Package hudson.model

Interface Item

All Superinterfaces:
AccessControlled, ModelObject, OnMaster, PersistenceRoot, Saveable, SearchableModelObject, SearchItem
All Known Subinterfaces:
BuildableItem, BuildableItemWithBuildWrappers, ParameterizedJobMixIn.ParameterizedJob<JobT,RunT>, SCMedItem, TopLevelItem, TriggeredItem
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractItem, AbstractProject, AbstractTopLevelItem, FreeStyleProject, Job, Project, ViewJob

Basic configuration unit in Hudson.

Every Item is hosted in an ItemGroup called "parent", and some Items are ItemGroups. This form a tree structure, which is rooted at Jenkins.

Unlike file systems, where a file can be moved from one directory to another, Item inherently belongs to a single ItemGroup and that relationship will not change. Think of Windows device manager — an HDD always show up under 'Disk drives' and it can never be moved to another parent. Similarly, ItemGroup is not a generic container. Each subclass of ItemGroup can usually only host a certain limited kinds of Items.

Items have unique names that distinguish themselves among their siblings uniquely. The names can be combined by '/' to form an item full name, which uniquely identifies an Item inside the whole Jenkins.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getParent

      ItemGroup<? extends Item> getParent()
      Gets the parent that contains this item.
    • getAllJobs

      Collection<? extends Job> getAllJobs()
      Gets all the jobs that this Item contains as descendants.
    • getName

      String getName()
      Gets the name of the item.

      The name must be unique among other Items that belong to the same parent.

      This name is also used for directory name, so it cannot contain any character that's not allowed on the file system.

      See Also:
    • getFullName

      String getFullName()
      Gets the full name of this item, like "abc/def/ghi".

      Full name consists of names of Items that lead from the root Jenkins to this Item, separated by '/'. This is the unique name that identifies this Item inside the whole Jenkins.

      See Also:
    • getDisplayName

      String getDisplayName()
      Gets the human readable short name of this item.

      This method should try to return a short concise human readable string that describes this item. The string need not be unique.

      The returned string should not include the display names of ancestor items.

      Specified by:
      getDisplayName in interface ModelObject
    • getFullDisplayName

      String getFullDisplayName()
      Works like getDisplayName() but return the full path that includes all the display names of the ancestors.
    • getRelativeNameFrom

      @Nullable default String getRelativeNameFrom(@CheckForNull ItemGroup g)
      Gets the relative name to this item from the specified group.
      g - The ItemGroup instance used as context to evaluate the relative name of this item
      The name of the current item, relative to g, or null if one of the item's parents is not an Item. Nested ItemGroups are separated by a / character (e.g., ../foo/bar).
    • getRelativeNameFrom

      @Nullable default String getRelativeNameFrom(@NonNull Item item)
      Short for getRelativeNameFrom(item.getParent())
      String like "../foo/bar". null if one of item parents is not an Item.
    • getUrl

      String getUrl()
      Returns the URL of this item relative to the context root of the application.
      URL that ends with '/'.
      See Also:
    • getShortUrl

      String getShortUrl()
      Returns the URL of this item relative to the parent ItemGroup.
      URL that ends with '/'.
      See Also:
    • getAbsoluteUrl

      @Deprecated default String getAbsoluteUrl()
      This method shall NEVER be used during HTML page rendering, as it won't work with network set up like Apache reverse proxy. This method is only intended for the remote API clients who cannot resolve relative references (even this won't work for the same reason, which should be fixed.)
      Returns the absolute URL of this item. This relies on the current StaplerRequest2 to figure out what the host name is, so can be used only during processing client requests.
      absolute URL.
      IllegalStateException - if the method is invoked outside the HTTP request processing.
    • onLoad

      void onLoad(ItemGroup<? extends Item> parent, String name) throws IOException
      Called right after when a Item is loaded from disk. This is an opportunity to do a post load processing.
      name - Name of the directory (not a path --- just the name portion) from which the configuration was loaded. This usually becomes the name of this item.
    • onCopiedFrom

      void onCopiedFrom(Item src)
      When a Item is copied from existing one, the files are first copied on the file system, then it will be loaded, then this method will be invoked to perform any implementation-specific work.
    • onCreatedFromScratch

      default void onCreatedFromScratch()
      When an item is created from scratch (instead of copied), this method will be invoked. Used as the post-construction initialization.
    • save

      void save() throws IOException
      Save the settings to a file. Use Items.getConfigFile(Item) or AbstractItem.getConfigFile() to obtain the file to save the data.
      Specified by:
      save in interface Saveable
      IOException - if the persistence failed.
    • delete

      void delete() throws IOException, InterruptedException
      Deletes this item.
    • getSearchGroup

      default SearchGroup getSearchGroup()
      Specified by:
      getSearchGroup in interface SearchItem