Class ExpiringBucketLifecycleManager

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Describable<AbstractUpload>, Serializable

public class ExpiringBucketLifecycleManager extends AbstractBucketLifecycleManager
A simple implementation of the bucket lifecycle extension point that surfaces object expiration (aka TTL).
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ExpiringBucketLifecycleManager

      @DataBoundConstructor public ExpiringBucketLifecycleManager(String bucket, @Nullable UploadModule module, Integer ttl, @Deprecated @Nullable String bucketNameWithVars, @Deprecated @Nullable Integer bucketObjectTTL)
      Construct the simple lifecycle manager from a TLL and the common properties.
      bucket - GCS Bucket in which to alter the time to live.
      module - Helper class methods to use for execution.
      ttl - The number of days after which to delete data stored in the GCS bucket.
      bucketNameWithVars - Legacy name for bucket. Deprecated.
      bucketObjectTTL - Legacy name for ttl. Deprecated.
  • Method Details

    • getDetails

      public String getDetails()
      Specified by:
      getDetails in class AbstractUpload
      Provide detail information summarizing this download for the GCS upload report.
    • checkBucket

      protected checkBucket( bucket) throws InvalidAnnotationException
      This is intended to be an identity function that throws when the input is not adequately annotated.
      Specified by:
      checkBucket in class AbstractBucketLifecycleManager
      bucket - the pre-existing bucket whose annotations to validate.
      The bucket that was validated.
      InvalidAnnotationException - if not annotated properly.
    • decorateBucket

      protected decorateBucket( bucket)
      A hook by which extensions may annotate a new or existing bucket.
      Specified by:
      decorateBucket in class AbstractBucketLifecycleManager
      bucket - The bucket to annotate and return.
      The bucket to annotate and return.
    • getTtl

      public int getTtl()
      Surface the TTL for objects contained within the bucket for roundtripping to the jelly UI.