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DaemonThreadFactory - Class in hudson.util
ThreadFactory that creates daemon threads.
DaemonThreadFactory() - Constructor for class hudson.util.DaemonThreadFactory
DaemonThreadFactory(ThreadFactory) - Constructor for class hudson.util.DaemonThreadFactory
DAILY - Static variable in interface hudson.scheduler.CrontabParserTokenTypes
DailyCheck - Class in jenkins
Implements a daily update check for update sites and DownloadService.Downloadables that are due.
DailyCheck() - Constructor for class jenkins.DailyCheck
DARK_GREY - Static variable in class hudson.util.ColorPalette
data - Variable in class hudson.util.PersistedList
data() - Method in class hudson.model.View.AsynchPeople
data() - Method in class jenkins.util.ProgressiveRendering
Provide current data to the web page for display.
data() - Method in class jenkins.widgets.RunListProgressiveRendering
data(Computer) - Method in class hudson.node_monitors.AbstractDiskSpaceMonitor
data(Computer) - Method in class hudson.node_monitors.NodeMonitor
Obtains the monitoring result currently available, or null if no data is available.
DataAccessException - Exception in org.springframework.dao
no replacement
DataAccessException(String) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException
DataAccessException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException
DataAccessResourceFailureException - Exception in org.springframework.dao
no replacement
DataAccessResourceFailureException(String) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException
DataAccessResourceFailureException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException
DATABASE - Static variable in class jenkins.slaves.JnlpAgentReceiver
DataRetrievalFailureException - Exception in org.springframework.dao
no replacement
DataRetrievalFailureException(String) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.dao.DataRetrievalFailureException
DataRetrievalFailureException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.dao.DataRetrievalFailureException
dataset - Variable in class hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries.TrendChart
DataSetBuilder<Row extends Comparable,​Column extends Comparable> - Class in hudson.util
Builds CategoryDataset.
DataSetBuilder() - Constructor for class hudson.util.DataSetBuilder
DAY - Static variable in class hudson.model.PeriodicWork
DAYS - hudson.util.TimeUnit2
daysBetween(Date, Date) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Compute the number of calendar days elapsed since the given date.
daysElapsedSince(Date) - Static method in class hudson.Util
debug(int) - Method in class hudson.util.JVMBuilder
Enables the debugger support on the given port.
DEBUG_YUI - Static variable in class hudson.Functions
Set to true if you need to use the debug version of YUI.
DECAY - Static variable in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
With 0.90 decay ratio for every 10sec, half reduction is about 1 min.
decide(String) - Method in class jenkins.security.stapler.RoutingDecisionProvider
decide(String) - Method in class jenkins.security.stapler.StaticRoutingDecisionProvider
decideWorkspace(Node, WorkspaceList) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractBuild.AbstractBuildExecution
Allocates the workspace from WorkspaceList.
DecodingStream - Class in hudson.util
Hex-binary decoding stream.
DecodingStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class hudson.util.DecodingStream
decompose(StaplerRequest) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
decorate(Launcher, Node) - Method in class hudson.LauncherDecorator
Called from Node.createLauncher(TaskListener) to decorate the launchers.
decorate(URLConnection) - Method in class hudson.URLConnectionDecorator
Called before it gets connected.
decorate(URLConnection) - Method in class jenkins.UserAgentURLConnectionDecorator
decorateByEnv(EnvVars) - Method in class hudson.Launcher
Returns a decorated Launcher that automatically adds the specified environment variables.
decorateByPrefix(String...) - Method in class hudson.Launcher
Returns a decorated Launcher that puts the given set of arguments as a prefix to any commands that it invokes.
DecoratedLauncher(Launcher) - Constructor for class hudson.Launcher.DecoratedLauncher
decorateFor(Node) - Method in class hudson.Launcher
Returns a decorated Launcher for the given node.
decorateLauncher(AbstractBuild, Launcher, BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.tasks.BuildWrapper
Provides an opportunity for a BuildWrapper to decorate a Launcher to be used in the build.
decorateLauncher(AbstractBuild, Launcher, BuildListener) - Method in class jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildWrapper
May be overridden but this will only take effect when used as a BuildWrapper on an AbstractProject.
decorateLogger(AbstractBuild, OutputStream) - Method in class hudson.console.ConsoleLogFilter
decorateLogger(AbstractBuild, OutputStream) - Method in class hudson.tasks.BuildWrapper
Provides an opportunity for a BuildWrapper to decorate the BuildListener logger to be used by the build.
decorateLogger(AbstractBuild, OutputStream) - Method in class jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildWrapper
decorateLogger(Computer, OutputStream) - Method in class hudson.console.ConsoleLogFilter
Called to decorate logger for master/agent communication.
decorateLogger(Run, OutputStream) - Method in class hudson.console.ConsoleLogFilter
Called on the start of each build, giving extensions a chance to intercept the data that is written to the log.
decrypt() - Method in class jenkins.security.CryptoConfidentialKey
decrypt(byte[]) - Method in class jenkins.security.CryptoConfidentialKey
Returns a Cipher object for decrypting with this key using the provided initialization vector.
decrypt(String) - Static method in class hudson.util.Secret
Reverse operation of Secret.getEncryptedValue().
dedup() - Method in class jenkins.util.TreeStringBuilder
Further reduces the memory footprint by finding the same labels across multiple TreeStrings.
DeeplyNestedUpstreamCause() - Constructor for class hudson.model.Cause.UpstreamCause.DeeplyNestedUpstreamCause
Default() - Constructor for class hudson.FileSystemProvisioner.Default
Default() - Constructor for class hudson.model.RestartListener.Default
Default() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.SecureRequester.Default
DEFAULT - Static variable in class hudson.FileSystemProvisioner
DEFAULT - Static variable in class hudson.model.LoadBalancer
as of 1.377 The only implementation in the core now is the one based on consistent hash.
DEFAULT_BLOCKED_ITEM_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class hudson.model.queue.QueueSorter
A comparator that sorts Queue.BlockedItem instances based on how long they have been in the queue.
DEFAULT_COLUMNS_ORDINAL_ACTIONS_END - Static variable in class hudson.views.ListViewColumn
DEFAULT_COLUMNS_ORDINAL_ACTIONS_START - Static variable in class hudson.views.ListViewColumn
DEFAULT_COLUMNS_ORDINAL_ICON_END - Static variable in class hudson.views.ListViewColumn
DEFAULT_COLUMNS_ORDINAL_ICON_START - Static variable in class hudson.views.ListViewColumn
DEFAULT_COLUMNS_ORDINAL_PROPERTIES_END - Static variable in class hudson.views.ListViewColumn
DEFAULT_COLUMNS_ORDINAL_PROPERTIES_START - Static variable in class hudson.views.ListViewColumn
DEFAULT_CRUMB_NAME - Static variable in class hudson.security.csrf.CrumbIssuer
DEFAULT_CSP_VALUE - Static variable in class hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport
DEFAULT_IV_LENGTH - Static variable in class jenkins.security.CryptoConfidentialKey
DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class hudson.model.JDK
Name of the “System JDK”, which is just the JDK on Jenkins' $PATH.
DEFAULT_NAMING_STRATEGY - Static variable in class jenkins.model.ProjectNamingStrategy
The default naming strategy which does not restrict the name of a job.
DEFAULT_PATTERN - Static variable in class jenkins.model.ProjectNamingStrategy.PatternProjectNamingStrategy.DescriptorImpl
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class hudson.model.PasswordParameterDefinition
DEFAULT_VIEW_NAME - Static variable in class hudson.model.AllView
The name of the default AllView.
defaultCheckout() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractBuild.AbstractBuildExecution
DefaultConfidentialStore - Class in jenkins.security
Default portable implementation of ConfidentialStore that uses a directory inside $JENKINS_HOME.
DefaultConfidentialStore() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.DefaultConfidentialStore
DefaultConfidentialStore(File) - Constructor for class jenkins.security.DefaultConfidentialStore
DefaultCrumbIssuer - Class in hudson.security.csrf
A crumb issuing algorithm based on the request principal and the remote address.
DefaultCrumbIssuer(boolean) - Constructor for class hudson.security.csrf.DefaultCrumbIssuer
DefaultCrumbIssuer_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.security.csrf.Messages
Key DefaultCrumbIssuer.DisplayName: Default Crumb Issuer.
DefaultCrumbIssuer.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.security.csrf
defaulted(T, T) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
If the value exists, return that value.
DefaultGlobalSettingsProvider - Class in jenkins.mvn
DefaultGlobalSettingsProvider() - Constructor for class jenkins.mvn.DefaultGlobalSettingsProvider
DefaultGlobalSettingsProvider_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.mvn.Messages
Key DefaultGlobalSettingsProvider.DisplayName: Use default maven global settings.
DefaultGlobalSettingsProvider.DescriptorImpl - Class in jenkins.mvn
DefaultGuiceExtensionAnnotation() - Constructor for class hudson.ExtensionFinder.DefaultGuiceExtensionAnnotation
DefaultHolderFactory() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.lazy.BuildReference.DefaultHolderFactory
defaultImplementationOf(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.xstream.MapperDelegate
DefaultJnlpSlaveReceiver - Class in jenkins.slaves
Match the name against the agent name and route the incoming agent as Slave.
DefaultJnlpSlaveReceiver() - Constructor for class jenkins.slaves.DefaultJnlpSlaveReceiver
DefaultMyViewsTabBar - Class in hudson.views
The Default MyViewsTabBar Extension for MyViewsTabBar.
DefaultMyViewsTabBar() - Constructor for class hudson.views.DefaultMyViewsTabBar
DefaultMyViewsTabBar.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.views
DefaultMyViewsTabsBar_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.views.Messages
Key DefaultMyViewsTabsBar.DisplayName: Default My Views TabBar.
DefaultProjectNamingStrategy() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.ProjectNamingStrategy.DefaultProjectNamingStrategy
DefaultProjectNamingStrategy_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key DefaultProjectNamingStrategy.DisplayName: Default.
DefaultSCMCheckoutStrategyImpl - Class in jenkins.scm
Default SCMCheckoutStrategy implementation.
DefaultSCMCheckoutStrategyImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.DefaultSCMCheckoutStrategyImpl
DefaultSCMCheckoutStrategyImpl.DescriptorImpl - Class in jenkins.scm
DefaultSettingsProvider - Class in jenkins.mvn
DefaultSettingsProvider() - Constructor for class jenkins.mvn.DefaultSettingsProvider
DefaultSettingsProvider_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.mvn.Messages
Key DefaultSettingsProvider.DisplayName: Use default maven settings.
DefaultSettingsProvider.DescriptorImpl - Class in jenkins.mvn
DefaultSimplePageDecorator - Class in jenkins.model
In case there are no other implementations we will fallback to this implementation.
DefaultSimplePageDecorator() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.DefaultSimplePageDecorator
defaultToTrue(Boolean) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
Can be used to check a checkbox by default.
DefaultUserCanonicalIdResolver - Class in jenkins.model
Default User.CanonicalIdResolver to escape unsupported characters and generate user ID.
DefaultUserCanonicalIdResolver() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.DefaultUserCanonicalIdResolver
DefaultViewsTabBar - Class in hudson.views
The Default ViewsTabBar Extension for ViewsTabBar.
DefaultViewsTabBar() - Constructor for class hudson.views.DefaultViewsTabBar
DefaultViewsTabBar.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.views
DefaultViewsTabsBar_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.views.Messages
Key DefaultViewsTabsBar.DisplayName: Default Views TabBar.
definedExecutors - Variable in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
Number of executors defined for Jenkins and how it changes over time.
delegate - Variable in class hudson.util.xstream.MapperDelegate
delegate() - Method in class jenkins.util.InterceptingExecutorService
delegate() - Method in class jenkins.util.InterceptingScheduledExecutorService
Delegating(OutputStream) - Constructor for class hudson.console.LineTransformationOutputStream.Delegating
DelegatingComputerLauncher - Class in hudson.slaves
Base implementation of ComputerLauncher that to be used by launchers that perform some initialization (typically something cloud/v12n related to power up the machine), and then delegate to another ComputerLauncher to connect.
DelegatingComputerLauncher(ComputerLauncher) - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.DelegatingComputerLauncher
DelegatingComputerLauncher.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.slaves
DelegatingOutputStream - Class in hudson.util
Works like FilterOutputStream except its performance problem.
DelegatingOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class hudson.util.DelegatingOutputStream
delete() - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Deletes this file.
delete() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractItem
Deletes this item.
delete() - Method in class hudson.model.FileParameterValue.FileItemImpl
delete() - Method in interface hudson.model.Item
Deletes this item.
delete() - Method in class hudson.model.Job
delete() - Method in class hudson.model.Run
Deletes this build and its entire log
delete() - Method in class hudson.model.User
Deletes the data directory and removes this user from Hudson.
delete() - Method in class hudson.util.jna.RegistryKey
Deletes this key (and disposes the key.)
delete() - Method in class hudson.util.TextFile
delete() - Method in class hudson.XmlFile
delete() - Method in class jenkins.model.ArtifactManager
Delete all artifacts associated with an earlier build (if any).
delete() - Method in class jenkins.model.StandardArtifactManager
delete(File, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.RunIdMigrator
Delete the record of a build.
delete(String) - Static method in class hudson.model.Fingerprint
Deletes the Fingerprint in the configured storage with the given unique id.
delete(String) - Method in class jenkins.fingerprints.FileFingerprintStorage
Deletes the Fingerprint with the given unique ID.
delete(String) - Method in class jenkins.fingerprints.FingerprintStorage
Deletes the Fingerprint with the given unique ID.
delete(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractItem
DELETE - Static variable in class hudson.model.Computer
DELETE - Static variable in interface hudson.model.Item
DELETE - Static variable in class hudson.model.Run
DELETE - Static variable in class hudson.model.View
DELETE - Static variable in class hudson.scm.EditType
DELETE - Static variable in class hudson.security.Permission
Generic delete access.
DELETE - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
deleteAll() - Method in class hudson.util.io.ReopenableRotatingFileOutputStream
Deletes all the log files, including rotated files.
deleteAll() - Method in class hudson.util.io.RewindableRotatingFileOutputStream
Deletes all the log files, including rotated files.
deleteApiToken() - Method in class jenkins.security.ApiTokenProperty
Does not revoke the token stored in the store
deleteArtifacts() - Method in class hudson.model.Run
Deletes this build's artifacts.
DeleteBuildsCommand - Class in hudson.cli
Deletes builds records in a bulk.
DeleteBuildsCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.DeleteBuildsCommand
DeleteBuildsCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key DeleteBuildsCommand.ShortDescription: Deletes build record(s)..
deleteContents() - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Deletes all the contents of this directory, but not the directory itself
deleteContentsRecursive(File) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Deletes the contents of the given directory (but not the directory itself) recursively.
deleteContentsRecursive(Path, PathRemover.PathChecker) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Deletes the given directory contents (but not the directory itself) recursively using a PathChecker.
deleteFile(File) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Deletes this file (and does not take no for an answer).
DeleteJobCommand - Class in hudson.cli
CLI command, which deletes a job or multiple jobs.
DeleteJobCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.DeleteJobCommand
DeleteJobCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key DeleteJobCommand.ShortDescription: Deletes job(s)..
DeleteNodeCommand - Class in hudson.cli
CLI command, which deletes Jenkins nodes.
DeleteNodeCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.DeleteNodeCommand
DeleteNodeCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key DeleteNodeCommand.ShortDescription: Deletes node(s).
deleteRecursive() - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Deletes this directory, including all its contents recursively.
deleteRecursive(File) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Deletes the given directory (including its contents) recursively.
deleteRecursive(Path, PathRemover.PathChecker) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Deletes the given directory and contents recursively using a filter.
DeleteService(Pointer) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
deleteSuffixesRecursive() - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Deletes all suffixes recursively.
deleteValue(String) - Method in class hudson.util.jna.RegistryKey
deleteView(View) - Method in class hudson.model.MyViewsProperty
deleteView(View) - Method in interface hudson.model.ViewGroup
Deletes a view in this group.
deleteView(View) - Method in class hudson.model.ViewGroupMixIn
deleteView(View) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
DeleteViewCommand - Class in hudson.cli
DeleteViewCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.DeleteViewCommand
DeleteViewCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key DeleteViewCommand.ShortDescription: Deletes view(s)..
Demand(long, long) - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy.Demand
DependecyDeclarer - Interface in hudson.model
Use DependencyDeclarer instead.
dependencies - Variable in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Plugin
Dependencies of this plugin, a name -> version mapping.
Dependency(AbstractProject, AbstractProject) - Constructor for class hudson.model.DependencyGraph.Dependency
Dependency(String) - Constructor for class hudson.PluginWrapper.Dependency
DependencyChange(AbstractProject<?, ?>, int, int) - Constructor for class hudson.model.AbstractBuild.DependencyChange
DependencyDeclarer - Interface in jenkins.model
Marker interface for project-associated objects that can participate in the dependency graph computation process.
DependencyGraph - Class in hudson.model
Maintains the build dependencies between AbstractProjects for efficient dependency computation.
DependencyGraph() - Constructor for class hudson.model.DependencyGraph
Builds the dependency graph.
DependencyGraph.Dependency - Class in hudson.model
Represents an edge in the dependency graph.
DependencyRunner - Class in hudson
Runs a job on all projects in the order of dependencies
DependencyRunner(DependencyRunner.ProjectRunnable) - Constructor for class hudson.DependencyRunner
DependencyRunner.ProjectRunnable - Interface in hudson
deploy() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Plugin
deploy(boolean) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Plugin
Schedules the installation of this plugin.
deploy(boolean, UUID, List<PluginWrapper>) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Plugin
Schedules the installation of this plugin.
deployBackup() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Plugin
Schedules the downgrade of this plugin.
DeprecatedAgentProtocolMonitor_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.slaves.Messages
Key DeprecatedAgentProtocolMonitor.displayName: Deprecated Agent Protocol Monitor.
Deprecation(String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Deprecation
deregister(Item) - Static method in class jenkins.model.queue.ItemDeletion
Deregister the supplied Item for deletion.
DESC - jenkins.model.lazy.AbstractLazyLoadRunMap.Direction
descramble(String) - Static method in class hudson.util.Scrambler
Describable<T extends Describable<T>> - Interface in hudson.model
Classes that are described by Descriptor.
DescribableList<T extends Describable<T>,​D extends Descriptor<T>> - Class in hudson.util
Persisted list of Describables with some operations specific to Descriptors.
DescribableList() - Constructor for class hudson.util.DescribableList
DescribableList(Saveable) - Constructor for class hudson.util.DescribableList
DescribableList(Saveable, Collection<? extends T>) - Constructor for class hudson.util.DescribableList
DescribableList(DescribableList.Owner) - Constructor for class hudson.util.DescribableList
since 2008-08-15. Use DescribableList(Saveable)
DescribableList.ConverterImpl - Class in hudson.util
Converter implementation for XStream.
DescribableList.Owner - Interface in hudson.util
since 2008-08-15. Just implement Saveable.
description - Variable in class hudson.cli.SetBuildDescriptionCommand
description - Variable in class hudson.model.AbstractItem
Project description.
description - Variable in class hudson.model.Run
Human-readable description which is used on the main build page.
description - Variable in class hudson.model.View
Message displayed in the view page.
description - Variable in class hudson.security.Permission
Human-readable description of this permission.
description - Variable in class hudson.slaves.OfflineCause.SimpleOfflineCause
description - Variable in class hudson.WebAppMain.FileAndDescription
description() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Renders a row that shows description text below an input field.
description(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Renders a row that shows description text below an input field.
description(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Renders a row that shows description text below an input field.
description(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Renders a row that shows description text below an input field.
Descriptor<T extends Describable<T>> - Class in hudson.model
Metadata about a configurable instance.
Descriptor() - Constructor for class hudson.model.Descriptor
Infers the type of the corresponding Describable from the outer class.
Descriptor() - Constructor for class hudson.tools.AbstractCommandInstaller.Descriptor
Descriptor(Class<? extends T>) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Descriptor
DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class hudson.model.FreeStyleProject
as of 2.0 Use injection
DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class hudson.node_monitors.ClockMonitor
as of 2.0 Don't use this field, use injection.
DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class hudson.node_monitors.DiskSpaceMonitor
DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class hudson.node_monitors.ResponseTimeMonitor
DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class hudson.node_monitors.SwapSpaceMonitor
as of 2.0 use injection
DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class hudson.node_monitors.TemporarySpaceMonitor
as of 2.0 Use injection
DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class hudson.security.FullControlOnceLoggedInAuthorizationStrategy
as of 1.643 Inject descriptor via Inject.
DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class hudson.security.LegacySecurityRealm
as of 2.0 Don't use this field, use injection.
DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class hudson.slaves.JNLPLauncher
DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class hudson.tasks.ArtifactArchiver
as of 1.286 Some plugin depends on this, so this field is left here and points to the last created instance. Use Jenkins.getDescriptorByType(Class) instead.
DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class hudson.tasks.Maven
as of 1.286 Use Jenkins.getDescriptorByType(Class) to obtain the current instance. For compatibility, this field retains the last created Maven.DescriptorImpl.
DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class jenkins.model.DefaultUserCanonicalIdResolver
Descriptor_From(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Descriptor.From: (from <a href="{1}" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">{0}</a>).
Descriptor.FormException - Exception in hudson.model
Descriptor.PropertyType - Class in hudson.model
Represents a readable property on Describable.
Descriptor.Self - Class in hudson.model
Special type indicating that Descriptor describes itself.
DescriptorByNameOwner - Interface in hudson.model
DescriptorExtensionList<T extends Describable<T>,​D extends Descriptor<T>> - Class in hudson
ExtensionList for holding a set of Descriptors, which is a group of descriptors for the same extension point.
DescriptorExtensionList(Hudson, Class<T>) - Constructor for class hudson.DescriptorExtensionList
DescriptorExtensionList(Jenkins, Class<T>) - Constructor for class hudson.DescriptorExtensionList
DescriptorExtensionListImpl(Jenkins) - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.Publisher.DescriptorExtensionListImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.console.ExpandableDetailsNote.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.console.HyperlinkNote.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.console.ModelHyperlinkNote.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.markup.EscapedMarkupFormatter.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.AllView.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.BooleanParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.ComputerSet.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.FileParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.FreeStyleProject.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.JDK.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.ListView.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.MyView.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.MyViewsProperty.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.PaneStatusProperties.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.ProxyView.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.RunParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.StringParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.TextParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.TimeZoneProperty.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.node_monitors.ArchitectureMonitor.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.node_monitors.ClockMonitor.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.node_monitors.SwapSpaceMonitor.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.node_monitors.TemporarySpaceMonitor.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.ProxyConfiguration.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.scm.NullSCM.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.search.UserSearchProperty.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.security.AuthorizationStrategy.Unsecured.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.security.csrf.DefaultCrumbIssuer.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.security.FullControlOnceLoggedInAuthorizationStrategy.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.security.GlobalSecurityConfiguration.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.Details.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.security.LegacyAuthorizationStrategy.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.security.LegacySecurityRealm.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.DelegatingComputerLauncher.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.DumbSlave.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.JNLPLauncher.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy.Always.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy.Demand.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.SimpleScheduledRetentionStrategy.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.tasks._maven.Maven3MojoNote.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.tasks._maven.MavenErrorNote.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.tasks._maven.MavenMojoNote.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.tasks._maven.MavenWarningNote.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.ArtifactArchiver.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.BatchFile.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.BuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.Fingerprinter.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.Maven.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.Maven.MavenInstallation.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.Maven.MavenInstaller.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.Shell.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.tools.BatchCommandInstaller.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.tools.CommandInstaller.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.tools.DownloadFromUrlInstaller.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.tools.InstallSourceProperty.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.tools.ToolLocationNodeProperty.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.tools.ZipExtractionInstaller.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.views.BuildButtonColumn.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.views.DefaultMyViewsTabBar.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.views.DefaultViewsTabBar.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.views.JobColumn.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.views.LastDurationColumn.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.views.LastFailureColumn.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.views.LastStableColumn.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.views.LastSuccessColumn.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.views.StatusColumn.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.views.WeatherColumn.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.fingerprints.FileFingerprintStorage.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.BuildDiscarderProperty.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.IdStrategy.CaseInsensitive.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.IdStrategy.CaseSensitive.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.IdStrategy.CaseSensitiveEmailAddress.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.Jenkins.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.JobGlobalBuildDiscarderStrategy.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.ProjectNamingStrategy.DefaultProjectNamingStrategy.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.ProjectNamingStrategy.PatternProjectNamingStrategy.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.SimpleGlobalBuildDiscarderStrategy.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.mvn.DefaultGlobalSettingsProvider.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.mvn.DefaultSettingsProvider.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.mvn.FilePathGlobalSettingsProvider.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.mvn.FilePathSettingsProvider.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.scm.DefaultSCMCheckoutStrategyImpl.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.ApiTokenProperty.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.LastGrantedAuthoritiesProperty.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.seed.UserSeedProperty.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.slaves.RemotingWorkDirSettings.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.tasks.filters.impl.RetainVariablesLocalRule.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.triggers.ReverseBuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl
descriptorList() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Generate config pages from a list of Descriptors into a section.
descriptorList(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Generate config pages from a list of Descriptors into a section.
descriptorList(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Generate config pages from a list of Descriptors into a section.
descriptorList(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Generate config pages from a list of Descriptors into a section.
DescriptorList<T extends Describable<T>> - Class in hudson.util
List of Descriptors.
DescriptorList(Descriptor<T>...) - Constructor for class hudson.util.DescriptorList
As of 1.286. Use DescriptorList(Class) instead.
DescriptorList(Class<T>) - Constructor for class hudson.util.DescriptorList
Creates a DescriptorList backed by ExtensionList.
descriptorRadioList() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Generate config pages from a list of Descriptors into a section.
descriptorRadioList(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Generate config pages from a list of Descriptors into a section.
descriptorRadioList(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Generate config pages from a list of Descriptors into a section.
descriptorRadioList(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Generate config pages from a list of Descriptors into a section.
DescriptorVisibilityFilter - Class in hudson.model
Hides Descriptors from users.
DescriptorVisibilityFilter() - Constructor for class hudson.model.DescriptorVisibilityFilter
destroy() - Method in class hudson.ResponseHeaderFilter
destroy() - Method in class hudson.security.BasicAuthenticationFilter
destroy() - Method in class hudson.security.ChainedServletFilter
destroy() - Method in class hudson.security.csrf.CrumbFilter
destroy() - Method in class hudson.security.HudsonFilter
destroy() - Method in class hudson.security.NoopFilter
destroy() - Method in class hudson.security.UnwrapSecurityExceptionFilter
destroy() - Method in class hudson.util.CharacterEncodingFilter
destroy() - Method in class hudson.util.PluginServletFilter
destroy() - Method in class jenkins.security.AcegiSecurityExceptionFilter
destroy() - Method in class jenkins.security.BasicHeaderProcessor
destroy() - Method in class jenkins.security.ResourceDomainFilter
destroy() - Method in class jenkins.security.SuspiciousRequestFilter
destroy() - Method in class jenkins.telemetry.impl.UserLanguages.AcceptLanguageFilter
DetachedPluginsUtil - Class in jenkins.plugins
Dedicated class to handle the logic related to so-called detached plugins.
DetachedPluginsUtil.DetachedPlugin - Class in jenkins.plugins
Information about plugins that were originally in the core.
details - Variable in class hudson.util.AdministrativeError
determineRows(String) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
Counts the number of rows needed for textarea to fit the content.
determineTargetUrl(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Authentication) - Method in class jenkins.security.AuthenticationSuccessHandler
DEVELOPMENT - Static variable in class jenkins.install.InstallState
Jenkins started in development mode: Boolean.getBoolean("hudson.Main.development").
diff - Variable in class hudson.util.ClockDifference
The difference in milliseconds.
diffieHellman(boolean) - Method in class hudson.cli.Connection
Performs a Diffie-Hellman key exchange and produce a common secret between two ends of the connection.
diffieHellman(boolean, int) - Method in class hudson.cli.Connection
digest() - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Computes the MD5 digest of the file in hex string.
din - Variable in class hudson.cli.Connection
dir - Variable in class jenkins.model.lazy.AbstractLazyLoadRunMap
Base directory for data.
DIR_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.DIR_SEPARATOR
DIR_SEPARATOR_UNIX - Static variable in class hudson.util.IOUtils
DIR_SEPARATOR_WINDOWS - Static variable in class hudson.util.IOUtils
DirectedGraph<N> - Class in jenkins.util
A possible cyclic directed graph.
DirectedGraph() - Constructor for class jenkins.util.DirectedGraph
DirectedGraph.SCC<N> - Class in jenkins.util
Strongly connected component (SCC) of a graph.
DirectlyModifiableTopLevelItemGroup - Interface in jenkins.model
Item group which supports items being directly moved in or out of it.
DirectlyModifiableView - Interface in hudson.model
Marker interface for View its items can be modified.
DirectoryBrowserSupport - Class in hudson.model
Has convenience methods to serve file system.
DirectoryBrowserSupport(ModelObject, FilePath, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport
DirectoryBrowserSupport(ModelObject, String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport
DirectoryBrowserSupport(ModelObject, VirtualFile, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport
DirectoryBrowserSupport.Path - Class in hudson.model
Represents information about one file or folder.
DirScanner - Class in hudson.util
Visits a directory and its contents and pass them to the FileVisitor.
DirScanner() - Constructor for class hudson.util.DirScanner
DirScanner.Filter - Class in hudson.util
Scans by filtering things out from FileFilter.
DirScanner.Full - Class in hudson.util
Scans everything recursively.
DirScanner.Glob - Class in hudson.util
Scans by using Ant GLOB syntax.
disable() - Method in class hudson.logging.LogRecorder.Target
disable() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
disable() - Method in class hudson.PluginWrapper
disable(boolean) - Method in class hudson.model.AdministrativeMonitor
Mark this monitor as disabled, to prevent this from showing up in the UI.
disable(PluginWrapper.PluginDisableStrategy) - Method in class hudson.PluginWrapper
Disable this plugin using a strategy.
DISABLE - Static variable in class jenkins.security.BasicHeaderRealPasswordAuthenticator
Legacy property to disable the real password support.
DISABLE_CSRF_PROTECTION - Static variable in class hudson.security.csrf.GlobalCrumbIssuerConfiguration
DISABLE_URL_VALIDATION - Static variable in class jenkins.model.JenkinsLocationConfiguration
If disabled, the application will no longer check for URL validity in the configuration page.
DISABLE_USER_SEED - Static variable in class jenkins.security.seed.UserSeedProperty
Escape hatch for User seed based revocation feature.
disabled - Static variable in class hudson.DNSMultiCast
disabled - Variable in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
True to suspend new builds.
disabled - Static variable in class hudson.model.WorkspaceCleanupThread
Can be used to disable workspace clean up.
disabled - Static variable in class hudson.slaves.CloudRetentionStrategy
disabled - Static variable in class jenkins.slaves.StandardOutputSwapper
DISABLED - hudson.model.BallColor
DISABLED - hudson.PluginWrapper.PluginDisableStatus
DISABLED - Static variable in class hudson.model.UsageStatistics
DISABLED - Static variable in class jenkins.security.stapler.StaplerDispatchValidator
Escape hatch to disable dispatch validation.
DISABLED_ANIME - hudson.model.BallColor
DisabledException - Exception in org.acegisecurity
use DisabledException
DisabledException(String) - Constructor for exception org.acegisecurity.DisabledException
DisabledException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception org.acegisecurity.DisabledException
DisabledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.acegisecurity.DisabledException
DisablePluginCommand - Class in hudson.cli
Disable one or more installed plugins.
DisablePluginCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.DisablePluginCommand
DisablePluginCommand_NoSuchStrategy(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key DisablePluginCommand.NoSuchStrategy: This strategy ({0}) does not exist. Allowed strategies are {1}.
DisablePluginCommand_PrintUsageSummary() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key DisablePluginCommand.PrintUsageSummary: Disable the plugins with the given short names. You can define how to proceed with the dependent plugins and if a restart after should be done. You can also set the quiet mode to avoid extra info in the console..
DisablePluginCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key DisablePluginCommand.ShortDescription: Disable one or more installed plugins..
DisablePluginCommand_StatusMessage(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key DisablePluginCommand.StatusMessage: Disabling ''{0}'': {1} ({2}).
disablePlugins(PluginWrapper.PluginDisableStrategy, List<String>) - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
Disable a list of plugins using a strategy for their dependents plugins.
disableSecurity() - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
disableStrictVerification - Static variable in class jenkins.slaves.DefaultJnlpSlaveReceiver
Disables strict verification of connections.
discardWorkspace(AbstractProject<?, ?>, FilePath) - Method in class hudson.FileSystemProvisioner.Default
discardWorkspace(AbstractProject<?, ?>, FilePath) - Method in class hudson.FileSystemProvisioner
disconnect() - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
as of 1.320. Use Computer.disconnect(OfflineCause) and specify the cause.
disconnect(OfflineCause) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Disconnect this computer.
disconnect(OfflineCause) - Method in class hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer
DISCONNECT - Static variable in class hudson.model.Computer
DisconnectNodeCommand - Class in hudson.cli
CLI Command, which disconnects nodes.
DisconnectNodeCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.DisconnectNodeCommand
DisconnectNodeCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key DisconnectNodeCommand.ShortDescription: Disconnects from a node..
discover(Class<T>) - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
Use ServiceLoader instead, or (more commonly) ExtensionList.
DISCOVER - Static variable in interface hudson.model.Item
DiskSpace(String, long) - Constructor for class hudson.node_monitors.DiskSpaceMonitorDescriptor.DiskSpace
DiskSpaceMonitor - Class in hudson.node_monitors
Checks available disk space of the remote FS root.
DiskSpaceMonitor() - Constructor for class hudson.node_monitors.DiskSpaceMonitor
DiskSpaceMonitor(String) - Constructor for class hudson.node_monitors.DiskSpaceMonitor
DiskSpaceMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key DiskSpaceMonitor.DisplayName: Free Disk Space.
DiskSpaceMonitor_MarkedOffline(Object) - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key DiskSpaceMonitor.MarkedOffline: Making {0} offline temporarily due to the lack of disk space.
DiskSpaceMonitor_MarkedOnline(Object) - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key DiskSpaceMonitor.MarkedOnline: Putting {0} back online as there is enough disk space again.
DiskSpaceMonitorDescriptor - Class in hudson.node_monitors
AbstractNodeMonitorDescriptor for NodeMonitor that checks a free disk space of some directory.
DiskSpaceMonitorDescriptor() - Constructor for class hudson.node_monitors.DiskSpaceMonitorDescriptor
DiskSpaceMonitorDescriptor_DiskSpace_FreeSpace(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key DiskSpaceMonitorDescriptor.DiskSpace.FreeSpace: {0}GB left on {1}..
DiskSpaceMonitorDescriptor_DiskSpace_FreeSpaceTooLow(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key DiskSpaceMonitorDescriptor.DiskSpace.FreeSpaceTooLow: Disk space is too low. Only {0}GB left on {1}..
DiskSpaceMonitorDescriptor.DiskSpace - Class in hudson.node_monitors
Value object that represents the disk space.
DiskSpaceMonitorDescriptor.GetUsableSpace - Class in hudson.node_monitors
displayCell() - Method in exception jenkins.model.queue.AsynchronousExecution
Allows an executable to control whether or not to display executorCell.jelly.
DisplayExecutor(String, String, Executor) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Computer.DisplayExecutor
displayIOException(IOException, TaskListener) - Static method in class hudson.Util
On Windows, error messages for IOException aren't very helpful.
displayName - Variable in class hudson.cli.SetBuildDisplayNameCommand
displayName - Variable in class hudson.model.AbstractItem
displayName - Variable in class hudson.model.Descriptor.PropertyType
displayName - Variable in class hudson.model.Resource
Human-readable name of this resource.
displayName - Variable in class hudson.slaves.NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode
Used to display this planned node to UI.
displayName - Variable in class jenkins.model.ModelObjectWithContextMenu.MenuItem
Human readable caption of the menu item.
displayName() - Method in annotation type hudson.init.Initializer
Key in Messages.properties that represents what this task is about.
displayName() - Method in annotation type hudson.init.Terminator
Key in Messages.properties that represents what this task is about.
DisplayNameListener - Class in hudson.model
DisplayNameListener() - Constructor for class hudson.model.DisplayNameListener
displayNameOf(Initializer) - Method in class hudson.init.InitializerFinder
displayNameOf(Terminator) - Method in class hudson.init.TerminatorFinder
dispose() - Method in class hudson.util.jna.RegistryKey
Disposer() - Constructor for class jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildWrapper.Disposer
DistributedBuilds - Class in jenkins.telemetry.impl
DistributedBuilds() - Constructor for class jenkins.telemetry.impl.DistributedBuilds
DIV - Static variable in interface hudson.scheduler.CrontabParserTokenTypes
DIY_CHUNKING - Static variable in class jenkins.util.FullDuplexHttpService
Set to true if the servlet container doesn't support chunked encoding.
DNSMultiCast - Class in hudson
No longer does anything. Only here to prevent errors from old versions of tools like JenkinsRule.
DNSMultiCast() - Constructor for class hudson.DNSMultiCast
do_launchAll(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.ComputerSet
doAct(String) - Method in class hudson.diagnosis.HudsonHomeDiskUsageMonitor
Depending on whether the user said "yes" or "no", send him to the right place.
doAct(String) - Method in class hudson.diagnosis.ReverseProxySetupMonitor
Depending on whether the user said "yes" or "no", send him to the right place.
doAct(String) - Method in class jenkins.monitor.JavaVersionRecommendationAdminMonitor
Depending on whether the user said "yes" or "no", send him to the right place.
doAct(String) - Method in class jenkins.security.apitoken.ApiTokenPropertyDisabledDefaultAdministrativeMonitor
doAct(String) - Method in class jenkins.security.apitoken.ApiTokenPropertyEnabledNewLegacyAdministrativeMonitor
doAct(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.security.ResourceDomainRecommendation
doAct(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.diagnosis.OldDataMonitor
Depending on whether the user said "yes" or "no", send him to the right place.
doAct(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.diagnosis.TooManyJobsButNoView
Depending on whether the user said "yes" or "no", send him to the right place.
doAct(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.PluginWrapper.PluginWrapperAdministrativeMonitor
Depending on whether the user said "dismiss" or "correct", send him to the right place.
doAct(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.diagnostics.ControllerExecutorsAgents
doAct(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.diagnostics.ControllerExecutorsNoAgents
doAct(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.diagnostics.SecurityIsOffMonitor
Depending on whether the user said "yes" or "no", send him to the right place.
doAct(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins.EnforceSlaveAgentPortAdministrativeMonitor
doAct(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, String, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.BuiltInNodeMigration
DoActionFilter - Class in jenkins.security.stapler
DoActionFilter() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.stapler.DoActionFilter
doAddFixedToken(User, String, String) - Method in class jenkins.security.ApiTokenProperty.DescriptorImpl
This method is dangerous and should not be used without caution.
doAddJobToView(String) - Method in interface hudson.model.DirectlyModifiableView
Handle addJobToView web method.
doAddJobToView(String) - Method in class hudson.model.ListView
doAjax(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, String) - Method in class hudson.widgets.HistoryWidget
Handles AJAX requests from browsers to update build history.
doAperiodicRun() - Method in class hudson.model.AperiodicWork
doAperiodicRun() - Method in class hudson.model.AsyncAperiodicWork
Schedules this periodic work now in a new thread, if one isn't already running.
doAperiodicRun() - Method in class hudson.TcpSlaveAgentListener.TcpSlaveAgentListenerRescheduler
doArtifact() - Method in class hudson.model.Run
Serves the artifacts.
doAutoCompleteAssignedLabelString(String) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject.AbstractProjectDescriptor
doAutoCompleteChildProjects(String, Item, ItemGroup) - Method in class hudson.tasks.BuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl
doAutoCompleteCopyNewItemFrom(String) - Method in class hudson.model.ComputerSet.DescriptorImpl
Auto-completion for the "copy from" field in the new job page.
doAutoCompleteCopyNewItemFrom(String, ItemGroup<?>) - Method in class hudson.model.ViewDescriptor
Auto-completion for the "copy from" field in the new job page.
doAutoCompleteLabel(String) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject.AbstractProjectDescriptor
doAutoCompleteLabel(String) - Method in class hudson.tools.ToolInstallerDescriptor
doAutoCompleteLoggerName(String) - Method in class hudson.logging.LogRecorder
doAutoCompleteProjectName(String) - Method in class hudson.model.RunParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl
doAutoCompleteUpstreamProjects(String) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject.AbstractProjectDescriptor
doAutoCompleteUpstreamProjects(String, Item, ItemGroup) - Method in class jenkins.triggers.ReverseBuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl
doBuild(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
doBuild(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, TimeDuration) - Method in class jenkins.model.ParameterizedJobMixIn
doBuild(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, TimeDuration) - Method in interface jenkins.model.ParameterizedJobMixIn.ParameterizedJob
Schedules a new build command.
doBuildNumber(StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Run
Returns the build number in the body.
doBuildStatus(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Job
Returns the image that shows the current buildCommand status.
doBuildStatus(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Run
doBuildTimestamp(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, String) - Method in class hudson.model.Run
Returns the build time stamp in the body.
doBuildWithParameters(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
doBuildWithParameters(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, TimeDuration) - Method in class jenkins.model.ParameterizedJobMixIn
doBuildWithParameters(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, TimeDuration) - Method in interface jenkins.model.ParameterizedJobMixIn.ParameterizedJob
Supports build trigger with parameters via an HTTP GET or POST.
doCancel(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.management.ShutdownLink
doCancelItem(long) - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
Called from queue.jelly and queue-items.jelly.
doCancelQueue() - Method in class hudson.model.Queue.Item
doCancelQueue(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.ParameterizedJobMixIn
doCancelQueue(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in interface jenkins.model.ParameterizedJobMixIn.ParameterizedJob
Cancels a scheduled build.
doCancelQuietDown() - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Cancel previous quiet down Jenkins - preparation for a restart
doCancelRestart(StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter
Cancel all scheduled jenkins restarts
doCaptcha(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.security.SecurityRealm
Generates a captcha image.
doChangeOfflineCause(String) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
doChangeToken(User, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.security.ApiTokenProperty.DescriptorImpl
doCheck(AbstractProject, String) - Method in class hudson.tasks.BuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl
Form validation method.
doCheck(AbstractProject, String) - Method in class hudson.tasks.Fingerprinter.DescriptorImpl
doCheck(String) - Method in class hudson.slaves.SimpleScheduledRetentionStrategy.DescriptorImpl
Performs syntax check.
doCheck(String, Item) - Method in class hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger.DescriptorImpl
doCheckAdminAddress(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.JenkinsLocationConfiguration
doCheckAllowsSignup(boolean) - Method in class hudson.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.DescriptorImpl
doCheckArtifacts(AbstractProject, String, String) - Method in class hudson.tasks.ArtifactArchiver.DescriptorImpl
Performs on-the-fly validation of the file mask wildcard, when the artifacts textbox or the caseSensitive checkbox are modified
doCheckAssignedLabelString(AbstractProject<?, ?>, String) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject.AbstractProjectDescriptor
doCheckChoices(String) - Method in class hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl
Checks if parameterized build choices are valid.
doCheckCommand(String) - Method in class hudson.tools.AbstractCommandInstaller.Descriptor
doCheckCustomWorkspace(String) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject.AbstractProjectDescriptor
doCheckDisplayName(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Checks to see if the candidate displayName collides with any existing display names or project names
doCheckHome(File) - Method in class hudson.tools.ToolDescriptor
Checks if the home directory is valid.
doCheckIncludeRegex(String) - Method in class hudson.model.ListView.DescriptorImpl
Checks if the include regular expression is valid.
doCheckJobName(String) - Method in class hudson.model.View
Makes sure that the given name is good as a job name.
doCheckLabel(AbstractProject<?, ?>, String) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject.AbstractProjectDescriptor
doCheckLabel(String) - Method in class hudson.tools.ToolInstallerDescriptor
doCheckName(String) - Method in class hudson.model.ComputerSet
Makes sure that the given name is good as an agent name.
doCheckName(String) - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeDescriptor
doCheckName(String) - Method in class hudson.tools.ToolDescriptor
Checks if the tool name is valid.
doCheckName(String, String) - Method in class hudson.logging.LogRecorder
Validate the name.
doCheckNamePattern(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.ProjectNamingStrategy.PatternProjectNamingStrategy.DescriptorImpl
doCheckNewName(String) - Method in class hudson.logging.LogRecorderManager
doCheckNewName(String) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractItem
Called by AbstractItem.doConfirmRename(java.lang.String) and rename.jelly to validate renames.
doCheckNumExecutors(String) - Method in class hudson.model.Slave.SlaveDescriptor
doCheckNumExecutors(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins.DescriptorImpl
doCheckPluginUrl(StaplerRequest, String) - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
doCheckPollingThreadCount(String) - Method in class hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger.DescriptorImpl
doCheckPort(String) - Method in class hudson.ProxyConfiguration.DescriptorImpl
doCheckRemoteFS(String) - Method in class hudson.model.Slave.SlaveDescriptor
Performs syntactical check on the remote FS for agents.
doCheckRetainCharacteristicEnvVars(boolean) - Method in class jenkins.tasks.filters.impl.RetainVariablesLocalRule.DescriptorImpl
doCheckRetryCount(String) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
Validates the retry count Regex
doCheckScmpoll_spec(String, boolean, Item) - Method in class hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger.DescriptorImpl
Performs syntax check.
doCheckShell(String) - Method in class hudson.tasks.Shell.DescriptorImpl
Check the existence of sh in the given location.
doCheckSpec(String, Item) - Method in class hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger.DescriptorImpl
Performs syntax check.
doCheckTargets(AbstractProject<?, ?>, String) - Method in class hudson.tasks.Fingerprinter.DescriptorImpl
doCheckTimeZoneName(String) - Method in class hudson.model.TimeZoneProperty.DescriptorImpl
doCheckToolHome(String) - Method in class hudson.tools.AbstractCommandInstaller.Descriptor
doCheckUnstableReturn(String) - Method in class hudson.tasks.BatchFile.DescriptorImpl
Performs on-the-fly validation of the errorlevel.
doCheckUnstableReturn(String) - Method in class hudson.tasks.Shell.DescriptorImpl
Performs on-the-fly validation of the exit code.
doCheckUpdateSiteUrl(StaplerRequest, String) - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
doCheckUpdatesServer() - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
doCheckUpstreamProjects(Job, String) - Method in class jenkins.triggers.ReverseBuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl
doCheckURIEncoding(StaplerRequest) - Method in class jenkins.diagnostics.URICheckEncodingMonitor
doCheckURIEncoding(StaplerRequest) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
doCheckUrl(String) - Method in class hudson.tools.ZipExtractionInstaller.DescriptorImpl
doCheckUrl(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.JenkinsLocationConfiguration
Checks the URL in global.jelly
doCheckUrl(String) - Method in class jenkins.security.ResourceDomainConfiguration
doCheckViewName(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Checks if a top-level view with the given name exists and make sure that the name is good as a view name.
doCheckWebSocket(boolean, String) - Method in class hudson.slaves.JNLPLauncher.DescriptorImpl
doChildrenContextMenu(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.logging.LogRecorderManager
doChildrenContextMenu(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.ComputerSet
doChildrenContextMenu(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Job
doChildrenContextMenu(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Label
doChildrenContextMenu(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.View
doChildrenContextMenu(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
doChildrenContextMenu(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in interface jenkins.model.ModelObjectWithChildren
Generates the context menu to list up all the children.
doClassicThreadDump(StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Backward compatibility.
doClear() - Method in class hudson.logging.LogRecorder
doClear() - Method in class hudson.triggers.SlowTriggerAdminMonitor
doClearError(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.TaskAction
Clears the error status.
doCommand(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.cli.CLIAction
doCompleteInstall() - Method in class jenkins.install.SetupWizard
Remove the setupWizard filter, ensure all updates are written to disk, etc
doConfigDotXml(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.model.View
Accepts config.xml submission, as well as serve it.
doConfigDotXml(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractItem
Accepts config.xml submission, as well as serve it.
doConfigDotXml(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Accepts config.xml submission, as well as serve it.
doConfigDotXml(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins.MasterComputer
doConfigExecutorsSubmit(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Accepts submission from the node configuration page.
doConfigLogger(String, String) - Method in class hudson.logging.LogRecorderManager
Configure the logging level.
doConfigSubmit(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.model.ComputerSet
Accepts submission from the configuration page.
doConfigSubmit(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.model.Run
doConfigSubmit(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.logging.LogRecorder
Accepts submission from the configuration page.
doConfigSubmit(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
doConfigSubmit(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Accepts the update to the node configuration.
doConfigSubmit(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Job
Accepts submission from the configuration page.
doConfigSubmit(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.labels.LabelAtom
Accepts the update to the node configuration.
doConfigSubmit(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.User
Accepts submission from the configuration page.
doConfigSubmit(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.View
Accepts submission from the configuration page.
doConfigSubmit(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Accepts submission from the configuration page.
doConfigSubmit(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins.MasterComputer
doConfigure(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.security.GlobalSecurityConfiguration
doConfigure(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.GlobalCloudConfiguration
doConfigure(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.tools.GlobalToolConfiguration
doConfigureInstance(StaplerRequest, String) - Method in class jenkins.install.SetupWizard
doConfirmRename(String) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractItem
Renames this item
doConnectionStatus(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter
Get the current connection status.
doConsoleText(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Run
Sends out the raw console output.
doContextMenu(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Actionable
doContextMenu(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.ManageJenkinsAction
doContextMenu(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.User
doContextMenu(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
doContextMenu(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in interface jenkins.model.ModelObjectWithContextMenu
Generates the context menu.
doCreateAccount(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm
Creates an user account.
doCreateAccountByAdmin(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm
Creates a user account.
doCreateAccountWithFederatedIdentity(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm
Creates an account and associates that with the given identity.
doCreateAdminUser(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.install.SetupWizard
Called during the initial setup to create an admin user
doCreateFirstAccount(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm
Creates a first admin user account.
doCreateItem(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.AllView
doCreateItem(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.ListView
doCreateItem(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in interface hudson.model.ModifiableItemGroup
The request format follows that of &lt;n:form xmlns:n="/lib/form">.
doCreateItem(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.MyView
doCreateItem(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.ProxyView
doCreateItem(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.View
Creates a new Item in this collection.
doCreateItem(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
doCreateItem(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, String, String, String) - Method in class hudson.model.ComputerSet
First check point in creating a new agent.
doCreateView(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.MyViewsProperty
doCreateView(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
doData(StaplerRequest, long, long) - Method in class hudson.model.BuildTimelineWidget
doDefaultJDKCheck(StaplerRequest, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
If the user chose the default JDK, make sure we got 'java' in PATH.
doDelete() - Method in class jenkins.diagnosis.HsErrPidFile
doDescription(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Job
Accepts and serves the job description
doDisable() - Method in interface jenkins.model.ParameterizedJobMixIn.ParameterizedJob
doDisable(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.AdministrativeMonitor
URL binding to disable this monitor.
doDiscard(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.diagnosis.OldDataMonitor
Save all files containing only unreadable data (no data upgrades), which discards this data.
doDoCreateItem(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, String, String) - Method in class hudson.model.ComputerSet
Really creates a new agent.
doDoDelete() - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Really deletes the agent.
doDoDelete() - Method in class hudson.slaves.AbstractCloudComputer
When the agent is deleted, free the node right away.
doDoDelete() - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins.MasterComputer
Report an error.
doDoDelete(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractItem
Deletes this item.
doDoDelete(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Run
Deletes the build when the button is pressed.
doDoDelete(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.User
Deletes this user from Hudson.
doDoDelete(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.View
Deletes this view.
doDoDelete(StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.logging.LogRecorder
Deletes this recorder, then go back to the parent.
doDoDisconnect(String) - Method in class hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer
doDoFingerprintCheck(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Do a finger-print check.
doDoInstall(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, String) - Method in class hudson.lifecycle.WindowsInstallerLink
Performs installation.
doDoRename(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Job
Exists for backwards compatibility, use AbstractItem.doConfirmRename(java.lang.String) instead.
doDoUninstall() - Method in class hudson.PluginWrapper
doDoWipeOutWorkspace() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
Wipes out the workspace.
doDowngrade() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Plugin
Performs the downgrade of the plugin.
doDowngrade(StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter
Performs hudson downgrade.
doDownload() - Method in class jenkins.diagnosis.HsErrPidFile
doDumpExportTable(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Dumps the contents of the export table.
doDynamic(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.FileParameterValue
Serve this file parameter in response to a StaplerRequest.
doDynamic(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.Plugin
This method serves static resources in the plugin under hudson/plugin/SHORTNAME.
doDynamic(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.util.DoubleLaunchChecker
Serve all URLs with the index view.
doDynamic(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in exception hudson.util.ErrorObject
doDynamic(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.util.HudsonIsLoading
doDynamic(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.util.HudsonIsRestarting
doDynamic(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.AssetManager
Exposes assets in the core classloader over HTTP.
doDynamic(StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Run.RedirectUp
doEnable() - Method in interface jenkins.model.ParameterizedJobMixIn.ParameterizedJob
doEval(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Evaluates the Jelly script submitted by the client.
doException() - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
End point that intentionally throws an exception to test the error behaviour.
doExit(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Shutdown the system.
doFieldCheck(String, String, String, String) - Method in class hudson.model.Hudson
as of 1.324 Either use client-side validation (e.g. class="required number") or define your own check method, instead of relying on this generic one.
doFieldCheck(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Hudson
as of 1.294 Define your own check method, instead of relying on this generic one.
doFillTimeZoneNameItems(User) - Method in class hudson.model.TimeZoneProperty.DescriptorImpl
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class hudson.ResponseHeaderFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class hudson.security.BasicAuthenticationFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class hudson.security.ChainedServletFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class hudson.security.csrf.CrumbFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class hudson.security.HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter2
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class hudson.security.HudsonFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class hudson.security.NoopFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class hudson.security.UnwrapSecurityExceptionFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class hudson.util.CharacterEncodingFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class hudson.util.PluginServletFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class jenkins.security.AcegiSecurityExceptionFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class jenkins.security.BasicHeaderProcessor
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class jenkins.security.ResourceDomainFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class jenkins.security.SuspiciousRequestFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class jenkins.telemetry.impl.UserLanguages.AcceptLanguageFilter
doFingerprintCleanup(StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
doForward(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.security.UpdateSiteWarningsMonitor
Redirects the user to the plugin manager or security configuration
doGc(StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
For debugging.
doGenerateNewToken(User, String) - Method in class jenkins.security.ApiTokenProperty.DescriptorImpl
doGraph(String) - Method in class hudson.diagnosis.MemoryUsageMonitor.MemoryGroup
Generates the memory usage statistics graph.
doGraph(String) - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
Generates the load statistics graph.
doHeapDump(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.util.RemotingDiagnostics.HeapDump
doHelp(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Descriptor
Serves help.html from the resource of Descriptor.clazz.
doIconSize(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Changes the icon size by changing the cookie
doIgnore(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.util.DoubleLaunchChecker
Ignore the problem and go back to using Hudson.
doIncompleteInstallStatus() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter
Called to determine if there was an incomplete installation, what the statuses of the plugins are
doIndex() - Method in class hudson.model.MyViewsProperty
doIndex() - Method in class jenkins.security.apitoken.LegacyApiTokenAdministrativeMonitor
doIndex() - Method in class jenkins.websocket.WebSocketEcho
doIndex(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Slave.JnlpJar
doIndex(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.scm.AbstractScmTagAction
doIndex(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.search.Search
doIndex(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.agents.WebSocketAgents
doIndex(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.security.ResourceDomainRootAction
doIndex(StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.diagnosis.OldDataMonitor
doIndex(StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.util.RemotingDiagnostics.HeapDump
Obtains the heap dump.
doInstall() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Plugin
Making the installation web bound.
doInstall(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
Performs the installation of the plugins.
doInstallNecessaryPlugins(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
doInstallNow() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Plugin
doInstallPlugins(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
Installs a list of plugins from a JSON POST.
doInstallPluginsDone() - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
Called to progress status beyond installing plugins, e.g.
doInstallStatus(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter
Get the current installation status of a plugin set.
doInvalidateData() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter
Invalidates the update center JSON data for all the sites and force re-retrieval.
doInvalidateData() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateSite
Invalidates the cached data and force retrieval.
doItemCategories(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, String) - Method in class hudson.model.View
An API REST method to get the allowed {$link TopLevelItem}s and its categories.
doJenkinsAgentJnlp(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer
doJnlpJars(StaplerRequest) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
doJson(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Api
Exposes the bean as JSON.
doLaunchSlaveAgent(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
If Computer.getChannel()==null, attempts to relaunch the agent.
doLaunchSlaveAgent(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer
doLaunchSlaveAgent(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins.MasterComputer
doLoginEntry(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Called once the user logs in.
doLogout(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.security.SecurityRealm
Handles the logout processing.
doLogout(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Logs out the user.
doLogRss(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Hudson
As on 1.267, moved to "/log/rss..."
DomainValidator - Class in jenkins.org.apache.commons.validator.routines
Domain name validation routines.
DomainValidator.ArrayType - Enum in jenkins.org.apache.commons.validator.routines
enum used by DomainValidator.updateTLDOverride(DomainValidator.ArrayType, String[]) to determine which override array to update / fetch
DomainValidator.Item - Class in jenkins.org.apache.commons.validator.routines
Used to specify overrides when creating a new class.
doMakeDisabled() - Method in class hudson.PluginWrapper
doMakeEnabled() - Method in class hudson.PluginWrapper
doMap(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.util.Graph
Renders a clickable map.
doMarshal(Object, HierarchicalStreamWriter, MarshallingContext) - Method in class hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter
doNewLogRecorder(String) - Method in class hudson.logging.LogRecorderManager
Creates a new log recorder.
doNonSecurityPopupContent(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.management.AdministrativeMonitorsApi
doPin() - Method in class hudson.PluginWrapper
doPlatformPluginList() - Method in class jenkins.install.SetupWizard
Returns the initial plugin list in JSON format
doPlugins() - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
Get the list of all plugins - available and installed.
doPluginsSearch(String, Integer) - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
doPng(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.util.Graph
Renders a graph.
doPolling(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
doPolling(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in interface jenkins.model.ParameterizedJobMixIn.ParameterizedJob
Schedules a new SCM polling command.
doPollingLog(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger.BuildAction
Sends out the raw polling log output.
doPrepare(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.management.ShutdownLink
doPrevalidateConfig(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
Like PluginManager.doInstallNecessaryPlugins(StaplerRequest) but only checks if everything is installed or if some plugins need updates or installation.
doPreviewDescription(String) - Method in class hudson.markup.MarkupFormatter
Generate HTML for preview, using markup formatter.
doProgressiveHtml(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.console.AnnotatedLargeText
doProgressiveHtml(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.TaskAction
Handles incremental log output.
doProgressiveLog(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Handles incremental log.
doProgressiveLog(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Run
as of 1.352 Use getLogText().doProgressiveText(req,rsp)
doProgressiveLog(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.TaskAction
Handles incremental log output.
doProgressiveText(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.console.AnnotatedLargeText
Aliasing what I think was a wrong name in LargeText
doProxyConfigure(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
doPython(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Api
Exposes the bean as Python literal.
doQuietDown() - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
doQuietDown(boolean, int) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
doQuietDown(boolean, int, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Quiet down Jenkins - preparation for a restart
doQuietDown(StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Hudson
as of 1.317 Use Jenkins.doQuietDown() instead.
doReload() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractItem
Reloads this job from the disk.
doReload() - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Reloads the configuration.
doRemoveJobFromView(String) - Method in interface hudson.model.DirectlyModifiableView
Handle removeJobFromView web method.
doRemoveJobFromView(String) - Method in class hudson.model.ListView
doRename(User, String, String) - Method in class jenkins.security.ApiTokenProperty.DescriptorImpl
doRenewSessionSeed(User) - Method in class jenkins.security.seed.UserSeedProperty.DescriptorImpl
doResourceBundle(StaplerRequest) - Method in class jenkins.I18n
Get a localised resource bundle.
doResources(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Serves static resources placed along with Jelly view files.
doRestart(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.lifecycle.WindowsInstallerLink
doRestart(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Perform a restart of Jenkins, if we can.
doRestart(StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter
Performs hudson downgrade.
doRestartStatus() - Method in class jenkins.install.SetupWizard
Returns whether the system needs a restart, and if it is supported e.g.
doRevoke(User, String) - Method in class jenkins.security.ApiTokenProperty.DescriptorImpl
doRevokeAll(User) - Method in class jenkins.security.ApiTokenProperty.DescriptorImpl
doRevokeAllExcept(User, String) - Method in class jenkins.security.ApiTokenProperty.DescriptorImpl
doRevokeAllSelected(LegacyApiTokenAdministrativeMonitor.RevokeAllSelectedModel) - Method in class jenkins.security.apitoken.LegacyApiTokenAdministrativeMonitor
doRss(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.logging.LogRecorder
RSS feed for log entries.
doRss(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.logging.LogRecorderManager
RSS feed for log entries.
doRssAll(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
doRssAll(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Job
doRssAll(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.User
doRssAll(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.View
doRssChangelog(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Job
RSS feed for changes in this project.
doRssFailed(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
doRssFailed(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Job
doRssFailed(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.User
doRssFailed(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.View
doRssLatest(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Retrieve the RSS feed for the last build for each project executed in this computer.
doRssLatest(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.User
doRssLatest(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.View
doRun() - Method in class hudson.diagnosis.HudsonHomeDiskUsageChecker
doRun() - Method in class hudson.diagnosis.MemoryUsageMonitor
doRun() - Method in class hudson.model.AperiodicWork
doRun() - Method in class hudson.model.AsyncPeriodicWork
Schedules this periodic work now in a new thread, if one isn't already running.
doRun() - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics.LoadStatisticsUpdater
doRun() - Method in class hudson.slaves.ComputerRetentionWork
doRun() - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeProvisioner.NodeProvisionerInvoker
doRun() - Method in class hudson.triggers.SafeTimerTask
doRun() - Method in class hudson.triggers.Trigger.Cron
doRun(BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractBuild.AbstractBuildExecution
The portion of a build that is specific to a subclass of AbstractBuild goes here.
doRun(BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.model.Build.BuildExecution
doSafeExit(StaplerRequest) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Shutdown the system safely.
doSafeRestart(StaplerRequest) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Queues up a restart of Jenkins for when there are no builds running, if we can.
doSafeRestart(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter
Schedules a Jenkins restart.
doScan(StaplerRequest) - Method in class jenkins.security.RekeySecretAdminMonitor
doSchema(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Api
Generate schema.
doScript(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
For system diagnostics.
doScript(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
For system diagnostics.
doScriptJs(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotationDescriptor
doScriptJs(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotatorFactory
Serves the JavaScript file associated with this console annotator factory.
doScriptText(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Run arbitrary Groovy script and return result as plain text.
doScriptText(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Run arbitrary Groovy script and return result as plain text.
doSecured(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Checks if the user was successfully authenticated.
doSecurityPopupContent(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.management.AdministrativeMonitorsApi
doSetName(String) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractItem
Just update AbstractItem.name without performing the rename operation, which would involve copying files and etc.
doSignup(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Sign up for the user account.
doSimulateOutOfMemory() - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Simulates OutOfMemoryError.
doSiteConfigure(String) - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
Bare-minimum configuration mechanism to change the update center.
doSlaveAgentJnlp(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer
doStop() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractBuild
Stops this build if it's still going.
doStop() - Method in class hudson.model.Executor
Stops the current build.
You can use Executor.doStopBuild(String) instead to ensure what will be interrupted is actually what you want to interrupt.
doStop(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractBuild
as of 1.489 Use AbstractBuild.doStop()
doStop(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Executor
doStopBuild(String) - Method in class hudson.model.Executor
Stops the current build, if matching the specified external id (or no id is specified, or the current Queue.Executable is not a Run).
doStyleCss(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotationDescriptor
doStyleCss(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotatorFactory
doSubmitDescription(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractItem
Accepts the new description.
doSubmitDescription(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.labels.LabelAtom
Accepts the new description.
doSubmitDescription(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Run
Accepts the new description.
doSubmitDescription(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.User
Accepts the new description.
doSubmitDescription(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.View
Accepts the new description.
doSubmitDescription(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Accepts the new description.
doSuggest(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, String) - Method in class hudson.search.Search
Used by search box auto-completion.
doSuggestOpenSearch(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, String) - Method in class hudson.search.Search
Used by OpenSearch auto-completion.
doTest(StaplerRequest, boolean) - Method in class hudson.diagnosis.ReverseProxySetupMonitor
doTestPost(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
DotNet - Class in hudson.util.jna
.NET related code.
DotNet() - Constructor for class hudson.util.jna.DotNet
doToggleCollapse() - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
doToggleLogKeep(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.Run
doToggleOffline(String) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
doTrim() - Method in class hudson.model.StringParameterValue
Trimming for value
DoubleLaunchChecker - Class in hudson.util
Makes sure that no other Hudson uses our JENKINS_HOME directory, to forestall the problem of running multiple instances of Hudson that point to the same data directory.
DoubleLaunchChecker() - Constructor for class hudson.util.DoubleLaunchChecker
doUnmarshal(Object, HierarchicalStreamReader, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in class hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter
doUnpin() - Method in class hudson.PluginWrapper
doUpdateNow(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.ComputerSet
Triggers the schedule update now.
doUpdateSources(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
doUpgrade(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.diagnosis.OldDataMonitor
Save all or some of the files to persist data in the new forms.
doUpgrade(StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter
Schedules a Jenkins upgrade.
doUploadPlugin(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
Uploads a plugin.
doUserContent() - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Binds /userContent/...
dout - Variable in class hudson.cli.Connection
doValidateProxy(String, String, int, String, Secret, String) - Method in class hudson.ProxyConfiguration.DescriptorImpl
doVerifySignature() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateSite
doViewExistsCheck(String) - Method in class hudson.model.ProxyView
Fails if a global view with the given name does not exist.
doViewExistsCheck(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
doViewExistsCheck(String, boolean) - Method in class hudson.model.MyViewsProperty
Checks if a private view with the given name exists.
DOWNGRADE - Static variable in class jenkins.install.InstallState
Downgrade of an existing Jenkins install.
download(UpdateCenter.DownloadJob, URL) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.UpdateCenterConfiguration
Download a plugin or core upgrade in preparation for installing it into its final location.
download(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.util.FullDuplexHttpService
This is where we send the data to the client.
Downloadable() - Constructor for class hudson.model.DownloadService.Downloadable
Creates a new downloadable.
Downloadable(Class<?>) - Constructor for class hudson.model.DownloadService.Downloadable
Creates a new downloadable.
Downloadable(String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.DownloadService.Downloadable
Creates a new downloadable with a specific ID.
Downloadable(String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.DownloadService.Downloadable
Creates a new downloadable with a specific ID and URL.
Downloadable(String, String, long) - Constructor for class hudson.model.DownloadService.Downloadable
Creates a new downloadable.
DownloadableListener() - Constructor for class hudson.model.DownloadService.DownloadableListener
DownloadFromUrlInstaller - Class in hudson.tools
Partial convenience implementation of ToolInstaller that just downloads an archive from the URL and extracts it.
DownloadFromUrlInstaller(String) - Constructor for class hudson.tools.DownloadFromUrlInstaller
DownloadFromUrlInstaller.DescriptorImpl<T extends DownloadFromUrlInstaller> - Class in hudson.tools
DownloadFromUrlInstaller.Installable - Class in hudson.tools
Downloadable and installable tool.
DownloadFromUrlInstaller.InstallableList - Class in hudson.tools
Used for JSON databinding to parse the obtained list.
DownloadFromUrlInstaller.NodeSpecificInstallable - Class in hudson.tools
Convenient abstract class to implement a NodeSpecificInstallable based on an existing Installable
DownloadJob(UpdateSite, Authentication) - Constructor for class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.DownloadJob
DownloadService - Class in hudson.model
Service for plugins to periodically retrieve update data files (like the one in the update center) through browsers.
DownloadService() - Constructor for class hudson.model.DownloadService
DownloadService.Downloadable - Class in hudson.model
Represents a periodically updated JSON data file obtained from a remote URL.
DownloadService.DownloadableListener - Class in hudson.model
This installs itself as a listener to changes to the Downloadable extension list and will download the metadata for any newly added Downloadables.
doWorkspaceCleanup(StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
doWs() - Method in class hudson.cli.CLIAction
WebSocket endpoint.
doWs(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
Serves the workspace files.
doXml(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, String, String, String, int) - Method in class hudson.model.Api
Exposes the bean as XML.
doXml(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, String, String, String, int) - Method in class hudson.security.csrf.CrumbIssuer.RestrictedApi
doYank() - Method in class hudson.model.Executor
now a no-op
drain(InputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Drains the input stream and closes it.
drawCategoryLabels(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D, RectangleEdge, AxisState, PlotRenderingInfo) - Method in class hudson.util.NoOverlapCategoryAxis
drawItem(Graphics2D, CategoryItemRendererState, Rectangle2D, CategoryPlot, CategoryAxis, ValueAxis, CategoryDataset, int, int, int) - Method in class hudson.util.StackedAreaRenderer2
dropdownDescriptorSelector() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Renders a single <select> control for choosing a Describable.
dropdownDescriptorSelector(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Renders a single <select> control for choosing a Describable.
dropdownDescriptorSelector(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Renders a single <select> control for choosing a Describable.
dropdownDescriptorSelector(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Renders a single <select> control for choosing a Describable.
dropdownList() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Foldable block expanded when the corresponding item is selected in the drop-down list.
dropdownList(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Foldable block expanded when the corresponding item is selected in the drop-down list.
dropdownList(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Foldable block expanded when the corresponding item is selected in the drop-down list.
dropdownList(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Foldable block expanded when the corresponding item is selected in the drop-down list.
dropdownListBlock() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Foldable block expanded when the corresponding item is selected in the drop-down list.
dropdownListBlock(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Foldable block expanded when the corresponding item is selected in the drop-down list.
dropdownListBlock(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Foldable block expanded when the corresponding item is selected in the drop-down list.
dropdownListBlock(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Foldable block expanded when the corresponding item is selected in the drop-down list.
dropLinks() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractBuild
dropLinks() - Method in class hudson.model.Run
Called by RunMap to drop bi-directional links in preparation for deleting a build.
dropLinks() - Method in class jenkins.model.lazy.LazyBuildMixIn.RunMixIn
To implement Run.dropLinks().
DSA - Static variable in class jenkins.model.identity.InstanceIdentityProvider
dst - Variable in class hudson.cli.CopyJobCommand
DualOutputStream - Class in hudson.util
DualOutputStream(OutputStream, OutputStream) - Constructor for class hudson.util.DualOutputStream
due() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractBuild
DumbSlave - Class in hudson.slaves
Default Slave implementation for computers that do not belong to a higher level structure, like grid or cloud.
DumbSlave(String, String, ComputerLauncher) - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.DumbSlave
DumbSlave(String, String, String, String, Node.Mode, String, ComputerLauncher, RetentionStrategy) - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.DumbSlave
DumbSlave(String, String, String, String, Node.Mode, String, ComputerLauncher, RetentionStrategy, List<? extends NodeProperty<?>>) - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.DumbSlave
as of 2.2. Use DumbSlave(String, String, ComputerLauncher) and configure the rest through setters.
DumbSlave_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key DumbSlave.displayName: Permanent Agent.
DumbSlave.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.slaves
DummyImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.Plugin.DummyImpl
DummyLauncher(TaskListener) - Constructor for class hudson.Launcher.DummyLauncher
DUMMYUNIONNAME - Variable in class hudson.util.jna.SHELLEXECUTEINFO
DUMMYUNIONNAME_union() - Constructor for class hudson.util.jna.SHELLEXECUTEINFO.DUMMYUNIONNAME_union
DUMMYUNIONNAME_union(Pointer) - Constructor for class hudson.util.jna.SHELLEXECUTEINFO.DUMMYUNIONNAME_union
dumpAllThreads() - Static method in class hudson.Functions
dumpThreadInfo(ThreadInfo, Functions.ThreadGroupMap) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
dup(int) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.GNUCLibrary
dup2(int, int) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.GNUCLibrary
DuplicateFieldException(String) - Constructor for exception hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter.DuplicateFieldException
DuplicateFilterIterator(Iterable<? extends T>) - Constructor for class hudson.util.Iterators.DuplicateFilterIterator
DuplicateFilterIterator(Iterator<? extends T>) - Constructor for class hudson.util.Iterators.DuplicateFilterIterator
duration - Variable in class hudson.model.queue.FutureLoad
How long is task expected to continue, in milliseconds?
duration - Variable in class hudson.model.Run
Number of milli-seconds it took to run this build.
dwCheckPoint - Variable in class hudson.util.jna.Advapi32.SERVICE_STATUS
dwControlsAccepted - Variable in class hudson.util.jna.Advapi32.SERVICE_STATUS
dwCurrentState - Variable in class hudson.util.jna.Advapi32.SERVICE_STATUS
dwHighDateTime - Variable in class hudson.util.jna.WINBASE.FILETIME
dwHotKey - Variable in class hudson.util.jna.SHELLEXECUTEINFO
dwLowDateTime - Variable in class hudson.util.jna.WINBASE.FILETIME
dwServiceSpecificExitCode - Variable in class hudson.util.jna.Advapi32.SERVICE_STATUS
dwServiceType - Variable in class hudson.util.jna.Advapi32.SERVICE_STATUS
dwWaitHint - Variable in class hudson.util.jna.Advapi32.SERVICE_STATUS
dwWin32ExitCode - Variable in class hudson.util.jna.Advapi32.SERVICE_STATUS
dynamicLoad - Variable in class hudson.cli.InstallPluginCommand
dynamicLoad - Variable in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.InstallationJob
True to load the plugin into this Jenkins, false to wait until restart.
dynamicLoad(File) - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
TODO: revisit where/how to expose this.
dynamicLoad(File, boolean, List<PluginWrapper>) - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
Try the dynamicLoad, removeExisting to attempt to dynamic load disabled plugins
dynamicLoadable() - Method in annotation type hudson.Extension
Marks whether this extension works with dynamic loading of a plugin.
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