Package jenkins.model

Interface ModelObjectWithChildren

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractProject, AllView, CloudSet, ComputerSet, FreeStyleProject, Hudson, Jenkins, Job, Label, LabelAtom, LabelExpression, LabelExpression.And, LabelExpression.Binary, LabelExpression.Iff, LabelExpression.Implies, LabelExpression.Not, LabelExpression.Or, LabelExpression.Paren, ListView, LogRecorderManager, MyView, Project, ProxyView, View, ViewJob

public interface ModelObjectWithChildren extends ModelObject
ModelObject that has the children context menu in the breadcrumb.

The children context menu is to show all the immediate children that this model object owns, thereby providing quicker navigation to ancestors' siblings in the breadcrumb.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
See Also:
  • Method Details