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r(Resource) - Method in class hudson.model.ResourceList
Adds a resource for read access.
radio() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
<input type="radio"> tag that takes true/false for @checked, which is more Jelly friendly.
radio(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
<input type="radio"> tag that takes true/false for @checked, which is more Jelly friendly.
radio(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
<input type="radio"> tag that takes true/false for @checked, which is more Jelly friendly.
radio(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
<input type="radio"> tag that takes true/false for @checked, which is more Jelly friendly.
radioBlock() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Radio button with a label that hides additional controls.
radioBlock(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Radio button with a label that hides additional controls.
radioBlock(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Radio button with a label that hides additional controls.
radioBlock(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Radio button with a label that hides additional controls.
randomBytes(int) - Method in class jenkins.security.ConfidentialStore
randomBytes(int) - Method in class jenkins.security.DefaultConfidentialStore
range - Variable in class hudson.cli.AbstractBuildRangeCommand
range - Variable in class hudson.cli.RunRangeCommand
Range(int, int) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Fingerprint.Range
RangeItem(String, Fingerprint.RangeSet) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Fingerprint.RangeItem
ranges - Variable in class hudson.model.Fingerprint.RangeItem
RangeSet() - Constructor for class hudson.model.Fingerprint.RangeSet
RareOrImpossibleDateException - Exception in hudson.scheduler
This exception is thrown when trying to determine the previous or next occurrence of a given date determines that it's not happened, or going to happen, within some time period (e.g.
RareOrImpossibleDateException() - Constructor for exception hudson.scheduler.RareOrImpossibleDateException
rawEncode(String) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Encode a single path component for use in an HTTP URL.
rawHtml(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
Used for arguments to internationalized expressions to avoid escape
reactOnCycle(N, List<N>) - Method in class hudson.util.CyclicGraphDetector
React on detected cycles - default implementation throws an exception.
read() - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Reads this file.
read() - Method in class hudson.util.ChunkedInputStream
Returns all the data in a chunked stream in coalesced form.
read() - Method in class hudson.util.CompressedFile
Reads the contents of a file.
read() - Method in class hudson.util.HeadBufferingStream
read() - Method in class hudson.util.TextFile
Reads the entire contents and returns it.
read() - Method in class hudson.util.UnbufferedBase64InputStream
read() - Method in class hudson.XmlFile
Loads the contents of this file into a new object.
read(byte[]) - Method in class hudson.util.ChunkedInputStream
Read some bytes from the stream.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class hudson.util.ChunkedInputStream
Read some bytes from the stream.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class hudson.util.HeadBufferingStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class hudson.util.UnbufferedBase64InputStream
read(FilePath, OpenOption...) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
READ - Static variable in interface hudson.model.Item
READ - Static variable in class hudson.model.View
READ - Static variable in class hudson.security.Permission
Generic read access.
READ - Static variable in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
READ_CONTROL - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
readAll() - Method in class hudson.model.TaskThread
readBoolean() - Method in class hudson.cli.Connection
readByteArray() - Method in class hudson.cli.Connection
readFirstLine(InputStream, String) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Read the first line of the given stream, close it, and return that line.
readFrom(DataInputStream) - Static method in class hudson.console.ConsoleNote
Reads a note back from its encoded form.
readFrom(InputStream) - Method in class hudson.util.ByteArrayOutputStream2
Reads the given InputStream completely into the buffer.
readFromOffset(long) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Reads this file from the specific offset.
readFully() - Method in class hudson.model.Slave.JnlpJar
readKey() - Method in class hudson.cli.Connection
readLines(InputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.readLines(java.io.InputStream)
readLines(InputStream, String) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.readLines(java.io.InputStream, String)
readLines(Reader) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.readLines(java.io.Reader)
readlink(String, Memory, NativeLong) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.GNUCLibrary
Read a symlink.
readLink() - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Resolves symlink, if the given file is a symlink.
readLink() - Method in class jenkins.util.VirtualFile
If this file is a symlink, returns the link target.
readObject() - Method in class hudson.cli.Connection
Receives an object sent by Connection.writeObject(Object)
readOnly(Iterator<T>) - Static method in class hudson.util.Iterators
Creates a read-only mutator that disallows Iterator.remove().
readOnlyTextbox() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Generates an input field to be used inside <f:entry/>
readOnlyTextbox(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Generates an input field to be used inside <f:entry/>
readOnlyTextbox(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Generates an input field to be used inside <f:entry/>
readOnlyTextbox(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Generates an input field to be used inside <f:entry/>
readRaw() - Method in class hudson.XmlFile
Opens a Reader that loads XML.
readResolve() - Method in class hudson.model.Fingerprint
readResolve() - Method in class hudson.model.ListView
readResolve() - Method in class hudson.model.MyViewsProperty
readResolve() - Method in class hudson.model.Queue.Item
readResolve() - Method in class hudson.model.Slave
Invoked by XStream when this object is read into memory.
readResolve() - Method in class hudson.scm.NullChangeLogParser
readResolve() - Method in class hudson.slaves.ChannelPinger.SetUpRemotePing
readResolve() - Method in class hudson.slaves.JNLPLauncher
readResolve() - Method in class hudson.slaves.SimpleScheduledRetentionStrategy
readResolve() - Method in class hudson.tasks.ArtifactArchiver
readResolve() - Method in class hudson.tools.ToolInstallation
Invoked by XStream when this object is read into memory.
readResolve() - Method in class hudson.triggers.Trigger
readResolve() - Method in class jenkins.install.InstallState
Should no longer be used, as Jenkins now saves only InstallState.name.
readResolve() - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Maintains backwards compatibility.
readResolve() - Method in class jenkins.SlaveToMasterFileCallable
readStderr() - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
In addition to the effect of Launcher.ProcStarter.readStdout(), indicate that the caller will pump stderr from the child process separately from stdout.
readStdout() - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
Indicates that the caller will pump stdout from the child process via Proc.getStdout() (whereas by default you call Launcher.ProcStarter.stdout(OutputStream) and let Jenkins pump stdout into your OutputStream of choosing.
readToString() - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Reads this file into a string, by using the current system encoding on the remote machine.
readTrim() - Method in class hudson.util.TextFile
readUTF() - Method in class hudson.cli.Connection
realClass(String) - Method in class hudson.util.xstream.MapperDelegate
REALM - Static variable in class hudson.model.User.CanonicalIdResolver
context key for realm (domain) where idOrFullName has been retrieved from.
realMember(Class, String) - Method in class hudson.util.xstream.MapperDelegate
reason - Variable in class hudson.cli.QuietDownCommand
rebuild(StaplerRequest, JSONObject, List<? extends Descriptor<T>>) - Method in class hudson.util.DescribableList
Rebuilds the list by creating a fresh instances from the submitted form.
rebuild(StaplerRequest, JSONObject, List<? extends Descriptor<T>>, String) - Method in class hudson.util.DescribableList
rebuildDependencyGraph() - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Rebuilds the dependency map.
rebuildDependencyGraphAsync() - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Rebuilds the dependency map asynchronously.
rebuildHetero(StaplerRequest, JSONObject, Collection<? extends Descriptor<T>>, String) - Method in class hudson.util.DescribableList
Rebuilds the list by creating a fresh instances from the submitted form.
ReconfigurableDescribable<T extends ReconfigurableDescribable<T>> - Interface in hudson.model
Marks modern Describables that allow the current instances to pass information down to the next instance when the configuration is submitted.
reconfigure(Map<String, JSONObject>) - Method in class jenkins.security.apitoken.ApiTokenStore
Defensive approach to avoid involuntary change since the UUIDs are generated at startup only for UI and so between restart they change
reconfigure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.JobProperty
reconfigure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.MyViewsProperty
reconfigure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.Node
reconfigure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in interface hudson.model.ReconfigurableDescribable
When a parent/owner object of a Describable gets a config form submission and instances are recreated, this method is invoked on the existing instance (meaning the 'this' reference points to the existing instance) to create a new instance to be added to the parent/owner object.
reconfigure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.UserProperty
reconfigure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.ViewProperty
reconfigure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeProperty
reconfigure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.security.ApiTokenProperty
Allow user to rename tokens
reconfigure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.security.LastGrantedAuthoritiesProperty
Stick to the same object since there's no UI for this.
record(FilePath) - Method in class hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList
Just record that this workspace is being used, without paying any attention to the synchronization support.
record(StaplerRequest, String) - Method in class jenkins.telemetry.impl.StaplerDispatches.StaplerTrace
recordCauseOfInterruption(Run<?, ?>, TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.model.Executor
report cause of interruption and record it to the build, if available.
Recorder - Class in hudson.tasks
BuildSteps that run after the build is completed.
Recorder() - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.Recorder
recordPendingLaunches(NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode...) - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeProvisioner.StrategyState
If a NodeProvisioner.Strategy takes some provisioning action, it should record and NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode instances by calling this method.
recordPendingLaunches(Collection<NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode>) - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeProvisioner.StrategyState
If a NodeProvisioner.Strategy takes some provisioning action, it should record and NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode instances by calling this method.
recordTermination() - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
This method captures the information of a request to terminate a computer instance.
RECURRENCEPERIOD - Static variable in class hudson.slaves.NodeProvisioner.NodeProvisionerInvoker
recurrencePeriodHours - Static variable in class hudson.model.WorkspaceCleanupThread
How often the clean up should run.
RED - hudson.model.BallColor
RED - Static variable in class hudson.util.ColorPalette
RED_ANIME - hudson.model.BallColor
REDACT_KEY - Static variable in class jenkins.security.RedactSecretJsonInErrorMessageSanitizer
REDACT_VALUE - Static variable in class jenkins.security.RedactSecretJsonInErrorMessageSanitizer
RedactSecretJsonInErrorMessageSanitizer - Class in jenkins.security
redirectAfterCreateItem(StaplerRequest, TopLevelItem) - Method in class hudson.model.ItemGroupMixIn
Computes the redirection target URL for the newly created TopLevelItem.
RedirectUp() - Constructor for class hudson.model.Run.RedirectUp
reduce(List<JSONObject>) - Method in class hudson.model.DownloadService.Downloadable
Function that takes multiple JSONObjects and returns a single one.
reflectionProvider - Variable in class hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter
ReflectionUtils - Class in hudson.util
Utility code for reflection.
ReflectionUtils() - Constructor for class hudson.util.ReflectionUtils
ReflectionUtils.Parameter - Class in hudson.util
refresh() - Method in class hudson.cli.declarative.CLIRegisterer
refresh() - Method in class hudson.ExtensionFinder.GuiceFinder
The basic idea is: List up delta as a series of modules
refresh() - Method in class hudson.ExtensionFinder
Rebuilds the internal index, if any, so that future ExtensionFinder.find(Class, Hudson) calls will discover components newly added to PluginManager.uberClassLoader.
refresh() - Method in class hudson.ExtensionFinder.Sezpoz
Rebuilds the internal index, if any, so that future ExtensionFinder.find(Class, Hudson) calls will discover components newly added to PluginManager.uberClassLoader.
refresh(ExtensionComponentSet) - Method in class hudson.ExtensionList
Used during Jenkins.refreshExtensions() to add new components into existing ExtensionLists.
refreshExtensions() - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Refresh ExtensionLists by adding all the newly discovered extensions.
refused() - Static method in class hudson.model.queue.ScheduleResult
Refused() - Constructor for class hudson.model.queue.ScheduleResult.Refused
REG_BINARY - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
REG_DWORD - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
REG_EXPAND_SZ - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
REG_LINK - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
REG_MULTI_SZ - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
REG_NONE - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
REG_OPTION_BACKUP_RESTORE - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
REG_OPTION_CREATE_LINK - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
REG_OPTION_OPEN_LINK - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
REG_OPTION_RESERVED - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
REG_OPTION_VOLATILE - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
REG_RESOURCE_LIST - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
REG_SZ - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
RegCloseKey(int) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
RegCreateKeyEx(int, String, int, String, int, int, WINBASE.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, IntByReference, IntByReference) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
RegDeleteKey(int, String) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
RegDeleteValue(int, String) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
regenerateTokenFromLegacy(Secret) - Method in class jenkins.security.apitoken.ApiTokenStore
Remove the legacy token present and generate a new one using the given secret.
regenerateTokenFromLegacyIfRequired(Secret) - Method in class jenkins.security.apitoken.ApiTokenStore
Same as ApiTokenStore.regenerateTokenFromLegacy(Secret) but only applied if there is an existing legacy token.
RegEnumKeyEx(int, int, char[], IntByReference, IntByReference, char[], IntByReference, WINBASE.FILETIME) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
RegEnumValue(int, int, char[], IntByReference, IntByReference, IntByReference, byte[], IntByReference) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
RegexValidator - Class in jenkins.org.apache.commons.validator.routines
Regular Expression validation (using JDK 1.4+ regex support).
RegexValidator(String) - Constructor for class jenkins.org.apache.commons.validator.routines.RegexValidator
Construct a case sensitive validator for a single regular expression.
RegexValidator(String[]) - Constructor for class jenkins.org.apache.commons.validator.routines.RegexValidator
Construct a case sensitive validator that matches any one of the set of regular expressions.
RegexValidator(String[], boolean) - Constructor for class jenkins.org.apache.commons.validator.routines.RegexValidator
Construct a validator that matches any one of the set of regular expressions with the specified case sensitivity.
RegexValidator(String, boolean) - Constructor for class jenkins.org.apache.commons.validator.routines.RegexValidator
Construct a validator for a single regular expression with the specified case sensitivity.
register() - Method in class hudson.model.listeners.ItemListener
as of 1.286 put Extension on your class to have it auto-registered.
register() - Method in class hudson.model.listeners.RunListener
as of 1.281 Put Extension on your class to get it auto-registered.
register() - Method in class hudson.model.listeners.SaveableListener
as of 1.281 Put Extension on your class to get it auto-registered.
register() - Method in class hudson.model.listeners.SCMListener
Use Extension instead.
register() - Method in class hudson.scm.ChangeLogAnnotator
as of 1.286 Prefer automatic registration via Extension
register() - Method in class hudson.slaves.ComputerListener
as of 1.286 put Extension on your class to have it auto-registered.
register() - Static method in class jenkins.security.ClassFilterImpl
Register this implementation as the default in the system.
register(Item) - Static method in class jenkins.model.queue.ItemDeletion
Register the supplied Item for deletion.
registerIfApplicable() - Static method in class hudson.lifecycle.WindowsInstallerLink
Decide if WindowsInstallerLink should show up in UI, and if so, register it.
registerOptionHandlers() - Method in class hudson.cli.CLICommand
Auto-discovers OptionHandlers and add them to the given command line parser.
registerPermissions() - Static method in class hudson.model.View
registerPermissions() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Cloud
RegisterServiceCtrlHandler(String, Advapi32.Handler) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerEx(String, Advapi32.HandlerEx, Pointer) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
RegistryKey - Class in hudson.util.jna
Represents a Win32 registry key.
RegOpenKeyEx(int, String, int, int, IntByReference) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
RegQueryValueEx(int, String, IntByReference, IntByReference, byte[], IntByReference) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
regressionOnly() - Method in class hudson.util.RunList
Filter the list to regression builds only.
RegSetValueEx(int, String, int, int, byte[], int) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
rekey() - Static method in class hudson.model.User
Called when changing the IdStrategy.
RekeySecretAdminMonitor - Class in jenkins.security
Warns the administrator to run SecretRewriter
RekeySecretAdminMonitor() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.RekeySecretAdminMonitor
RekeySecretAdminMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key RekeySecretAdminMonitor.DisplayName: Re-keying.
relativePath - Variable in class hudson.model.Run.Artifact
Relative path name from artifacts root.
RelativePath - Annotation Type in hudson
Used in conjunction with QueryParameter to refer to nearby parameters that belong to different parents.
release() - Method in class hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList.Lease
Releases this lease.
releaseClassLoader() - Method in class hudson.PluginWrapper
releaseTimestamp - Variable in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Plugin
Date when this plugin was released.
reload() - Method in class hudson.model.Run
Reloads the build record from disk.
reload() - Static method in class hudson.model.User
To be called from Jenkins.reload() only.
reload() - Method in class hudson.model.ViewJob
Reloads the list of Runs.
reload() - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Reloads the configuration synchronously.
reload() - Method in class jenkins.security.stapler.StaticRoutingDecisionProvider
ReloadConfigurationCommand - Class in hudson.cli
Reload everything from the file system.
ReloadConfigurationCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.ReloadConfigurationCommand
ReloadConfigurationCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key ReloadConfigurationCommand.ShortDescription: Discard all the loaded data in memory and reload everything from file system. Useful when you modified config files directly on disk..
ReloadJobCommand - Class in hudson.cli
Reloads job from the disk.
ReloadJobCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.ReloadJobCommand
ReloadJobCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key ReloadJobCommand.ShortDescription: Reload job(s).
ReloadLink - Class in jenkins.management
ReloadLink() - Constructor for class jenkins.management.ReloadLink
ReloadLink_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ReloadLink.Description: Discard all the loaded data in memory and reload everything from file system. Useful when you modified config files directly on disk..
ReloadLink_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ReloadLink.DisplayName: Reload Configuration from Disk.
reloadPeriodically - Static variable in class hudson.model.ViewJob
In the very old version of Hudson, an external job submission was just creating files on the file system, so we needed to periodically reload the jobs from a file system to pick up new records.
relocateOldLogs() - Static method in class hudson.model.Computer
Relocate log files in the old location to the new location.
remaining - Variable in class hudson.cli.GroovyCommand
Remaining arguments.
REMEMBER_ME_SERVICES_PROXY - Static variable in class hudson.security.HudsonFilter
in 1.271. This proxy always delegate to Hudson.getInstance().getSecurityRealm().getSecurityComponents().rememberMe, so use that instead.
rememberMe - Variable in class hudson.security.SecurityRealm.SecurityComponents
rememberMe2 - Variable in class hudson.security.SecurityRealm.SecurityComponents
RememberMeServices - Interface in org.acegisecurity.ui.rememberme
use RememberMeServices
RememberMeServicesProxy - Class in hudson.security
RememberMeServices proxy.
RememberMeServicesProxy() - Constructor for class hudson.security.RememberMeServicesProxy
remote - Variable in class hudson.scm.PollingResult
Current state of the remote repository.
Remote(ProcessTree, Channel) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ProcessTree.Remote
Remote(ProcessTree, Channel, boolean) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ProcessTree.Remote
RemoteCause(String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Cause.RemoteCause
remoteFS - Variable in class hudson.model.Slave
Path to the root of the workspace from the view point of this node, such as "/hudson", this need not be absolute provided that the launcher establishes a consistent working directory, such as "./.jenkins-agent" when used with an SSH launcher.
RemoteLauncher(TaskListener, VirtualChannel, boolean) - Constructor for class hudson.Launcher.RemoteLauncher
remotePost(String[]) - Static method in class hudson.Main
Run command and send result to ExternalJob in the external-monitor-job plugin.
RemoteProc(Future<Integer>) - Constructor for class hudson.Proc.RemoteProc
RemotingDiagnostics - Class in hudson.util
Various remoting operations related to diagnostics.
RemotingDiagnostics() - Constructor for class hudson.util.RemotingDiagnostics
RemotingDiagnostics.HeapDump - Class in hudson.util
Heap dump, exposable to URL via Stapler.
RemotingVersionInfo - Class in jenkins.slaves
Provides information about Remoting versions used within the core.
RemotingWorkDirSettings - Class in jenkins.slaves
Defines settings of the Remoting work directory.
RemotingWorkDirSettings() - Constructor for class jenkins.slaves.RemotingWorkDirSettings
RemotingWorkDirSettings(boolean, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class jenkins.slaves.RemotingWorkDirSettings
RemotingWorkDirSettings.DescriptorImpl - Class in jenkins.slaves
remove() - Method in class hudson.util.AdaptedIterator
remove() - Method in class hudson.util.Iterators.FilterIterator
remove() - Method in class hudson.util.Iterators.FlattenIterator
remove(int) - Method in class hudson.ExtensionList
remove(int) - Method in class hudson.model.EnvironmentList
remove(int) - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeList
remove(D) - Method in class hudson.util.DescribableList
remove(E) - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteList
Removes an item from the list.
remove(TopLevelItem) - Method in interface hudson.model.DirectlyModifiableView
Remove item from this view.
remove(TopLevelItem) - Method in class hudson.model.ListView
Removes given item from this view.
remove(TopLevelItem) - Method in interface jenkins.model.DirectlyModifiableTopLevelItemGroup
Removes an item from this group.
remove(TopLevelItem) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
remove(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class hudson.util.PersistedList
Removes an instance by its type.
remove(Object) - Method in class hudson.DescriptorExtensionList
remove(Object) - Method in class hudson.ExtensionList
remove(Object) - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeList
remove(Object) - Method in class hudson.tasks.BuildStep.PublisherList
remove(Object) - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap
remove(Object) - Method in class hudson.util.DescriptorList
remove(Object) - Method in class hudson.util.PersistedList
remove(String) - Method in class jenkins.security.stapler.StaticRoutingDecisionProvider
remove(R) - Method in class hudson.model.RunMap
remove(T) - Method in class hudson.util.ConsistentHash
Removes the node entirely.
REMOVE - jenkins.tasks.filters.impl.RetainVariablesLocalRule.ProcessVariablesHandling
removeAction(Action) - Method in class hudson.model.Actionable
Remove an action.
removeActions(Class<? extends Action>) - Method in class hudson.model.Actionable
Removes any actions of the specified type.
removeAll() - Method in class jenkins.security.apitoken.ApiTokenStats
Will trigger the save if there is some modifications
removeAll(Fingerprint.RangeSet) - Method in class hudson.model.Fingerprint.RangeSet
Updates this range set by removing all the values in the given range set.
removeAll(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class hudson.util.PersistedList
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class hudson.ExtensionList
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeList
removeAllExcept(String) - Method in class jenkins.security.apitoken.ApiTokenStats
removeBlacklistSignature(String) - Method in class jenkins.security.stapler.StaticRoutingDecisionProvider
removeDups(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class hudson.util.Iterators
Filters another iterator by eliminating duplicates.
removeDups(Iterator<T>) - Static method in class hudson.util.Iterators
Filters another iterator by eliminating duplicates.
removeExecutor(Executor) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Called by Executor to kill excessive executors from this computer.
removeFilter(Filter) - Static method in class hudson.util.PluginServletFilter
removeFromList(Descriptor<T>, List<T>) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
removeId(String) - Method in class jenkins.security.apitoken.ApiTokenStats
Will trigger the save if there is some modifications
RemoveJobFromViewCommand - Class in hudson.cli
RemoveJobFromViewCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.RemoveJobFromViewCommand
RemoveJobFromViewCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key RemoveJobFromViewCommand.ShortDescription: Removes jobs from view..
removeNode(Node) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Removes a Node from Jenkins.
removeNode(Node) - Method in class jenkins.model.Nodes
Removes a node.
removeNotes(String) - Static method in class hudson.console.ConsoleNote
Removes the embedded console notes in the given log line.
removeNotes(Collection<String>) - Static method in class hudson.console.ConsoleNote
Removes the embedded console notes in the given log lines.
removeNull(Iterator<T>) - Static method in class hudson.util.Iterators
Wraps another iterator and throws away nulls.
removeProperty(JobProperty<? super JobT>) - Method in class hudson.model.Job
Removes JobProperty
removeProperty(Class<T>) - Method in class hudson.model.Job
Removes the property of the given type.
removePublisher(Descriptor<Publisher>) - Method in class hudson.model.Project
as of 1.290 Use getPublishersList().remove(x)
removeRange(int, int) - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeList
removeRun(R) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
removeRun(RunT) - Method in class hudson.model.Job
Called from Run to remove it from this job.
removeRun(RunT) - Method in class hudson.model.ViewJob
removeRun(RunT) - Method in class jenkins.model.lazy.LazyBuildMixIn
Suitable for Job.removeRun(RunT).
removeTrailingSlash(String) - Static method in class hudson.Util
removeTrigger(TriggerDescriptor) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
removeValue(R) - Method in class hudson.model.RunMap
removeValue(R) - Method in class jenkins.model.lazy.AbstractLazyLoadRunMap
rename(String) - Method in class hudson.model.View
Renames this view.
rename(String) - Method in class jenkins.security.apitoken.ApiTokenStore.HashedToken
rename(String, String) - Method in class hudson.model.Fingerprint
Update references to a renamed job in the fingerprint
rename(String, String) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.GNUCLibrary
RenameAction - Class in jenkins.model
RenameAction() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.RenameAction
RenameAction.TransientActionFactoryImpl - Class in jenkins.model
renameTo(FilePath) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Rename this file/directory to the target filepath.
renameTo(String) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractItem
Renames this item.
renameTo(String) - Method in class hudson.model.Job
Renames a job.
renameToken(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.security.apitoken.ApiTokenStore
Given a token identifier and a name, the system will try to find a corresponding token and rename it
render() - Method in class hudson.widgets.RenderOnDemandClosure
Renders the captured fragment.
renderHtml() - Method in exception hudson.util.FormFillFailure
renderHtml() - Method in exception hudson.util.FormValidation
renderOnDemand() - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
renderOnDemand(Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
renderOnDemand(Map) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
renderOnDemand(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
RenderOnDemandClosure - Class in hudson.widgets
Captured Jelly Script that can be rendered later on demand from JavaScript.
RenderOnDemandClosure(JellyContext, String) - Constructor for class hudson.widgets.RenderOnDemandClosure
renewSeed() - Method in class jenkins.security.seed.UserSeedProperty
ReopenableFileOutputStream - Class in hudson.util.io
due to risk for file leak. Prefer RewindableFileOutputStream
ReopenableFileOutputStream(File) - Constructor for class hudson.util.io.ReopenableFileOutputStream
ReopenableRotatingFileOutputStream - Class in hudson.util.io
due to risk for file leak. Prefer RewindableRotatingFileOutputStream
ReopenableRotatingFileOutputStream(File, int) - Constructor for class hudson.util.io.ReopenableRotatingFileOutputStream
repeatable() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Repeatable blocks used to present UI where the user can configure multiple entries of the same kind (see the Java installations configuration in the system config.) This tag works like <j:forEach> and repeatedly evaluate the body so that initially all the items get their own copy.
repeatable(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Repeatable blocks used to present UI where the user can configure multiple entries of the same kind (see the Java installations configuration in the system config.) This tag works like <j:forEach> and repeatedly evaluate the body so that initially all the items get their own copy.
repeatable(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Repeatable blocks used to present UI where the user can configure multiple entries of the same kind (see the Java installations configuration in the system config.) This tag works like <j:forEach> and repeatedly evaluate the body so that initially all the items get their own copy.
repeatable(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Repeatable blocks used to present UI where the user can configure multiple entries of the same kind (see the Java installations configuration in the system config.) This tag works like <j:forEach> and repeatedly evaluate the body so that initially all the items get their own copy.
repeatableDeleteButton() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Delete button for the <repeatable> tag.
repeatableDeleteButton(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Delete button for the <repeatable> tag.
repeatableDeleteButton(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Delete button for the <repeatable> tag.
repeatableDeleteButton(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Delete button for the <repeatable> tag.
repeatableHeteroProperty() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Data-bound only version of <f:hetero-list> that assumes the type pointed by the property is data-bound as well.
repeatableHeteroProperty(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Data-bound only version of <f:hetero-list> that assumes the type pointed by the property is data-bound as well.
repeatableHeteroProperty(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Data-bound only version of <f:hetero-list> that assumes the type pointed by the property is data-bound as well.
repeatableHeteroProperty(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Data-bound only version of <f:hetero-list> that assumes the type pointed by the property is data-bound as well.
repeatableProperty() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Data-bound only version of <f:repeatable> that assumes the type pointed by the property is data-bound as well.
repeatableProperty(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Data-bound only version of <f:repeatable> that assumes the type pointed by the property is data-bound as well.
repeatableProperty(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Data-bound only version of <f:repeatable> that assumes the type pointed by the property is data-bound as well.
repeatableProperty(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Data-bound only version of <f:repeatable> that assumes the type pointed by the property is data-bound as well.
replace(File, File) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.DownloadJob
Called when the download is completed to overwrite the old file with the new file.
replace(File, File) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.HudsonDowngradeJob
replace(File, File) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.HudsonUpgradeJob
replace(File, File) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.InstallationJob
Called when the download is completed to overwrite the old file with the new file.
replace(File, File) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.PluginDowngradeJob
Called to overwrite current version with backup file
replace(String) - Method in class hudson.MarkupText.SubText
Replaces the group tokens like "$0", "$1", and etc with their actual matches.
replace(T) - Method in class hudson.util.DescribableList
Removes all instances of the same type, then add the new one.
replace(T, T) - Method in class hudson.util.PersistedList
A convenience method to replace a single item.
replaceAction(Action) - Method in class hudson.model.Actionable
Add an action, replacing any existing actions of the (exact) same class.
replaceActions(Class<? extends Action>, Action) - Method in class hudson.model.Actionable
Replaces any actions of the specified type by the supplied action.
replaceBy(E...) - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteList
Completely replaces this list by the contents of the given list.
replaceBy(CopyOnWriteList<? extends E>) - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteList
Completely replaces this list by the contents of the given list.
replaceBy(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteList
Completely replaces this list by the contents of the given list.
replaceBy(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class hudson.util.PersistedList
replaceBy(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap
Atomically replaces the entire map by the copy of the specified map.
replaceIfNotAtTopLevel(Object, Supplier<Object>) - Static method in class hudson.XmlFile
Provides an XStream replacement for an object unless a call to XmlFile.write(java.lang.Object) is currently in progress.
replaceMacro(String, VariableResolver<String>) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Replaces the occurrence of '$key' by resolver.get('key').
replaceMacro(String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Replaces the occurrence of '$key' by properties.get('key').
replaceNode(Node, Node) - Method in class jenkins.model.Nodes
Replace node of given name.
REPLACER - Static variable in class jenkins.util.xstream.XStreamDOM
report() - Method in class hudson.model.CheckPoint
Records that the execution of the build has reached to a check point, identified by the given identifier.
report(UnmarshallingContext, String) - Static method in class hudson.diagnosis.OldDataMonitor
Inform monitor that some data in a deprecated format has been loaded, during XStream unmarshalling when the Saveable containing this object is not available.
report(Saveable, String) - Static method in class hudson.diagnosis.OldDataMonitor
Inform monitor that some data in a deprecated format has been loaded, and converted in-memory to a new structure.
report(Saveable, Collection<Throwable>) - Static method in class hudson.diagnosis.OldDataMonitor
Inform monitor that some unreadable data was found while loading.
report(PrintWriter) - Method in exception hudson.security.AccessDeniedException2
Reports the details of the access failure.
report(PrintWriter) - Method in exception hudson.security.AccessDeniedException3
Reports the details of the access failure.
report(Class<? extends TriggerDescriptor>, String, long) - Method in class hudson.triggers.SlowTriggerAdminMonitor
reportAsHeaders(HttpServletResponse) - Method in exception hudson.security.AccessDeniedException2
Reports the details of the access failure in HTTP headers to assist diagnosis.
reportAsHeaders(HttpServletResponse) - Method in exception hudson.security.AccessDeniedException3
Reports the details of the access failure in HTTP headers to assist diagnosis.
reportUrl - Variable in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.IssueTracker
Issue tracker URL that can be used to report a new issue.
repositoryBrowser - Variable in class hudson.scm.SCMDescriptor
If this SCM has corresponding RepositoryBrowser, that type.
RepositoryBrowser<E extends ChangeLogSet.Entry> - Class in hudson.scm
Connects Hudson to repository browsers like ViewCVS or FishEye, so that Hudson can generate links to them.
RepositoryBrowser() - Constructor for class hudson.scm.RepositoryBrowser
RepositoryBrowsers - Class in hudson.scm
List of all installed RepositoryBrowsers.
RepositoryBrowsers() - Constructor for class hudson.scm.RepositoryBrowsers
request - Variable in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator
requiredCore - Variable in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Plugin
Version of Jenkins core this plugin was compiled against.
requireDispatchAllowed(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class jenkins.security.stapler.StaplerDispatchValidator
requirePOST() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractModelObject
Use RequirePOST on your method.
requires() - Method in annotation type hudson.init.Initializer
Indicates the milestones necessary before executing this initializer.
requires() - Method in annotation type hudson.init.Terminator
Indicates the milestones necessary before executing this terminator.
requiresConfirmation - Variable in class jenkins.model.ModelObjectWithContextMenu.MenuItem
True to require confirmation after a click.
requiresOf(Initializer) - Method in class hudson.init.InitializerFinder
requiresOf(Terminator) - Method in class hudson.init.TerminatorFinder
requiresRestart() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.DownloadJob.InstallationStatus
Indicates that a restart is needed to complete the tasks.
requiresRestart() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.DownloadJob.SuccessButRequiresRestart
requiresWorkspace() - Method in interface jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildStep
Determines whether or not this step requires a workspace context (working directory and launcher).
requiresWorkspace() - Method in class jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildWrapper.Disposer
Determines whether or not this end-of-wrapped-block callback requires a workspace context (working directory and launcher).
requiresWorkspace() - Method in class jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildWrapper
Determines whether or not this wrapper requires a workspace context (working directory and launcher).
requiresWorkspaceForPolling() - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
Returns true if this SCM requires a checked out workspace for doing polling.
reset(SecurityRealm) - Method in class hudson.security.HudsonFilter
Reset the proxies and filter for a change in SecurityRealm.
reset(TreeMap<Integer, R>) - Method in class jenkins.model.lazy.AbstractLazyLoadRunMap
Replaces all the current loaded Rs with the given ones.
RESET - jenkins.tasks.filters.impl.RetainVariablesLocalRule.ProcessVariablesHandling
resetLabel(Label) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractCIBase
resetPerformanceStats() - Method in class hudson.util.KeyedDataStorage
resolve() - Method in class jenkins.ProxyInjector
resolve(Job<?, ?>) - Method in class hudson.model.PermalinkProjectAction.Permalink
Resolves the permalink to a build.
resolve(Job<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.model.PeepholePermalink
Resolves the permalink by using the cache if possible.
resolve(User) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.UserNameResolver
resolve(User, String) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.UserAvatarResolver
Resolve an avatar image URL string for the user.
resolve(String) - Method in class hudson.util.VariableResolver.ByMap
resolve(String) - Method in interface hudson.util.VariableResolver
Receives a variable name and obtains the value associated with the name.
resolve(String) - Method in class hudson.util.VariableResolver.Union
resolve(String, Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class hudson.model.User.CanonicalIdResolver
Resolves users using all available User.CanonicalIdResolvers.
resolve(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class hudson.EnvVars
Resolves environment variables against each other.
resolveCanonicalId(String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class hudson.model.User.CanonicalIdResolver
extract user ID from idOrFullName with help from contextual infos.
resolveCanonicalId(String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class hudson.model.User.FullNameIdResolver
resolveCanonicalId(String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class hudson.model.User.UserIDCanonicalIdResolver
resolveCanonicalId(String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.model.DefaultUserCanonicalIdResolver
resolveDependentPlugins() - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.util.xml.RestrictiveEntityResolver
Throws a SAXException if this tried to resolve any entity.
resolveForCLI(String) - Static method in class hudson.model.AbstractItem
Used for CLI binding.
resolveForCLI(String) - Static method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
Used for CLI binding.
resolveForCLI(String) - Static method in class hudson.model.Computer
Used for CLI binding.
resolveForCLI(String) - Static method in interface jenkins.model.ParameterizedJobMixIn.ParameterizedJob
Used for CLI binding.
resolveMultiScmIfConfigured(SCM) - Static method in class jenkins.triggers.SCMTriggerItem.SCMTriggerItems
resolveOrNull(User, String) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.UserAvatarResolver
Like UserAvatarResolver.resolve(hudson.model.User, java.lang.String) but returns null rather than a fallback URL in case there is no special avatar.
resolveSymlink(File) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Resolves symlink, if the given file is a symlink.
resolveSymlink(File, TaskListener) - Static method in class hudson.Util
resolveSymlinkToFile(File) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Resolves a symlink to the File that points to.
Resource - Class in hudson.model
Represents things that Queue.Executable uses while running.
Resource(Resource, String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Resource
Resource(Resource, String, int) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Resource
Resource(String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Resource
RESOURCE_PATH - Static variable in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Prefix to static resources like images and javascripts in the war file.
ResourceActivity - Interface in hudson.model
Activity that requires certain resources for its execution.
ResourceBundleUtil - Class in jenkins.util
Simple ResourceBundle utility class.
ResourceController - Class in hudson.model
Controls mutual exclusion of ResourceList.
ResourceController() - Constructor for class hudson.model.ResourceController
ResourceDomainConfiguration - Class in jenkins.security
Configure the resource root URL, an alternative root URL to serve resources from to not need Content-Security-Policy headers, which mess with desired complex output.
ResourceDomainConfiguration() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.ResourceDomainConfiguration
ResourceDomainConfiguration_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.DisplayName: Resource Domain Recommendation.
ResourceDomainConfiguration_Empty() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.Empty: Without a resource root URL, resources will be served from the Jenkins URL with Content-Security-Policy set..
ResourceDomainConfiguration_Exception(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.Exception: An exception occurred with the URL: {0}.
ResourceDomainConfiguration_FailedIdentityCheck(Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.FailedIdentityCheck: An error occurred when checking the instance identity at that URL: {0} {1}.
ResourceDomainConfiguration_Invalid() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.Invalid: Not a valid URL..
ResourceDomainConfiguration_InvalidRootURL(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.InvalidRootURL: Jenkins URL is set to an invalid value, please report a bug: {0}.
ResourceDomainConfiguration_IOException(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.IOException: Failed to connect: {0}.
ResourceDomainConfiguration_NeedsRootURL() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.NeedsRootURL: Can only set resource root URL if Jenkins URL is set..
ResourceDomainConfiguration_NotJenkins() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.NotJenkins: The specified URL does not appear to point to a Jenkins instance..
ResourceDomainConfiguration_OtherJenkins() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.OtherJenkins: The specified URL points to a different Jenkins instance..
ResourceDomainConfiguration_ResourceResponse() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.ResourceResponse: The specified URL points to a previously set up resource root URL..
ResourceDomainConfiguration_SameAsCurrent() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.SameAsCurrent: You are currently accessing Jenkins through a URL similar to the proposed resource root URL. Saving this URL might remove your access to Jenkins..
ResourceDomainConfiguration_SameAsJenkinsRoot() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.SameAsJenkinsRoot: Cannot use the same host name for both Jenkins URL and resource root URL..
ResourceDomainConfiguration_SomeJenkins() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.SomeJenkins: The specified URL points to a Jenkins instance, but could not determine whether it is this or another instance..
ResourceDomainConfiguration_ThisJenkins() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.ThisJenkins: The specified URL is a valid resource root URL candidate..
ResourceDomainFilter - Class in jenkins.security
Prohibit requests to Jenkins coming through a resource domain URL configured with ResourceDomainConfiguration, except anything going to ResourceDomainRootAction.
ResourceDomainFilter() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.ResourceDomainFilter
ResourceDomainRecommendation - Class in jenkins.security
Recommend use of ResourceDomainConfiguration to users with the system property hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport.CSP set to override DirectoryBrowserSupport.DEFAULT_CSP_VALUE.
ResourceDomainRecommendation() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.ResourceDomainRecommendation
ResourceDomainRootAction - Class in jenkins.security
Root action serving DirectoryBrowserSupport instances on random URLs to support resource URLs (second domain).
ResourceDomainRootAction() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.ResourceDomainRootAction
ResourceDomainRootAction.Token - Class in jenkins.security
ResourceList - Class in hudson.model
List of Resources that an activity needs.
ResourceList() - Constructor for class hudson.model.ResourceList
respond(FormValidation.Kind, String) - Static method in exception hudson.util.FormFillFailure
Sends out an arbitrary HTML fragment as the output.
respond(FormValidation.Kind, String) - Static method in exception hudson.util.FormValidation
Sends out an arbitrary HTML fragment as the output.
respond(String) - Method in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator
Sends out an arbitrary HTML fragment.
respond(StaplerResponse, String) - Method in exception hudson.util.FormValidation
Sends out an arbitrary HTML fragment as the output.
response - Variable in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator
Response(Map<UUID, FullDuplexHttpService>) - Constructor for exception jenkins.util.FullDuplexHttpService.Response
ResponseHeaderFilter - Class in hudson
This filter allows you to modify headers set by the container or other servlets that are out of your control.
ResponseHeaderFilter() - Constructor for class hudson.ResponseHeaderFilter
ResponseTimeMonitor - Class in hudson.node_monitors
Monitors the round-trip response time to this agent.
ResponseTimeMonitor() - Constructor for class hudson.node_monitors.ResponseTimeMonitor
ResponseTimeMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key ResponseTimeMonitor.DisplayName: Response Time.
ResponseTimeMonitor_MarkedOffline(Object) - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key ResponseTimeMonitor.MarkedOffline: Making {0} offline because it is not responding.
ResponseTimeMonitor_TimeOut(Object) - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key ResponseTimeMonitor.TimeOut: Timed out for last {0} attempts.
ResponseTimeMonitor.Data - Class in hudson.node_monitors
Immutable representation of the monitoring data.
restart - Variable in class hudson.cli.InstallPluginCommand
restart() - Method in class hudson.lifecycle.ExitLifecycle
restart() - Method in class hudson.lifecycle.Lifecycle
If this life cycle supports a restart of Hudson, do so.
restart() - Method in class hudson.lifecycle.SolarisSMFLifecycle
In SMF managed environment, just commit a suicide and the service will be restarted by SMF.
restart() - Method in class hudson.lifecycle.UnixLifecycle
restart() - Method in class hudson.lifecycle.WindowsServiceLifecycle
restart() - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Performs a restart.
restart() - Method in class jenkins.slaves.restarter.SlaveRestarter
If SlaveRestarter.canWork() method returns true, this method is called later when the connection is lost to restart the agent.
restart() - Method in class jenkins.slaves.restarter.UnixSlaveRestarter
restart() - Method in class jenkins.slaves.restarter.WinswSlaveRestarter
RESTART - Static variable in class jenkins.install.InstallState
Restart of an existing Jenkins install.
RestartJenkinsJob(UpdateSite) - Constructor for class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.RestartJenkinsJob
RestartJenkinsJobStatus() - Constructor for class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.RestartJenkinsJob.RestartJenkinsJobStatus
RestartListener - Class in hudson.model
Extension point that allows plugins to veto the restart.
RestartListener() - Constructor for class hudson.model.RestartListener
RestartListener.Default - Class in hudson.model
Default logic.
RestartNotSupportedException - Exception in hudson.lifecycle
Indicates that the Lifecycle doesn't support restart.
RestartNotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for exception hudson.lifecycle.RestartNotSupportedException
RestartNotSupportedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception hudson.lifecycle.RestartNotSupportedException
RestartRequiredException - Exception in jenkins
Indicates that the plugin cannot be deployed without a restart.
RestartRequiredException(Localizable) - Constructor for exception jenkins.RestartRequiredException
RestartRequiredException(Localizable, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jenkins.RestartRequiredException
restoreCurrentDescriptorByNameUrl(String) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
restoreTo(AbstractBuild<?, ?>, FilePath, TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.WorkspaceSnapshot
Restores the snapshot to the given file system location.
RestrictedSince - Annotation Type in hudson
Accompanies Restricted annotation to indicate when the access restriction was placed.
RestrictiveEntityResolver - Class in jenkins.util.xml
An EntityResolver that will fail to resolve any entities.
result - Variable in class hudson.model.Run
The build result.
Result - Class in hudson.model
The build outcome.
Result() - Constructor for class hudson.search.Search.Result
Result.OptionHandlerImpl - Class in hudson.model
ResultTrend - Enum in hudson.model
Describes an Result trend by taking the comparing the result of the current and the previous build.
ResultTrend_Aborted() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ResultTrend.Aborted: Aborted.
ResultTrend_Failure() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ResultTrend.Failure: Failure.
ResultTrend_Fixed() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ResultTrend.Fixed: Fixed.
ResultTrend_NotBuilt() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ResultTrend.NotBuilt: Not built.
ResultTrend_NowUnstable() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ResultTrend.NowUnstable: Now unstable.
ResultTrend_StillFailing() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ResultTrend.StillFailing: Still failing.
ResultTrend_StillUnstable() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ResultTrend.StillUnstable: Still unstable.
ResultTrend_Success() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ResultTrend.Success: Success.
ResultTrend_Unstable() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ResultTrend.Unstable: Unstable.
retainAll(Fingerprint.RangeSet) - Method in class hudson.model.Fingerprint.RangeSet
Updates this range set by the intersection of this range and the given range.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeList
retainForDays - Static variable in class hudson.model.WorkspaceCleanupThread
Number of days workspaces should be retained.
RetainVariablesLocalRule - Class in jenkins.tasks.filters.impl
Local rule that removes all the non-retained variables for that step.
RetainVariablesLocalRule() - Constructor for class jenkins.tasks.filters.impl.RetainVariablesLocalRule
RetainVariablesLocalRule_CharacteristicEnvVarsFormValidationOK() - Static method in class jenkins.tasks.filters.impl.Messages
Key RetainVariablesLocalRule.CharacteristicEnvVarsFormValidationOK: In addition to any environment variables listed above, Jenkins will also retain environment variables it needs to identify and kill runaway processes when the build is done..
RetainVariablesLocalRule_CharacteristicEnvVarsFormValidationWarning() - Static method in class jenkins.tasks.filters.impl.Messages
Key RetainVariablesLocalRule.CharacteristicEnvVarsFormValidationWarning: It is recommended to retain characteristic environment variables, because Jenkins uses them to identify and kill runaway processes after a build is finished..
RetainVariablesLocalRule_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.tasks.filters.impl.Messages
Key RetainVariablesLocalRule.DisplayName: Only Keep Specified Environment Variables.
RetainVariablesLocalRule_RemovalMessage(Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.tasks.filters.impl.Messages
Key RetainVariablesLocalRule.RemovalMessage: The following environment variables were removed by ''{0}'': {1}.
RetainVariablesLocalRule_REMOVE_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.tasks.filters.impl.Messages
Key RetainVariablesLocalRule_REMOVE_DisplayName: Remove from environment.
RetainVariablesLocalRule_RESET_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.tasks.filters.impl.Messages
Key RetainVariablesLocalRule_RESET_DisplayName: Reset to default value.
RetainVariablesLocalRule_ResetMessage(Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.tasks.filters.impl.Messages
Key RetainVariablesLocalRule.ResetMessage: The following environment variables were reset to their system default value by ''{0}'': {1}.
RetainVariablesLocalRule.DescriptorImpl - Class in jenkins.tasks.filters.impl
RetainVariablesLocalRule.ProcessVariablesHandling - Enum in jenkins.tasks.filters.impl
RetentionStrategy<T extends Computer> - Class in hudson.slaves
Controls when to take Computer offline, bring it back online, or even to destroy it.
RetentionStrategy() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy
RetentionStrategy_Always_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key RetentionStrategy.Always.displayName: Keep this agent online as much as possible.
RetentionStrategy_Demand_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key RetentionStrategy.Demand.displayName: Bring this agent online when in demand, and take offline when idle.
RetentionStrategy_Demand_OfflineIdle() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key RetentionStrategy.Demand.OfflineIdle: Offline because computer was idle; it will be relaunched when needed..
RetentionStrategy.Always - Class in hudson.slaves
RetentionStrategy that tries to keep the node online all the time.
RetentionStrategy.Always.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.slaves
RetentionStrategy.Demand - Class in hudson.slaves
RetentionStrategy that tries to keep the node offline when not in use.
RetentionStrategy.Demand.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.slaves
retentionStrategyDescriptors(Slave) - Method in class hudson.model.Slave.SlaveDescriptor
Returns the list of RetentionStrategy descriptors appropriate to the supplied Slave.
Retrier<V> - Class in hudson.util
This class implements a process of doing some action repeatedly synchronously until it is performed successfully.
Retrier_Attempt(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key Retrier.Attempt: Attempt #{0} to do the action {1}.
Retrier_AttemptFailed(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key Retrier.AttemptFailed: The attempt #{0} to do the action {1} failed.
Retrier_CallingListener(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key Retrier.CallingListener: Calling the listener of the allowed exception ''{0}'' at the attempt #{1} to do the action {2}.
Retrier_ExceptionFailed(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key Retrier.ExceptionFailed: The attempt #{0} to do the action {1} failed with an allowed exception:.
Retrier_ExceptionThrown(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key Retrier.ExceptionThrown: The attempt #{0} to do the action {1} threw a non-allowed exception, re-throwing.
Retrier_Interruption(Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key Retrier.Interruption: The attempts to do the action {0} have been interrupted.
Retrier_NoSuccess(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key Retrier.NoSuccess: Attempted the action {0} for {1} time(s) with no success.
Retrier_Sleeping(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key Retrier.Sleeping: Sleeping for {0} milliseconds before a new attempt for the action {1}.
Retrier_Success(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key Retrier.Success: Performed the action {0} successfully at the attempt #{1}.
Retrier.Builder<V> - Class in hudson.util
Builder to create a Retrier object.
retrieve(File) - Method in class hudson.model.RunMap
retrieve(File) - Method in class jenkins.model.lazy.AbstractLazyLoadRunMap
Parses R instance from data in the specified directory.
retrievePassword(Authentication) - Method in class hudson.security.TokenBasedRememberMeServices2
retrieveUser(String, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken) - Method in class org.acegisecurity.providers.dao.AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider
retryCnt - Variable in class hudson.cli.BuildCommand
reverse(Collection<T>) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
Reverses a collection so that it can be easily walked in reverse order.
reverse(List<T>) - Static method in class hudson.util.Iterators
Returns the Iterable that lists items in the reverse order.
ReverseBuildTrigger - Class in jenkins.triggers
Like BuildTrigger but defined on the downstream project.
ReverseBuildTrigger(String) - Constructor for class jenkins.triggers.ReverseBuildTrigger
ReverseBuildTrigger(String, Result) - Constructor for class jenkins.triggers.ReverseBuildTrigger
ReverseBuildTrigger_build_after_other_projects_are_built() - Static method in class jenkins.triggers.Messages
Key ReverseBuildTrigger.build_after_other_projects_are_built: Build after other projects are built.
ReverseBuildTrigger_running_as_cannot_even_see_for_trigger_f(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.triggers.Messages
Key ReverseBuildTrigger.running_as_cannot_even_see_for_trigger_f: Running as {0} cannot even see {1} for trigger from {2}.
ReverseBuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl - Class in jenkins.triggers
ReverseBuildTrigger.ItemListenerImpl - Class in jenkins.triggers
ReverseBuildTrigger.RunListenerImpl - Class in jenkins.triggers
ReverseProxySetupMonitor - Class in hudson.diagnosis
Looks out for a broken reverse proxy setup that doesn't rewrite the location header correctly.
ReverseProxySetupMonitor() - Constructor for class hudson.diagnosis.ReverseProxySetupMonitor
ReverseProxySetupMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.diagnosis.Messages
Key ReverseProxySetupMonitor.DisplayName: Reverse Proxy Setup.
reverseSequence(int, int) - Static method in class hudson.util.Iterators
reverseSequence(int, int, int) - Static method in class hudson.util.Iterators
The short cut for reverse(sequence(start,end,step)).
reverseStderr - Variable in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
True to reverse the I/O direction.
reverseStdin - Variable in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
True to reverse the I/O direction.
reverseStdout - Variable in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
True to reverse the I/O direction.
reverseView() - Method in class hudson.ExtensionList
Gets the read-only view of this ExtensionList where components are reversed.
RevokeAllSelectedModel() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.apitoken.LegacyApiTokenAdministrativeMonitor.RevokeAllSelectedModel
RevokeAllSelectedUserAndUuid() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.apitoken.LegacyApiTokenAdministrativeMonitor.RevokeAllSelectedUserAndUuid
revokeAllTokens() - Method in class jenkins.security.apitoken.ApiTokenStore
revokeAllTokens() - Method in class jenkins.security.ApiTokenProperty
revokeAllTokensExcept(String) - Method in class jenkins.security.apitoken.ApiTokenStore
revokeAllTokensExceptOne(String) - Method in class jenkins.security.ApiTokenProperty
revokeToken(String) - Method in class jenkins.security.apitoken.ApiTokenStore
Remove a token given its identifier.
revokeToken(String) - Method in class jenkins.security.ApiTokenProperty
rewind() - Method in class hudson.util.io.ReopenableFileOutputStream
In addition to close, ensure that the next "open" would truncate the file.
rewind() - Method in class hudson.util.io.ReopenableRotatingFileOutputStream
rewind() - Method in class hudson.util.io.RewindableFileOutputStream
In addition to close, ensure that the next "open" would truncate the file.
rewind() - Method in class hudson.util.io.RewindableRotatingFileOutputStream
RewindableFileOutputStream - Class in hudson.util.io
OutputStream that writes to a file.
RewindableFileOutputStream(File) - Constructor for class hudson.util.io.RewindableFileOutputStream
RewindableRotatingFileOutputStream - Class in hudson.util.io
ReopenableFileOutputStream that does log rotation upon rewind.
RewindableRotatingFileOutputStream(File, int) - Constructor for class hudson.util.io.RewindableRotatingFileOutputStream
rewrite(File) - Method in class hudson.util.SecretRewriter
rewrite(File, File) - Method in class hudson.util.SecretRewriter
SECURITY-376: backup is ignored
rewriteHudsonWar(File) - Method in class hudson.lifecycle.Lifecycle
Replaces jenkins.war by the given file.
rewriteHudsonWar(File) - Method in class hudson.lifecycle.WindowsServiceLifecycle
On Windows, jenkins.war is locked, so we place a new version under a special name, which is picked up by the service wrapper upon restart.
rewriteRecursive(File, TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.util.SecretRewriter
Recursively scans and rewrites a directory.
RFC822_DATETIME_FORMATTER - Static variable in class hudson.Util
rfc822Date(Calendar) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
rhs - Variable in class hudson.model.labels.LabelExpression.Binary
rightspace() - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Creates a space for the right-hand side of the page.
rightspace(Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Creates a space for the right-hand side of the page.
rightspace(Map) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Creates a space for the right-hand side of the page.
rightspace(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Creates a space for the right-hand side of the page.
RingBufferLogHandler - Class in hudson.util
Log Handler that stores the log records into a ring buffer.
RingBufferLogHandler() - Constructor for class hudson.util.RingBufferLogHandler
RingBufferLogHandler(int) - Constructor for class hudson.util.RingBufferLogHandler
RobustCollectionConverter - Class in hudson.util
CollectionConverter that ignores XStreamException.
RobustCollectionConverter(Mapper, ReflectionProvider) - Constructor for class hudson.util.RobustCollectionConverter
RobustCollectionConverter(XStream) - Constructor for class hudson.util.RobustCollectionConverter
RobustReflectionConverter - Class in hudson.util
Custom ReflectionConverter that handle errors more gracefully.
RobustReflectionConverter(Mapper, ReflectionProvider) - Constructor for class hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter
RobustReflectionConverter.DuplicateFieldException - Exception in hudson.util
Roles - Class in jenkins.security
Predefined Roles in Jenkins.
root - Variable in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Root directory of the system.
root() - Method in class jenkins.model.ArtifactManager
Returns a representation of the root directory of archived artifacts.
root() - Method in class jenkins.model.StandardArtifactManager
RootAction - Interface in hudson.model
Marker interface for actions that are added to Jenkins.
rootDir - Variable in class hudson.PluginManager
Plug-in root directory.
RootUrlNotSetMonitor - Class in jenkins.diagnostics
Jenkins URL is required for a lot of operations in both core and plugins.
RootUrlNotSetMonitor() - Constructor for class jenkins.diagnostics.RootUrlNotSetMonitor
RootUrlNotSetMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.diagnostics.Messages
Key RootUrlNotSetMonitor.DisplayName: Root URL not configured Monitor.
RoutingDecisionProvider - Class in jenkins.security.stapler
RoutingDecisionProvider() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.stapler.RoutingDecisionProvider
rowSelectionController() - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Controls checkbox selections in tables
rowSelectionController(Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Controls checkbox selections in tables
rowSelectionController(Map) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Controls checkbox selections in tables
rowSelectionController(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Controls checkbox selections in tables
rowSet() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Adds @nameRef to all table rows inside this tag, so that when the form is submitted, it gets grouped in one JSON object.
rowSet(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Adds @nameRef to all table rows inside this tag, so that when the form is submitted, it gets grouped in one JSON object.
rowSet(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Adds @nameRef to all table rows inside this tag, so that when the form is submitted, it gets grouped in one JSON object.
rowSet(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Adds @nameRef to all table rows inside this tag, so that when the form is submitted, it gets grouped in one JSON object.
RPAREN - Static variable in interface hudson.model.labels.LabelExpressionParserTokenTypes
RPAREN - Static variable in interface hudson.scheduler.CrontabParserTokenTypes
RSA - Static variable in class jenkins.model.identity.InstanceIdentityProvider
RSA keys.
RSAConfidentialKey - Class in jenkins.security
RSA public/private key pair as ConfidentialKey.
RSAConfidentialKey(Class, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.security.RSAConfidentialKey
RSAConfidentialKey(String) - Constructor for class jenkins.security.RSAConfidentialKey
RSADigitalSignatureConfidentialKey - Class in jenkins.security
RSA digital signature as ConfidentialKey to prevent accidental leak of private key.
RSADigitalSignatureConfidentialKey(Class, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.security.RSADigitalSignatureConfidentialKey
RSADigitalSignatureConfidentialKey(String) - Constructor for class jenkins.security.RSADigitalSignatureConfidentialKey
rss(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, String, String, RunList) - Static method in class hudson.model.RSS
Sends the RSS feed to the client using a default feed adapter.
rss(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, String, String, RunList, FeedAdapter<Run>) - Static method in class hudson.model.RSS
Sends the RSS feed to the client using a specific feed adapter.
RSS - Class in hudson.model
RSS related code.
RSS() - Constructor for class hudson.model.RSS
rssBar() - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
rssBar(Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
rssBar(Map) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
rssBar(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
rssBar_with_iconSize() - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Deprecated since 1.345: use <t:iconSize><t:rssBar/></t:iconSize>
rssBar_with_iconSize(Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Deprecated since 1.345: use <t:iconSize><t:rssBar/></t:iconSize>
rssBar_with_iconSize(Map) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Deprecated since 1.345: use <t:iconSize><t:rssBar/></t:iconSize>
rssBar_with_iconSize(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Deprecated since 1.345: use <t:iconSize><t:rssBar/></t:iconSize>
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.AbstractBuildRangeCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.AddJobToViewCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.BuildCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.CancelQuietDownCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.ClearQueueCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.CLICommand
Executes the command, and return the exit code.
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.ConnectNodeCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.ConsoleCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.CopyJobCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.CreateJobCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.CreateNodeCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.CreateViewCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.DeleteJobCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.DeleteNodeCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.DeleteViewCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.DisablePluginCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.DisconnectNodeCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.EnablePluginCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.GetJobCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.GetNodeCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.GetViewCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.GroovyCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.GroovyshCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.HelpCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.InstallPluginCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.ListJobsCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.ListPluginsCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.OfflineNodeCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.OnlineNodeCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.QuietDownCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.ReloadConfigurationCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.ReloadJobCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.RemoveJobFromViewCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.RunRangeCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.SessionIdCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.SetBuildDescriptionCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.SetBuildDisplayNameCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.UpdateJobCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.UpdateNodeCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.UpdateViewCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.VersionCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.WaitNodeOfflineCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.WaitNodeOnlineCommand
run() - Method in class hudson.cli.WhoAmICommand
run() - Method in class hudson.DependencyRunner
run() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractBuild
Invoked by Executor to performs a build.
run() - Method in class hudson.model.Build
run() - Method in class hudson.model.Executor
run() - Method in class hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild
run() - Method in interface hudson.model.Queue.Executable
Called by Executor to perform the task.
run() - Method in class hudson.model.Queue.Saver
run() - Method in class hudson.model.TaskThread
run() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.CompleteBatchJob
run() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.ConnectionCheckJob
run() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.DownloadJob
run() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.EnableJob
run() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.HudsonDowngradeJob
run() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.NoOpJob
run() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.PluginDowngradeJob
run() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.RestartJenkinsJob
run() - Method in class hudson.TcpSlaveAgentListener
run() - Method in interface hudson.triggers.SafeTimerTask.ExceptionRunnable
run() - Method in class hudson.triggers.SafeTimerTask
run() - Method in class hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger
run() - Method in class hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger.Runner
run() - Method in class hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger
run() - Method in class hudson.triggers.Trigger
Executes the triggered task.
run() - Method in class hudson.util.StreamCopyThread
run() - Method in class jenkins.cli.StopBuildsCommand
run() - Method in class jenkins.management.AsynchronousAdministrativeMonitor.FixThread
run() - Method in class jenkins.util.groovy.GroovyHookScript
run(AbstractProject) - Method in interface hudson.DependencyRunner.ProjectRunnable
run(Action[]) - Method in class hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger
Run the SCM trigger with additional build actions.
run(BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractBuild.AbstractBuildExecution
run(BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.model.Run.RunExecution
Performs the main build and returns the status code.
run(Run.Runner) - Method in class hudson.model.Run
run(Callable<V, IOException>) - Method in class jenkins.util.VirtualFile
Does some calculations in batch.
run(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class hudson.model.FullDuplexHttpChannel
run(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class jenkins.util.FullDuplexHttpService
run(Iterable<? extends N>) - Method in class hudson.util.CyclicGraphDetector
run(String[]) - Static method in class hudson.Main
run(Reactor) - Method in class jenkins.InitReactorRunner
Run<JobT extends Job<JobT,​RunT>,​RunT extends Run<JobT,​RunT>> - Class in hudson.model
A particular execution of Job.
Run(JobT) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Run
Creates a new Run.
Run(JobT, long) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Run
Run(JobT, File) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Run
Loads a run from a log file.
Run(JobT, Calendar) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Run
Constructor for creating a Run object in an arbitrary state.
RUN - Static variable in class hudson.security.PermissionScope
Permissions scoped to Runs (including Builds and other subtypes)
Run__is_waiting_for_a_checkpoint_on_(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run._is_waiting_for_a_checkpoint_on_: {0} is waiting for a checkpoint on {1}.
Run_ArtifactsBrowserTitle(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.ArtifactsBrowserTitle: Artifacts of {0} {1}.
Run_ArtifactsPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.ArtifactsPermission.Description: This permission grants the ability to retrieve the artifacts produced by builds. If you don’t want an user to access the artifacts, you can do so by revoking this permission..
Run_BuildAborted() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.BuildAborted: Build was aborted.
Run_DeletePermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.DeletePermission.Description: This permission allows users to manually delete specific builds from the build history..
Run_InProgressDuration(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.InProgressDuration: {0} and counting.
Run_MarkedExplicitly() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.MarkedExplicitly: This record is explicitly marked to be kept..
Run_NotStartedYet() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.NotStartedYet: Not started yet.
Run_Permissions_Title() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.Permissions.Title: Run.
Run_running_as_(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.running_as_: Running as {0}.
Run_running_as_SYSTEM() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.running_as_SYSTEM: Running as SYSTEM.
RUN_SCRIPTS - Static variable in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
in Jenkins 2.222 use Jenkins.ADMINISTER instead
Run_Summary_Aborted() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.Summary.Aborted: aborted.
Run_Summary_BackToNormal() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.Summary.BackToNormal: back to normal.
Run_Summary_BrokenForALongTime() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.Summary.BrokenForALongTime: broken for a long time.
Run_Summary_BrokenSince(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.Summary.BrokenSince: broken since build {0}.
Run_Summary_BrokenSinceThisBuild() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.Summary.BrokenSinceThisBuild: broken since this build.
Run_Summary_NotBuilt() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.Summary.NotBuilt: not built.
Run_Summary_Stable() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.Summary.Stable: stable.
Run_Summary_Unknown() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.Summary.Unknown: ?.
Run_Summary_Unstable() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.Summary.Unstable: unstable.
Run_UnableToDelete(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.UnableToDelete: Unable to delete {0}: {1}.
Run_UpdatePermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.UpdatePermission.Description: This permission allows users to update description and other properties of a build, for example to leave notes about the cause of a build failure..
Run.Artifact - Class in hudson.model
A build artifact.
Run.ArtifactList - Class in hudson.model
Run.KeepLogBuildBadge - Class in hudson.model
BuildBadgeAction that shows the build is being kept.
Run.RedirectUp - Class in hudson.model
Run.RunExecution - Class in hudson.model
Object that lives while the build is executed, to keep track of things that are needed only during the build.
Run.Runner - Class in hudson.model
as of 1.467 Please use Run.RunExecution
Run.RunnerAbortedException - Exception in hudson.model
Used in Run.RunExecution.run(hudson.model.BuildListener) to indicates that a fatal error in a build is reported to BuildListener and the build should be simply aborted without further recording a stack trace.
Run.StatusSummarizer - Class in hudson.model
Used to implement Run.getBuildStatusSummary().
Run.Summary - Class in hudson.model
RunAction - Interface in hudson.model
Use RunAction2 instead: RunAction.onLoad() does not work well with lazy loading if you are trying to persist the owner; and RunAction.onBuildComplete() was never called.
RunAction2 - Interface in jenkins.model
Optional interface for Actions that add themselves to a Run.
runDeleteListener - Static variable in class hudson.diagnosis.OldDataMonitor
RunExecution() - Constructor for class hudson.model.Run.RunExecution
runExists(int) - Method in class jenkins.model.lazy.AbstractLazyLoadRunMap
Checks if the specified build exists.
runIdMigrator - Variable in class hudson.model.Job
runIdMigrator - Variable in class hudson.model.RunMap
RunIdMigrator - Class in jenkins.model
Converts legacy builds directories to the current format.
RunIdMigrator() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.RunIdMigrator
RunIdMigrator.UnmigrationInstruction - Class in jenkins.model
Expose unmigration instruction to the user.
RunList<R extends Run> - Class in hudson.util
List of Runs, sorted in the descending date order.
RunList() - Constructor for class hudson.util.RunList
RunList(Job) - Constructor for class hudson.util.RunList
RunList(View) - Constructor for class hudson.util.RunList
RunList(Collection<? extends Job>) - Constructor for class hudson.util.RunList
RunListener<R extends Run> - Class in hudson.model.listeners
Receives notifications about builds.
RunListener() - Constructor for class hudson.model.listeners.RunListener
RunListener(Class<R>) - Constructor for class hudson.model.listeners.RunListener
RunListenerImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.PeepholePermalink.RunListenerImpl
RunListenerImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.triggers.ReverseBuildTrigger.RunListenerImpl
RunListProgressiveRendering - Class in jenkins.widgets
Makes it possible to incrementally render some information from a RunList.
RunListProgressiveRendering() - Constructor for class jenkins.widgets.RunListProgressiveRendering
RunMap<R extends Run<?,​R>> - Class in hudson.model
Map from build number to Run.
RunMap() - Constructor for class hudson.model.RunMap
as of 1.485 Use RunMap(File, Constructor).
RunMap(File, RunMap.Constructor) - Constructor for class hudson.model.RunMap
RunMap.Constructor<R extends Run<?,​R>> - Interface in hudson.model
Run factory.
RunMixIn() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.lazy.LazyBuildMixIn.RunMixIn
Runner() - Constructor for class hudson.model.Run.Runner
Runner() - Constructor for class hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger.Runner
Runner(Action[]) - Constructor for class hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger.Runner
RunnerAbortedException() - Constructor for exception hudson.model.Run.RunnerAbortedException
RunnerImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.Build.RunnerImpl
Running() - Constructor for class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.CompleteBatchJob.Running
Running() - Constructor for class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.RestartJenkinsJob.Running
RUNNING - Static variable in class jenkins.install.InstallState
After any setup / restart / etc.
RunParameterDefinition - Class in hudson.model
RunParameterDefinition(String, String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.RunParameterDefinition
as of 1.517
RunParameterDefinition(String, String, String, RunParameterDefinition.RunParameterFilter) - Constructor for class hudson.model.RunParameterDefinition
RunParameterDefinition_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key RunParameterDefinition.DisplayName: Run Parameter.
RunParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.model
RunParameterDefinition.RunParameterFilter - Enum in hudson.model
Constants that control how Run Parameter is filtered.
RunParameterValue - Class in hudson.model
RunParameterValue(String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.RunParameterValue
RunParameterValue(String, String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.RunParameterValue
runPreCheckout() - Method in class jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildWrapper
By default, when run as part of an AbstractBuild, will run late, in the SimpleBuildWrapper.setUp(AbstractBuild, Launcher, BuildListener) phase.
RunRangeCommand - Class in hudson.cli
CLICommand that acts on a series of Runs.
RunRangeCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.RunRangeCommand
runs - Variable in class hudson.model.ViewJob
All Runs.
runs - Variable in class jenkins.widgets.HistoryPageFilter
runScript(Script) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
Evaluate a Jelly script and return output as a String.
RunUrl(Run, String, String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.Functions.RunUrl
RunWithSCM<JobT extends Job<JobT,​RunT>,​RunT extends Run<JobT,​RunT> & RunWithSCM<JobT,​RunT>> - Interface in jenkins.scm
Allows a Run to provide SCM-related methods, such as providing changesets and culprits.
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