Package hudson.model

Class Fingerprint.BuildPtr

Enclosing class:

@ExportedBean(defaultVisibility=2) public static class Fingerprint.BuildPtr extends Object
Pointer to a Build.
  • Constructor Details

    • BuildPtr

      public BuildPtr(String name, int number)
    • BuildPtr

      public BuildPtr(Run run)
  • Method Details

    • getName

      @Exported @NonNull public String getName()
      Gets the full name of the job. Such job could be since then removed, so there might not be a corresponding Job.
      A name of the job
    • getJob

      @WithBridgeMethods(value=AbstractProject.class, castRequired=true) public Job<?,?> getJob()
      Gets the Job that this pointer points to, or null if such a job no longer exists.
    • getNumber

      @Exported @NonNull public int getNumber()
      Gets the project build number.

      Such Run could be since then discarded.

      A build number
    • getRun

      public Run getRun()
      Gets the Job that this pointer points to, or null if such a job no longer exists.
    • is

      public boolean is(Run r)
      Returns true if Fingerprint.BuildPtr points to the given run.
    • is

      public boolean is(Job job)
      Returns true if Fingerprint.BuildPtr points to the given job.
    • belongsTo

      public boolean belongsTo(Job job)
      Returns true if Fingerprint.BuildPtr points to the given job or one of its subordinates.

      This is useful to check if an artifact in MavenModule belongs to MavenModuleSet.

    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object