Package hudson.tasks

Class UserNameResolver

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class UserNameResolver extends Object implements ExtensionPoint
Finds full name off the user when none is specified.

This is an extension point of Hudson. Plugins tha contribute new implementation of this class should use Extension to register the instance into Hudson, like this:

 class MyserNameResolver extends UserNameResolver {
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • UserNameResolver

      public UserNameResolver()
  • Method Details

    • findNameFor

      public abstract String findNameFor(User u)
      Finds full name of the given user.

      This method is called when a User without explicitly name is used.

      When multiple resolvers are installed, they are consulted in order and the search will be over when a name is found by someone.

      Since UserNameResolver is singleton, this method can be invoked concurrently from multiple threads.

      null if the inference failed.
    • resolve

      public static String resolve(User u)
    • all

      public static ExtensionList<UserNameResolver> all()
      Returns all the registered UserNameResolver descriptors.