Package hudson.model

Class AbstractDescribableImpl<T extends AbstractDescribableImpl<T>>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ArtifactManagerFactory, AuthorizationStrategy, BuildDiscarder, BuildWrapper, CaptchaSupport, ComputerConnector, ComputerLauncher, FingerprintStorage, GlobalBuildDiscarderStrategy, GlobalSettingsProvider, IdStrategy, LabelAtomProperty, MarkupFormatter, MyViewsTabBar, ProxyConfiguration, QueueItemAuthenticator, RepositoryBrowser, RetentionStrategy, SCMCheckoutStrategy, SecurityRealm, SettingsProvider, ToolInstallation, User.CanonicalIdResolver, ViewsTabBar

public abstract class AbstractDescribableImpl<T extends AbstractDescribableImpl<T>> extends Object implements Describable<T>
Partial default implementation of Describable.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractDescribableImpl

      public AbstractDescribableImpl()
  • Method Details

    • getDescriptor

      public Descriptor<T> getDescriptor()
      By default looks for a nested class (conventionally named DescriptorImpl) implementing Descriptor and marked with Extension.

      Gets the descriptor for this instance.

      Descriptor is a singleton for every concrete Describable implementation, so if a.getClass() == b.getClass() then by default a.getDescriptor() == b.getDescriptor() as well. (In rare cases a single implementation class may be used for instances with distinct descriptors.)

      Specified by:
      getDescriptor in interface Describable<T extends AbstractDescribableImpl<T>>