Package hudson

Class PluginManager

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ModelObject, SearchableModelObject, SearchItem, OnMaster, org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerOverridable, org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerProxy
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class PluginManager
    extends AbstractModelObject
    implements OnMaster, org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerOverridable, org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerProxy
    Manages PluginWrappers.

    Setting default Plugin Managers. The default plugin manager in Jenkins can be replaced by defining a System Property (hudson.PluginManager.className). See createDefault(Jenkins). This className should be available on early startup, so it cannot come only from a library (e.g. Jenkins module or Extra library dependency in the WAR file project). Plugins cannot be used for such purpose. In order to be correctly instantiated, the class definition must have at least one constructor with the same signature as the following ones:

    1. LocalPluginManager(Jenkins)
    2. LocalPluginManager(ServletContext, File)
    3. LocalPluginManager(File)
    Constructors are searched in the order provided above and only the first found suitable constructor is tried to build an instance. In the last two cases the File argument refers to the Jenkins home directory.
    Kohsuke Kawaguchi
    • Field Detail


        public static final String CUSTOM_PLUGIN_MANAGER
        Custom plugin manager system property or context param.
      • activePlugins

        protected final List<PluginWrapper> activePlugins
        All active plugins, topologically sorted so that when X depends on Y, Y appears in the list before X does.
      • rootDir

        public final File rootDir
        Plug-in root directory.
      • context

        public final javax.servlet.ServletContext context
        as of 1.355 PluginManager can now live longer than Jenkins instance, so use Hudson.getInstance().servletContext instead.
      • uberClassLoader

        public final ClassLoader uberClassLoader
        ClassLoader that can load all the publicly visible classes from plugins (and including the classloader that loads Hudson itself.)
      • pluginUploaded

        public volatile boolean pluginUploaded
        Once plugin is uploaded, this flag becomes true. This is used to report a message that Jenkins needs to be restarted for new plugins to take effect.

        public static boolean FAST_LOOKUP

        public static boolean SKIP_PERMISSION_CHECK
        Escape hatch for StaplerProxy-based access control
    • Constructor Detail

      • PluginManager

        protected PluginManager​(javax.servlet.ServletContext context,
                                File rootDir)
    • Method Detail

      • createDefault

        public static PluginManager createDefault​(@NonNull
                                                  Jenkins jenkins)
        Creates the PluginManager to use if no one is provided to a Jenkins object. This method will be called after creation of Jenkins object, but before it is fully initialized.
        jenkins - Jenkins Instance.
        Plugin manager to use. If no custom class is configured or in case of any error, the default LocalPluginManager is returned.
      • getApi

        public Api getApi()
      • getWorkDir

        public File getWorkDir()
        If non-null, the base directory for all exploded .hpi/.jpi plugins.
        the base directory for all exploded .hpi/.jpi plugins or null to leave this up to the strategy.
      • getOverrides

        public Collection<PluginManagerStaplerOverride> getOverrides()
        Find all registered overrides (intended to allow overriding/adding views)
        Specified by:
        getOverrides in interface org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerOverridable
        List of extensions
      • initTasks

        public org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.TaskBuilder initTasks​(InitStrategy initStrategy)
        Called immediately after the construction. This is a separate method so that code executed from here will see a valid value in Jenkins.pluginManager.
      • loadPluginsFromWar

        protected Set<String> loadPluginsFromWar​(@NonNull
                                                 String fromPath)
      • loadDetachedPlugins

        protected void loadDetachedPlugins()
        Load detached plugins and their dependencies.

        Only loads plugins that:

        • Have been detached since the last running version.
        • Are already installed and need to be upgraded. This can be the case if this Jenkins install has been running since before plugins were "unbundled".
        • Are dependencies of one of the above e.g. script-security is not one of the detached plugins but it must be loaded if matrix-project is loaded.
      • getBundledPluginManifest

        public Manifest getBundledPluginManifest​(String shortName)
        removed without replacement
        Returns the manifest of a bundled but not-extracted plugin.
      • resolveDependentPlugins

        public void resolveDependentPlugins()
      • loadBundledPlugins

        protected abstract Collection<String> loadBundledPlugins()
                                                          throws Exception
        If the war file has any "/WEB-INF/plugins/[*.jpi | *.hpi]", extract them into the plugin directory.
        File names of the bundled plugins. Normally empty (not to be confused with loadDetachedPlugins()) but OEM WARs may have some.
        Exception - Any exception will be reported and halt the startup.
      • copyBundledPlugin

        protected void copyBundledPlugin​(URL src,
                                         String fileName)
                                  throws IOException
        Copies the plugin from the given URL to the given destination. Despite the name, this is used also from loadDetachedPlugins(). Includes a reasonable up-to-date check. A convenience method to be used by loadBundledPlugins().
        fileName - like abc.jpi
      • createPluginStrategy

        protected PluginStrategy createPluginStrategy()
        Creates a hudson.PluginStrategy, looking at the corresponding system property.
      • isPluginUploaded

        public boolean isPluginUploaded()
        Returns true if any new plugin was added.
      • getPlugins

        public List<PluginWrapper> getPlugins()
        All discovered plugins.
      • getPlugin

        public PluginWrapper getPlugin​(String shortName)
        Get the plugin instance with the given short name.
        shortName - the short name of the plugin
        The plugin singleton or null if a plugin with the given short name does not exist. The fact the plugin is loaded does not mean it is enabled and fully initialized for the current Jenkins session. Use PluginWrapper.isActive() to check it.
      • getPlugin

        public PluginWrapper getPlugin​(Class<? extends Plugin> pluginClazz)
        Get the plugin instance that implements a specific class, use to find your plugin singleton. Note: beware the classloader fun.
        pluginClazz - The class that your plugin implements.
        The plugin singleton or null if for some reason the plugin is not loaded. The fact the plugin is loaded does not mean it is enabled and fully initialized for the current Jenkins session. Use Plugin.getWrapper() and then PluginWrapper.isActive() to check it.
      • getPlugins

        public List<PluginWrapper> getPlugins​(Class<? extends Plugin> pluginSuperclass)
        Get the plugin instances that extend a specific class, use to find similar plugins. Note: beware the classloader fun.
        pluginSuperclass - The class that your plugin is derived from.
        The list of plugins implementing the specified class.
      • getSearchUrl

        public String getSearchUrl()
        Description copied from interface: SearchItem
        Returns the URL of this item relative to the parent SearchItem.
        Specified by:
        getSearchUrl in interface SearchItem
        URL like "foo" or "foo/bar". The path can end with '/'. The path that starts with '/' will be interpreted as the absolute path (within the context path of Jenkins.)
      • stop

        public void stop()
        Orderly terminates all the plugins.
      • isNonMetaLabel

        public static boolean isNonMetaLabel​(String label)
      • doPluginsSearch

        public org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponse doPluginsSearch​(@QueryParameter
                                                                String query,
                                                                Integer limit)
      • doPlugins

        public org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponse doPlugins()
        Get the list of all plugins - available and installed.
        The list of all plugins - available and installed.
      • doUpdateSources

        public org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponse doUpdateSources​(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest req)
                                                         throws IOException
      • doInstallPluginsDone

        public void doInstallPluginsDone()
        Called to progress status beyond installing plugins, e.g. if there were failures that prevented installation from naturally proceeding
      • doInstall

        public void doInstall​(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest req,
                              org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse rsp)
                       throws IOException,
        Performs the installation of the plugins.
      • doInstallPlugins

        public org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponse doInstallPlugins​(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest req)
                                                          throws IOException
        Installs a list of plugins from a JSON POST.
        req - The request object.
        A JSON response that includes a "correlationId" in the "data" element. That "correlationId" can then be used in calls to UpdateCenter.doInstallStatus(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest).
        IOException - Error reading JSON payload fro request.
      • install

        public List<Future<UpdateCenter.UpdateCenterJob>> install​(@NonNull
                                                                  Collection<String> plugins,
                                                                  boolean dynamicLoad)
        Performs the installation of the plugins.
        plugins - The collection of plugins to install.
        dynamicLoad - If true, the plugin will be dynamically loaded into this Jenkins. If false, the plugin will only take effect after the reboot. See UpdateCenter.isRestartRequiredForCompletion()
        The install job list.
      • doSiteConfigure

        public org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponse doSiteConfigure​(@QueryParameter
                                                                String site)
                                                         throws IOException
        Bare-minimum configuration mechanism to change the update center.
      • doProxyConfigure

        public org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponse doProxyConfigure​(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest req)
                                                          throws IOException,
      • doUploadPlugin

        public org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponse doUploadPlugin​(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest req)
                                                        throws IOException,
        Uploads a plugin.
      • doCheckPluginUrl

        public FormValidation doCheckPluginUrl​(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest request,
                                               String value)
                                        throws IOException
      • doCheckUpdateSiteUrl

        public FormValidation doCheckUpdateSiteUrl​(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest request,
                                                   String value)
      • doCheckUpdatesServer

        public org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponse doCheckUpdatesServer()
                                                              throws IOException
      • getLastErrorCheckUpdateCenters

        public String getLastErrorCheckUpdateCenters()
        Returns the last error raised during the update sites checking.
        the last error message
      • identifyPluginShortName

        protected String identifyPluginShortName​(File t)
      • doPrevalidateConfig

        public net.sf.json.JSONArray doPrevalidateConfig​(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest req)
                                                  throws IOException
        Like doInstallNecessaryPlugins(StaplerRequest) but only checks if everything is installed or if some plugins need updates or installation. This method runs without side-effect. I'm still requiring the ADMINISTER permission since XML file can contain various external references and we don't configure parsers properly against that.
      • unscientific

        public String unscientific​(double d)
      • getTarget

        public Object getTarget()
        Specified by:
        getTarget in interface org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerProxy
      • isMetaLabel

        public boolean isMetaLabel​(String label)
      • hasAdoptThisPluginLabel

        public boolean hasAdoptThisPluginLabel​(UpdateSite.Plugin plugin)
      • hasLatestVersionNewerThanOffered

        public boolean hasLatestVersionNewerThanOffered​(UpdateSite.Plugin plugin)
      • hasAdoptThisPluginLabel

        public boolean hasAdoptThisPluginLabel​(PluginWrapper plugin)