Package hudson.model

Class UpdateSite.WarningVersionRange

Enclosing class:

@Restricted(org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse.class) public static final class UpdateSite.WarningVersionRange extends Object
A version range for Warnings indicates which versions of a given plugin are affected by it. name, firstVersion and lastVersion fields are only used for administrator notices. The pattern is used to determine whether a given warning applies to the current installation.
  • Field Details

    • name

      @Nullable public final String name
      Human-readable English name for this version range, e.g. 'regular', 'LTS', '2.6 line'.
    • firstVersion

      @Nullable public final String firstVersion
      First version in this version range to be subject to the warning.
    • lastVersion

      @Nullable public final String lastVersion
      Last version in this version range to be subject to the warning.
  • Constructor Details

    • WarningVersionRange

      public WarningVersionRange(net.sf.json.JSONObject o)
  • Method Details