Interface ServiceProviderTokenStore

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ServiceProviderTokenStore
    Provides persistent storage for OAuth tokens. The implementation of this store should only concern itself with the immediate task that it is being asked to perform. As an example, if the get(String) method throws an InvalidTokenException, the store should not remove the token from persistent storage itself. The caller of the get(String) method is responsible for the removal of the token. It is the sole task of the store to save objects to a persistent backend and retrieve or remove them when requested.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        Optional<ServiceProviderToken> get​(String token)
        Retrieve a ServiceProviderToken from the store whose token attribute is equal to the token parameter.
        token - token value of the ServiceProviderToken to retrieve
        Optional of ServiceProviderToken whose value is token, Optional.absent() if there is no ServiceProviderToken instance matching the token parameter
        StoreException - thrown if there is a problem storing the ServiceProviderToken
      • getAccessTokensForUser

        Iterable<ServiceProviderToken> getAccessTokensForUser​(String username)
        Retrieves all the access tokens the user has approved.
        username - the user that approved the access tokens to retrieve
        all the access tokens the user has approved
      • put

        ServiceProviderToken put​(ServiceProviderToken token)
        Put the token in the store.
        token - ServiceProviderToken to store
        the ServiceProviderToken that was stored
        StoreException - thrown if there is a problem loading the ServiceProviderToken
      • remove

        void remove​(String token)
        Remove a ServiceProviderToken from the store whose token attribute value is equal to the token parameter.
        token - token value of the ServiceProviderToken to remove
        StoreException - thrown if there is a problem removing the ServiceProviderToken
      • removeExpiredTokens

        void removeExpiredTokens()
        Remove all ServiceProviderTokens from the store that do not have sessions and whose timeToLive has been exceeded. ServiceProviderTokens with session information should be left as-is, to be removed by the removeExpiredSessions() method when the session expires.

        Note: In 1.4.0 support for OAuth sessions was implemented. Rather than create an entirely separate entity, session information is carried along with access tokens. This means that if we remove expired tokens that have sessions, we will also be removing the session information. Consequently, we don't want to remove an expired token until the session has expired and the token cannot be renewed. To remove expired sessions and the tokens associated with them, use removeExpiredSessions() instead.

        StoreException - thrown if there is a problem removing the expired ServiceProviderTokens
      • removeExpiredSessions

        void removeExpiredSessions()
        Remove all sessions and ServiceProviderTokens from the store whose session has expired.
        StoreException - thrown if there is a problem removing the ServiceProviderTokens
      • removeByConsumer

        void removeByConsumer​(String consumerKey)
        Remove all the ServiceProviderTokens created by the consumer.
        consumerKey - key of the consumer that created the tokens which are to be removed