Package hudson

Class Functions.RunUrl

Enclosing class:

public static final class Functions.RunUrl extends Object
URL decomposed for easier computation of relevant URLs.

The decomposed URL will be of the form:

 -head-| N |---rest---
 ----- base -----|

The head portion is the part of the URL from the Jenkins object to the first Run subtype. When "next/prev build" is chosen, this part remains intact.

The 524 is the path from Job to Run.

The bbb portion is the path after that till the last Run subtype. The ccc portion is the part after that.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getBaseUrl

      public String getBaseUrl()
    • getNextBuildUrl

      public String getNextBuildUrl()
      Returns the same page in the next build.
    • getPreviousBuildUrl

      public String getPreviousBuildUrl()
      Returns the same page in the previous build.