Package org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins.kubernetes
package org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins.kubernetes
ClassDescriptionDeprecated.Created by fabricio.leotti on 26/04/17.Manages garbage collection of orphaned pods.Annotate pods owned by live Kubernetes agents to help with garbage collection.Collects the Kubernetes agents currently in provisioning.Manages the Kubernetes client creation per cloudKubernetes cloud provider.A factory of
instances.Deprecated.Provides folder level Kubernetes configuration.Descriptor class.Launches on Kubernetes the specifiedKubernetesComputer
instance.Implements provisioning limits for clouds and pod templatesBuilds aKubernetesSlave
instance.Generated localization support class.Deprecated.Deprecated.A builder ofNodeProvisioner.PlannedNode
implementations for Kubernetes.A factory ofPlannedNodeBuilder
instances.Deprecated.Kubernetes Pod TemplateHelper class to build Pods from PodTemplatesFilters a pod template according to criteria.A group of pod templates that can be saved together.Implementation ofPodTemplateFilter
filtering pod templates matching the right label.A source of pod templates.Pod Template Tool Location This class extends Jenkins DescribableList as implemented in Slave Class.Deprecated.Deprecated.Deprecated.Deprecated.Deprecated.Deprecated.PodDecorator
allowing to inject in all containers asecurityContext
allowing to use therestricted
Pod Security Standard.Use Jackson for serialization to continue support octal notation `0xxx`.Deprecated.The defaultPlannedNodeBuilder
implementation, in case there is other registered.Deprecated.