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w(Resource) - Method in class hudson.model.ResourceList
Adds a resource for write access.
wait - Variable in class hudson.cli.BuildCommand
waitForExitProcess(Pointer) - Static method in class hudson.util.jna.Kernel32Utils
Given the process handle, waits for its completion and returns the exit code.
WaitForSingleObject(Pointer, int) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Kernel32
waitForStart() - Method in class hudson.model.queue.FutureImpl
waitForStart() - Method in interface hudson.model.queue.QueueTaskFuture
Short for getStartCondition().get()
WaitingItem(Calendar, Queue.Task, List<Action>) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Queue.WaitingItem
WaitNodeOfflineCommand - Class in hudson.cli
CLI command, which waits till the node switches to the offline state.
WaitNodeOfflineCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.WaitNodeOfflineCommand
WaitNodeOfflineCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key WaitNodeOfflineCommand.ShortDescription: Wait for a node to become offline..
WaitNodeOnlineCommand - Class in hudson.cli
CLI command, which waits till the node switches to the online state.
WaitNodeOnlineCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.WaitNodeOnlineCommand
WaitNodeOnlineCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key WaitNodeOnlineCommand.ShortDescription: Wait for a node to become online..
waitUntilOffline() - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
waitUntilOnline() - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Blocks until the node becomes online/offline.
walk() - Method in class hudson.model.ItemVisitor
Visits the entire tree rooted at Hudson.getInstance().
warning(String) - Method in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator
warning(String) - Static method in exception hudson.util.FormFillFailure
warning(String) - Static method in exception hudson.util.FormValidation
warning(String, Object...) - Method in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator
warning(String, Object...) - Static method in exception hudson.util.FormFillFailure
warning(String, Object...) - Static method in exception hudson.util.FormValidation
warning(Throwable, String) - Static method in exception hudson.util.FormFillFailure
warning(Throwable, String) - Static method in exception hudson.util.FormValidation
warning(Throwable, String, Object...) - Static method in exception hudson.util.FormFillFailure
warning(Throwable, String, Object...) - Static method in exception hudson.util.FormValidation
Warning(JSONObject) - Constructor for class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Warning
WARNING - hudson.util.FormValidation.Kind
Form field value contained something suspicious.
WarningVersionRange(JSONObject) - Constructor for class hudson.model.UpdateSite.WarningVersionRange
warningWithMarkup(String) - Method in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator
warningWithMarkup(String) - Static method in exception hudson.util.FormFillFailure
warningWithMarkup(String) - Static method in exception hudson.util.FormValidation
wasInstalled() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.InstallationJob
Indicates there is another installation job for this plugin
WeakLogHandler - Class in hudson.logging
Delegating Handler that uses WeakReference, which de-registers itself when an object disappears via GC.
WeakLogHandler(Handler, Logger) - Constructor for class hudson.logging.WeakLogHandler
weakRefLost - Variable in class hudson.util.KeyedDataStorage
Among cache misses, number of times when we had SoftReference but lost its value due to GC.
WeatherColumn - Class in hudson.views
WeatherColumn() - Constructor for class hudson.views.WeatherColumn
WeatherColumn_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.views.Messages
Key WeatherColumn.DisplayName: Weather.
WeatherColumn.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.views
WeatherIcon - Class in org.jenkins.ui.icon
All the weather icons
WeatherIcon(String, String, WeatherIcon.Status) - Constructor for class org.jenkins.ui.icon.WeatherIcon
WebAppMain - Class in hudson
Entry point when Hudson is used as a webapp.
WebAppMain() - Constructor for class hudson.WebAppMain
WebAppMain.FileAndDescription - Class in hudson
Add some metadata to a File, allowing to trace setup issues
WebAuthenticationDetails - Class in org.acegisecurity.ui
use WebAuthenticationDetails
WebAuthenticationDetails(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class org.acegisecurity.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails
WebSocketAgents - Class in jenkins.agents
WebSocketAgents() - Constructor for class jenkins.agents.WebSocketAgents
WebSocketEcho - Class in jenkins.websocket
WebSocketEcho() - Constructor for class jenkins.websocket.WebSocketEcho
WebSockets - Class in jenkins.websocket
Support for serving WebSocket responses.
WebSocketSession - Class in jenkins.websocket
One WebSocket connection.
WebSocketSession() - Constructor for class jenkins.websocket.WebSocketSession
WEEKLY - Static variable in interface hudson.scheduler.CrontabParserTokenTypes
weight - Variable in class hudson.util.TagCloud.Entry
weight(T) - Method in interface hudson.util.TagCloud.WeightFunction
whichPlugin(Class) - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
Return the PluginWrapper that loaded the given class 'c'.
whileUpdatingByXml(Callable<V, T>) - Static method in class hudson.model.Items
Runs a block while making Items.currentlyUpdatingByXml() be temporarily true.
WHITELIST_PATH - Static variable in class jenkins.security.stapler.StaticRoutingDecisionProvider
Allow script console access
WhoAmI - Class in hudson.security
Expose the data needed for /whoAmI, so it can be exposed by Api.
WhoAmI() - Constructor for class hudson.security.WhoAmI
WhoAmICommand - Class in hudson.cli
Report the current granted authorities
WhoAmICommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.WhoAmICommand
WhoAmICommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key WhoAmICommand.ShortDescription: Reports your credential and permissions..
widget - Variable in class jenkins.widgets.HistoryPageFilter
Widget - Class in hudson.widgets
Box to be rendered in the side panel.
Widget() - Constructor for class hudson.widgets.Widget
width - Variable in class hudson.util.Area
wiki - Variable in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Plugin
Optional URL to the Wiki page that discusses this plugin.
WINBASE - Interface in hudson.util.jna
WINBASE.FILETIME - Class in hudson.util.jna
WINBASE.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES - Class in hudson.util.jna
Windows - hudson.util.LineEndingConversion.EOLType
WINDOWS - hudson.Platform
WindowsInstallerLink - Class in hudson.lifecycle
ManagementLink that allows the installation as a Windows service.
WindowsInstallerLink_Description() - Static method in class hudson.lifecycle.Messages
Key WindowsInstallerLink.Description: Installs Jenkins as a Windows service to this system, so that Jenkins starts automatically when the machine boots..
WindowsInstallerLink_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.lifecycle.Messages
Key WindowsInstallerLink.DisplayName: Install as Windows Service.
WindowsServiceLifecycle - Class in hudson.lifecycle
Lifecycle for Hudson installed as Windows service.
WindowsServiceLifecycle() - Constructor for class hudson.lifecycle.WindowsServiceLifecycle
WindowsSlaveInstaller_ConfirmInstallation() - Static method in class hudson.lifecycle.Messages
Key WindowsSlaveInstaller.ConfirmInstallation: This will install an agent as a Windows service, so that a Jenkins agent starts automatically when the machine boots..
WindowsSlaveInstaller_DotNetRequired() - Static method in class hudson.lifecycle.Messages
Key WindowsSlaveInstaller.DotNetRequired: .NET Framework 4.0 or later is required for this feature.
WindowsSlaveInstaller_InstallationSuccessful() - Static method in class hudson.lifecycle.Messages
Key WindowsSlaveInstaller.InstallationSuccessful: Installation was successful. Would you like to start the service now?.
WindowsSlaveInstaller_RootFsDoesntExist(Object) - Static method in class hudson.lifecycle.Messages
Key WindowsSlaveInstaller.RootFsDoesntExist: Agent root directory ‘{0}’ doesn’t exist.
WindowsUtil - Class in hudson.os
Utilities for the Windows Platform.
WindowsUtil() - Constructor for class hudson.os.WindowsUtil
WINERROR - Interface in hudson.util.jna
WinIOException - Exception in hudson.util.jna
IOException originated from Windows API call.
WinIOException() - Constructor for exception hudson.util.jna.WinIOException
WinIOException(String) - Constructor for exception hudson.util.jna.WinIOException
WinIOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception hudson.util.jna.WinIOException
WinIOException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception hudson.util.jna.WinIOException
WINNT - Interface in hudson.util.jna
WinswSlaveRestarter - Class in jenkins.slaves.restarter
With winsw, restart via winsw
WinswSlaveRestarter() - Constructor for class jenkins.slaves.restarter.WinswSlaveRestarter
WIPEOUT - Static variable in interface hudson.model.Item
with(Computer) - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics.LoadStatisticsSnapshot.Builder
with(Node) - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics.LoadStatisticsSnapshot.Builder
with(FileFilter) - Method in class hudson.util.FileVisitor
Decorates a visitor by a given filter.
withAttempts(int) - Method in class hudson.util.Retrier.Builder
Set the number of attempts trying to perform the action.
withContextRelativeUrl(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.ModelObjectWithContextMenu.MenuItem
Sets the URL by passing in a URL relative to the context path of Jenkins
withCustomDescriptorByName() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Execute the body with a temporary currentDescriptorByNameUrl value
withCustomDescriptorByName(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Execute the body with a temporary currentDescriptorByNameUrl value
withCustomDescriptorByName(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Execute the body with a temporary currentDescriptorByNameUrl value
withCustomDescriptorByName(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Execute the body with a temporary currentDescriptorByNameUrl value
withDelay(long) - Method in class hudson.util.Retrier.Builder
Set the time in milliseconds to wait for the next attempt.
withDisplayName(ModelObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.ModelObjectWithContextMenu.MenuItem
withDisplayName(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.ModelObjectWithContextMenu.MenuItem
withDuringActionExceptionListener(BiFunction<Integer, Exception, V>) - Method in class hudson.util.Retrier.Builder
Set the listener to be executed when an allowed exception is raised when performing the action.
withDuringActionExceptions(Class<?>[]) - Method in class hudson.util.Retrier.Builder
Set all the exceptions that are allowed and indicate that the action was failed.
withIcon(BallColor) - Method in class jenkins.model.ModelObjectWithContextMenu.MenuItem
withIcon(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.ModelObjectWithContextMenu.MenuItem
withIconClass(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.ModelObjectWithContextMenu.MenuItem
withLock(Callable<V, T>) - Static method in class hudson.model.Queue
Some operations require the Queue lock held.
withLock(Runnable) - Static method in class hudson.model.Queue
Some operations require to be performed with the Queue lock held.
withLock(Callable<V>) - Static method in class hudson.model.Queue
Some operations require to be performed with the Queue lock held.
withQueueLength(int) - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics.LoadStatisticsSnapshot.Builder
withRule(EnvVarsFilterRule) - Method in exception jenkins.tasks.filters.EnvVarsFilterException
withSelectionCleared() - Method in exception hudson.util.FormFillFailure
Flags this failure as requiring that the select options should be cleared out.
withStockIcon(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.ModelObjectWithContextMenu.MenuItem
Sets the icon from core's stock icon
withSuffix(String) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Returns a FilePath by adding the given suffix to this path name.
withUrl(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.ModelObjectWithContextMenu.MenuItem
withVariable(String) - Method in exception jenkins.tasks.filters.EnvVarsFilterException
work - Variable in class hudson.model.queue.WorkUnit
Task to be executed.
workerThread - Variable in class hudson.model.TaskAction
If non-null, that means either the activity is in progress asynchronously, or it failed unexpectedly and the thread is dead.
works - Variable in class hudson.model.queue.MappingWorksheet
works(int) - Method in class hudson.model.queue.MappingWorksheet
WORKSPACE - Static variable in interface hudson.model.Item
WorkspaceBrowser - Class in hudson.model
Allows to access a workspace as an alternative to online build node.
WorkspaceBrowser() - Constructor for class hudson.model.WorkspaceBrowser
WorkspaceCleanupThread - Class in hudson.model
Clean up old left-over workspaces from agents.
WorkspaceCleanupThread() - Constructor for class hudson.model.WorkspaceCleanupThread
WorkspaceDirectory(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Constructor for class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator.WorkspaceDirectory
WorkspaceDirectory(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, boolean) - Constructor for class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator.WorkspaceDirectory
WorkspaceFileMask(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Constructor for class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator.WorkspaceFileMask
WorkspaceFileMask(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, boolean) - Constructor for class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator.WorkspaceFileMask
WorkspaceFilePath(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator.WorkspaceFilePath
WorkspaceList - Class in hudson.slaves
Used by Computer to keep track of workspaces that are actively in use.
WorkspaceList() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList
WorkspaceList.Entry - Class in hudson.slaves
Book keeping for workspace allocation.
WorkspaceList.Lease - Class in hudson.slaves
Represents a leased workspace that needs to be returned later.
WorkspaceListener - Class in hudson.model
WorkspaceListener() - Constructor for class hudson.model.WorkspaceListener
WorkspaceLocator - Class in jenkins.slaves
Allow extensions to override workspace locations on given agents or projects.
WorkspaceLocator() - Constructor for class jenkins.slaves.WorkspaceLocator
WorkspaceSnapshot - Class in hudson
WorkspaceSnapshot() - Constructor for class hudson.WorkspaceSnapshot
WorkspaceSnapshotSCM_IncorrectJobType(Object) - Static method in class hudson.fsp.Messages
Key WorkspaceSnapshotSCM.IncorrectJobType: {0} isn’t a job that has a workspace..
WorkspaceSnapshotSCM_NoBuild(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.fsp.Messages
Key WorkspaceSnapshotSCM.NoBuild: There’s no qualifying build for the {0} permalink in {1}.
WorkspaceSnapshotSCM_NoSuchJob(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.fsp.Messages
Key WorkspaceSnapshotSCM.NoSuchJob: No such job ‘{0}’ exists. Perhaps you meant ‘{1}’?.
WorkspaceSnapshotSCM_NoSuchPermalink(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.fsp.Messages
Key WorkspaceSnapshotSCM.NoSuchPermalink: No such permalink ‘{0}’ exists for {1}.
WorkspaceSnapshotSCM_NoWorkspace(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.fsp.Messages
Key WorkspaceSnapshotSCM.NoWorkspace: {0} {1} doesn’t have a workspace snapshot attached, probably because when the build was done, no other jobs needed its workspace snapshot. Please run another build in {0} to get the workspace snapshot taken..
WorkUnit - Class in hudson.model.queue
Represents a unit of hand-over to Executor from Queue.
WorkUnitContext - Class in hudson.model.queue
Holds the information shared between WorkUnits created from the same Queue.Task.
WorkUnitContext(Queue.BuildableItem) - Constructor for class hudson.model.queue.WorkUnitContext
wrap(TaskListener) - Static method in class jenkins.util.BuildListenerAdapter
wrap(DelegatingCallable<T, IOException>) - Method in class hudson.FilePath.FileCallableWrapperFactory
wrap(Class<T>, T) - Method in class hudson.util.InterceptingProxy
wrap(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class hudson.util.Iterators
Returns an Iterable that lists items in the normal order but which hides the base iterator implementation details.
wrap(Runnable) - Method in class jenkins.security.ImpersonatingExecutorService
wrap(Runnable) - Method in class jenkins.security.ImpersonatingScheduledExecutorService
wrap(Runnable) - Method in class jenkins.security.SecurityContextExecutorService
wrap(Runnable) - Method in class jenkins.util.ContextResettingExecutorService
wrap(Runnable) - Method in class jenkins.util.InterceptingExecutorService
wrap(Callable<V>) - Method in class jenkins.security.ImpersonatingExecutorService
wrap(Callable<V>) - Method in class jenkins.security.ImpersonatingScheduledExecutorService
wrap(Callable<V>) - Method in class jenkins.security.SecurityContextExecutorService
wrap(Callable<V>) - Method in class jenkins.util.ContextResettingExecutorService
wrap(Callable<V>) - Method in class jenkins.util.InterceptingExecutorService
wrapBy(String, String) - Method in class hudson.AbstractMarkupText
Adds a start tag and end tag around the entire text
wrapMapper(MapperWrapper) - Method in class hudson.util.XStream2
WRAPPERS - Static variable in class hudson.tasks.BuildWrappers
as of 1.281. Use Extension for registration, and use BuildWrapper.all() for listing them.
wrapToErrorSpan(String) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Wraps with the error icon and the CSS class to render error message.
wrapUpArguments(ArgumentListBuilder, String, AbstractBuild<?, ?>, Launcher, BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.tasks.Maven
Allows the derived type to make additional modifications to the arguments list.
wrapWithLock(Callable<V, T>) - Static method in class hudson.model.Queue
Wraps a Callable with the Queue lock held.
wrapWithLock(Runnable) - Static method in class hudson.model.Queue
Wraps a Runnable with the Queue lock held.
wrapWithLock(Callable<V>) - Static method in class hudson.model.Queue
Wraps a Callable with the Queue lock held.
write() - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Writes to this file.
write() - Method in class hudson.util.CompressedFile
Gets the OutputStream to write to the file.
write(byte[]) - Method in class hudson.util.ChunkedOutputStream
Writes the array.
write(byte[]) - Method in class hudson.util.DelegatingOutputStream
write(byte[]) - Method in class hudson.util.DualOutputStream
write(byte[]) - Method in class hudson.util.ForkOutputStream
write(byte[]) - Method in class hudson.util.io.ReopenableFileOutputStream
write(byte[]) - Method in class hudson.util.io.RewindableFileOutputStream
write(byte[]) - Method in class hudson.util.NullStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class hudson.console.LineTransformationOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class hudson.util.ChunkedOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class hudson.util.DelegatingOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class hudson.util.DualOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class hudson.util.ForkOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class hudson.util.io.ReopenableFileOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class hudson.util.io.RewindableFileOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class hudson.util.NullStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class jenkins.util.MarkFindingOutputStream
write(byte[], OutputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.write(byte[], java.io.OutputStream)
write(byte[], Writer) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.write(byte[], java.io.Writer)
write(byte[], Writer, String) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.write(byte[], java.io.Writer, String)
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class hudson.util.AtomicFileWriter
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class hudson.util.FileChannelWriter
write(char[], OutputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.write(char[], java.io.OutputStream)
write(char[], OutputStream, String) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.write(char[], java.io.OutputStream, String)
write(char[], Writer) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.write(char[], java.io.OutputStream)
write(int) - Method in class hudson.console.LineTransformationOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class hudson.util.AtomicFileWriter
write(int) - Method in class hudson.util.ChunkedOutputStream
Write the specified byte to our output stream.
write(int) - Method in class hudson.util.DecodingStream
write(int) - Method in class hudson.util.DelegatingOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class hudson.util.DualOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class hudson.util.EncodingStream
write(int) - Method in class hudson.util.ForkOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class hudson.util.io.ReopenableFileOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class hudson.util.io.RewindableFileOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class hudson.util.NullStream
write(int) - Method in class jenkins.util.MarkFindingOutputStream
write(File) - Method in class hudson.model.FileParameterValue.FileItemImpl
write(Object) - Method in class hudson.XmlFile
write(String) - Method in class hudson.util.TextFile
Overwrites the file by the given string.
write(StringBuffer, OutputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.write(StringBuffer, java.io.OutputStream)
write(StringBuffer, OutputStream, String) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.write(StringBuffer, java.io.OutputStream, String)
write(StringBuffer, Writer) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.write(StringBuffer, java.io.Writer)
write(String, int, int) - Method in class hudson.util.AtomicFileWriter
write(String, OutputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.write(String, java.io.OutputStream)
write(String, OutputStream, String) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.write(String, java.io.OutputStream, String)
write(String, Writer) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.write(char[], java.io.Writer)
write(String, String) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Overwrites this file by placing the given String as the content.
WRITE - Static variable in class hudson.security.Permission
Generic write access.
WRITE_DAC - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
WRITE_OWNER - Static variable in interface hudson.util.jna.WINNT
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class hudson.cli.Connection
writeByteArray(byte[]) - Method in class hudson.cli.Connection
writeClosingChunk() - Method in class hudson.util.ChunkedOutputStream
writeConfigDotXml(OutputStream) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractItem
Writes config.xml to the specified output stream.
writeHtmlTo(long, Writer) - Method in class hudson.console.AnnotatedLargeText
writeKey(Key) - Method in class hudson.cli.Connection
writeLines(Collection, String, OutputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.writeLines(java.util.Collection, String, java.io.OutputStream)
writeLines(Collection, String, OutputStream, String) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.writeLines(java.util.Collection, String, java.io.OutputStream, String)
writeLines(Collection, String, Writer) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.writeLines(java.util.Collection, String, java.io.Writer)
writeLogTo(long, OutputStream) - Method in class hudson.console.AnnotatedLargeText
Strips annotations using a PlainTextConsoleOutputStream.
writeLogTo(long, Writer) - Method in class hudson.console.AnnotatedLargeText
writeLogTo(long, XMLOutput) - Method in class hudson.model.Run
Used from console.jelly to write annotated log to the given output.
writeLogTo(XMLOutput) - Method in class hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger.SCMAction
Writes the annotated log to the given output.
writeObject(Object) - Method in class hudson.cli.Connection
Sends a serializable object.
writePollingLogTo(long, XMLOutput) - Method in class hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger.BuildAction
Used from polling.jelly to write annotated polling log to the given output.
writeRawLogTo(long, OutputStream) - Method in class hudson.console.AnnotatedLargeText
Calls LargeText.writeLogTo(long, OutputStream) without stripping annotations as AnnotatedLargeText.writeLogTo(long, OutputStream) would.
writeRawTo(Writer) - Method in class hudson.XmlFile
Writes the raw XML to the given Writer.
writeReplace() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractItem
writeReplace() - Method in class hudson.model.Run
writeReplace() - Method in class hudson.tools.ToolInstallation
WriterImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.util.xstream.XStreamDOM.WriterImpl
writeStdin() - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
Indicates that the caller will directly write to the child process Launcher.ProcStarter.stdin() via Proc.getStdin().
writeTo(HierarchicalStreamWriter) - Method in class jenkins.util.xstream.XStreamDOM
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class jenkins.util.xstream.XStreamDOM
Writes this XStreamDOM into OutputStream.
writeTo(Writer) - Method in class jenkins.util.xstream.XStreamDOM
writeTo(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.util.ListBoxModel
writeUTF(String) - Method in class hudson.cli.Connection
writeWholeLogTo(OutputStream) - Method in class hudson.model.Run
Writes the complete log from the start to finish to the OutputStream.
writeXml(OutputStream) - Method in class hudson.model.View
WS - Static variable in interface hudson.model.labels.LabelExpressionParserTokenTypes
WS - Static variable in interface hudson.scheduler.CrontabParserTokenTypes
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