All Classes and Interfaces

Base abstract class implementing BlueOrganization.
Enhance a request with properties when tracking an analytics event
Facade for reporting user analytics
Track a user event and properties
Entrypoint for blueocean REST apis.
Marks the REST API endpoints that are exposed by ApiHead
Proxy of Jenkins action
Represents a single commit as a REST resource.
Common interface for items in the pipeline "namespace" that aggregate or contain other pipeline items, such as team or organization folders, or the collection of pipelines that forms a BlueMultiBranchItem.
Response object of pipeline creation
Abstraction that defines a class extending Jenkins
Map representation of BlueExtensionClasses
A favorite item.
Describes requested state of a favorited item
Resolves favorite for a given model object Item For example: A favorite multi-branch project might resolve to a master branch pipeline
Describes InputStep
Represents an issue or ticket
Common interface for job run details
Common interface for container items that exist to group multiple branches of the same source project.
Multi-branch pipeline model
Holds the Blue Ocean configuration
Blue Ocean configuration factory which allows different extensions to return configuration values.
BlueOcean UI provider.
Maps Jenkins ModelObject to BlueOcean front end URL
Defines properties associated with mapping of class Jenkins ModeObject to a a menu Action item to jump to respective BlueOcean page.
ExtensionPoint to provide BlueOceanUrlObject for Jenkins model object
API endpoint for an organization that houses all the pipelines.
Container of BlueOcean BlueOrganizations
Provides organization folder API
Defines pipeline state and its routing
BluePipeline container
Pipeline create request.
Factory that gives instance of BluePipeline It's useful for example in cases where a plugin that has custom project and they want to serve extra meta-data thru BluePipeline, would provide implementation of their BluePipeline and and implementation of BluePipelineFactory.
Folder has pipelines, could also hold another BluePipelineFolders.
Minimal interface for all Blue Ocean items that live in the "pipeline namespace"
Abstraction of Pipeline run node.
Represents edge of pipeline flow graph
SCM resource attached to a pipeline
Pipeline Step resource
Container for pipeline step resource
This class models an item waiting in the queue for an executor so that it can run.
BlueOCean Run model.
BlueRun API
Factory that gives instance of BlueRun
Common interface to be implemented by pipeline items that are runnable and hence have expected run-times, a run history, etc.
SCM configuration
Provides metadata about the backing SCM for a BluePipeline.
Result of BlueTestResultFactory.getBlueTestResults(Run, Reachable) that holds summary and iterable of BlueTestResult
A category of tabular data, typically one that changes over time (e.g.
Container for trends data
Allows extensions to attach BlueTrend data to a BluePipeline for reports and visualization.
API endpoint for a user
User API.
User's permissions.
Stapler-bound REST endpoint for a collection of objects.
Create response that sets Location header of the created entity and generates a tree response.
Resource that exposes primitive type value as JSON bean
Link holding reference to a resource.
Resolves a Link for a given model object
Methods annotated as Navigable appear as link in the enclosing class'es _links object.
Extension point to contribute the search capability
Maps BlueOcean organization and ItemGroups.
Route contributing to BlueOrganization: url path /organization/:id/:organizationRoute.urlName()
Renders Pageable to HTTP by honoring the current page, links to next page, etc.
Query syntax Give all pipelines for acme organization
Reachable HTTP resource
Stapler-bound object that defines REST endpoint.
Additional Routables that augment BlueOceanUIProvider.getUrlBasePrefix() root object.
Stapler-bound object in the URL space that defines its own url name relative to its parent.
Route contributing to BlueUser: url path /organization/:id/users/:user/:userRoute.urlName()