Klasse AnalysisModelParser

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
Describable<Tool>, Serializable
Bekannte direkte Unterklassen:
AcuCobol, Ajc, AndroidLint, AnsibleLint, AquaScanner, ArmCc, BluePearl, Brakeman, Buckminster, Cadence, Cargo, Ccm, CheckStyle, Clair, Clang, ClangAnalyzer, ClangTidy, Cmake, CodeAnalysis, CodeChecker, CodeGenerator, CodeNarc, Coolflux, CppCheck, CppLint, CrossCoreEmbeddedStudio, CssLint, Dart, Detekt, DiabC, DocFx, DockerLint, Doxygen, DrMemory, DScanner, DuplicateCodeScanner, Eclipse, EmbeddedEngineer, Erlc, ErrorProne, EsLint, FindBugs, Flake8, Flawfinder, FlexSdk, Fxcop, Gcc3, Gcc4, Gendarme, GhsMulti, Gnat, GnuFortran, GoLint, GoVet, Grype, HadoLint, Iar, IarCstat, IbLinter, IdeaInspection, Infer, Intel, Invalids, Java, JavaDoc, JcReport, JsHint, JsLint, JUnit, KlocWork, Kotlin, KtLint, MavenConsole, MentorGraphics, MetrowerksCodeWarrior, MsBuild, MyPy, NagFortran, OELintAdv, OTDockerLint, OwaspDependencyCheck, PcLint, Pep8, Perforce, PerlCritic, Php, PhpCodeSniffer, PhpStan, Pit, Pmd, Polyspace, PreFast, ProtoLint, PuppetLint, PVSStudio, PyDocStyle, PyLint, QacSourceCodeAnalyser, QtTranslation, ResharperInspectCode, RevApi, RfLint, Robocopy, RuboCop, Sarif, Scala, SimulinkCheck, SonarQube, SphinxBuild, StyleCop, StyleLint, SunC, SwiftLint, TagList, TaskingVx, TiCss, Tnsdl, Trivy, TsLint, VeraCodePipelineScanner, WarningsPlugin, Xlc, XmlLint, YamlLint, YuiCompressor, ZptLint

public abstract class AnalysisModelParser extends ReportScanningTool
Describes a static analysis tool from the analysis-model library.
Ullrich Hafner
Siehe auch:
  • Konstruktordetails

    • AnalysisModelParser

      public AnalysisModelParser()
  • Methodendetails

    • createParser

      public edu.hm.hafner.analysis.IssueParser createParser()
      Beschreibung aus Klasse kopiert: ReportScanningTool
      Returns a new parser to scan a log file and return the issues reported in such a file.
      Angegeben von:
      createParser in Klasse ReportScanningTool
      Gibt zurück:
      the parser to use
    • configureOptions

      protected edu.hm.hafner.analysis.registry.ParserDescriptor.Option[] configureOptions()
      Returns optional options to configure the parser - these options may customize the new parser instance (if supported by the selected).
      Gibt zurück:
      the options to use
    • getDescriptor

      Angegeben von:
      getDescriptor in Schnittstelle Describable<Tool>
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      getDescriptor in Klasse ReportScanningTool