Class BitbucketPluginConfiguration

    • Constructor Detail

      • BitbucketPluginConfiguration

        public BitbucketPluginConfiguration()
    • Method Detail

      • configure

        public boolean configure​(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest req,
                                 net.sf.json.JSONObject json)
        configure in class GlobalConfiguration
      • getServerList

        public List<BitbucketServerConfiguration> getServerList()
        Returns a list of all servers that have been configured by the user. This can include incorrectly or illegally defined servers.
        a list of all configured servers
      • getValidServerList

        public List<BitbucketServerConfiguration> getValidServerList()
        Returns a list of all servers that have been configured by the user and pass the process() function with no errors.
        a list of all valid configured servers
      • getValidServerListByName

        public List<BitbucketServerConfiguration> getValidServerListByName​(String serverName)
        Returns a list of all servers configured by the user matching the provided name, and also passing the process() function with no errors.
        serverName - the name to search for
        a list of all valid configured servers with a matching serverName
      • hasAnyInvalidConfiguration

        public boolean hasAnyInvalidConfiguration()
        Determines if any servers have been incorrectly configured
        true if any server returns an error during validation; false otherwise