Class ExpiringBucketLifecycleManagerStep

    • Constructor Detail

      • ExpiringBucketLifecycleManagerStep

        public ExpiringBucketLifecycleManagerStep​(String credentialsId,
                                                  String bucket,
                                                  Integer ttl)
        credentialsId - The credentials to utilize for authenticating with GCS.
        bucket - GCS Bucket in which to alter the time to live.
        ttl - The number of days after which to delete data stored in the GCS bucket.
      • ExpiringBucketLifecycleManagerStep

        public ExpiringBucketLifecycleManagerStep​(String credentialsId,
                                                  String bucket,
                                                  Optional<UploadModule> module,
                                                  Integer ttl)
        Construct the ExpiringBucketLifecycleManager uploader to use the provided credentials to set number of days after which to delete data stored in the specified GCS bucket.
        credentialsId - The credentials to utilize for authenticating with GCS.
        bucket - GCS Bucket in which to alter the time to live.
        module - Helper class for connecting to the GCS API.
        ttl - The number of days after which to delete data stored in the GCS bucket.
    • Method Detail

      • getCredentialsId

        public String getCredentialsId()
        The unique ID for the credentials we are using to authenticate with GCS.
      • getBucket

        public String getBucket()
        Name of our GCS bucket.
      • getTtl

        public int getTtl()
        Surface the TTL for objects contained within the bucket for roundtripping to the jelly UI.