Package hudson

Class WorkspaceSnapshot

All Implemented Interfaces:
Action, ModelObject

@Deprecated public abstract class WorkspaceSnapshot extends Object implements Action
  • Constructor Details

    • WorkspaceSnapshot

      public WorkspaceSnapshot()
  • Method Details

    • restoreTo

      public abstract void restoreTo(AbstractBuild<?,?> owner, FilePath dst, TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException
      Restores the snapshot to the given file system location.
      owner - The build that owns this action. It's always the same value for any given WorkspaceSnapshot, but passed in separately so that implementations don't need to keep them in fields.
      dst - The file path to which the snapshot shall be restored to.
      listener - Send the progress of the restoration to this listener. Never null.
    • getIconFileName

      public String getIconFileName()
      Description copied from interface: Action
      Gets the name of the icon.
      Specified by:
      getIconFileName in interface Action
      If the icon name is prefixed with "symbol-", a Jenkins Symbol will be used.

      If just a file name (like "abc.gif") is returned, it will be interpreted as a file name inside /images/24x24. This is useful for using one of the stock images.

      If an absolute file name that starts from '/' is returned (like "/plugin/foo/abc.gif"), then it will be interpreted as a path from the context root of Jenkins. This is useful to pick up image files from a plugin.

      Finally, return null to hide it from the task list. This is normally not very useful, but this can be used for actions that only contribute floatBox.jelly and no task list item. The other case where this is useful is to avoid showing links that require a privilege when the user is anonymous.

      See Also:
    • getDisplayName

      public String getDisplayName()
      Description copied from interface: Action
      Gets the string to be displayed. The convention is to capitalize the first letter of each word, such as "Test Result".
      Specified by:
      getDisplayName in interface Action
      Specified by:
      getDisplayName in interface ModelObject
      Can be null in case the action is hidden.
    • getUrlName

      public String getUrlName()
      Description copied from interface: Action
      Gets the URL path name.

      For example, if this method returns "xyz", and if the parent object (that this action is associated with) is bound to /foo/bar/zot, then this action object will be exposed to /foo/bar/zot/xyz.

      This method should return a string that's unique among other Actions.

      The returned string can be an absolute URL, like "", which is useful for directly connecting to external systems.

      If the returned string starts with '/', like '/foo', then it's assumed to be relative to the context path of the Jenkins webapp.

      Specified by:
      getUrlName in interface Action
      null if this action object doesn't need to be bound to web (when you do that, be sure to also return null from Action.getIconFileName().
      See Also: