
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


Cache() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.TransientActionFactory.Cache
cacheHit - Variable in class hudson.util.KeyedDataStorage
Number of cache hits (of all the total queries.)
calcAutoCompleteSettings(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class hudson.model.Descriptor
Computes the auto-completion setting
calcCheckUrl(Map, String, Object, String) - Method in class hudson.Functions
Determines the parameters that client-side needs for a form validation check.
calcFillSettings(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class hudson.model.Descriptor
Computes the list of other form fields that the given field depends on, via the doFillXyzItems method, and sets that as the 'fillDependsOn' attribute.
calcRevisionsFromBuild(AbstractBuild<?, ?>, Launcher, TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
calcRevisionsFromBuild(Run<?, ?>, FilePath, Launcher, TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.scm.NullSCM
calcRevisionsFromBuild(Run<?, ?>, FilePath, Launcher, TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
Calculates the SCMRevisionState that represents the state of the workspace of the given build.
calculate(Run<?, ?>, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.widgets.BuildListTable
calculate(Run<?, ?>, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.widgets.BuildTimeTrend
calculate(Run<?, ?>, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.widgets.RunListProgressiveRendering
calculateCategorySize(int, Rectangle2D, RectangleEdge) - Method in class hudson.util.ShiftedCategoryAxis
calculateCulprits() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractBuild
calculateCulprits() - Method in interface jenkins.scm.RunWithSCM
Method used for actually calculating the culprits from scratch.
calculateLoginLifetime(HttpServletRequest, Authentication) - Method in class
Calculates the validity period in seconds for a newly generated remember-me login.
call() - Method in class hudson.FilePath.AbstractInterceptorCallableWrapper
call() - Method in interface hudson.model.Job.BuildNumberAssigner.SaveNextBuildNumber
call() - Method in class hudson.slaves.ChannelPinger.SetUpRemotePing
call(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class hudson.util.InterceptingProxy
Intercepts every method call.
call(P1) - Method in interface hudson.util.Function1
CallableDirectionChecker - Class in
Inspects Callables that run on the controller.
CallableDirectionChecker() - Constructor for class
CallableDirectionChecker.ChannelConfiguratorImpl - Class in
Installs CallableDirectionChecker to every channel.
callback(int) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32.Handler
callback(int, int, Pointer, Pointer) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32.HandlerEx
callback(int, Pointer) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32.SERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTION
callback(Cause.UpstreamCause, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in class hudson.model.Cause.UpstreamCause.ConverterImpl
callback(CauseAction, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in class hudson.model.CauseAction.ConverterImpl
callback(HealthReport, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in class hudson.model.HealthReport.ConverterImpl
callback(HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.Details, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in class
callback(ToolInstallation, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in class
callback(T, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in class hudson.util.XStream2.PassthruConverter
canAccept(MappingWorksheet.WorkChunk) - Method in class hudson.model.queue.MappingWorksheet.ExecutorChunk
Is this executor chunk and the given work chunk compatible? Can the latter be run on the former?
canAdd(TopLevelItem) - Method in interface jenkins.model.DirectlyModifiableTopLevelItemGroup
Returns true if a particular item may be added to this group.
canAdd(TopLevelItem) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
cancel() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.RestartJenkinsJob
Cancel job
cancel(boolean) - Method in class hudson.model.queue.FutureImpl
cancel(Queue.Item) - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
cancel(Queue.Task) - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
Cancels the item in the queue.
CANCEL - Static variable in interface hudson.model.Item
cancelBuildsInProgress(Item) - Static method in class jenkins.model.queue.ItemDeletion
Cancels any builds in progress of this item (if a job) or descendants (if a folder).
canceled() - Method in class jenkins.util.ProgressiveRendering
Checks whether the task has been canceled.
Canceled() - Constructor for class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.RestartJenkinsJob.Canceled
CancelQuietDownCommand - Class in hudson.cli
Cancel previous quiet down Jenkins - preparation for a restart
CancelQuietDownCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.CancelQuietDownCommand
CancelQuietDownCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CancelQuietDownCommand.ShortDescription: Cancel the effect of the "quiet-down" command..
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.model.BuildAuthorizationToken.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.model.Fingerprint.RangeSet.ConverterImpl
Check if the given class can be converted (i.e.
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.model.Label.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeList.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteList.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap.Hash.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap.Tree.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.DescribableList.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.HeapSpaceStringConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.HexBinaryConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.LRUStringConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.PackedMap.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.PersistedList.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.RobustCollectionConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.Secret.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.xstream.ImmutableListConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.xstream.ImmutableMapConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.xstream.ImmutableSetConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.xstream.ImmutableSortedSetConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.XStream2.PassthruConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class jenkins.model.BuildDiscarder.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class jenkins.util.TreeString.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class jenkins.util.xstream.XStreamDOM.ConverterImpl
canDelete() - Method in class hudson.model.User
With ADMINISTER permission, can delete users with persisted data but can't delete self.
canDelete(View) - Method in class hudson.model.MyViewsProperty
canDelete(View) - Method in interface hudson.model.ViewGroup
Determine whether a view may be deleted.
canDelete(View) - Method in class hudson.model.ViewGroupMixIn
canDelete(View) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
canLogOut() - Method in class
Returns true if this SecurityRealm supports explicit logout operation.
CannotBeInstalled(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class
Key CannotBeInstalled: Installer "{0}" cannot be used to install "{1}" on the node "{2}".
CanonicalIdResolver() - Constructor for class hudson.model.User.CanonicalIdResolver
canonicalLabels(JSONArray) - Static method in class jenkins.util.PluginLabelUtil
Replaces labels with their canonical form and removes duplicates
canProvision(Label) - Method in class hudson.slaves.Cloud
canProvision(Cloud.CloudState) - Method in class hudson.slaves.Cloud
Returns true if this cloud is capable of provisioning new nodes for the given label.
canProvision(Cloud, Label, int) - Method in class hudson.slaves.CloudProvisioningListener
canProvision(Cloud, Cloud.CloudState, int) - Method in class hudson.slaves.CloudProvisioningListener
Allows extensions to prevent a cloud from provisioning.
canRead() - Method in class jenkins.util.VirtualFile
Checks whether this file can be read.
canRestart() - Method in class hudson.lifecycle.Lifecycle
The same as Lifecycle.verifyRestartable() except the status is indicated by the return value, not by an exception.
canRewriteHudsonWar() - Method in class hudson.lifecycle.Lifecycle
canRun(Queue.Item) - Method in class hudson.model.queue.QueueTaskDispatcher
Called whenever Queue is considering if Queue.Item is ready to execute immediately (which doesn't necessarily mean that it gets executed right away — it's still subject to executor availability), or if it should be considered blocked.
canRun(ResourceList) - Method in class hudson.model.ResourceController
Checks if an activity that requires the given resource list can run immediately.
canTake(Node, Queue.BuildableItem) - Method in class hudson.model.queue.QueueTaskDispatcher
Called when Queue is deciding where to execute the given task.
canTake(Node, Queue.Task) - Method in class hudson.model.queue.QueueTaskDispatcher
canTake(Queue.BuildableItem) - Method in class hudson.model.Node
Called by the Queue to determine whether or not this node can take the given task.
canTake(Queue.BuildableItem) - Method in class hudson.model.Queue.JobOffer
canTake(Queue.BuildableItem) - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeProperty
Called by the Node to help determine whether or not it should take the given task.
canTake(Queue.Task) - Method in class hudson.model.Node
canTake(Queue.Task) - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeProperty
canTakeOffline() - Method in class hudson.node_monitors.AbstractNodeMonitorDescriptor
Indicates if this monitor is capable to take agents offline in case it detects a problem.
canTakeOffline() - Method in class hudson.node_monitors.ArchitectureMonitor.DescriptorImpl
canTakeOffline() - Method in class hudson.node_monitors.ClockMonitor.DescriptorImpl
canTakeOffline() - Method in class hudson.node_monitors.SwapSpaceMonitor.DescriptorImpl
canToggleLogKeep() - Method in class hudson.model.Run
Checks whether keep status can be toggled.
canUpgrade() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Data
Do we support upgrade?
canWork() - Method in class jenkins.slaves.restarter.SlaveRestarter
Called on the agent to see if this restarter can work on this agent.
canWork() - Method in class jenkins.slaves.restarter.UnixSlaveRestarter
canWork() - Method in class jenkins.slaves.restarter.WinswSlaveRestarter
capacity() - Method in class hudson.model.queue.MappingWorksheet.ExecutorChunk
Number of executors in this chunk.
capitalize(String) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
Converts "abc" to "Abc".
captcha - Variable in class
CaptchaSupport - Class in
Extension point for adding Captcha Support to User Registration Page CaptchaSupport.
CaptchaSupport() - Constructor for class
CaptchaSupportDescriptor - Class in
CaptchaSupportDescriptor() - Constructor for class
card() - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
card(Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
card(Map) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
card(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
CASE_INSENSITIVE - Static variable in class jenkins.model.IdStrategy
The default case insensitive strategy.
CaseInsensitive() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.IdStrategy.CaseInsensitive
CaseInsensitiveComparator - Class in hudson.util
CaseSensitive() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.IdStrategy.CaseSensitive
CaseSensitiveEmailAddress() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.IdStrategy.CaseSensitiveEmailAddress
cast(ConsoleAnnotator<? super T>) - Static method in class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotator
Cast operation that restricts T.
cast(Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in class hudson.util.Iterators
Casts Iterable by taking advantage of its covariant-ness.
cast(Object) - Method in class hudson.util.AlternativeUiTextProvider.Message
Assists pattern matching in the AlternativeUiTextProvider implementation.
cast(Iterator<? extends T>) - Static method in class hudson.util.Iterators
Casts Iterator by taking advantage of its covariant-ness.
categories - Variable in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Plugin
Categories for grouping plugins, taken from labels assigned to wiki page.
Categories - Class in jenkins.model.item_category
It is a logic representation of a set of Category.
Categories() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.item_category.Categories
category - Variable in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.PluginEntry
Category - Class in jenkins.model.item_category
Represents an ItemCategory and its TopLevelItems.
Category(String, String, String, int, int, List<Map<String, Serializable>>) - Constructor for class jenkins.model.item_category.Category
cause - Variable in class hudson.cli.DisconnectNodeCommand
cause - Variable in class hudson.cli.OfflineNodeCommand
cause - Variable in class hudson.PluginManager.FailedPlugin
cause - Variable in class hudson.slaves.OfflineCause.ChannelTermination
cause - Variable in exception hudson.util.AWTProblem
cause - Variable in exception hudson.util.JenkinsReloadFailed
Cause - Class in hudson.model
Cause object base class.
Cause() - Constructor for class hudson.model.Cause
Cause_LegacyCodeCause_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.LegacyCodeCause.ShortDescription: Legacy code started this job. No cause information is available.
Cause_RemoteCause_ShortDescription(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.RemoteCause.ShortDescription: Started by remote host {0}.
Cause_RemoteCause_ShortDescriptionWithNote(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.RemoteCause.ShortDescriptionWithNote: Started by remote host {0} with note: {1}.
Cause_UpstreamCause_CausedBy() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.UpstreamCause.CausedBy: originally caused by:.
Cause_UpstreamCause_ShortDescription(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.UpstreamCause.ShortDescription: Started by upstream project "{0}" build number {1}.
Cause_UserCause_ShortDescription(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.UserCause.ShortDescription: Started by user {0}.
Cause_UserIdCause_ShortDescription(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.UserIdCause.ShortDescription: Started by user {0}.
Cause.LegacyCodeCause - Class in hudson.model
since 2009-02-08
Cause.RemoteCause - Class in hudson.model
Cause.UpstreamCause - Class in hudson.model
A build is triggered by another build (AKA upstream build.)
Cause.UpstreamCause.ConverterImpl - Class in hudson.model
Cause.UpstreamCause.DeeplyNestedUpstreamCause - Class in hudson.model
Cause.UserCause - Class in hudson.model
Cause.UserIdCause - Class in hudson.model
A build is started by an user action.
CauseAction - Class in hudson.model
CauseAction(Cause) - Constructor for class hudson.model.CauseAction
CauseAction(Cause...) - Constructor for class hudson.model.CauseAction
CauseAction(CauseAction) - Constructor for class hudson.model.CauseAction
CauseAction(Collection<? extends Cause>) - Constructor for class hudson.model.CauseAction
CauseAction.ConverterImpl - Class in hudson.model
CauseOfBlockage - Class in hudson.model.queue
If something is blocked/vetoed, this object represents why.
CauseOfBlockage() - Constructor for class hudson.model.queue.CauseOfBlockage
CauseOfBlockage.BecauseLabelIsBusy - Class in hudson.model.queue
Build is blocked because everyone that matches the specified label is fully busy
CauseOfBlockage.BecauseLabelIsOffline - Class in hudson.model.queue
Build is blocked because all the nodes that match a given label is offline.
CauseOfBlockage.BecauseNodeIsBusy - Class in hudson.model.queue
Build is blocked because a node is fully busy
CauseOfBlockage.BecauseNodeIsNotAcceptingTasks - Class in hudson.model.queue
Build is blocked because a node (or its retention strategy) is not accepting tasks.
CauseOfBlockage.BecauseNodeIsOffline - Class in hudson.model.queue
Build is blocked because a node is offline.
CauseOfInterruption - Class in jenkins.model
Records why an executor is interrupted.
CauseOfInterruption() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.CauseOfInterruption
CauseOfInterruption_ShortDescription(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CauseOfInterruption.ShortDescription: Aborted by {0}.
CauseOfInterruption.UserInterruption - Class in jenkins.model
Indicates that the build was interrupted from UI.
cbSize - Variable in class hudson.util.jna.SHELLEXECUTEINFO
ceil(long) - Method in class hudson.scheduler.CronTab
Computes the nearest future timestamp that matches this cron tab.
ceil(Calendar) - Method in class hudson.scheduler.CronTab
ChainedServletFilter - Class in
ChainedServletFilter() - Constructor for class
ChainedServletFilter(Collection<? extends Filter>) - Constructor for class
ChainedServletFilter(Filter...) - Constructor for class
ChainedServletFilter2 - Class in
Servlet Filter that chains multiple Filters.
ChainedServletFilter2() - Constructor for class
ChainedServletFilter2(Filter...) - Constructor for class
ChainedServletFilter2(Collection<? extends Filter>) - Constructor for class
change - Variable in class hudson.scm.PollingResult
Degree of the change between baseline and remote.
changeApiToken() - Method in class
Each token can be revoked now and new tokens can be requested without altering existing ones.
changeExtension(File, String) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Returns a file name by changing its extension.
changeListener - Static variable in class hudson.diagnosis.OldDataMonitor
CHANGELOG_URL - Static variable in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
ChangeLogAnnotator - Class in hudson.scm
Performs mark up on changelog messages to be displayed.
ChangeLogAnnotator() - Constructor for class hudson.scm.ChangeLogAnnotator
ChangeLogParser - Class in hudson.scm
Encapsulates the file format of the changelog.
ChangeLogParser() - Constructor for class hudson.scm.ChangeLogParser
ChangeLogSet<T extends ChangeLogSet.Entry> - Class in hudson.scm
Represents SCM change list.
ChangeLogSet(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Constructor for class hudson.scm.ChangeLogSet
ChangeLogSet(Run<?, ?>, RepositoryBrowser<?>) - Constructor for class hudson.scm.ChangeLogSet
ChangeLogSet.AffectedFile - Interface in hudson.scm
Represents a file change.
ChangeLogSet.Entry - Class in hudson.scm
ChangeServiceConfig2(Pointer, int, Advapi32.ChangeServiceConfig2Info) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
ChangeServiceConfig2Info() - Constructor for class hudson.util.jna.Advapi32.ChangeServiceConfig2Info
channel - Variable in class hudson.cli.CLICommand
No longer used.
channel - Variable in class hudson.Launcher
channelClosed(JnlpConnectionState) - Method in class jenkins.slaves.DefaultJnlpSlaveReceiver
ChannelConfigurator - Class in
Intercepts the new creation of Channel and tweak its configuration.
ChannelConfigurator() - Constructor for class
ChannelConfiguratorImpl() - Constructor for class
channelNames - Static variable in class hudson.model.labels.LabelExpressionLexer
channelNames - Static variable in class hudson.scheduler.CrontabLexer
ChannelPinger - Class in hudson.slaves
Establish a periodic ping to keep connections between agents and the main Jenkins node alive.
ChannelPinger() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.ChannelPinger
ChannelPinger.SetUpRemotePing - Class in hudson.slaves
Channels - Class in hudson.slaves
Various convenient subtype of Channels.
Channels() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.Channels
ChannelTermination(Exception) - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.OfflineCause.ChannelTermination
CharacterEncodingFilter - Class in hudson.util
Filter that sets the character encoding to be used in parsing the request to avoid Non-ASCII characters garbled.
CharacterEncodingFilter() - Constructor for class hudson.util.CharacterEncodingFilter
charAt(int) - Method in class hudson.AbstractMarkupText
charset - Variable in class hudson.model.Run
Charset in which the log file is written.
ChartUtil - Class in hudson.util
Chart generation utility code around JFreeChart.
ChartUtil() - Constructor for class hudson.util.ChartUtil
ChartUtil.NumberOnlyBuildLabel - Class in hudson.util
Can be used as a graph label.
chdir(String) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.GNUCLibrary
CHEBYSHEV_N - Static variable in class hudson.util.ChartUtil
check() - Method in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator.Base64
check() - Method in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator
check() - Method in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator.Executable
check() - Method in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator.HudsonURL
check() - Method in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator.NonNegativeInteger
check() - Method in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator.WorkspaceFileMask
check() - Method in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator.WorkspaceFilePath
check() - Method in class hudson.util.FormValidation.URLCheck
Implement the actual form validation logic, by using other convenience methods defined in this class.
check() - Method in interface jenkins.PluginManagerTagLib
check(Closure) - Method in interface jenkins.PluginManagerTagLib
check(AbstractProject<?, ?>, Label) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject.LabelValidator
Check the use of the label within the specified context.
check(Item, Label) - Method in interface jenkins.model.labels.LabelValidator
Validates the use of a label within a particular context.
check(AbstractCloudComputer) - Method in class hudson.slaves.CloudRetentionStrategy
check(SlaveComputer) - Method in class hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy.Always
check(SlaveComputer) - Method in class hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy.Demand
check(SlaveComputer) - Method in class hudson.slaves.SimpleScheduledRetentionStrategy
check(Path) - Method in interface
check(Calendar) - Method in class hudson.scheduler.CronTabList
Returns true if the given calendar matches
check(Map) - Method in interface jenkins.PluginManagerTagLib
check(Map, Closure) - Method in interface jenkins.PluginManagerTagLib
check(RoleSensitive, Collection<Role>) - Method in class
check(T) - Method in class hudson.slaves.CloudSlaveRetentionStrategy
check(T) - Method in class hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy
This method will be called periodically to allow this strategy to decide what to do with its owning agent.
CHECK - Static variable in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator
checkAbortPermission() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
checkAbortPermission() - Method in class hudson.model.queue.QueueTaskFilter
checkAbortPermission() - Method in interface hudson.model.Queue.Task
Checks the permission to see if the current user can abort this executable.
checkAnyPermission(AccessControlled, Permission[]) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
Checks if the current security principal has one of the supplied permissions.
checkAnyPermission(Permission...) - Method in interface
Convenient short-cut for getACL().checkAnyPermission(permission)
checkAnyPermission(Permission...) - Method in class
Checks if the current security principal has one of the supplied permissions.
checkAnyPermission(Object, Permission[]) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
This version is so that the 'checkAnyPermission' on layout.jelly degrades gracefully if "it" is not an AccessControlled object.
checkApplicableIn(ItemGroup) - Method in class hudson.model.TopLevelItemDescriptor
Checks if this top level item is applicable within the specified item group.
checkBeforeCopy(Item, ItemGroup) - Static method in class hudson.model.listeners.ItemListener
Call before a job is copied into a new parent, to allow the ItemListener implementations the ability to veto the copy operation before it starts.
checkBeforeDelete(Item) - Static method in class hudson.model.listeners.ItemListener
checkbox() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
<input type="checkbox"> tag that takes true/false for @checked, which is more Jelly friendly.
checkbox(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
<input type="checkbox"> tag that takes true/false for @checked, which is more Jelly friendly.
checkbox(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
<input type="checkbox"> tag that takes true/false for @checked, which is more Jelly friendly.
checkbox(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
<input type="checkbox"> tag that takes true/false for @checked, which is more Jelly friendly.
checkChannel() - Method in class hudson.cli.CLICommand
Specific to Remoting-based protocol.
checkConnection(UpdateCenter.ConnectionCheckJob, String) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.UpdateCenterConfiguration
Check network connectivity by trying to establish a connection to the host in connectionCheckUrl.
checkCreatePermission(ItemGroup, TopLevelItemDescriptor) - Method in class
Checks if the current security principal has the permission to create top level items within the specified item group.
checkCreatePermission(ViewGroup, ViewDescriptor) - Method in class
Checks if the current security principal has the permission to create views within the specified view group.
checkCycle() - Method in class hudson.slaves.CloudSlaveRetentionStrategy
When do we check again next time?
checkDisplayName(View, String) - Method in class hudson.model.ViewDescriptor
Validation of the display name field.
checkDisplayName(String, TopLevelItem) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Checks to see if the candidate displayName collides with any existing display names or project names in the items parent group
checkExecutable(File) - Method in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator.Executable
Provides an opportunity for derived classes to do additional checks on the executable.
checkForCollectionDoSAttack(UnmarshallingContext, long) - Static method in class hudson.util.XStream2SecurityUtils
Check the consumed time adding elements to collections or maps.
checkGoodName(String) - Static method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Check if the given name is suitable as a name for job, view, etc.
checkHomeDirectory(File) - Method in class hudson.model.JDK.DescriptorImpl
Checks if the JAVA_HOME is a valid JAVA_HOME path.
checkHomeDirectory(File) - Method in class hudson.tasks.Maven.MavenInstallation.DescriptorImpl
Checks if the MAVEN_HOME is valid.
checkHomeDirectory(File) - Method in class
May be overridden to provide tool-specific validation of a tool home directory.
checkIsReachable(InetAddress, int) - Static method in class hudson.model.ComputerPinger
Is this computer reachable via the given address?
checkItem(Item, Label) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject.LabelValidator
Validates the use of a label within a particular context.
checkJavaVersion(PrintStream, String, BufferedReader) - Static method in class hudson.slaves.ComputerLauncher
Given the output of "java -version" in r, determine if this version of Java is supported, or throw IOException.
checkJenkinsJVM() - Static method in class jenkins.util.JenkinsJVM
Verify that the classloader that loaded this class is the classloader from which Jenkins has been started.
checkMac(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class
Convenience method for verifying the MAC code.
checkMac(String, String) - Method in class
Verifies MAC constructed from HMACConfidentialKey.mac(String)
CheckMethod(Descriptor, String) - Constructor for class hudson.util.FormValidation.CheckMethod
checkName(String) - Method in class hudson.model.ComputerSet
Makes sure that the given name is good as an agent name.
checkName(String) - Method in class jenkins.agents.CloudSet
Makes sure that the given name is good as an agent name.
checkName(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.ProjectNamingStrategy
checkName(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.ProjectNamingStrategy.DefaultProjectNamingStrategy
checkName(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.ProjectNamingStrategy.PatternProjectNamingStrategy
checkName(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.ProjectNamingStrategy
Called when creating a new job.
checkNotJenkinsJVM() - Static method in class jenkins.util.JenkinsJVM
Verify that the classloader that loaded this class is not the classloader from which Jenkins has been started.
checkout(AbstractBuild.AbstractBuildExecution) - Method in class jenkins.scm.SCMCheckoutStrategy
Performs the checkout step.
checkout(AbstractBuild<?, ?>, Launcher, FilePath, BuildListener, File) - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
checkout(AbstractBuild, Launcher, BuildListener, File) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
checkout(Run<?, ?>, Launcher, FilePath, TaskListener, File, SCMRevisionState) - Method in class hudson.scm.NullSCM
checkout(Run<?, ?>, Launcher, FilePath, TaskListener, File, SCMRevisionState) - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
Obtains a fresh workspace of the module(s) into the specified directory of the specified machine.
checkPermission(AbstractProject<?, ?>, BuildAuthorizationToken, StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Static method in class hudson.model.BuildAuthorizationToken
checkPermission(Job<?, ?>, BuildAuthorizationToken, StaplerRequest2, StaplerResponse2) - Static method in class hudson.model.BuildAuthorizationToken
checkPermission(Job<?, ?>, BuildAuthorizationToken, StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Static method in class hudson.model.BuildAuthorizationToken
checkPermission(AccessControlled, Permission) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
checkPermission(Permission) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
checkPermission(Permission) - Method in interface
Convenient short-cut for getACL().checkPermission(permission)
checkPermission(Permission) - Method in class
Checks if the current security principal has this permission.
checkPermission(Permission) - Method in class
checkPermission(Object, Permission) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
This version is so that the 'checkPermission' on layout.jelly degrades gracefully if "it" is not an AccessControlled object.
CheckPoint - Class in hudson.model
Provides a mechanism for synchronizing build executions in the face of concurrent builds.
CheckPoint(String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.CheckPoint
CheckPoint(String, Object) - Constructor for class hudson.model.CheckPoint
For advanced uses.
checkRename(String) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractItem
Allows subclasses to block renames for domain-specific reasons.
checkRename(String) - Method in class hudson.model.Job
checkRequiredPermission() - Method in class hudson.model.AdministrativeMonitor
Checks if the current user has the minimum required permission to view this administrative monitor.
checkRoles(RoleChecker) - Method in interface jenkins.agents.ControllerToAgentCallable
checkRoles(RoleChecker) - Method in interface jenkins.agents.ControllerToAgentFileCallable
checkRoles(RoleChecker) - Method in class
checkRoles(RoleChecker) - Method in class
checkRoles(RoleChecker) - Method in class jenkins.SlaveToMasterFileCallable
checkSanity() - Method in class hudson.scheduler.CronTab
Checks if this crontab entry looks reasonable, and if not, return an warning message.
checkSanity() - Method in class hudson.scheduler.CronTabList
Checks if this crontab entry looks reasonable, and if not, return an warning message.
checkSCM - Variable in class hudson.cli.BuildCommand
checkTriggers(Calendar) - Static method in class hudson.triggers.Trigger
checkUpdateCenter(UpdateCenter.ConnectionCheckJob, String) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.UpdateCenterConfiguration
Check connection to update center server.
child(String) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
The same as FilePath(FilePath,String) but more OO.
child(String) - Method in class jenkins.util.VirtualFile
Obtains a child file.
chmod(int) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Sets the file permission.
chmod(String, int) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.GNUCLibrary
ChoiceParameterDefinition - Class in hudson.model
ChoiceParameterDefinition(String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition
Databound constructor for reflective instantiation.
ChoiceParameterDefinition(String, String[], String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition
ChoiceParameterDefinition(String, String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition
ChoiceParameterDefinition_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ChoiceParameterDefinition.DisplayName: Choice Parameter.
ChoiceParameterDefinition_MissingChoices() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ChoiceParameterDefinition.MissingChoices: Requires Choices..
ChoiceParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.model
CHOICES_DELIMETER - Static variable in class hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition
CHOICES_DELIMITER - Static variable in class hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition
chooseAction() - Method in class hudson.scm.AbstractScmTagAction
chown(String, int, int) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.GNUCLibrary
ChunkedInputStream - Class in hudson.util
Transparently coalesces chunks of a HTTP stream that uses Transfer-Encoding chunked.
ChunkedInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ChunkedInputStream
ChunkedInputStream constructor
ChunkedOutputStream - Class in hudson.util
Implements HTTP chunking support.
ChunkedOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ChunkedOutputStream
Wraps a stream and chunks the output.
ChunkedOutputStream(OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ChunkedOutputStream
Wraps a stream and chunks the output.
cl - Variable in class hudson.init.InitializerFinder
class_entry() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Invisible <f:entry> type for embedding a descriptor's $class field.
class_entry(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Invisible <f:entry> type for embedding a descriptor's $class field.
class_entry(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Invisible <f:entry> type for embedding a descriptor's $class field.
class_entry(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Invisible <f:entry> type for embedding a descriptor's $class field.
CLASSES_ROOT - Static variable in class hudson.util.jna.RegistryKey
ClassFilterImpl - Class in
Customized version of ClassFilter.DEFAULT.
ClassicPluginStrategy - Class in hudson
ClassicPluginStrategy(PluginManager) - Constructor for class hudson.ClassicPluginStrategy
classLoader - Variable in class hudson.PluginWrapper
ClassLoader for loading classes from this plugin.
ClassLoaderReflectionToolkit - Class in jenkins
Reflective access to various ClassLoader methods which are otherwise protected.
ClassLoaderReflectionToolkit() - Constructor for class jenkins.ClassLoaderReflectionToolkit
ClassLoaderSanityThreadFactory - Class in hudson.util
Explicitly sets the Thread.setContextClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader) for threads it creates to its own classloader.
ClassLoaderSanityThreadFactory(ThreadFactory) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ClassLoaderSanityThreadFactory
ClassLoaderStatisticsSlaveInfo - Class in jenkins.slaves.systemInfo
ClassLoaderStatisticsSlaveInfo() - Constructor for class jenkins.slaves.systemInfo.ClassLoaderStatisticsSlaveInfo
ClassLoaderStatisticsSlaveInfo_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.slaves.systemInfo.Messages
Key ClassLoaderStatisticsSlaveInfo.DisplayName: Remote Class Loader Statistics.
classpath() - Method in class hudson.util.JVMBuilder
Returns a builder object for creating classpath arguments.
ClasspathBuilder - Class in hudson.util
Used to build up an argument in the classpath format.
ClasspathBuilder() - Constructor for class hudson.util.ClasspathBuilder
clazz - Variable in class hudson.model.Descriptor
The class being described by this descriptor.
clazz - Variable in class hudson.model.Descriptor.PropertyType
cleanFingerprint(Fingerprint, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.fingerprints.FingerprintStorage
This method performs the cleanup of the given fingerprint.
cleanUp() - Method in class hudson.util.MultipartFormDataParser
If any file is created on the disk, delete them all.
cleanUp() - Static method in class hudson.util.PluginServletFilter
cleanUp() - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Called to shut down the system.
cleanUp() - Method in class jenkins.slaves.IOHubProvider
cleanUp() - Method in class jenkins.slaves.NioChannelSelector
cleanUp(BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractBuild.AbstractBuildExecution
cleanUp(BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.model.Build.BuildExecution
cleanUp(BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.model.Run.RunExecution
Performs final clean up action.
clear() - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
Wipes out all the items currently in the queue, as if all of them are cancelled at once.
clear() - Static method in class hudson.model.User
removed without replacement
clear() - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeList
clear() - Method in class hudson.triggers.SlowTriggerAdminMonitor
clear() - Method in class hudson.util.ArgumentListBuilder
Re-initializes the arguments list.
clear() - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteList
clear() - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap
clear() - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap.Tree
clear() - Method in class hudson.util.PersistedList
clear() - Method in class hudson.util.RingBufferLogHandler
clearContext() - Static method in class org.acegisecurity.context.SecurityContextHolder
clearExtraInformation() - Method in exception org.acegisecurity.AuthenticationException
clearInstallStatus() - Static method in class jenkins.install.InstallUtil
Call to remove any active install status
clearLeftItems() - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
Immediately clear the Queue.getLeftItems() cache.
clearLegacyInstances() - Static method in class hudson.DescriptorExtensionList
Exposed just for the test harness.
clearLegacyInstances() - Static method in class hudson.ExtensionList
Exposed for the test harness to clear all legacy extension instances.
ClearQueueCommand - Class in hudson.cli
Clears the build queue
ClearQueueCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.ClearQueueCommand
ClearQueueCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key ClearQueueCommand.ShortDescription: Clears the build queue..
CLI_clear_queue_shortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key CLI.clear-queue.shortDescription: Clears the build queue..
CLI_disable_job_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CLI.disable-job.shortDescription: Disables a job..
CLI_enable_job_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CLI.enable-job.shortDescription: Enables a job..
CLI_HOST_NAME - Static variable in class hudson.TcpSlaveAgentListener
Host name that we advertise protocol clients to connect to.
CLI_keep_build_shortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key CLI.keep-build.shortDescription: Mark the build to keep the build forever..
CLI_keep_build_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CLI.keep-build.shortDescription: Mark the build to keep the build forever..
CLI_online_node_shortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Resume using a node for performing builds, to cancel out the earlier "offline-node" command..
CLI_PORT - Static variable in class hudson.TcpSlaveAgentListener
Port number that we advertise protocol clients to connect to.
CLI_restart_shortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key CLI.restart.shortDescription: Restart Jenkins.
CLI_restart_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CLI.restart.shortDescription: Restart Jenkins..
CLI_safe_restart_shortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Safely restart Jenkins.
CLI_safe_restart_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Safely restart Jenkins..
CLI_safe_shutdown_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Puts Jenkins into the quiet mode, wait for existing builds to be completed, and then shut down Jenkins..
CLI_shutdown_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CLI.shutdown.shortDescription: Immediately shuts down Jenkins server..
CLIAction - Class in hudson.cli
Shows usage of CLI and commands.
CLIAction() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.CLIAction
CliAuthenticator - Class in
No longer used.
CliAuthenticator() - Constructor for class
CLICause() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.BuildCommand.CLICause
CLICause(String) - Constructor for class hudson.cli.BuildCommand.CLICause
CLICommand - Class in hudson.cli
Base class for Hudson CLI.
CLICommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.CLICommand
cliConnect(boolean) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Implementation of CLI command "connect-node" moved to ConnectNodeCommand.
CliCrumbExclusion - Class in hudson.cli
Makes CLI HTTP fallback work with CSRF protection enabled (JENKINS-18114).
CliCrumbExclusion() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.CliCrumbExclusion
cliDisconnect(String) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Implementation of CLI command "disconnect-node" moved to DisconnectNodeCommand.
CliLink - Class in
CliLink() - Constructor for class
CliLink_Description() - Static method in class
Key CliLink.Description: Access/manage Jenkins from your shell, or from your script..
CliLink_DisplayName() - Static method in class
Key CliLink.DisplayName: Jenkins CLI.
CLIMethod - Annotation Interface in hudson.cli.declarative
Annotates methods on model objects to expose them as CLI commands.
cliOffline(String) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Implementation of CLI command "offline-node" moved to OfflineNodeCommand.
cliOnline() - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Implementation of CLI command "online-node" moved to OnlineNodeCommand.
CliProtocol_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CliProtocol.displayName: Jenkins CLI Protocol/1 (unencrypted).
CliProtocol2_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CliProtocol2.displayName: Jenkins CLI Protocol/2 (transport encryption).
CLIRegisterer - Class in hudson.cli.declarative
Discover CLIMethods and register them as CLICommand implementations.
CLIRegisterer() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.declarative.CLIRegisterer
CLIResolver - Annotation Interface in hudson.cli.declarative
Annotates a resolver method that binds a portion of the command line arguments and parameters to an instance whose CLIMethod is invoked for the final processing.
CliTransportAuthenticator - Class in hudson.cli
No longer used.
CliTransportAuthenticator() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.CliTransportAuthenticator
CLOCK - Static variable in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
Load statistics clock cycle in milliseconds.
ClockDifference - Class in hudson.util
Represents a clock difference.
ClockDifference(long) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ClockDifference
ClockDifference_Ahead(Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key ClockDifference.Ahead: {0} ahead.
ClockDifference_Behind(Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key ClockDifference.Behind: {0} behind.
ClockDifference_Failed() - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key ClockDifference.Failed: Failed to check.
ClockDifference_InSync() - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key ClockDifference.InSync: In sync.
ClockMonitor - Class in hudson.node_monitors
NodeMonitor that checks clock of Node to detect out of sync clocks.
ClockMonitor() - Constructor for class hudson.node_monitors.ClockMonitor
ClockMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key ClockMonitor.DisplayName: Clock Difference.
ClockMonitor.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.node_monitors
clogCheck() - Method in class hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger.DescriptorImpl
Checks if the queue is clogged, and if so, activate SCMTrigger.AdministrativeMonitorImpl.
clone() - Method in class hudson.util.ArgumentListBuilder
clone(String) - Static method in class hudson.cli.CLICommand
Obtains a copy of the command for invocation.
CloneableCLICommand - Class in hudson.cli
CloneableCLICommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.CloneableCLICommand
close() - Method in class hudson.BulkChange
Alias for BulkChange.abort() to make BulkChange auto-closeable.
close() - Method in class hudson.cli.Connection
close() - Method in class hudson.CloseProofOutputStream
close() - Method in class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotationOutputStream
close() - Method in class hudson.console.LineTransformationOutputStream
close() - Method in class hudson.console.LineTransformationOutputStream.Delegating
close() - Method in class hudson.logging.WeakLogHandler
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList.Lease
By default, calls WorkspaceList.Lease.release(), but should be idempotent.
close() - Method in class hudson.util.AtomicFileWriter
close() - Method in class hudson.util.ChunkedInputStream
Upon close, this reads the remainder of the chunked message, leaving the underlying socket at a position to start reading the next response without scanning.
close() - Method in class hudson.util.ChunkedOutputStream
Finishes writing to the underlying stream, but does NOT close the underlying stream.
close() - Method in class hudson.util.DelegatingOutputStream
close() - Method in class hudson.util.DualOutputStream
close() - Method in class hudson.util.FileChannelWriter
close() - Method in class hudson.util.ForkOutputStream
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class hudson.util.jna.RegistryKey
close() - Method in class hudson.util.LogTaskListener
close() - Method in class hudson.util.MultipartFormDataParser
close() - Method in class hudson.util.RingBufferLogHandler
close() - Method in class hudson.util.StreamTaskListener
close() - Method in class jenkins.util.MarkFindingOutputStream
close() - Method in class jenkins.util.ScriptListener.ListenerOutputStream
close() - Method in class jenkins.util.ScriptListener.ListenerWriter
close() - Method in class jenkins.util.SetContextClassLoader
close() - Method in class jenkins.util.xstream.XStreamDOM.WriterImpl
close() - Method in class jenkins.websocket.WebSocketSession
close(int) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.GNUCLibrary
closeAndLogFailures(Closeable, Logger, String, String) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Closes the item and logs error to the log in the case of error.
closed(int, String) - Method in class jenkins.websocket.WebSocketSession
CloseProofOutputStream - Class in hudson
CloseProofOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class hudson.CloseProofOutputStream
closeQuietly() - Method in class hudson.util.StreamTaskListener
Closes this listener and swallows any exceptions, if raised.
closeQuietly(InputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use Java 7 try-with-resources instead.
closeQuietly(OutputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use Java 7 try-with-resources instead.
closeQuietly(Reader) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use Java 7 try-with-resources instead.
closeQuietly(Writer) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use Java 7 try-with-resources instead.
CloseServiceHandle(Pointer) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
Cloud - Class in hudson.slaves
Creates Nodes to dynamically expand/shrink the agents attached to Hudson.
Cloud(String) - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.Cloud
Cloud_ProvisionPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key Cloud.ProvisionPermission.Description: Provision new nodes.
Cloud_RequiredName() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key Cloud.RequiredName: Cloud must have a unique non-empty name..
Cloud.CloudState - Class in hudson.slaves
Parameter object for Cloud.
CloudList() - Constructor for class hudson.model.Hudson.CloudList
CloudList() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.Jenkins.CloudList
CloudList(Jenkins) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Hudson.CloudList
CloudList(Jenkins) - Constructor for class jenkins.model.Jenkins.CloudList
CloudProvisioningListener - Class in hudson.slaves
Allows extensions to be notified of events in any Cloud and to prevent provisioning from a Cloud.
CloudProvisioningListener() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.CloudProvisioningListener
CloudRetentionStrategy - Class in hudson.slaves
RetentionStrategy implementation for AbstractCloudComputer that terminates it if it remains idle for X minutes.
CloudRetentionStrategy(int) - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.CloudRetentionStrategy
clouds - Variable in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Active Clouds.
CloudSet - Class in jenkins.agents
CloudSet() - Constructor for class jenkins.agents.CloudSet
CloudSet_CloudAlreadyExists(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.agents.Messages
Key CloudSet.CloudAlreadyExists: Cloud called ‘{0}’ already exists.
CloudSet_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.agents.Messages
Key CloudSet.DisplayName: Clouds.
CloudSet_NoSuchCloud(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.agents.Messages
Key CloudSet.NoSuchCloud: No such cloud: {0}.
CloudSet_SpecifyCloudToCopy() - Static method in class jenkins.agents.Messages
Key CloudSet.SpecifyCloudToCopy: Specify which cloud to copy.
CloudSet.DescriptorImpl - Class in jenkins.agents
CloudSlaveRetentionStrategy<T extends Computer> - Class in hudson.slaves
Default convenience implementation of RetentionStrategy for agents provisioned from Cloud.
CloudSlaveRetentionStrategy() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.CloudSlaveRetentionStrategy
CloudsLink - Class in jenkins.agents
CloudsLink() - Constructor for class jenkins.agents.CloudsLink
CloudsLink_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.agents.Messages
Key CloudsLink.Description: Add, remove, and configure cloud instances to provision agents on-demand..
CloudsLink_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.agents.Messages
Key CloudsLink.DisplayName: Clouds.
CloudState(Label, int) - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.Cloud.CloudState
cmdAsSingleString(String) - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
Passes a white-space separated single-string command (like "cat abc def") and parse them as a command argument.
cmds() - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
cmds(ArgumentListBuilder) - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
cmds(File, String...) - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
cmds(String...) - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
cmds(List<String>) - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
collated - Variable in exception hudson.tasks.LogRotator.CollatedLogRotatorException
CollatedLogRotatorException(String, Exception...) - Constructor for exception hudson.tasks.LogRotator.CollatedLogRotatorException
CollatedLogRotatorException(String, Collection<Exception>) - Constructor for exception hudson.tasks.LogRotator.CollatedLogRotatorException
COLLECTION_UPDATE_LIMIT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class hudson.util.XStream2
Determine what is the value (in seconds) of the "collectionUpdateLimit" added by XStream to protect against CVE-2021-43859.
CollectionSearchIndex<SMT extends SearchableModelObject> - Class in
SearchIndex built on a Map.
CollectionSearchIndex() - Constructor for class
color - Variable in class hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries
Used to render a line in the trend chart.
color - Variable in class hudson.model.Result
Default ball color for this status.
ColorPalette - Class in hudson.util
Color constants consistent with the Hudson color palette.
ColorPalette() - Constructor for class hudson.util.ColorPalette
COMBINATOR - Static variable in class hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList
The token that combines the project name and unique number to create unique workspace directory.
combine(long, String) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Use individual localization methods instead. See Messages.Util_year(Object) for an example. Deprecated since 2009-06-24, remove method after 2009-12-24.
combine(Fingerprint.Range) - Method in class hudson.model.Fingerprint.Range
Returns the Fingerprint.Range that combines two ranges.
combine(Result) - Method in class hudson.model.Result
Combines two Results and returns the worse one.
combine(Result, Result) - Static method in class hudson.model.Result
Combines two Results and returns the worse one.
combine(SearchIndex...) - Static method in class
combine(Collection<? extends ConsoleAnnotator<? super T>>) - Static method in class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotator
Bundles all the given ConsoleAnnotator into a single annotator.
CombinedCipherInputStream(InputStream, RSAKey, String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.UsageStatistics.CombinedCipherInputStream
CombinedCipherInputStream(InputStream, Cipher, String, int) - Constructor for class hudson.model.UsageStatistics.CombinedCipherInputStream
CombinedCipherOutputStream(OutputStream, RSAKey, String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.UsageStatistics.CombinedCipherOutputStream
CombinedCipherOutputStream(OutputStream, Cipher, String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.UsageStatistics.CombinedCipherOutputStream
combobox() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Editable drop-down combo box that supports the data binding and AJAX updates.
combobox(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Editable drop-down combo box that supports the data binding and AJAX updates.
combobox(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Editable drop-down combo box that supports the data binding and AJAX updates.
combobox(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Editable drop-down combo box that supports the data binding and AJAX updates.
ComboBoxModel - Class in hudson.util
Model object for dynamically filed combo box, which is really just ArrayList<String>
ComboBoxModel() - Constructor for class hudson.util.ComboBoxModel
ComboBoxModel(int) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ComboBoxModel
ComboBoxModel(String...) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ComboBoxModel
ComboBoxModel(Collection<? extends String>) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ComboBoxModel
command - Variable in class hudson.cli.HelpCommand
command - Variable in class hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter
Command to execute.
command_palette() - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
The command palette overlay
command_palette(Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
The command palette overlay
command_palette(Map) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
The command palette overlay
command_palette(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
The command palette overlay
CommandInstaller - Class in
Installs a tool by running an arbitrary shell command.
CommandInstaller(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
CommandInstaller_DescriptorImpl_displayName() - Static method in class
Key CommandInstaller.DescriptorImpl.displayName: Run Shell Command.
CommandInstaller_no_command() - Static method in class
Key CommandInstaller.no_command: Must provide a command to run..
CommandInstaller_no_toolHome() - Static method in class
Key CommandInstaller.no_toolHome: Must provide a tool home directory..
CommandInstaller.DescriptorImpl - Class in
CommandInterpreter - Class in hudson.tasks
Common part between Shell and BatchFile.
CommandInterpreter(String) - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter
CommandInterpreter_CommandFailed() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key CommandInterpreter.CommandFailed: command execution failed.
CommandInterpreter_UnableToDelete(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key CommandInterpreter.UnableToDelete: Unable to delete script file {0}.
CommandInterpreter_UnableToProduceScript() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key CommandInterpreter.UnableToProduceScript: Unable to produce a script file.
commands - Variable in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
commence(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, AuthenticationException) - Method in class
commenceSignup(FederatedLoginService.FederatedIdentity) - Method in class
Show the sign up page with the data from the identity.
commenceSignup(FederatedLoginService.FederatedIdentity) - Method in class
Starts the user registration process for a new user that has the given verified identity.
commit() - Method in class hudson.BulkChange
Saves the accumulated changes.
commit() - Method in class hudson.util.AtomicFileWriter
commonFilters() - Method in class
comparator() - Method in class jenkins.model.lazy.AbstractLazyLoadRunMap
COMPARATOR - Static variable in class hudson.model.RunMap
compare(int, int) - Static method in class hudson.model.queue.AbstractQueueSorterImpl
Use instead. sign(a-b).
compare(long, long) - Method in class hudson.Functions.ThreadGroupMap
compare(long, long) - Static method in class hudson.model.queue.AbstractQueueSorterImpl
Use instead. sign(a-b).
compare(AbstractProject, AbstractProject) - Method in class hudson.model.DependencyGraph
Compare two Projects based on the topological order defined by this Dependency Graph
compare(Queue.BuildableItem, Queue.BuildableItem) - Method in class hudson.model.queue.AbstractQueueSorterImpl
Override this method to provide the ordering of the sort.
compare(ThreadInfo, ThreadInfo) - Method in class hudson.Functions.ThreadGroupMap
compare(String, String) - Method in class hudson.util.CaseInsensitiveComparator
compare(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.IdStrategy.CaseInsensitive
compare(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.IdStrategy.CaseSensitive
compare(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.IdStrategy.CaseSensitiveEmailAddress
compare(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.IdStrategy
Compare two IDs and return their sorting order.
compare(T, String) - Method in interface hudson.widgets.HistoryWidget.Adapter
If record is newer than the key, return a positive number.
compareRemoteRevisionWith(AbstractProject<?, ?>, Launcher, FilePath, TaskListener, SCMRevisionState) - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
compareRemoteRevisionWith(Job<?, ?>, Launcher, FilePath, TaskListener, SCMRevisionState) - Method in class hudson.scm.NullSCM
compareRemoteRevisionWith(Job<?, ?>, Launcher, FilePath, TaskListener, SCMRevisionState) - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
Compares the current state of the remote repository against the given baseline SCMRevisionState.
compareTo(ExtensionComponent<T>) - Method in class hudson.ExtensionComponent
Sort ExtensionComponents in the descending order of ExtensionComponent.ordinal().
compareTo(HealthReport) - Method in class hudson.model.HealthReport
compareTo(Label) - Method in class hudson.model.Label
compareTo(Queue.WaitingItem) - Method in class hudson.model.Queue.WaitingItem
compareTo(UpdateCenter.PluginEntry) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.PluginEntry
compareTo(User) - Method in class hudson.model.User
compareTo(User.CanonicalIdResolver) - Method in class hudson.model.User.CanonicalIdResolver
compareTo(PluginWrapper) - Method in class hudson.PluginWrapper
Sort by short name.
compareTo(PermissionGroup) - Method in class
compareTo(ChartUtil.NumberOnlyBuildLabel) - Method in class hudson.util.ChartUtil.NumberOnlyBuildLabel
compareTo(VirtualFile) - Method in class jenkins.util.VirtualFile
Does case-insensitive comparison.
compareTo(RunT) - Method in class hudson.model.Run
Ordering based on build numbers.
compatibleSinceVersion - Variable in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Plugin
Optional version # from which this plugin release is configuration-compatible.
CompleteBatchJob(List<PluginWrapper>, long, UUID) - Constructor for class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.CompleteBatchJob
CompleteBatchJobStatus() - Constructor for class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.CompleteBatchJob.CompleteBatchJobStatus
completeBuild - Variable in class hudson.model.Result
Is this a complete build - i.e.
completed(Throwable) - Method in exception jenkins.model.queue.AsynchronousExecution
To be called when the task is actually complete.
COMPLETED - Enum constant in enum class hudson.init.InitMilestone
The very last milestone.
COMPLETED - Enum constant in enum class hudson.init.TermMilestone
The very last milestone This is used in Initializer.before() since annotations cannot have null as the default value.
COMPLETED - Enum constant in enum class hudson.model.RunParameterDefinition.RunParameterFilter
COMPLETED - Static variable in class hudson.model.CheckPoint
CheckPoint that indicates that the build is completed.
completedAsynchronous(Throwable) - Method in class hudson.model.Executor
CompletedInitializationMonitor - Class in jenkins.diagnostics
Performs monitoring of Jenkins InitMilestone status.
CompletedInitializationMonitor() - Constructor for class jenkins.diagnostics.CompletedInitializationMonitor
CompletedInitializationMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.diagnostics.Messages
Key CompletedInitializationMonitor.DisplayName: Jenkins Initialization Monitor.
completedOnly() - Method in class hudson.util.RunList
Filter the list to completed builds.
component - Variable in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Warning
The name of the affected component.
CompositeCauseOfBlockage - Class in jenkins.model.queue
Represents the fact that there was at least one Queue.JobOffer which rejected a task.
CompositeCauseOfBlockage(List<CauseOfBlockage>) - Constructor for class jenkins.model.queue.CompositeCauseOfBlockage
CompositeIOException - Exception in
CompositeIOException(String, IOException...) - Constructor for exception
CompositeIOException(String, List<IOException>) - Constructor for exception
Construct a new CompositeIOException where the given list of exceptions are added as suppressed exceptions to the new exception.
CompoundEnumeration<T> - Class in hudson.util
Enumeration that aggregates multiple Enumerations.
CompoundEnumeration(Iterable<Enumeration<? extends T>>) - Constructor for class hudson.util.CompoundEnumeration
CompoundEnumeration(Enumeration...) - Constructor for class hudson.util.CompoundEnumeration
compress() - Method in class hudson.util.CompressedFile
Asynchronously schedules the compression of this file.
compress(OutputStream) - Method in enum class hudson.FilePath.TarCompression
CompressedFile - Class in hudson.util
Represents write-once read-many file that can be optionally compressed to save disk space.
CompressedFile(File) - Constructor for class hudson.util.CompressedFile
compute() - Method in class jenkins.util.ProgressiveRendering
Actually do the work.
compute() - Method in class jenkins.widgets.RunListProgressiveRendering
computeDisplayName() - Method in class hudson.model.Run.ArtifactList
computeIdleExecutors() - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
computeIdleExecutors() - Method in class hudson.model.OverallLoadStatistics
computeIdleExecutors() - Method in class jenkins.model.UnlabeledLoadStatistics
computeQueueLength() - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
computeQueueLength() - Method in class hudson.model.OverallLoadStatistics
computeQueueLength() - Method in class jenkins.model.UnlabeledLoadStatistics
computer - Variable in class hudson.model.queue.MappingWorksheet.ExecutorChunk
Computer - Class in hudson.model
Represents the running state of a remote computer that holds Executors.
Computer(Node) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Computer
COMPUTER - Static variable in class
Permissions scoped to Nodes or Computers (generally interchangeably).
Computer_BadChannel() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.BadChannel: Agent node offline or not a remote channel (such as the built-in node)..
Computer_BuildPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.BuildPermission.Description: This permission allows users to run jobs as them on agents..
Computer_Caption(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.Caption: Agent {0}.
Computer_ConfigurePermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.ConfigurePermission.Description: This permission allows users to configure agents..
Computer_ConnectPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.ConnectPermission.Description: This permission allows users to connect agents or mark agents as online..
Computer_CreatePermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.CreatePermission.Description: This permission allows users to create agents..
Computer_DeletePermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.DeletePermission.Description: This permission allows users to delete existing agents..
Computer_DisconnectPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.DisconnectPermission.Description: This permission allows users to disconnect agents or mark agents as temporarily offline..
Computer_ExtendedReadPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.ExtendedReadPermission.Description: This permission allows users to read agent configuration..
Computer_NoSuchSlaveExists(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.NoSuchSlaveExists: No such agent "{0}" exists. Did you mean "{1}"?.
Computer_NoSuchSlaveExistsWithoutAdvice(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.NoSuchSlaveExistsWithoutAdvice: No such agent "{0}" exists..
Computer_Permissions_Title() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.Permissions.Title: Agent.
Computer.InternalComputerListener - Class in hudson.model
Computer.TerminationRequest - Exception in hudson.model
Used to trace requests to terminate a computer.
ComputerConnector - Class in hudson.slaves
Factory of ComputerLauncher.
ComputerConnector() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.ComputerConnector
ComputerConnectorDescriptor - Class in hudson.slaves
ComputerConnectorDescriptor() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.ComputerConnectorDescriptor
computeRelativeNamesAfterRenaming(String, String, String, ItemGroup) - Static method in class hudson.model.Items
Computes the relative name of list of items after a rename or move occurred.
ComputerFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.widgets.ExecutorsWidget.ComputerFactoryImpl
ComputerLauncher - Class in hudson.slaves
Extension point to allow control over how Computers are "launched", meaning how they get connected to their agent program.
ComputerLauncher() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.ComputerLauncher
ComputerLauncher_abortedLaunch() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key ComputerLauncher.abortedLaunch: Launching agent process aborted..
ComputerLauncher_JavaVersionResult(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key ComputerLauncher.JavaVersionResult: {0} -version returned {1}..
ComputerLauncher_NoJavaFound(Object) - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key ComputerLauncher.NoJavaFound: Java version {0} was found but 1.8 or later is needed..
ComputerLauncher_unexpectedError() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key ComputerLauncher.unexpectedError: Unexpected error in launching an agent. This is probably a bug in Jenkins.
ComputerLauncher_UnknownJavaVersion(Object) - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key ComputerLauncher.UnknownJavaVersion: Couldn’t figure out the Java version of {0}.
computerLauncherDescriptors(Slave) - Method in class hudson.model.Slave.SlaveDescriptor
Returns the list of ComputerLauncher descriptors appropriate to the supplied Slave.
ComputerLauncherFilter - Class in hudson.slaves
ComputerLauncher filter that can be used as a base class for decorators.
ComputerLauncherFilter(ComputerLauncher) - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.ComputerLauncherFilter
ComputerListener - Class in hudson.slaves
Receives notifications about status changes of Computers.
ComputerListener() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.ComputerListener
ComputerLogInitializer() - Constructor for class hudson.logging.LogRecorder.ComputerLogInitializer
ComputerPanelBox - Class in hudson.model
Adds box rendered in the computer side panel.
ComputerPanelBox() - Constructor for class hudson.model.ComputerPanelBox
ComputerPinger - Class in hudson.model
A way to see if a computer is reachable.
ComputerPinger() - Constructor for class hudson.model.ComputerPinger
ComputerPinger.BuiltInComputerPinger - Class in hudson.model
Default pinger - use Java built-in functionality.
ComputerRetentionWork - Class in hudson.slaves
Periodically checks the agents and try to reconnect dead agents.
ComputerRetentionWork() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.ComputerRetentionWork
computers - Variable in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Computers in this Jenkins system.
ComputerSet - Class in hudson.model
Serves as the top of Computers in the URL hierarchy.
ComputerSet() - Constructor for class hudson.model.ComputerSet
ComputerSet_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ComputerSet.DisplayName: Nodes.
ComputerSet_NoSuchSlave(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ComputerSet.NoSuchSlave: No such agent: {0}.
ComputerSet_SlaveAlreadyExists(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ComputerSet.SlaveAlreadyExists: Agent called ‘{0}’ already exists.
ComputerSet_SpecifySlaveToCopy() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ComputerSet.SpecifySlaveToCopy: Specify which agent to copy.
ComputerSet.ComputerSource - Interface in hudson.model
Allows plugins to override the displayed list of computers.
ComputerSet.ComputerSourceImpl - Class in hudson.model
ComputerSet.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.model
ComputerSetFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.widgets.BuildQueueWidget.ComputerSetFactoryImpl
ComputerSetFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.widgets.ExecutorsWidget.ComputerSetFactoryImpl
ComputerSourceImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.ComputerSet.ComputerSourceImpl
computeSnapshot() - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
Computes a self-consistent snapshot of the load statistics.
computeSnapshot(Iterable<Queue.BuildableItem>) - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
Computes the self-consistent snapshot with the specified queue items.
computeTotalExecutors() - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
computeTotalExecutors() - Method in class hudson.model.OverallLoadStatistics
computeTotalExecutors() - Method in class jenkins.model.UnlabeledLoadStatistics
CONCURRENT_BUILD - Static variable in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
as of 1.464 This flag will have no effect.
ConditionallyHidden() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.BuildDiscarderProperty.ConditionallyHidden
ConfidentialKey - Class in
Confidential information that gets stored as a singleton in Jenkins, mostly some random token value.
ConfidentialKey(String) - Constructor for class
ConfidentialStore - Class in
The actual storage for the data held by ConfidentialKeys, and the holder of the master secret.
ConfidentialStore() - Constructor for class
config() - Method in interface
config(Closure) - Method in interface
config(Map) - Method in interface
config(Map, Closure) - Method in interface
config_assignedLabel() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_assignedLabel(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_assignedLabel(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_assignedLabel(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_blockWhenDownstreamBuilding() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_blockWhenDownstreamBuilding(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_blockWhenDownstreamBuilding(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_blockWhenDownstreamBuilding(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_blockWhenUpstreamBuilding() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_blockWhenUpstreamBuilding(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_blockWhenUpstreamBuilding(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_blockWhenUpstreamBuilding(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_builders() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_builders(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_builders(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_builders(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_buildWrappers() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_buildWrappers(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_buildWrappers(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_buildWrappers(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_concurrentBuild() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_concurrentBuild(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_concurrentBuild(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_concurrentBuild(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_customWorkspace() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_customWorkspace(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_customWorkspace(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_customWorkspace(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_disableBuild() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Configuration entry for disabling a project; applies to ParameterizedJob
config_disableBuild(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Configuration entry for disabling a project; applies to ParameterizedJob
config_disableBuild(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Configuration entry for disabling a project; applies to ParameterizedJob
config_disableBuild(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Configuration entry for disabling a project; applies to ParameterizedJob
config_publishers() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Deprecated as of 1.463.
config_publishers(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Deprecated as of 1.463.
config_publishers(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Deprecated as of 1.463.
config_publishers(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Deprecated as of 1.463.
config_publishers2() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_publishers2(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_publishers2(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_publishers2(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_quietPeriod() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_quietPeriod(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_quietPeriod(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_quietPeriod(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_retryCount() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_retryCount(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_retryCount(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_retryCount(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_scm() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_scm(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_scm(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_scm(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_trigger() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_trigger(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_trigger(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_trigger(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_upstream_pseudo_trigger() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Deprecated; empty.
config_upstream_pseudo_trigger(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Deprecated; empty.
config_upstream_pseudo_trigger(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Deprecated; empty.
config_upstream_pseudo_trigger(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Deprecated; empty.
configLines(InputStream) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.DetachedPluginsUtil
configurable() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
configurable(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
configurable(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
configurable(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Configuration - Class in jenkins.model
use SystemProperties directly
Configuration() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.Configuration
CONFIGURATION - Enum constant in enum class hudson.model.ManagementLink.Category
Configuration pages that don't fit into a more specific section.
configure(UpdateCenter.UpdateCenterConfiguration) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter
Configures update center to get plugins/updates from alternate servers, and optionally using alternate strategies for downloading, installing and upgrading.
configure(JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.Plugin
configure(SAXReader, Object) - Method in class
Configures the given SAXReader
configure(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.model.Descriptor
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.Descriptor
Invoked when the global configuration page is submitted.
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.UsageStatistics
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.Plugin
Handles the submission for the system configuration.
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.ProxyConfigurationManager
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.tasks.Shell.DescriptorImpl
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger.DescriptorImpl
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.views.GlobalDefaultViewConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.views.MyViewsTabBar.GlobalConfigurationImpl
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.views.ViewsTabBar.GlobalConfigurationImpl
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.console.ConsoleUrlProviderGlobalConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.fingerprints.GlobalFingerprintConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.ArtifactManagerConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.GlobalBuildDiscarderConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.GlobalComputerRetentionCheckIntervalConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.GlobalConfiguration
By default, calls StaplerRequest2.bindJSON(Object, JSONObject), appropriate when your implementation has getters and setters for all fields.
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.GlobalNodePropertiesConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.GlobalPluginConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.GlobalProjectNamingStrategyConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.GlobalQuietPeriodConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.GlobalSCMRetryCountConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.MasterBuildConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class
configure(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.tasks.filters.EnvVarsFilterGlobalConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.Descriptor
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.Plugin
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.GlobalConfiguration
CONFIGURE - Static variable in class hudson.model.Computer
CONFIGURE - Static variable in interface hudson.model.Item
CONFIGURE - Static variable in class hudson.model.View
CONFIGURE - Static variable in class
Generic configuration access.
CONFIGURE_INSTANCE - Static variable in class jenkins.install.InstallState
CONFIGURE_UPDATECENTER - Static variable in class hudson.PluginManager
in Jenkins 2.222 use Jenkins.ADMINISTER instead
configureAutoRefresh(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, boolean) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
auto refresh has been removed
configuredLocalRules - Variable in class hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter
List of configured environment filter rules
configureDomainAxis(CategoryPlot) - Method in class hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries.TrendChart
configuredPort - Variable in class hudson.TcpSlaveAgentListener
ConfigureLink - Class in
ConfigureLink() - Constructor for class
ConfigureLink_Description() - Static method in class
Key ConfigureLink.Description: Configure global settings and paths..
ConfigureLink_DisplayName() - Static method in class
Key ConfigureLink.DisplayName: System.
configurePlot(CategoryPlot) - Method in class hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries.TrendChart
configureRangeAxis(NumberAxis) - Method in class hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries.TrendChart
configureRenderer(LineAndShapeRenderer) - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
configureRenderer(LineAndShapeRenderer) - Method in class hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries.TrendChart
ConfigureTools_Description() - Static method in class
Key ConfigureTools.Description: Configure tools, their locations and automatic installers..
ConfigureTools_DisplayName() - Static method in class
Key ConfigureTools.DisplayName: Tools.
confirmationLink() - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Produces a hyperlink which when clicked first asks for confirmation, then goes to that URL if confirmed.
confirmationLink(Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Produces a hyperlink which when clicked first asks for confirmation, then goes to that URL if confirmed.
confirmationLink(Map) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Produces a hyperlink which when clicked first asks for confirmation, then goes to that URL if confirmed.
confirmationLink(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Produces a hyperlink which when clicked first asks for confirmation, then goes to that URL if confirmed.
connect(boolean) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Do the same as Computer.doLaunchSlaveAgent(StaplerRequest2, StaplerResponse2) but outside the context of serving a request.
connect(boolean) - Method in interface jenkins.model.IComputer
Attempts to connect this computer.
connect(UpdateCenter.DownloadJob, URL) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.UpdateCenterConfiguration
Connects to the given URL for downloading the binary.
connect(Socket) - Method in class hudson.TcpSlaveAgentListener.PingAgentProtocol
CONNECT - Static variable in class hudson.model.Computer
connectingExecutors - Variable in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
Number of executors in the process of coming on-line and how it changes over time.
Connection - Class in hudson.cli
No longer used.
Connection(InputStream, OutputStream) - Constructor for class hudson.cli.Connection
Connection(Socket) - Constructor for class hudson.cli.Connection
CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class jenkins.util.FullDuplexHttpService
Controls the time out of waiting for the 2nd HTTP request to arrive.
ConnectionActivityMonitor - Class in hudson.slaves
Makes sure that connections to agents are alive, and if they are not, cut them off.
ConnectionActivityMonitor() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.ConnectionActivityMonitor
ConnectionActivityMonitor_OfflineCause() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key ConnectionActivityMonitor.OfflineCause: Repeated ping attempts failed.
ConnectionCheckJob(UpdateSite) - Constructor for class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.ConnectionCheckJob
connectionCheckUrl - Variable in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Data
If this is non-null, Jenkins is going to check the connectivity to this URL to make sure the network connection is up.
ConnectionFromCurrentPeer() - Constructor for class hudson.TcpSlaveAgentListener.ConnectionFromCurrentPeer
ConnectNodeCommand - Class in hudson.cli
Reconnect to a node or nodes.
ConnectNodeCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.ConnectNodeCommand
ConnectNodeCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key ConnectNodeCommand.ShortDescription: Reconnect to a node(s).
CONSISTENT_HASH - Static variable in class hudson.model.LoadBalancer
Uses a consistent hash for scheduling.
ConsistentHash<T> - Class in hudson.util
Consistent hash.
ConsistentHash() - Constructor for class hudson.util.ConsistentHash
ConsistentHash(int) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ConsistentHash
ConsistentHash(ConsistentHash.Hash<T>) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ConsistentHash
ConsistentHash(ConsistentHash.Hash<T>, int) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ConsistentHash
ConsistentHash.Hash<T> - Interface in hudson.util
Hashes an object to some value.
console_link() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
console_link(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
console_link(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
console_link(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
ConsoleAnnotationDescriptor - Class in hudson.console
Descriptor for ConsoleNote.
ConsoleAnnotationDescriptor() - Constructor for class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotationDescriptor
ConsoleAnnotationDescriptor(Class<? extends ConsoleNote<?>>) - Constructor for class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotationDescriptor
ConsoleAnnotationOutputStream<T> - Class in hudson.console
Used to convert plain text console output (as byte sequence) + embedded annotations into HTML (as char sequence), by using ConsoleAnnotator.
ConsoleAnnotationOutputStream(Writer, ConsoleAnnotator<? super T>, T, Charset) - Constructor for class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotationOutputStream
ConsoleAnnotator<T> - Class in hudson.console
Annotates one line of console output.
ConsoleAnnotator() - Constructor for class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotator
ConsoleAnnotatorFactory<T> - Class in hudson.console
Entry point to the ConsoleAnnotator extension point.
ConsoleAnnotatorFactory() - Constructor for class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotatorFactory
ConsoleCommand - Class in hudson.cli
cat/tail/head of the console output.
ConsoleCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.ConsoleCommand
ConsoleCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key ConsoleCommand.ShortDescription: Retrieves console output of a build..
ConsoleLink - Class in
ConsoleLink() - Constructor for class
ConsoleLink_Description() - Static method in class
Key ConsoleLink.Description: Executes arbitrary script for administration/trouble-shooting/diagnostics..
ConsoleLink_DisplayName() - Static method in class
Key ConsoleLink.DisplayName: Script Console.
ConsoleLogFilter - Class in hudson.console
A hook to allow filtering of information that is written to the console log.
ConsoleLogFilter() - Constructor for class hudson.console.ConsoleLogFilter
ConsoleNote<T> - Class in hudson.console
Data that hangs off from a console output.
ConsoleNote() - Constructor for class hudson.console.ConsoleNote
consoleOutput - Variable in class hudson.cli.BuildCommand
consoleUrlOf(Run<?, ?>) - Static method in interface jenkins.console.ConsoleUrlProvider
Looks up the ConsoleUrlProvider.getConsoleUrl(hudson.model.Run<?, ?>) value from the first provider to offer one.
ConsoleUrlProvider - Interface in jenkins.console
Extension point that allows implementations to redirect build console links to a specified URL.
consoleUrlProviderDisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.console.Messages
Key consoleUrlProviderDisplayName: Console URL Provider.
consoleUrlProviderDisplayName_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.console.Messages
Key consoleUrlProviderDisplayName.Description: Select which view you want to use for build console links. Views listed higher will be prioritized over those listed lower. The views you choose here will be used rather than those set by administrators..
ConsoleUrlProviderGlobalConfiguration - Class in jenkins.console
Allows administrators to activate and sort ConsoleUrlProvider extensions to set defaults for all users.
ConsoleUrlProviderGlobalConfiguration() - Constructor for class jenkins.console.ConsoleUrlProviderGlobalConfiguration
ConsoleUrlProviderUserProperty - Class in jenkins.console
Allows users to activate and sort ConsoleUrlProvider extensions based on their preferences.
ConsoleUrlProviderUserProperty() - Constructor for class jenkins.console.ConsoleUrlProviderUserProperty
ConsoleUrlProviderUserProperty.DescriptorImpl - Class in jenkins.console
CONSULT_REMAINING_STRATEGIES - Enum constant in enum class hudson.slaves.NodeProvisioner.StrategyDecision
This decision is the default decision and indicates that the NodeProvisioner.Strategy either could not provision sufficient resources or did not take any action.
ContainerAuthentication - Class in
Authentication implementation for Principal given through HttpServletRequest.
ContainerAuthentication(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class
Servlet container can tie a ServletRequest to the request handling thread, so we need to capture all the information upfront to allow Authentication to be passed to other threads, like update center does.
contains(D) - Method in class hudson.util.DescribableList
contains(Fingerprint.Range) - Method in class hudson.model.Fingerprint.Range
If this range contains every int that's in the other range, return true
contains(Item) - Static method in class jenkins.model.queue.ItemDeletion
Checks if the supplied Item or any of its Item.getParent() are being deleted.
contains(Node) - Method in class hudson.model.Label
contains(Queue.Task) - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
Returns true if this queue contains the said project.
contains(Saveable) - Static method in class hudson.BulkChange
Checks if the given Saveable is currently in the bulk change.
contains(TopLevelItem) - Method in class hudson.model.AllView
contains(TopLevelItem) - Method in class hudson.model.ListView
contains(TopLevelItem) - Method in class hudson.model.MyView
contains(TopLevelItem) - Method in class hudson.model.ProxyView
contains(TopLevelItem) - Method in class hudson.model.View
Checks if the job is in this collection.
contains(Object) - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteList
contains(Object) - Method in class hudson.util.PersistedList
containsKey(Object) - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class hudson.util.PackedMap
containsSymlink(FilePath, OpenOption...) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
containsSymLinkChild(OpenOption...) - Method in class jenkins.util.VirtualFile
containsTmpDirChild(OpenOption...) - Method in class jenkins.util.VirtualFile
containsValue(Object) - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap
contentEquals(InputStream, InputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.contentEquals(,
contentEquals(Reader, Reader) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.contentEquals(,
context - Variable in class hudson.model.queue.WorkUnit
Shared context among WorkUnits.
context - Variable in class hudson.PluginManager
as of 1.355 PluginManager can now live longer than Jenkins instance, so use Hudson.getInstance().servletContext instead.
context - Variable in class hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList.Entry
Multiple threads can acquire the same lock if they share the same context object.
Context() - Constructor for class jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildWrapper.Context
Use SimpleBuildWrapper.createContext() instead, so that this context can tell whether or not a disposer will require a workspace context.
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class hudson.WebAppMain
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class jenkins.util.SystemProperties.Listener
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class hudson.WebAppMain
Creates the sole instance of Jenkins and register it to the ServletContext.
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class jenkins.util.SystemProperties.Listener
Called by the servlet container to initialize the ServletContext.
ContextMenu() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.ModelObjectWithContextMenu.ContextMenu
ContextResettingExecutorService - Class in jenkins.util
ExecutorService wrapper that resets the context classloader.
ContextResettingExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Constructor for class jenkins.util.ContextResettingExecutorService
Contributed() - Constructor for class
ControllerExecutorsAgents - Class in jenkins.diagnostics
ControllerExecutorsAgents() - Constructor for class jenkins.diagnostics.ControllerExecutorsAgents
ControllerExecutorsAgents_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.diagnostics.Messages
Key ControllerExecutorsAgents.DisplayName: Built-in Node With Agents Executors Configured Monitor.
ControllerExecutorsNoAgents - Class in jenkins.diagnostics
ControllerExecutorsNoAgents() - Constructor for class jenkins.diagnostics.ControllerExecutorsNoAgents
ControllerExecutorsNoAgents_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.diagnostics.Messages
Key ControllerExecutorsNoAgents.DisplayName: Built-in Node Without Agents Executors Configured Monitor.
ControllerToAgentCallable<V,T extends Throwable> - Interface in jenkins.agents
Callable meant to be serialized then run on an agent.
ControllerToAgentFileCallable<T> - Interface in jenkins.agents
FilePath.FileCallable meant to be serialized then run on an agent.
ControlService(Pointer, int, Advapi32.SERVICE_STATUS) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
conv - Static variable in class hudson.model.Result
convert(long, TimeUnit2) - Method in enum class hudson.util.TimeUnit2
Convert the given time duration in the given unit to this unit.
convert(long, TimeUnit) - Method in enum class hudson.util.TimeUnit2
Convert the given time duration in the given unit to this unit.
convert(Class, Object) - Method in class hudson.util.EnumConverter
convert(Class, Object) - Method in class jenkins.util.TimeDuration.StaplerConverterImpl
convertEOL(String, LineEndingConversion.EOLType) - Static method in class hudson.util.LineEndingConversion
Convert line endings of a string to the given type.
ConverterImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.BuildAuthorizationToken.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.Label.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.util.Secret.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.util.xstream.XStreamDOM.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(Converter) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Fingerprint.RangeSet.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(Mapper) - Constructor for class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteList.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(Mapper) - Constructor for class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap.Hash.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(Mapper) - Constructor for class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap.Tree.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(Mapper) - Constructor for class hudson.util.DescribableList.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(Mapper) - Constructor for class hudson.util.PackedMap.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(Mapper) - Constructor for class hudson.util.PersistedList.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(Mapper) - Constructor for class jenkins.model.BuildDiscarder.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(XStream) - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.NodeList.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(XStream) - Constructor for class jenkins.util.TreeString.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(XStream2) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Cause.UpstreamCause.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(XStream2) - Constructor for class hudson.model.CauseAction.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(XStream2) - Constructor for class hudson.model.HealthReport.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(XStream2) - Constructor for class hudson.model.JDK.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(XStream2) - Constructor for class
ConverterImpl(XStream2) - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.Maven.MavenInstallation.ConverterImpl
ConvertSidToStringSid(byte[], PointerByReference) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
ConvertStringSidToSid(String, PointerByReference) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
copy() - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
copy() - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap
copy() - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap.Hash
copy() - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap.Tree
copy(File, OutputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
copy(InputStream, File) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
copy(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.copy(,
copy(InputStream, Writer) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.copy(,
copy(InputStream, Writer, String) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.copy(,, String)
copy(Reader, OutputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.copy(,
copy(Reader, OutputStream, String) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.copy(,, String)
copy(Reader, Writer) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.copy(,
copy(T, String) - Method in class hudson.model.ItemGroupMixIn
Copies an existing TopLevelItem to a new name.
copy(T, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
copy(T, String) - Method in interface jenkins.model.ModifiableTopLevelItemGroup
Copies a job.
copyBundledPlugin(URL, String) - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
Copies the plugin from the given URL to the given destination.
copyButton() - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Button that copies text into the user's clipboard upon click, either or is required.
copyButton(Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Button that copies text into the user's clipboard upon click, either or is required.
copyButton(Map) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Button that copies text into the user's clipboard upon click, either or is required.
copyButton(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Button that copies text into the user's clipboard upon click, either or is required.
copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class hudson.Util
since 2.335; use Files.copy(Path, Path, CopyOption...) directly
copyFrom(FilePath) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Convenience method to call FilePath.copyTo(FilePath).
copyFrom(InputStream) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Replaces the content of this file by the data from the given InputStream.
copyFrom(URL) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Reads the URL on the current VM, and streams the data to this file using the Remoting channel.
copyFrom(FileItem) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
copyFrom(FileItem) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Place the data from FileItem into the file location specified by this FilePath object.
CopyJobCommand - Class in hudson.cli
Copies a job from CLI.
CopyJobCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.CopyJobCommand
CopyJobCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CopyJobCommand.ShortDescription: Copies a job..
copyLarge(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.copyLarge(,
copyLarge(Reader, Writer) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.copyLarge(,
CopyOnWrite - Annotation Interface in hudson
Represents fields that are protected for concurrency by the copy-on-write semantics.
CopyOnWriteList<E> - Class in hudson.util
List-like implementation that has copy-on-write semantics.
CopyOnWriteList() - Constructor for class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteList
CopyOnWriteList(List<E>) - Constructor for class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteList
CopyOnWriteList.ConverterImpl - Class in hudson.util
Converter implementation for XStream.
CopyOnWriteMap<K,V> - Class in hudson.util
Map that has copy-on-write semantics.
CopyOnWriteMap() - Constructor for class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap
CopyOnWriteMap(Map<K, V>) - Constructor for class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap
CopyOnWriteMap.Hash<K,V> - Class in hudson.util
CopyOnWriteMap.Hash.ConverterImpl - Class in hudson.util
CopyOnWriteMap.Tree<K,V> - Class in hudson.util
CopyOnWriteMap.Tree.ConverterImpl - Class in hudson.util
copyRecursiveTo(FilePath) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Copies the contents of this directory recursively into the specified target directory.
copyRecursiveTo(DirScanner, FilePath, String) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Copies files according to a specified scanner to a target node.
copyRecursiveTo(DirScanner, FilePath, String, FilePath.TarCompression) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Copies files according to a specified scanner to a target node.
copyRecursiveTo(String, FilePath) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Copies the files that match the given file mask to the specified target node.
copyRecursiveTo(String, String, FilePath) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Copies the files that match the given file mask to the specified target node.
copyStream(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Use IOUtils.copy(InputStream, OutputStream)
copyStream(Reader, Writer) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Use IOUtils.copy(Reader, Writer)
copyStreamAndClose(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Use IOUtils.copy(InputStream, OutputStream) in a try-with-resources block
copyStreamAndClose(Reader, Writer) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Use IOUtils.copy(Reader, Writer) in a try-with-resources block
copyTo(FilePath) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Copies this file to the specified target.
copyTo(OutputStream) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Sends the contents of this file into the given OutputStream.
copyToWithPermission(FilePath) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Copies this file to the specified target, with file permissions and other meta attributes intact.
copyWithDefaultValue(ParameterValue) - Method in class hudson.model.BooleanParameterDefinition
copyWithDefaultValue(ParameterValue) - Method in class hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition
copyWithDefaultValue(ParameterValue) - Method in class hudson.model.ParameterDefinition
Create a new instance of this parameter definition and use the passed parameter value as the default value.
copyWithDefaultValue(ParameterValue) - Method in class hudson.model.PasswordParameterDefinition
copyWithDefaultValue(ParameterValue) - Method in class hudson.model.RunParameterDefinition
copyWithDefaultValue(ParameterValue) - Method in class hudson.model.StringParameterDefinition
core - Variable in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Data
The latest jenkins.war.
core - Variable in class hudson.slaves.ComputerLauncherFilter
core - Variable in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap
CORE - Enum constant in enum class hudson.model.UpdateSite.WarningType
CORE - Enum constant in enum class org.jenkins.ui.icon.IconType
CoreEnvironmentContributor - Class in jenkins.model
EnvironmentContributor that adds the basic set of environment variables that we've been exposing historically.
CoreEnvironmentContributor() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.CoreEnvironmentContributor
CoreUpdateMonitor() - Constructor for class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.CoreUpdateMonitor
Correlator - Class in jenkins.telemetry
This class stores a UUID identifying this instance for telemetry reporting to allow deduplication or merging of submitted records.
Correlator() - Constructor for class jenkins.telemetry.Correlator
countAllPoints() - Method in class hudson.util.ConsistentHash
countBuildableItems() - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
Counts all the Queue.BuildableItems currently in the queue.
countBuildableItemsFor(Label) - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
How many Queue.BuildableItems are assigned for the given label?
countBusy() - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
countBusy() - Method in interface jenkins.model.IComputer
Returns the number of IExecutors that are doing some work right now.
countEntries() - Method in class
Number of files/directories archived.
countExecutors() - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Returns the current size of the executor pool for this computer.
countExecutors() - Method in interface jenkins.model.IComputer
Returns the current size of the executor pool for this computer.
countIdle() - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Returns the number of idle Executors that can start working immediately.
countIdle() - Method in interface jenkins.model.IComputer
COUNTRY_CODE_MINUS - Enum constant in enum class
Update (or get a copy of) the COUNTRY_CODE_TLDS_MINUS table containing deleted country code TLDs
COUNTRY_CODE_PLUS - Enum constant in enum class
Update (or get a copy of) the COUNTRY_CODE_TLDS_PLUS table containing additional country code TLDs
COUNTRY_CODE_RO - Enum constant in enum class
Get a copy of the country code table
countToken(String, String) - Method in class
Returns the number of times the token appears in the target.
CR - Enum constant in enum class hudson.util.LineEndingConversion.EOLType
create(EnvVars) - Static method in class hudson.model.Environment
Creates Environment implementation that just sets the variables as given in the parameter.
create(Hudson, Class<T>) - Static method in class hudson.ExtensionList
create(File) - Method in interface hudson.model.RunMap.Constructor
create(OutputStream) - Method in class
Creates an archiver on top of the given stream.
create(OutputStream, Charset) - Method in class
Creates an archiver on top of the given stream.
create(Class<T>, Throwable) - Static method in class hudson.util.jna.InitializationErrorInvocationHandler
create(String) - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.CronTabList
create(String, FingerprintMap.FingerprintParams) - Method in class hudson.model.FingerprintMap
create(String, Hash) - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.CronTabList
create(String, String) - Static method in class
create(String, String, SearchableModelObject) - Static method in class
create(String, String, SearchIndex) - Static method in class
create(String, P) - Method in class hudson.util.KeyedDataStorage
Creates a new data object.
create(Jenkins, Class<T>) - Static method in class hudson.ExtensionList
create(Localizable) - Static method in class hudson.slaves.OfflineCause
create(StaplerRequest) - Static method in class hudson.model.BuildAuthorizationToken
create(StaplerRequest2) - Static method in class hudson.model.BuildAuthorizationToken
create(StaplerRequest2, StaplerResponse2, ViewGroup) - Static method in class hudson.model.View
create(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, ViewGroup) - Static method in class hudson.model.View
CREATE - Static variable in class hudson.model.Computer
CREATE - Static variable in interface hudson.model.Item
CREATE - Static variable in class hudson.model.View
Permission to create new views.
CREATE - Static variable in class
Generic create access.
CREATE_ADMIN_USER - Static variable in class jenkins.install.InstallState
Creating an admin user for an initial Jenkins install.
createAccount(String, String) - Method in class
Creates a new user account by registering a password to the user.
createAccountByAdmin(StaplerRequest2, StaplerResponse2, String, String) - Method in class
Creates a user account.
createAccountFromSetupWizard(StaplerRequest2) - Method in class
Creates a user account.
createAccountWithHashedPassword(String, String) - Method in class
Creates a new user account by registering a Hashed password with the user.
createActions(List<Action>) - Method in class jenkins.model.FingerprintFacet
Create action objects to be contributed to the owner Fingerprint.
createAllFor(Computer) - Static method in class hudson.model.TransientComputerActionFactory
Creates Actions for a node, using all registered TransientComputerActionFactorys.
createAllFor(View) - Static method in class hudson.model.TransientViewActionFactory
Creates Actions for a view, using all registered TransientViewActionFactorys.
createBuildWrapper(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Method in class hudson.model.FileParameterValue
createBuildWrapper(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Method in class hudson.model.ParameterValue
Called at the beginning of a build (but after SCM operations have taken place) to let a ParameterValue contributes a BuildWrapper to the build.
createBuildWrappers(AbstractBuild<?, ?>, Collection<? super BuildWrapper>) - Method in class hudson.model.ParametersAction
createCache() - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
createCallable(Computer) - Method in class hudson.node_monitors.AbstractAsyncNodeMonitorDescriptor
Creates a Callable that performs the monitoring when executed.
createCallable(Computer) - Method in class hudson.node_monitors.ArchitectureMonitor.DescriptorImpl
createCallable(Computer) - Method in class hudson.node_monitors.ClockMonitor.DescriptorImpl
createCallable(Computer) - Method in class hudson.node_monitors.DiskSpaceMonitor.DescriptorImpl
createCallable(Computer) - Method in class hudson.node_monitors.ResponseTimeMonitor.DescriptorImpl
createCallable(Computer) - Method in class hudson.node_monitors.SwapSpaceMonitor.DescriptorImpl
createCallable(Computer) - Method in class hudson.node_monitors.TemporarySpaceMonitor.DescriptorImpl
createChangeLogParser() - Method in class hudson.scm.NullSCM
createChangeLogParser() - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
The returned object will be used to parse changelog.xml.
createChart() - Method in class hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries.TrendChart
Draws a chart into JFreeChart.
createChart(CategoryDataset) - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
Creates a trend chart.
createChildInjector(Module...) - Method in class jenkins.ProxyInjector
createChildInjector(Iterable<? extends Module>) - Method in class jenkins.ProxyInjector
createClassLoader(String, List<File>, ClassLoader, Attributes) - Method in class hudson.ClassicPluginStrategy
Creates a classloader that can load all the specified jar files and delegate to the given parent.
createClassLoader(List<File>, ClassLoader) - Method in class hudson.ClassicPluginStrategy
createClassLoader(List<File>, ClassLoader, Attributes) - Method in class hudson.ClassicPluginStrategy
createCliAuthenticator(CLICommand) - Method in class
No longer used.
createClone() - Method in class hudson.cli.CLICommand
Creates a clone to be used to execute a command.
createClone() - Method in class hudson.cli.CloneableCLICommand
createCollection(Class) - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeList.ConverterImpl
createCollection(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.PackedMap.ConverterImpl
createCollection(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.xstream.ImmutableListConverter
createCollection(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.xstream.ImmutableMapConverter
createCollection(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.xstream.ImmutableSetConverter
createCollection(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.xstream.ImmutableSortedSetConverter
createComputer() - Method in class hudson.model.Node
Creates a new Computer object that acts as the UI peer of this Node.
createComputer() - Method in class hudson.model.Slave
createComputer() - Method in class hudson.slaves.AbstractCloudSlave
createComputer() - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
createContent() - Method in class jenkins.telemetry.impl.DistributedBuilds
createContent() - Method in class jenkins.telemetry.impl.JavaSystemProperties
createContent() - Method in class jenkins.telemetry.impl.OptionalPermissions
createContent() - Method in class jenkins.telemetry.impl.SecurityConfiguration
createContent() - Method in class jenkins.telemetry.impl.SecuritySystemProperties
createContent() - Method in class jenkins.telemetry.impl.StaplerDispatches
createContent() - Method in class jenkins.telemetry.impl.Uptime
createContent() - Method in class jenkins.telemetry.impl.UserLanguages
createContent() - Method in class jenkins.telemetry.Telemetry
Returns the content to be sent to the telemetry service.
createContext() - Method in class jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildWrapper
Creates a new SimpleBuildWrapper.Context for use with this wrapper.
createCookie() - Static method in class hudson.EnvVars
Creates a magic cookie that can be used as the model environment variable when we later kill the processes.
createCopyOnWriteList(Class<T>) - Static method in class hudson.ExtensionListView
Creates a seriously hacked up CopyOnWriteList that acts as a view to the current ExtensionList.
created(Queue.WaitingItem) - Static method in class hudson.model.queue.ScheduleResult
created(File) - Method in class jenkins.model.RunIdMigrator
Called when a job is first created.
createDataset() - Method in class hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries.TrendChart
Creates a DefaultCategoryDataset for rendering a graph from a set of MultiStageTimeSeries.
createDateFormat() - Method in enum class hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries.TimeScale
Creates a new DateFormat suitable for processing this MultiStageTimeSeries.TimeScale.
createDefault(Jenkins) - Static method in class hudson.PluginManager
Creates the PluginManager to use if no one is provided to a Jenkins object.
createDefaultCrumbIssuer() - Static method in class
createDefaultInitialColumnList() - Static method in class hudson.views.ListViewColumn
createDefaultInitialColumnList(View) - Static method in class hudson.views.ListViewColumn
Creates the list of ListViewColumns to be used for a ListViews and their likes.
createDefaultInitialColumnList(Class<? extends View>) - Static method in class hudson.views.ListViewColumn
Creates the list of ListViewColumns to be used for newly created ListViews and their likes.
createDefaultUpdateSite() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter
createDescriptorList(Hudson, Class<T>) - Static method in class hudson.DescriptorExtensionList
createDescriptorList(Jenkins, Class<T>) - Static method in class hudson.DescriptorExtensionList
Creates a new instance.
createDirectories(Path, FileAttribute<?>...) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Create a directory by creating all nonexistent parent directories first.
createDownloadable() - Method in class
function that creates a DownloadService.Downloadable.
createDummyLease(FilePath) - Static method in class hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList.Lease
Creates a dummy WorkspaceList.Lease object that does no-op in the release.
createEmpty(AbstractBuild) - Static method in class hudson.scm.ChangeLogSet
createEmpty(Run) - Static method in class hudson.scm.ChangeLogSet
Constant instance that represents no changes.
createEmptyChangeLog(File, BuildListener, String) - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
createEmptyChangeLog(File, TaskListener, String) - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
createExecutable() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
createExecutable() - Method in class hudson.model.queue.QueueTaskFilter
createExecutable() - Method in interface hudson.model.queue.SubTask
Creates an object which performs the actual execution of the task.
createExecutable() - Method in interface jenkins.model.ParameterizedJobMixIn.ParameterizedJob
createFileSet(File, String) - Static method in class hudson.Util
createFileSet(File, String, String) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Creates Ant FileSet with the base dir and include pattern.
createFilter(FilterConfig) - Method in class
createFilter(FilterConfig) - Method in class
Creates Filter that all the incoming HTTP requests will go through for authentication.
createFilter(FilterConfig) - Method in class
createFor(AbstractBuild) - Method in class hudson.model.TransientBuildActionFactory
as of 1.461 Override and call TransientBuildActionFactory.createFor(Run) instead.
createFor(AbstractItem) - Method in class jenkins.model.RenameAction.TransientActionFactoryImpl
createFor(AbstractProject) - Method in class hudson.model.TransientProjectActionFactory
Creates actions for the given project.
createFor(Computer) - Method in class hudson.model.TransientComputerActionFactory
Creates actions for the given computer.
createFor(Computer) - Method in class jenkins.widgets.ExecutorsWidget.ComputerFactoryImpl
createFor(ComputerSet) - Method in class jenkins.widgets.BuildQueueWidget.ComputerSetFactoryImpl
createFor(ComputerSet) - Method in class jenkins.widgets.ExecutorsWidget.ComputerSetFactoryImpl
createFor(Fingerprint, List<FingerprintFacet>) - Method in class jenkins.model.TransientFingerprintFacetFactory
Creates actions for the given project.
createFor(Job) - Method in class hudson.widgets.BuildHistoryWidget.FactoryImpl
createFor(Job) - Method in class hudson.widgets.HistoryWidget.FactoryImpl
createFor(Job) - Method in class jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildStep.LastBuildActionFactory
createFor(Run) - Method in class hudson.model.TransientBuildActionFactory
Creates actions for the given build.
createFor(User) - Method in class hudson.model.TransientUserActionFactory
Creates actions for the given user.
createFor(User) - Method in class hudson.model.userproperty.UserPropertyCategoryAccountAction.AccountActionFactory
createFor(User) - Method in class hudson.model.userproperty.UserPropertyCategoryAppearanceAction.AppearanceActionFactory
createFor(User) - Method in class hudson.model.userproperty.UserPropertyCategoryExperimentalAction.ExperimentalActionFactory
createFor(User) - Method in class hudson.model.userproperty.UserPropertyCategoryPreferencesAction.PreferencesActionFactory
createFor(User) - Method in class hudson.model.userproperty.UserPropertyCategorySecurityAction.SecurityActionFactory
createFor(View) - Method in class hudson.model.TransientViewActionFactory
returns a list of (transient) actions never null, may be empty
createFor(View) - Method in class jenkins.model.PeopleRedirect.TransientFactory
createFor(View) - Method in class jenkins.widgets.BuildQueueWidget.ViewFactoryImpl
createFor(View) - Method in class jenkins.widgets.ExecutorsWidget.ViewFactoryImpl
createFor(View) - Method in class jenkins.widgets.JenkinsWidgetFactory
createFor(SearchableModelObject) - Method in class
Creates a Search object.
createFor(T) - Method in class jenkins.model.TransientActionFactory
Creates actions for a given object.
createFor(T) - Method in class jenkins.widgets.WidgetFactory
Creates widgets for a given object.
createGraph() - Method in class hudson.util.Graph
Actually render a chart.
createHistoryWidget() - Method in class hudson.model.Job
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Remove any override, history widget is now created via WidgetFactory implementation.
createHistoryWidget() - Method in class jenkins.model.lazy.LazyBuildMixIn
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Remove any code calling this method, history widget is now created via WidgetFactory implementation.
createInstallationJob(UpdateSite.Plugin, UpdateCenter, boolean) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateSite
Extension point to allow implementations of UpdateSite to create a custom UpdateCenter.InstallationJob.
createInstance(Class<T>, StaplerRequest2, JSONObject, String) - Static method in class hudson.scm.RepositoryBrowsers
Creates an instance of RepositoryBrowser from a form submission.
createInstance(Class<T>, StaplerRequest, String) - Static method in class hudson.scm.RepositoryBrowsers
createInstance(Class<T>, StaplerRequest, JSONObject, String) - Static method in class hudson.scm.RepositoryBrowsers
CreateJobCommand - Class in hudson.cli
Creates a new job by reading stdin as a configuration XML file.
CreateJobCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.CreateJobCommand
CreateJobCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CreateJobCommand.ShortDescription: Creates a new job by reading stdin as a configuration XML file..
createJunction(File, File) - Static method in class hudson.os.WindowsUtil
Creates an NTFS junction point if supported.
createLauncher(BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractBuild.AbstractBuildExecution
Creates a Launcher that this build will use.
createLauncher(TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Creates a Launcher for starting processes on the node that has this file.
createLauncher(TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.model.Node
Returns a Launcher for executing programs on this node.
createLauncher(TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.model.Slave
Creates a launcher for the agent.
createLauncher(TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
createLinkedDummyLease(FilePath, WorkspaceList.Lease) - Static method in class hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList.Lease
Creates a WorkspaceList.Lease object that points to the specified path, but the lock is controlled by the given parent lease object.
createList(Class<T>) - Static method in class hudson.ExtensionListView
Creates a plain List backed by the current ExtensionList.
createListener() - Method in class hudson.model.AsyncAperiodicWork
createListener() - Method in class hudson.model.AsyncPeriodicWork
createListener() - Method in class hudson.model.TaskThread
Determines where the output of this TaskThread goes.
createLoggerDecorator(Run<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildWrapper
Allows this wrapper to decorate log output.
createMac() - Method in class
Creates a new Mac object.
createNeedsMoreExecutor(Localizable) - Static method in class hudson.model.queue.CauseOfBlockage
CreateNodeCommand - Class in hudson.cli
CreateNodeCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.CreateNodeCommand
CreateNodeCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CreateNodeCommand.ShortDescription: Creates a new node by reading stdin as a XML configuration..
createNotReadableVersionOf(DirectoryBrowserSupport.Path) - Static method in class hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport.Path
createOverallTrendChart(MultiStageTimeSeries.TimeScale) - Method in class hudson.model.OverallLoadStatistics
When drawing the overall load statistics, use the total queue length, not LoadStatistics.queueLength, which just shows jobs that are to be run on the master.
createPath(String) - Method in class hudson.model.Node
Gets the FilePath on this node.
createPath(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
createPluginStrategy() - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
Creates a hudson.PluginStrategy, looking at the corresponding system property.
createPluginWrapper(File) - Method in class hudson.ClassicPluginStrategy
createPluginWrapper(File) - Method in interface hudson.PluginStrategy
Creates a plugin wrapper, which provides a management interface for the plugin
createProject(TopLevelItemDescriptor, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
createProject(TopLevelItemDescriptor, String, boolean) - Method in class hudson.model.ItemGroupMixIn
createProject(TopLevelItemDescriptor, String, boolean) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
createProject(TopLevelItemDescriptor, String, boolean) - Method in interface jenkins.model.ModifiableTopLevelItemGroup
Creates a new job.
createProject(Class<T>, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Creates a new job.
createProjectFromXML(String, InputStream) - Method in class hudson.model.ItemGroupMixIn
createProjectFromXML(String, InputStream) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
createProjectFromXML(String, InputStream) - Method in interface jenkins.model.ModifiableTopLevelItemGroup
Creates a new job from its configuration XML.
createProxy() - Method in class hudson.ProxyConfiguration
createProxy(String) - Method in class hudson.ProxyConfiguration
createProxy(String, String, int, String) - Static method in class hudson.ProxyConfiguration
createReference() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractBuild
createReference() - Method in class hudson.model.Run
Called by RunMap to obtain a reference to this run.
createReference() - Method in class jenkins.model.lazy.LazyBuildMixIn.RunMixIn
To implement Run.createReference().
createReference(R) - Method in class hudson.model.RunMap
Reuses the same reference as much as we can.
createReference(R) - Method in class jenkins.model.lazy.AbstractLazyLoadRunMap
Allow subtype to capture a reference.
createRenderOnDemandProxy(JellyContext, String) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
createRenderOnDemandProxyParameters(JellyContext, String) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
Called from renderOnDemand.jelly to generate the parameters for the proxy object generation.
createRuleWrapper(Run<?, ?>, Object, Launcher, List<EnvVarsFilterLocalRule>) - Static method in class jenkins.tasks.filters.EnvVarsFilterRuleWrapper
createRunner() - Method in class hudson.model.Build
as of 1.467 Override the method by calling Run.execute(hudson.model.Run.RunExecution) with proper execution object.
createScriptFile(FilePath) - Method in class hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter
Creates a script file in a temporary name in the specified directory.
createSecurityComponents() - Method in class
createSecurityComponents() - Method in class
createSecurityComponents() - Method in class
Creates fully-configured AuthenticationManager that performs authentication against the user realm.
createService(StaplerRequest2, UUID) - Method in exception jenkins.util.FullDuplexHttpService.Response
CreateService(Pointer, String, String, int, int, int, int, String, String, IntByReference, String, String, String) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
createShell() - Method in class jenkins.util.groovy.GroovyHookScript
Can be used to customize the environment in which the script runs.
createShell(InputStream, PrintStream, PrintStream) - Method in class hudson.cli.GroovyshCommand
createSubList(Collection<?>, Class<T>) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Create a sub-list by only picking up instances of the specified type.
createSubText(Matcher) - Method in class hudson.AbstractMarkupText
createSubText(Matcher) - Method in class hudson.MarkupText
createSubText(Matcher) - Method in class hudson.MarkupText.SubText
createSuccessfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest, UserDetails) - Method in class
createSymbolicLink(File, String, boolean) - Static method in class hudson.util.jna.Kernel32Utils
CreateSymbolicLinkW(WString, WString, int) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Kernel32
Creates a symbolic link.
createSymlink(File, String, String, TaskListener) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Creates a symlink to targetPath at baseDir+symlinkPath.
createTag(String, Attributes) - Method in class hudson.util.jelly.MorphTagLibrary
This code is really only used for dealing with dynamic tag libraries, so no point in implementing this for statically used tag libraries.
createTagScript(String, Attributes) - Method in class hudson.util.jelly.MorphTagLibrary
createTempDir() - Static method in class hudson.Util
Creates a new temporary directory.
createTempDir(String, String) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Creates a temporary directory inside the directory represented by 'this'
createTempFile(String, String) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Creates a temporary file in the directory that this FilePath object designates.
createTextTempFile(String, String, String) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Creates a temporary file in this directory and set the contents to the given text (encoded in the platform default encoding)
createTextTempFile(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Creates a temporary file in this directory (or the system temporary directory) and set the contents to the given text (encoded in the platform default encoding)
createTopLevelItem(StaplerRequest2, StaplerResponse2) - Method in class hudson.model.ItemGroupMixIn
Creates a TopLevelItem for example from the submission of the /lib/hudson/newFromList/form tag or throws an exception if it fails.
createTopLevelItem(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.ItemGroupMixIn
createTransientActions() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
createTransientActions() - Method in class hudson.model.Project
createTrendChart(MultiStageTimeSeries.TimeScale) - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
Creates CategoryDataset which then becomes the basis of the load statistics graph.
createTrendChart(MultiStageTimeSeries.TimeScale, MultiStageTimeSeries...) - Static method in class hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries
createUpdateCenter(UpdateCenter.UpdateCenterConfiguration) - Static method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter
Creates an update center.
createUpdated(Collection<? extends ParameterValue>) - Method in class hudson.model.ParametersAction
Creates a new ParametersAction that contains all the parameters in this action with the overrides / new values given as parameters.
createValue(CLICommand, String) - Method in class hudson.model.FileParameterDefinition
createValue(CLICommand, String) - Method in class hudson.model.ParameterDefinition
Create a parameter value from the string given in the CLI.
createValue(CLICommand, String) - Method in class hudson.model.SimpleParameterDefinition
createValue(String) - Method in class hudson.model.BooleanParameterDefinition
createValue(String) - Method in class hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition
createValue(String) - Method in class hudson.model.PasswordParameterDefinition
createValue(String) - Method in class hudson.model.RunParameterDefinition
createValue(String) - Method in class hudson.model.SimpleParameterDefinition
Creates a ParameterValue from the string representation.
createValue(String) - Method in class hudson.model.StringParameterDefinition
createValue(String) - Method in class hudson.model.TextParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.model.ParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest2) - Method in class hudson.model.FileParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest2) - Method in class hudson.model.ParameterDefinition
Create a parameter value from a GET with query string.
createValue(StaplerRequest2) - Method in class hudson.model.SimpleParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.BooleanParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.FileParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.ParameterDefinition
Create a parameter value from a form submission.
createValue(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.PasswordParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.RunParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.StringParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest2, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.TextParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.ParameterDefinition
createVariableResolver(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Method in class hudson.model.BooleanParameterValue
createVariableResolver(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Method in class hudson.model.FileParameterValue
createVariableResolver(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Method in class hudson.model.ParametersAction
Creates an VariableResolver that aggregates all the parameters.
createVariableResolver(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Method in class hudson.model.ParameterValue
Returns a VariableResolver so that other components like Builders can perform variable substitution to reflect parameter values into the build process.
createVariableResolver(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Method in class hudson.model.PasswordParameterValue
createVariableResolver(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Method in class hudson.model.StringParameterValue
CreateViewCommand - Class in hudson.cli
CreateViewCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.CreateViewCommand
CreateViewCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CreateViewCommand.ShortDescription: Creates a new view by reading stdin as a XML configuration..
createViewFromXML(String, InputStream) - Static method in class hudson.model.View
Instantiate View subtype from XML stream.
createWorkUnit(SubTask) - Method in class hudson.model.queue.WorkUnitContext
Called within the queue maintenance process to create a WorkUnit for the given SubTask
createZipArchive(OutputStream) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
as of 1.315. Use that has more consistent name.
createZipArchive(OutputStream, String) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
as of 1.315 Use,String) that has more consistent name.
createZipWithPrefix(String, OpenOption...) - Static method in class
Zip format, with prefix and optional OpenOptions.
creationDate - Variable in class
CredentialsExpiredException - Exception in org.acegisecurity
use CredentialsExpiredException
CredentialsExpiredException(String) - Constructor for exception org.acegisecurity.CredentialsExpiredException
CredentialsExpiredException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception org.acegisecurity.CredentialsExpiredException
CredentialsExpiredException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.acegisecurity.CredentialsExpiredException
CriticalXStreamException - Exception in jenkins.util.xstream
Wraps XStreamException to indicate it is critical for Jenkins.
CriticalXStreamException(XStreamException) - Constructor for exception jenkins.util.xstream.CriticalXStreamException
CRLF - Enum constant in enum class hudson.util.LineEndingConversion.EOLType
Cron() - Constructor for class hudson.triggers.Trigger.Cron
CRON_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class hudson.triggers.Trigger
Used to be milliseconds, now is seconds since Jenkins 2.289.
CronTab - Class in hudson.scheduler
Table for driving scheduled tasks.
CronTab(String) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CronTab
CronTab(String, int) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CronTab
CronTab(String, int, Hash) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CronTab
CronTab(String, int, Hash, String) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CronTab
CronTab(String, Hash) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CronTab
CronTab_do_you_really_mean_every_minute_when_you(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.Messages
Key CronTab.do_you_really_mean_every_minute_when_you: Do you really mean "every minute" when you say "{0}"? Perhaps you meant "{1}" to poll once per hour.
CronTab_short_cycles_in_the_day_of_month_field_w() - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.Messages
Key CronTab.short_cycles_in_the_day_of_month_field_w: Short cycles in the day-of-month field will behave oddly near the end of a month.
CronTab_spread_load_evenly_by_using_rather_than_(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.Messages
Key CronTab.spread_load_evenly_by_using_rather_than_: Spread load evenly by using ‘{0}’ rather than ‘{1}’.
CrontabLexer - Class in hudson.scheduler
CrontabLexer(CharStream) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CrontabLexer
CronTabList - Class in hudson.scheduler
CronTab list (logically OR-ed).
CronTabList(Collection<CronTab>) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CronTabList
CronTabList_InvalidInput(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.Messages
Key CronTabList.InvalidInput: Invalid input: "{0}": {1}.
CrontabParser - Class in hudson.scheduler
CrontabParser(TokenStream) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CrontabParser
CrontabParser.ExprContext - Class in hudson.scheduler
CrontabParser.StartRuleContext - Class in hudson.scheduler
CrontabParser.TermContext - Class in hudson.scheduler
CrontabParser.TokenContext - Class in hudson.scheduler
CrontabParserBaseListener - Class in hudson.scheduler
This class provides an empty implementation of CrontabParserListener, which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
CrontabParserBaseListener() - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CrontabParserBaseListener
CrontabParserListener - Interface in hudson.scheduler
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by CrontabParser.
crop(CategoryPlot) - Method in class hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries.TrendChart
CrumbExclusion - Class in
Allows plugins to define exceptions to the CSRF protection filter.
CrumbExclusion() - Constructor for class
CrumbFilter - Class in
Checks for and validates crumbs on requests that cause state changes, to protect against cross site request forgeries.
CrumbFilter() - Constructor for class
CrumbFilter.ErrorCustomizer - Class in
CrumbIssuer - Class in
A CrumbIssuer represents an algorithm to generate a nonce value, known as a crumb, to counter cross site request forgery exploits.
CrumbIssuer() - Constructor for class
CrumbIssuer.RestrictedApi - Class in
CrumbIssuerDescriptor<T extends CrumbIssuer> - Class in
Describes global configuration for crumb issuers.
CrumbIssuerDescriptor(String, String) - Constructor for class
Crumb issuers always take a salt and a request field name.
CryptoConfidentialKey - Class in
ConfidentialKey that stores a SecretKey for shared-secret cryptography (AES).
CryptoConfidentialKey(Class, String) - Constructor for class
CryptoConfidentialKey(String) - Constructor for class
CSP_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport
CSRFAdministrativeMonitor - Class in
Monitor that the CSRF protection is enabled on the application.
CSRFAdministrativeMonitor() - Constructor for class
CSRFAdministrativeMonitor_displayName() - Static method in class
Key CSRFAdministrativeMonitor.displayName: CSRF Protection Monitor.
CULPRITS_DETERMINED - Static variable in class hudson.model.CheckPoint
CheckPoint that indicates that AbstractBuild.getCulprits() is computed.
current() - Static method in class hudson.BulkChange
Gets the BulkChange instance currently in scope for the current thread.
current() - Static method in class hudson.model.User
Gets the User object representing the currently logged-in user, or null if the current user is anonymous.
current() - Static method in enum class hudson.Platform
current() - Static method in class jenkins.util.JavaVMArguments
Gets the process argument list of the current process.
CURRENT_USER - Static variable in class hudson.util.jna.RegistryKey
currentComputer() - Static method in class hudson.model.Computer
Gets the current Computer that the build is running.
currentExecutor() - Static method in class hudson.model.Executor
Returns the executor of the current thread or null if current thread is not an executor.
CurrentlyRunningTasks() - Constructor for class hudson.model.queue.LoadPredictor.CurrentlyRunningTasks
currentlyUpdatingByXml() - Static method in class hudson.model.Items
Checks whether we are in the middle of creating or configuring an item via XML.
custom() - Method in interface lib.layout.DropdownsTagLib
Allows for custom components inside of dropdowns Pass HTML as the child of this component to render it inside of a dropdown, e.g.
custom(Closure) - Method in interface lib.layout.DropdownsTagLib
Allows for custom components inside of dropdowns Pass HTML as the child of this component to render it inside of a dropdown, e.g.
custom(Map) - Method in interface lib.layout.DropdownsTagLib
Allows for custom components inside of dropdowns Pass HTML as the child of this component to render it inside of a dropdown, e.g.
custom(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.layout.DropdownsTagLib
Allows for custom components inside of dropdowns Pass HTML as the child of this component to render it inside of a dropdown, e.g.
CUSTOM_INBOUND_URL_PROPERTY - Static variable in class hudson.slaves.JNLPLauncher
CUSTOM_PLUGIN_MANAGER - Static variable in class hudson.PluginManager
Custom plugin manager system property or context param.
CustomClassFilter - Interface in
Allows extensions to adjust the behavior of ClassFilter.DEFAULT.
CustomClassFilter.Contributed - Class in
Standard filter which can load whitelists and blacklists from plugins.
CustomClassFilter.Static - Class in
Standard filter which pays attention to a system property.
cycle - Variable in exception hudson.util.CyclicGraphDetector.CycleDetectedException
CycleDetectedException(List) - Constructor for exception hudson.util.CyclicGraphDetector.CycleDetectedException
CyclicGraphDetector<N> - Class in hudson.util
Traverses a directed graph and if it contains any cycle, throw an exception.
CyclicGraphDetector() - Constructor for class hudson.util.CyclicGraphDetector
CyclicGraphDetector.CycleDetectedException - Exception in hudson.util
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
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