All Classes and Interfaces

Holds the basic 'empty view' parent
A source code branch.
Represents a dead branch.
Ensures that the Branch.getActions() are always present in the Actionable.getAllActions().
An extension point that allows controlling whether a specific SCMHead should be automatically built when discovered.
A ViewJobFilter that filters the children of a MultiBranchProject based on a SCMHeadCategory.
Declares that a build was due to a branch event.
Declares that a build was due to branch indexing.
Defines the environment variable BRANCH_NAME and BRANCH_IS_PRIMARY for multibranch builds.
BranchProjectFactory<P extends Job<P,R> & TopLevelItem,R extends Run<P,R>>
Creates instances of the branch projects for a specific Branch and also provides some utility methods for updating the branch specific projects.
Base class for all BranchProjectFactory instances.
Additional information associated with Branch.
Ensures that the configuration screen of (for example) DefaultBranchPropertyStrategy shows only appropriate descriptors.
A strategy for determining the properties that apply to a specific SCMHead.
The base class for Descriptors or BranchPropertyStrategy instances.
A source of branches, which consists of a source and a strategy for creating properties of the branches from this source.
ListViewColumn that shows the status icon for item ensuring that Branch.Dead jobs are reported as disabled.
Our descriptor.
Hide this column from user views as it would only confuse them.
Suppressed by JobPropertyStep.HideSuperfluousBranchProperties for Pipeline.
An action that puts some css on job and run pages for jobs representing Branch.Dead.
A very simple BranchPropertyStrategy that just returns the same set of properties for all SCMHead instances.
ListViewColumn that shows the description text of a Job with priority given to ObjectMetadataAction.getObjectDescription().
Our descriptor.
A Comparator that compares Describable instances of a specific type based on the order of their Descriptors in Jenkins's list of Descriptors for that type.
Like JobColumn only is aware of PrimaryInstanceMetadataAction and ObjectMetadataAction
Our extension.
Hide this column from user views as it would only confuse them.
JobDecorator<P extends Job<P,B>,B extends Run<P,B>>
Something that can decorate a job.
Generated localization support class.
A FolderIcon specifically for OrganizationFolder and MultiBranchProject instances that will delegate to the AvatarMetadataAction attached to the folder.
Our descriptor.
A ViewJobFilter that filters the children of a OrganizationFolder based on a SCMSourceCategory.
MultiBranchProject<P extends Job<P,R> & TopLevelItem,R extends Run<P,R>>
Abstract base class for multiple-branch based projects.
Represents the branch indexing job.
Veto attempts to copy branch projects outside of their multibranch container.
Our event listener.
Adds the MultiBranchProject.State.sourceActions to Actionable.getAllActions().
Possible Display naming strategies.
A SCMSourceTrait that controls how to set display names for SCMHeads with additional information like merge/change/pull requests.
Our descriptor.
Special view used when MultiBranchProject has no branches.
Creates MultiBranchProjects for repositories where recognized.
Creates a particular kind of multibranch project insofar as at least one SCMHead satisfies a probe.
Holds the view configuration for an MultiBranchProject.
A custom category specific view.
Our descriptor
Allows named branches to get different properties from the rest.
Holds the specific named exception details.
Encodes names that are not nice so that they are safe to use as URL path segments.
Mangles names that are not nice so that they are safe to use on filesystem.
Suppresses builds due to either BranchIndexingCause or BranchEventCause.
Keeps configuration used to determine whether builds requested by BranchIndexingCause or BranchEventCause should be suppressed.
Strategy which determines which builds should be suppressed.
Defines NoTriggerBranchProperty on selected branches.
A property that sets the health metrics for immediate children of an OrganizationFolder.
Our descriptor.
Configures the OrphanedItemStrategy to use for children of a OrganizationFolder.
Our descriptor.
Special marker class to flag copying the parent strategy.
Our descriptor.
Configures the Triggers for the MultiBranchProject children of an OrganizationFolder.
Our descriptor.
A folder-like collection of MultiBranchProjects, one per repository.
Our descriptor
Our scan.
Listens for events from the SCM event system.
Adds the OrganizationFolder.State.getActions() to Actionable.getAllActions().
Special view used when OrganizationFolder has no repositories.
A AbstractFolderProperty that is specific to OrganizationFolders.
The Descriptor base class for OrganizationFolderProperty types.
Holds the view configuration for an OrganizationFolder.
A custom category specific view.
Our descriptor
Allows overriding indexing triggers for an individual job - either by enabling when the multibranch or org is set to suppress them, or disabling if they're otherwise enabled.
Support for build parameters.
A FolderHealthMetric for MultiBranchProject instances that only reports the health of the primary branch.
Our descriptor.
ProjectDecorator<P extends Project<P,B>,B extends Build<P,B>>
Something that can decorate a project.
Holds the unmangled project name provided to SCMSourceObserver.observe(String) and used to create a MultiBranchProject within a OrganizationFolder.
PropertyMigration<F extends com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.AbstractFolder<?>,P extends com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.AbstractFolderProperty<F>>
An extension point that captures the need for a complex migration of a folder property into some other configuration of the containing folder.
PropertyMigration.Migrator<F extends com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.AbstractFolder<?>,P extends com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.AbstractFolderProperty<F>>
Suppressed by JobPropertyStep.HideSuperfluousBranchProperties for Pipeline.
Our descriptor
Our descriptor.
This does the work of blocking builds while the throttle is enforced.
This class is to work around some annoying "features" of f:optionalBlock
Base class for a ViewJobFilter that will filter based on the Branch that a job in a MultiBranchProject belongs to.
Provides the alternative text for AbstractItem.TASK_NOUN when running on newer versions of Jenkins.
Not used by Pipeline.
Chooses manageable workspace names for (especially branch) projects.
Cleans up workspaces for apparently missing jobs when a node goes online.
Cleans up workspace when an orphaned project is deleted.