Class HttpRequestExecutorImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HttpRequestExecutorImpl extends Object implements HttpRequestExecutor
  • Constructor Details

    • HttpRequestExecutorImpl

      @Inject public HttpRequestExecutorImpl()
    • HttpRequestExecutorImpl

      public HttpRequestExecutorImpl(okhttp3.Call.Factory httpCallFactory)
  • Method Details

    • buildDefaultOkHttpClient

      public static okhttp3.OkHttpClient buildDefaultOkHttpClient()
    • executeDelete

      public void executeDelete(okhttp3.HttpUrl url, RequestConfiguration... additionalConfig)
      Description copied from interface: HttpRequestExecutor
      Executes a delete call.
      Specified by:
      executeDelete in interface HttpRequestExecutor
      url - the delete url
      additionalConfig - additional configuration, such as credentials, to use for deletion
    • executeGet

      public <T> T executeGet(okhttp3.HttpUrl url, HttpRequestExecutor.ResponseConsumer<T> consumer, RequestConfiguration... additionalConfig)
      Description copied from interface: HttpRequestExecutor
      Executes a Get call to a given URL.
      Specified by:
      executeGet in interface HttpRequestExecutor
      Type Parameters:
      T - result that consumer wish to return
      url - The URL to hit on bitbucket server end
      consumer - on successful execution, Response will be passed to consumer
      additionalConfig - additional configuration, such as credentials, that will be used in making calls
    • executePost

      public <T> T executePost(okhttp3.HttpUrl url, String requestBodyAsJson, HttpRequestExecutor.ResponseConsumer<T> consumer, RequestConfiguration... additionalConfig)
      Description copied from interface: HttpRequestExecutor
      Executes a POST with a given URL and request payload, with any custom headers.
      Specified by:
      executePost in interface HttpRequestExecutor
      Type Parameters:
      T - result that consumer wish to return
      url - The URL to hit on bitbucket server end
      requestBodyAsJson - the request payload to send in JSON format
      consumer - on successful execution, Response will be passed to consumer
      additionalConfig - additional configuration, such as credentials, that will be used in making calls
      result computed by consumer
    • executeStreamingGet

      public InputStream executeStreamingGet(okhttp3.HttpUrl url, HttpRequestExecutor.ResponseConsumer<InputStream> consumer, RequestConfiguration... additionalConfig)
      Description copied from interface: HttpRequestExecutor
      Executes a streaming get call to a given URL.
      Specified by:
      executeStreamingGet in interface HttpRequestExecutor
      url - The URL to hit on bitbucket server end
      consumer - on successful execution, Response will be passed to consumer
      additionalConfig - additional configuration, such as credentials, that will be used in making calls
    • executePut

      public <T> T executePut(okhttp3.HttpUrl url, String requestBodyAsJson, HttpRequestExecutor.ResponseConsumer<T> consumer, RequestConfiguration... additionalConfig)
      Description copied from interface: HttpRequestExecutor
      Executes a PUT with a given URL and request payload.
      Specified by:
      executePut in interface HttpRequestExecutor
      Type Parameters:
      T - Type of result
      url - The URL to hit on bitbucket server end
      requestBodyAsJson - the request payload to send in JSON format
      consumer - on successful execution, Response will be passed to consumer
      additionalConfig - additional configuration, such as credentials, that will be used in making calls
      result computed by consumer