Package hudson.model

Class AbstractCIBase

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Describable<Node>, DescriptorByNameOwner, ItemGroup<TopLevelItem>, ModelObject, PersistenceRoot, ReconfigurableDescribable<Node>, Saveable, ViewGroup, SearchableModelObject, SearchItem, AccessControlled, OnMaster, org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerFallback, org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerProxy
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractCIBase extends Node implements ItemGroup<TopLevelItem>, org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerProxy, org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerFallback, ViewGroup, AccessControlled, DescriptorByNameOwner
  • Field Details


      public static boolean LOG_STARTUP_PERFORMANCE
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractCIBase

      public AbstractCIBase()
  • Method Details

    • getNodeName

      @NonNull @Deprecated public String getNodeName()
      Maybe you were trying to call Node.getDisplayName().
      If you are calling this on Hudson something is wrong.
      Specified by:
      getNodeName in class Node
      "" if this is master
    • getUrl

      @Deprecated public String getUrl()
      Why are you calling a method that always returns ""? You probably want to call Jenkins.getRootUrl()
      Description copied from interface: ItemGroup
      Returns the path relative to the context root, like "foo/bar/zot/". Note no leading slash but trailing slash.
      Specified by:
      getUrl in interface ItemGroup<TopLevelItem>
      Specified by:
      getUrl in interface ViewGroup
    • resetLabel

      protected void resetLabel(Label l)
    • setViewOwner

      protected void setViewOwner(View v)
    • interruptReloadThread

      protected void interruptReloadThread()
    • killComputer

      protected void killComputer(Computer c)
    • getDisabledAdministrativeMonitors

      public Set<String> getDisabledAdministrativeMonitors()
      Get the disabled administrative monitors
    • setDisabledAdministrativeMonitors

      public void setDisabledAdministrativeMonitors(Set<String> disabledAdministrativeMonitors)
      Set the disabled administrative monitors
    • getNodes

      public abstract List<Node> getNodes()
      Returns all Nodes in the system, excluding Jenkins instance itself which represents the built-in node in this context.
    • getQueue

      public abstract Queue getQueue()
    • getComputerMap

      protected abstract ConcurrentMap<Node,Computer> getComputerMap()
    • updateNewComputer

      protected void updateNewComputer(Node n, boolean automaticAgentLaunch)
    • updateComputerList

      protected void updateComputerList(boolean automaticAgentLaunch)
      Updates Computers.

      This method tries to reuse existing Computer objects so that we won't upset Executors running in it.