Class ProjectNameProperty

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Describable<com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.AbstractFolderProperty<?>>, ReconfigurableDescribable<com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.AbstractFolderProperty<?>>

public class ProjectNameProperty extends com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.AbstractFolderProperty<MultiBranchProject<?,?>>
Holds the unmangled project name provided to SCMSourceObserver.observe(String) and used to create a MultiBranchProject within a OrganizationFolder. Normally one would hope that the name provided by SCMSourceObserver.observe(String) can be directly mapped to AbstractItem.getName() however as we have no control over either the length or the characters coming from the SCMNavigator we need to mangle the name with NameMangler.apply(String). As unmangled names are not reconstructable from the mangled name, we need to store the original unmangled name, hence this property.

Note that this is not an issue for the children of MultiBranchProject as Branch.getName() is the unmangled name of the branch.

  • Constructor Details

    • ProjectNameProperty

      public ProjectNameProperty(String name)
  • Method Details