Class |
Description |
AbstractPersistentStore<T> |
AbstractWebhookEvent |
AccessTokenRestEndpoint |
AtlassianServerCapabilities |
Capabilities as advertised by Atlassian products.
AuthenticationFailedException |
Indicates that authentication failed and the request should be aborted.
AuthorizationException |
Thrown when the Credentials used did not have the
required permissions.
AuthorizeConfirmationConfig |
AuthorizeConfirmationConfig.AuthorizeConfirmationConfigDescriptor |
BadRequestException |
Thrown when the server rejected the request with a 400 (but NOT a 404) family response.
BaseApplinkRestAPI |
BitbucketAuthenticatedUserClient |
Client to retrieve the username for the credentials used.
BitbucketAuthenticatedUserClientImpl |
BitbucketBranchClient |
BitbucketBranchClientImpl |
BitbucketBranchDiscoveryTrait |
BitbucketBranchDiscoveryTrait.DescriptorImpl |
BitbucketBranchSCMHead |
BitbucketBranchSCMHead.SCMHeadMigrationImpl |
BitbucketBuildStatus |
BitbucketBuildStatus.Builder |
BitbucketBuildStatusClient |
Client to post build status to remote server
BitbucketBuildStatusClientImpl |
BitbucketBuildStatusFactory |
BitbucketBuildStatusFactoryImpl |
BitbucketCapabilitiesClient |
Client to get capabilities from the remote server.
BitbucketCapabilitiesClientImpl |
BitbucketCapabilitiesSupplier |
BitbucketCICapabilities |
BitbucketClientException |
Base exception for all BitbucketClient exceptions.
BitbucketClientFactory |
Factory for Bitbucket Clients.
BitbucketClientFactoryImpl |
BitbucketClientFactoryProvider |
Client factory provider, use to ensure that expensive objects are only created once and re-used.
BitbucketCommit |
BitbucketCommitClient |
BitbucketCommitClientImpl |
BitbucketCredentials |
Represents Bitbucket credential that will be used to make remote calls to Bitbucket server.
BitbucketCredentials.AnonymousCredentials |
BitbucketDefaultBranch |
BitbucketDeployment |
The details of a deployment.
BitbucketDeploymentCapabilities |
BitbucketDeploymentClient |
Client for interacting with Bitbucket Server's deployments API.
BitbucketDeploymentClientImpl |
BitbucketDeploymentEnvironment |
The details of an environment that was deployed to.
BitbucketDeploymentEnvironmentType |
The types of environments available via the Bitbucket Server API.
BitbucketDeploymentFactory |
BitbucketDeploymentFactoryImpl |
BitbucketDirectory |
BitbucketDirectoryChild |
BitbucketDirectoryPath |
BitbucketExternalLink |
BitbucketExternalLinkUtils |
BitbucketFilePathClient |
Client to find the contents of files and directories in a repository
BitbucketFilePathClientImpl |
BitbucketGitBrowserSCMSourceTrait |
Provides backward compatibility for GitBrowserSCMSourceTrait .
BitbucketGitBrowserSCMSourceTrait.DescriptorImpl |
BitbucketIgnoreOnPushNotificationTrait |
Provides backward compatibility for IgnoreOnPushNotificationTrait .
BitbucketIgnoreOnPushNotificationTrait.DescriptorImpl |
BitbucketJobLinkActionFactory |
BitbucketLegacyTraitConverter |
BitbucketLinkType |
BitbucketMirror |
BitbucketMirrorClient |
Client to do the mirror related operation for a given repository
BitbucketMirrorClientImpl |
BitbucketMirroredRepository |
BitbucketMirroredRepositoryDescriptor |
BitbucketMirroredRepositoryStatus |
BitbucketMirrorHandler |
BitbucketMirrorServer |
BitbucketMissingCapabilityException |
BitbucketMultibranchLinkActionFactory |
BitbucketNamedLink |
BitbucketPage<T> |
Basic implementation of a page as returned by all paged resources in Bitbucket Server.
BitbucketPageStreamUtil |
Provides a way to return Stream of page based on first page and NextPageFetcher .
BitbucketPluginConfiguration |
BitbucketPRBranchNameDecorator |
BitbucketPREnvironmentContributor |
BitbucketProject |
BitbucketProjectClient |
Client to get a project from the Bitbucket server.
BitbucketProjectClientImpl |
BitbucketPullRequest |
BitbucketPullRequestDiscoveryTrait |
BitbucketPullRequestDiscoveryTrait.DescriptorImpl |
BitbucketPullRequestRef |
BitbucketPullRequestSCMHead |
BitbucketPullRequestSCMRevision |
BitbucketPullRequestSourceBranch |
Adds the pull request origin branch to the underlying GitSCM environment variables.
BitbucketPullRequestState |
The state a PullRequest can be in.
BitbucketRef |
BitbucketRefChange |
BitbucketRefChangeType |
BitbucketRefSpecsSCMSourceTrait |
Provides backward compatibility for RefSpecsSCMSourceTrait .
BitbucketRefSpecsSCMSourceTrait.DescriptorImpl |
BitbucketRefType |
BitbucketRemoteNameSCMSourceTrait |
Provides backward compatibility for RemoteNameSCMSourceTrait .
BitbucketRemoteNameSCMSourceTrait.DescriptorImpl |
BitbucketRepoFetcher |
BitbucketRepository |
BitbucketRepositoryClient |
Repository client, used to interact with a remote repository for all operations except cloning
source code.
BitbucketRepositoryClientImpl |
BitbucketRepositoryMetadataAction |
BitbucketRepositorySynchronizationType |
BitbucketRequestExecutor |
BitbucketResponse<T> |
A response from a Bitbucket http(s) call.
BitbucketRevisionAction |
BitbucketSCM |
BitbucketSCM.DescriptorImpl |
BitbucketSCMException |
BitbucketSCMFile |
BitbucketSCMFileSystem |
BitbucketSCMFileSystem.BuilderImpl |
BitbucketScmFormFill |
BitbucketScmFormFillDelegate |
BitbucketScmFormValidation |
BitbucketScmFormValidationDelegate |
BitbucketSCMHead |
BitbucketSCMHeadDiscoveryHandler |
BitbucketScmHelper |
BitbucketSCMProbe |
BitbucketSCMRepository |
BitbucketSCMRepositoryHelper |
BitbucketSCMRevision |
BitbucketSCMSource |
BitbucketSCMSource.DescriptorImpl |
BitbucketSCMSourceContext |
BitbucketSCMSourceRequest |
BitbucketSCMStep |
BitbucketSCMStep.DescriptorImpl |
BitbucketSearchClient |
BitbucketSearchClientImpl |
BitbucketSearchHelper |
BitbucketServerConfiguration |
BitbucketServerConfiguration.DescriptorImpl |
BitbucketTag |
BitbucketTagClient |
BitbucketTagClientImpl |
BitbucketTagDiscoveryTrait |
BitbucketTagDiscoveryTrait.DescriptorImpl |
BitbucketTagSCMHead |
BitbucketTagSCMHead.SCMHeadMigrationImpl |
BitbucketTagSourceBranch |
BitbucketTokenCredentials |
BitbucketTokenCredentials.NameProvider |
BitbucketTokenCredentialsImpl |
BitbucketTokenCredentialsImpl.DescriptorImpl |
BitbucketTriggerWorker |
BitbucketUser |
A user in Bitbucket
BitbucketWebhook |
BitbucketWebhookClient |
A client to query for and register webhooks in Bitbucket Server.
BitbucketWebhookClientImpl |
BitbucketWebhookConsumer |
BitbucketWebhookCrumbExclusion |
BitbucketWebhookEndpoint |
BitbucketWebhookEvent |
BitbucketWebhookHandler |
The following assumptions is made while handling webhooks,
BitbucketWebhookMultibranchTrigger |
BitbucketWebhookMultibranchTrigger.DescriptorImpl |
BitbucketWebhookRequest |
BitbucketWebhookRequest.Builder |
A builder to provide fluent way of building webhook register request.
BitbucketWebhookSupportedEvents |
BitbucketWebhookTrigger |
BitbucketWebhookTriggerCause |
BitbucketWebhookTriggerImpl |
BitbucketWebhookTriggerImpl.BitbucketWebhookTriggerDescriptor |
BitbucketWebhookTriggerRequest |
BitbucketWebhookTriggerRequest.Builder |
BuildState |
The state or result of a build
BuildStatusPoster |
CloneProtocol |
ConnectionFailureException |
Could not connect to the server, either the socket was rejected, or the connection timed out.
Consumer |
Immutable representation of an OAuth consumer.
Consumer.Builder |
Builder allowing the optional attributes of the Consumer object under construction to be set and
construction of the final Consumer instance.
Consumer.SignatureMethod |
The ways in which consumers can sign requests, as per
CredentialUtils |
DefaultGlobalLibrariesProvider |
DefaultInstanceKeyPairProvider |
DefaultJenkinsAuthWrapper |
DefaultJenkinsProvider |
DefaultSCMHeadByItemProvider |
DefaultSCMSourceByItemProvider |
DeploymentNotifier |
Step for configuring deployment notification in freestyle jobs.
DeploymentNotifier.DescriptorImpl |
DeploymentPoster |
Send a deployment notification to Bitbucket Server
DeploymentPosterImpl |
DeploymentState |
The possible states of a deployment.
DeploymentStep |
DeploymentStepDescriptorHelper |
DeploymentStepExecution |
DeploymentStepExecutionCallback |
DeploymentStepImpl |
Step for configuring deployment notifications.
DeploymentStepImpl.DescriptorImpl |
DeploymentStepUtils |
DisplayAccessToken |
DisplayAccessToken.DescriptorImpl |
EnrichedBitbucketMirroredRepository |
FormValidationUtils |
GlobalCredentialsProvider |
An interface through which one should fetch the global admin credentials.
GlobalLibrariesProvider |
HttpRequestExecutor |
Responsible for making remote HTTP calls to the given URL using passed in credentials.
HttpRequestExecutor.ResponseConsumer<T> |
HttpRequestExecutorImpl |
InstanceBasedNameGenerator |
Generates Unique name for the current Jenkins instance.
InstanceKeyPairProvider |
InvalidTokenException |
JenkinsAuthWrapper |
This exists purely to support unit testing.
JenkinsProvider |
JenkinsProviderModule |
JenkinsSecurityModeChecker |
JenkinsToBitbucketCredentials |
Converts Jenkins credentials to Bitbucket Credentials.
JenkinsToBitbucketCredentialsImpl |
JenkinsToBitbucketCredentialsModule |
LocalSCMListener |
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
MinimalPullRequest |
MirrorFetchException |
MirrorFetchRequest |
MirrorSynchronizedWebhookEvent |
ModernBitbucketBuildStatusClientImpl |
NextPageFetcher<T> |
In order to support multiple paging, implementation should provide a way to fetch next page based on previous page.
NoContentException |
Caller requested a result but the server did not reply with a body.
NoSuchUserException |
NotFoundException |
The requested URL does not exist on the server.
NotUpgradeSensitive |
Indicates that the class in question is not subject to upgrade concerns.
OAuth1aRequestFilter |
Identifies every incoming request to check if it is an OAuth request.
OAuth1aRequestFilter.OAuthWWWAuthenticateAddingResponse |
Wraps a HttpServletResponse and listens for the status to be set to a "401 Not authorized" or a 401 error to
be sent so that it can add the WWW-Authenticate headers for OAuth.
OAuth1Authenticator |
Authenticates a request based on provided OAuth1 fields.
OAuthConsumerCreateAction |
OAuthConsumerCreateAction.DescriptorImpl |
OAuthConsumerEntry |
A wrapper class exposing getter functions from an OAuthConsumer to the UI
OAuthConsumerEntry.OAuthConsumerEntryDescriptor |
OAuthConsumerUpdateAction |
OAuthConverter |
Underlying net.oauth library is not test friendly and relies on properties.
OAuthConverter.ConsumerProperty |
OauthCrumbExclusion |
Adds exception to the CSRF protection filter for OAuth (applink) requests.
OAuthFilterRegistrar |
OAuthGlobalConfiguration |
OAuthModule |
All guice wiring for 3rd party library for OAuth module should go here.
OAuthProblemUtils |
Utility methods for servlets that implement OAuth.
OAuthRequestUtils |
Utility class for extracting information from OAuth requests.
OAuthTokenConfiguration |
PersistentServiceProviderConsumerStore |
PersistentServiceProviderTokenStore |
PullRequestClosedWebhookEvent |
PullRequestDeclinedWebhookEvent |
PullRequestDeletedWebhookEvent |
PullRequestFromRefUpdatedWebhookEvent |
PullRequestMergedWebhookEvent |
PullRequestOpenedWebhookEvent |
PullRequestWebhookEvent |
Randomizer |
Generates random values.
RandomizerImpl |
Implementation of Randomizer that generates random strings of specified lengths and specific character sets
RateLimitedException |
The request was not accepted on the remote server due to rate limiting.
RefsChangedWebhookEvent |
RepositoryState |
RequestConfiguration |
Additional HTTP request configuration.
RequestTokenRestEndpoint |
RetryingWebhookHandler |
Admin permission is needed to add webhooks.
RetryOnRateLimitConfig |
Configuration for request re-try.
RSAKeys |
SCMHeadByItemProvider |
SCMSourceByItemProvider |
SecurityModeChecker |
ServerErrorException |
The server responded with a 500 family exception.
ServiceProviderConsumerStore |
Provides persistent storage for OAuth consumers.
ServiceProviderToken |
Representation of an OAuth token for use by service providers.
ServiceProviderToken.Authorization |
Defines the status of request tokens.
ServiceProviderToken.ServiceProviderTokenBuilder |
ServiceProviderToken.Session |
Representation of an OAuth session.
ServiceProviderToken.Session.Builder |
Builder for creating session instances.
ServiceProviderTokenFactory |
Provides methods for generating request and access tokens.
ServiceProviderTokenFactoryImpl |
ServiceProviderTokenFactoryImpl.RequestTokenGenerationRequest |
ServiceProviderTokenFactoryImpl.RequestTokenGenerationRequest.Builder |
ServiceProviderTokenStore |
Provides persistent storage for OAuth tokens.
ServiceProviderTokenUtils |
StoreException |
Thrown if there is a problem storing or loading values.
SystemPropertiesConstants |
A list of all system properties used by the plugin.
SystemPropertyUtils |
TestResults |
Token |
Base type for OAuth tokens.
Token.TokenBuilder<T,B extends Token.TokenBuilder<T,B>> |
Base builder that can be used by Token subclasses to build token instances.
Token.Type |
TokenEndpoint |
TrustedJenkinsAuthorizer |
TrustedUnderlyingSystemAuthorizerFilter |
Implementation of this filter should simply assume it like Filter except all validation are already done
This should simply take further action based on the passed in user name.
UnhandledErrorException |
Thrown when the server replies with a response code the client can't handle.
UpgradeHandled |
Indicates that the field in question has been evaluated and the change is safe for upgrade.
UserOAuthTokenTransientActionFactory |
WebhookHandler |
Register a webhook to Bitbucket server if there is not already one.
WebhookNotSupportedException |
Throws when the remote bitbucket server does not return webhook as one of its capabilities.
WebhookRegisterRequest |
WebhookRegisterRequest.Builder |
WebhookRegistrationFailed |
An exception raised when the plugin can't add webhook to bitbucket.