Package jenkins.tasks

Interface SimpleBuildStep.LastBuildAction

All Superinterfaces:
Action, ModelObject
Enclosing interface:

public static interface SimpleBuildStep.LastBuildAction extends Action
Marker for explicitly added build actions (as Run.addAction(hudson.model.Action)) which should imply a transient project action (Actionable.getActions()) when present on the Job.getLastSuccessfulBuild(). This can serve as a substitute for BuildStep.getProjectActions(hudson.model.AbstractProject<?, ?>) which does not assume that the project can enumerate the steps it would run before they are actually run. (Use InvisibleAction as a base class if you do not need to show anything in the build itself.)
  • Method Details

    • getProjectActions

      Collection<? extends Action> getProjectActions()
      Optionally add some actions to the project owning this build.
      zero or more transient actions; if you need to know the Job, implement RunAction2 and use Run.getParent()