Package hudson.model

Class ParameterValue

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BooleanParameterValue, FileParameterValue, PasswordParameterValue, RunParameterValue, StringParameterValue

@ExportedBean(defaultVisibility=3) @StaplerAccessibleType public abstract class ParameterValue extends Object implements Serializable
A value for a parameter in a build. Created by ParameterDefinition.createValue(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) for a particular build (although this 'owner' build object is passed in for every method call as a parameter so that the parameter won't have to persist it.)


Instances of ParameterValues are persisted into build's build.xml through XStream (via ParametersAction), so instances need to be persistable.

Associated Views


The value.jelly view contributes a UI fragment to display the parameter values used for a build.


  1. ParameterValue is used to record values of the past build, but ParameterDefinition used back then might be gone already, or represent a different parameter now. So don't try to use the name to infer ParameterDefinition is.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • name

      protected final String name
  • Constructor Details

    • ParameterValue

      protected ParameterValue(String name, String description)
    • ParameterValue

      protected ParameterValue(String name)
  • Method Details

    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description)
    • getFormattedDescription

      @Restricted(org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.DoNotUse.class) public String getFormattedDescription()
    • getName

      @Exported public final String getName()
      Name of the parameter. This uniquely distinguishes ParameterValue among other parameters for the same build. This must be the same as ParameterDefinition.getName().
    • buildEnvVars

      @Deprecated public void buildEnvVars(AbstractBuild<?,?> build, Map<String,String> env)
      as of 1.344 Use buildEnvironment(Run, EnvVars) instead.
      Adds environmental variables for the builds to the given map.

      This provides a means for a parameter to pass the parameter values to the build to be performed.

      When this method is invoked, the map already contains the current "planned export" list. The implementation is expected to add more values to this map (or do nothing)

      Formerly, environment variables would be by convention all upper case. (This is so that a Windows/Unix heterogeneous environment won't get inconsistent result depending on which platform to execute.) But now see EnvVars why upper casing is a bad idea.

      env - never null.
      build - The build for which this parameter is being used. Never null.
    • buildEnvVars

      @Deprecated public void buildEnvVars(AbstractBuild<?,?> build, EnvVars env)
    • buildEnvironment

      public void buildEnvironment(Run<?,?> build, EnvVars env)
      Adds environmental variables for the builds to the given map.

      This provides a means for a parameter to pass the parameter values to the build to be performed.

      When this method is invoked, the map already contains the current "planned export" list. The implementation is expected to add more values to this map (or do nothing)

      env - never null.
      build - The build for which this parameter is being used. Never null.
    • createBuildWrapper

      public BuildWrapper createBuildWrapper(AbstractBuild<?,?> build)
      Called at the beginning of a build (but after SCM operations have taken place) to let a ParameterValue contributes a BuildWrapper to the build.

      This provides a means for a parameter to perform more extensive set up / tear down during a build.

      build - The build for which this parameter is being used. Never null.
      null if the parameter has no BuildWrapper to contribute to.
    • createVariableResolver

      public VariableResolver<String> createVariableResolver(AbstractBuild<?,?> build)
      Returns a VariableResolver so that other components like Builders can perform variable substitution to reflect parameter values into the build process.

      This is yet another means in which a ParameterValue can influence a build.

      build - The build for which this parameter is being used. Never null.
      if the parameter value is not interested in participating to the variable replacement process, return VariableResolver.NONE.
    • getDefinition

      @Deprecated public ParameterDefinition getDefinition()
      since 2008-09-20. parameter definition may change any time. So if you find yourself in need of accessing the information from ParameterDefinition, instead copy them in ParameterDefinition.createValue(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) into ParameterValue.
      Accessing ParameterDefinition is not a good idea.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • getShortDescription

      public String getShortDescription()
      Computes a human-readable possible-localized one-line description of the parameter value.

      This message is used as a tooltip to describe jobs in the queue. The text should be one line without new line. No HTML allowed (the caller will perform necessary HTML escapes, so any text can be returned.)

    • isSensitive

      public boolean isSensitive()
      Returns whether the information contained in this ParameterValue is sensitive or security related. Used to determine whether the value provided by this object should be masked in output.

      Subclasses can override this to control the return value.

    • getValue

      @CheckForNull public Object getValue()
      Returns the most natural Java object that represents the actual value, like boolean, string, etc.
      if there is no natural value for this parameter type, this may be used; null may be used when the value is normally defined but missing in this case for various reasons
    • getAssignedLabel

      public Label getAssignedLabel(SubTask task)
      Controls where the build (that this parameter is submitted to) will happen.
      null to run the build where it normally runs. If non-null, this will override AbstractProject.getAssignedLabel(). If a build is submitted with multiple parameters, the first one that returns non-null from this method will win, and all others won't be consulted.