Class LabelExpression.Paren

All Implemented Interfaces:
ModelObject, SearchableModelObject, SearchItem, Comparable<Label>, ModelObjectWithChildren, ModelObjectWithContextMenu
Enclosing class:

public static class LabelExpression.Paren extends LabelExpression
No-op but useful for preserving the parenthesis in the user input.
  • Field Details

    • base

      public final Label base
  • Constructor Details

    • Paren

      public Paren(Label base)
  • Method Details

    • matches

      public boolean matches(VariableResolver<Boolean> resolver)
      Description copied from class: Label
      Evaluates whether the label expression is true given the specified value assignment. IOW, returns true if the assignment provided by the resolver matches this label expression.
      Specified by:
      matches in class Label
    • accept

      public <V, P> V accept(LabelVisitor<V,P> visitor, P param)
      Description copied from class: Label
      Accepts a visitor and call its respective "onXYZ" method based no the actual type of 'this'.
      Specified by:
      accept in class Label
    • precedence

      public LabelOperatorPrecedence precedence()
      Description copied from class: Label
      Precedence of the top most operator.
      Specified by:
      precedence in class Label