Package hudson

Interface FeedAdapter<E>

public interface FeedAdapter<E>
Provides a RSS feed view of the data.

This interface allows data structure of any form to be exposed as RSS feeds, just by writing a stateless singleton adapter code that implements this interface.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Method Details

    • getEntryTitle

      String getEntryTitle(E entry)
      Gets the human readable title of the entry. In RSS readers, this is usually displayed like an e-mail subject.
    • getEntryUrl

      String getEntryUrl(E entry)
      Gets the URL that represents this entry. Relative to context root of the Hudson.
    • getEntryID

      String getEntryID(E entry)
      Unique ID of each entry. RSS readers use this to determine what feeds are new and what are not. This needs to produce a tag URL as per RFC 4151, required by Atom 1.0.
    • getEntryDescription

      String getEntryDescription(E entry)
      (Potentially lengthy) plain text to be attached to the feed. Can be null.
    • getEntryTimestamp

      Calendar getEntryTimestamp(E entry)
      Timestamp of the last change in this entry.
    • getEntryAuthor

      String getEntryAuthor(E entry)
      Author of this entry.