All Classes and Interfaces

Publisher that throws AbortException
Find classes annotated with JmhBenchmark to run their benchmark methods.
Echoes build output to standard error as it arrives.
Stack frame.
Builder that captures the environment variables used during a build.
Runs at the end of the test to cleanup any live channels.
Helper class to invoke CLICommand and check the response.
Test bed to verify the configuration roundtripness of the ComputerConnector.
Creates a test builder, which creates a file in the workspace.
Tests that the specified class has the default constructor.
DomNode helper methods.
Cloud implementation useful for testing.
Command line utility to print all arguments as provided.
Gets notified before the test completes to perform additional cleanup.
SCM useful for testing that extracts the given resource as a zip file.
SCM useful for testing that extracts the given resource as a zip file.
TestCase implementation that has already failed.
Mock Builder that always cause a build to fail.
Fake SCM implementation that can report arbitrary commits from arbitrary users.
Fake a process launch.
Fake Proc implementation that represents a completed process.
Saves and restores sort of a flag, such as a static field or system property.
Use GroovyJenkinsRule instead.
JenkinsRule variant with special options for tests written in Groovy.
TestSuite that requires some set up and tear down for executing nested tests.
HtmlElement helper methods.
HtmlForm helper functions.
Controls how a HudsonTestCase initializes JENKINS_HOME.
Allocates a new directory by copying from an existing directory, or unzipping from a zip file.
Allocates a new directory by copying from a test resource
PageCreator that understands JNLP file.
New code should use JenkinsRule.
Manages inbound agents.
The options used to (re)start an inbound agent.
Publisher that throw IOException
Acts as a reverse proxy, so that during a test we can avoid hitting
Monitors the execution of the JavaScript inside HtmlUnit, and provides debug information such as call stacks, variables, arguments, etc.
Builds up a TestSuite for performing static syntax checks on Jelly scripts.
use Jenkins.setQuietPeriod(java.lang.Integer)
Test bed to verify the configuration roundtripness of the ComputerConnector.
Some handy matchers.
Meta-annotation for recipe annotations, which controls the test environment set up.
The code that implements the recipe semantics.
JUnit rule to allow test cases to fire up a Jenkins instance.
Convenience wrapper for JSON responses.
Simpler alternative to RestartableJenkinsRule.
One step to run, intended to be a SAM for lambdas with JenkinsSessionRule.then(org.jvnet.hudson.test.JenkinsSessionRule.Step).
Annotate your benchmark classes with this annotation to allow them to be discovered by BenchmarkFinder
Standard benchmark State for JMH when a Jenkins instance is required.
Manages a Java keystore file.
Like Runnable but can throw any exception.
Runs a test case with a data set local to test method or the test class.
A test rule which allows you to easily enable one or more loggers for the duration of a test.
A test utility which allows you to easily enable one or more loggers for the duration of a test.
Static utility methods for verifying heap memory usage.
An authorization strategy configured in a fluent style from test code.
Forces the build result to be some pre-configured value.
Minimal implementation of a modifiable item group akin to the CloudBees Folders plugin.
Allows testing of anything related to QueueItemAuthenticator.
Kills off the WebAppMain ServletContextListener.
Called by the code generated by maven-hpi-plugin to build tests for plugins.
Decorating OutputStream which prefixes lines of text with an identifier and optional color.
Authentication modes are better defined in code using JenkinsRule.createDummySecurityRealm() and MockAuthorizationStrategy.
Slave that pretends to fork processes.
Checks things about *.properties.
Using a 2.x parent POM, Surefire will be configured to retry failing tests automatically.
Like JenkinsSessionRule but running Jenkins in a more realistic environment.
One step to run.
Plugin for use internally only by RealJenkinsRule, do not use this from plugin test code!
Meta-annotation for recipe annotations, which controls the test environment set up.
The code that implements the recipe semantics.
Checks for any ongoing activity (queue, builds) that might interfere with TemporaryDirectoryAllocator.dispose().
Provides a pattern for executing a sequence of steps.
One step to run, intended to be a SAM for lambdas with RestartableJenkinsRule.then(org.jvnet.hudson.test.RestartableJenkinsRule.Step).
Wrote build status to file
Utility to determine when a build record is loaded.
Used internally.
Used internally.
Matchers for Run objects.
Lock mechanism to let multiple threads execute phases sequentially.
The signup page for HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm
Stripped-down clone of CommandLauncher.
SCM useful for testing that puts just one file in the workspace.
Builder that just sleeps for the specified amount of milli-seconds.
Utility to display the log of a build in real time.
Allocates temporary directories and cleans it up at the end.
Partial Builder implementation for writing a one-off throw-away builder used during tests.
A crumb issuer that issues a constant crumb value.
Works like Extension except used for inserting extensions during unit tests.
Partial Notifier implementation to facilitate notifier implementation for testing.
PluginManager to speed up unit tests.
PluginManager that can work with unit tests where dependencies are just jars.
Mock Builder that always cause a build to fail.
Ensures that jenkins.war is exploded.
WebClient helper methods.
JavaScript Exception listener.
JUnit 5 meta annotation providing JenkinsRule integration.
An annotation for test methods that do not require the JenkinsRule/HudsonTestCase to create and tear down the jenkins instance.
Installs the specified plugins before launching Jenkins.
Runs the test case with a custom plugin manager.
Times out the test after the specified number of seconds.
New code should use JenkinsRule.
Test Builder, which copies a file from a workspace of another job.
Write text into file in workspace.
Holder for an object which is not Serializable but can be serialized safely using XStream.