from class: UserPropertyDescriptor
      Creates a default instance of UserProperty to be associated with User object that wasn't created from a persisted XML data.

      See User class javadoc for more details about the life cycle of User and when this method is invoked.

      Specified by:
      newInstance in class UserPropertyDescriptor
      null if the implementation choose not to add any property object for such user.
    • load

      public void load()
      Description copied from class: Descriptor
      Loads the data from the disk into this object.

      The constructor of the derived class must call this method. (If we do that in the base class, the derived class won't get a chance to set default values.)

      Specified by:
      load in interface Loadable
      load in class Descriptor<UserProperty>
    • save

      public void save()
      Description copied from class: Descriptor
      Saves the configuration info to the disk.
      Specified by:
      save in interface Saveable
      save in class Descriptor<UserProperty>
    • isEnabled

      public boolean isEnabled()
      Description copied from class: UserPropertyDescriptor
      Whether or not the described property is enabled in the current context. Defaults to true. Over-ride in sub-classes as required.

      Returning false from this method essentially has the same effect of making Hudson behaves as if this UserPropertyDescriptor is not a part of UserProperty.all().

      This mechanism is useful if the availability of the property is contingent of some other settings.

      isEnabled in class UserPropertyDescriptor
    • doFillTimeZoneNameItems

      public ListBoxModel doFillTimeZoneNameItems(@AncestorInPath User user)
    • doCheckTimeZoneName

      public FormValidation doCheckTimeZoneName(@QueryParameter String timeZoneName)
    • getUserPropertyCategory

      @NonNull public UserPropertyCategory getUserPropertyCategory()
      Description copied from class: UserPropertyDescriptor
      Define the category for this user property descriptor.
      getUserPropertyCategory in class UserPropertyDescriptor
      never null, always the same value for a given instance of Descriptor.