Package hudson.model

Class DependencyGraph

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DependencyGraph extends Object implements Comparator<AbstractProject>
Maintains the build dependencies between AbstractProjects for efficient dependency computation.

The "master" data of dependencies are owned/persisted/maintained by individual AbstractProjects, but because of that, it's relatively slow to compute backward edges.

This class builds the complete bi-directional dependency graph by collecting information from all AbstractProjects.

Once built, DependencyGraph is immutable, and every time there's a change (which is relatively rare), a new instance will be created. This eliminates the need of synchronization.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DependencyGraph

      public DependencyGraph()
      Builds the dependency graph.
  • Method Details

    • build

      public void build()
    • putComputationalData

      public <T> void putComputationalData(Class<T> key, T value)
      Adds data which is useful for the time when the dependency graph is built up. All this data will be cleaned once the dependency graph creation has finished.
    • getComputationalData

      public <T> T getComputationalData(Class<T> key)
      Gets temporary data which is needed for building up the dependency graph.
    • getDownstream

      public List<AbstractProject> getDownstream(AbstractProject p)
      Gets all the immediate downstream projects (IOW forward edges) of the given project.
      can be empty but never null.
    • getUpstream

      public List<AbstractProject> getUpstream(AbstractProject p)
      Gets all the immediate upstream projects (IOW backward edges) of the given project.
      can be empty but never null.
    • getDownstreamDependencies

      public List<DependencyGraph.Dependency> getDownstreamDependencies(AbstractProject p)
    • getUpstreamDependencies

      public List<DependencyGraph.Dependency> getUpstreamDependencies(AbstractProject p)
    • addDependency

      @Deprecated public void addDependency(AbstractProject upstream, AbstractProject downstream)
      since 1.341; use addDependency(Dependency)
    • addDependency

      public void addDependency(DependencyGraph.Dependency dep)
      Called during the dependency graph build phase to add a dependency edge.
    • addDependency

      @Deprecated public void addDependency(AbstractProject upstream, Collection<? extends AbstractProject> downstream)
      since 1.341
    • addDependency

      @Deprecated public void addDependency(Collection<? extends AbstractProject> upstream, AbstractProject downstream)
      since 1.341
    • addDependencyDeclarers

      public void addDependencyDeclarers(AbstractProject upstream, Collection<?> possibleDependecyDeclarers)
      Lists up DependencyDeclarer from the collection and let them builds dependencies.
    • hasIndirectDependencies

      public boolean hasIndirectDependencies(AbstractProject src, AbstractProject dst)
      Returns true if a project has a non-direct dependency to another project.

      A non-direct dependency is a path of dependency "edge"s from the source to the destination, where the length is greater than 1.

    • getTransitiveUpstream

      public Set<AbstractProject> getTransitiveUpstream(AbstractProject src)
      Gets all the direct and indirect upstream dependencies of the given project.
    • getTransitiveDownstream

      public Set<AbstractProject> getTransitiveDownstream(AbstractProject src)
      Gets all the direct and indirect downstream dependencies of the given project.
    • compare

      public int compare(AbstractProject o1, AbstractProject o2)
      Compare two Projects based on the topological order defined by this Dependency Graph
      Specified by:
      compare in interface Comparator<AbstractProject>
    • getTopologicallySorted

      public List<AbstractProject<?,?>> getTopologicallySorted()
      Returns all the projects in the topological order of the dependency. Intuitively speaking, the first one in the list is the source of the dependency graph, and the last one is the sink.