All Classes and Interfaces

Compares two version numbers with each other.
Computes the hash of a file on the agent.
Base class for file hash steps.
Compute the SHA1 of a file.
Compute the SHA256 of a file.
Verify the SHA1 of a file.
Verify the SHA256 of a file.
Contains serializable information about a file name.
List files in/under current working directory.
Execution of FindFilesStep.
Generated localization support class.
Generated localization support class.
Generated localization support class.
Generated localization support class.
Obtains a list of node names by their label
Prepend given content to a given file.
The execution of PrependToFileStep.
Auto imports org.apache.commons.csv.* .
Whitelists various non static setters, getters, constructors and static fields for the CSVFormat and CSVRecord classes in the org.apache.commons.csv package.
Reads a JSON file from the workspace.
Execution of ReadJSONStep.
Reads a Jar Manifest.
Execution of ReadManifestStep.
Reads a maven pom file from the workspace.
Auto imports org.apache.maven.model.* .
Whitelists all non static setters, getters and constructors in the package org.apache.maven.model.
Reads java properties formatted files and texts into a map.
Execution of ReadPropertiesStep.
Reads a TOML file from the workspace.
Execution of ReadTOMLStep.
Reads a yaml file from the workspace.
Simplified and Serializable, read only version of Manifest.
Creates a tar file.
Execution of TarStep.
Touch a file.
The execution of TouchStep.
Unzips a tar file.
The execution of a UnTarStep.
Performs the untar on the slave where the tar file is located.
Unzips a zip file.
The execution of a UnZipStep.
Performs the unzip on the slave where the zip file is located.
Writes a List of String Arrays to file in the current working directory.
Writes a JSON object to file in the current working directory.
Execution of WriteJSONStep.
Writes a maven pom file to the current working directory.
Writes a LinkedHashMap object to file in the current working directory.
Execution of WriteTOMLStep.
Writes a yaml file from the workspace.
Creates a zip file.
Execution of ZipStep.