Package hudson.util

Class ProcessKiller

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Serializable

public abstract class ProcessKiller extends Object implements ExtensionPoint, Serializable
Extension point that defines more elaborate way of killing processes, such as sudo or pfexec, for ProcessTree.


Each implementation of ProcessKiller is instantiated once on the master. Whenever a process needs to be killed, those implementations are serialized and sent over to the appropriate agent, then the kill(ProcessTree.OSProcess) method is invoked to attempt to kill the process.

One of the consequences of this design is that the implementation should be stateless and concurrent-safe. That is, the kill(ProcessTree.OSProcess) method can be invoked by multiple threads concurrently on the single instance.

Another consequence of this design is that if your ProcessKiller requires configuration, it needs to be serializable, and configuration needs to be updated atomically, as another thread may be calling into kill(ProcessTree.OSProcess) just when you are updating your configuration.

jpederzolli, Kohsuke Kawaguchi
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ProcessKiller

      public ProcessKiller()
  • Method Details

    • all

      public static ExtensionList<ProcessKiller> all()
      Returns all the registered ProcessKiller descriptors.
    • kill

      public abstract boolean kill(ProcessTree.OSProcess process) throws IOException, InterruptedException
      Attempts to kill the given process.
      process - process to be killed. Always a local process.
      true if the killing was successful, and Hudson won't try to use other ProcessKiller implementations to kill the process. false if the killing failed or is unattempted, and Hudson will continue to use the rest of the ProcessKiller implementations to try to kill the process.
      IOException - The caller will log this exception and otherwise treat as if the method returned false, and moves on to the next killer.
      InterruptedException - if the callee performs a time consuming operation and if the thread is canceled, do not catch InterruptedException and just let it thrown from the method.