All Classes and Interfaces

General purpose Blue Ocean UI URL parser.
Enum of URL "parts".
Credential API implementation.
Credential API container TODO: can very well be moved in it's own plugin along with CredentialApi
Credential search API
Listens to creation of jobs that are triggered by an upstream job, much like BuildTriggerListener from pipeline-build-step.
Loads the list of item full names for favorites
Preload user favorites.
Dumps out a JSON representation of an execution's workflow graph
Exclude any jobs that are children of a MatrixProject
Exclude any items that are MavenModule's or children of MavenModuleSet
Annotates a FlowNode to point to a downstream build triggered by said node.
Pipeline node graph builder
Factory to give pipeline DAG builder
Serves logs of steps inside a node in BlueOcean DAG.
BlueOcean abstraction of OrganizationFolder
Preload pipeline activity onto the page if the requested page is a pipeline activity page.
Preload pipeline run onto the page if the requested page is a pipeline run details page for a Multi Branch Project branch.
Listener for input step submission event
Implementation of BluePipelineNode.
Pipeline Run
Preload pipeline onto the page if the requested page is a pipeline page.
Gives steps inside - Stage boundary: Stage boundary ends where another another stage start or this stage block ends - branch boundary: branch block boundary
REST prefetch data preloader.
Scm Resource
SCM container.
Payload of SCM content.
SCM content specific APIs
Captures parameters for ScmContentProvider from given Item
SCM factory to get Scm
SCM organization.
Represents collection of SCM repositories Implementation of it can include pagination information
SCM repository
SCM server endpoint.
Container for ScmServerEndpoint.
Exclude any jobs that are children of a MultiBranch project
Trend for Stage durations