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BackgroundGlobalBuildDiscarder - Class in jenkins.model
Background task actually running background build discarders.
BackgroundGlobalBuildDiscarder() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.BackgroundGlobalBuildDiscarder
BadCredentialsException - Exception in org.acegisecurity
use BadCredentialsException
BadCredentialsException(String) - Constructor for exception org.acegisecurity.BadCredentialsException
BadCredentialsException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception org.acegisecurity.BadCredentialsException
BadCredentialsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.acegisecurity.BadCredentialsException
BallColor - Enum in hudson.model
Ball color used for the build status indication.
BallColor_Aborted() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key BallColor.Aborted: Aborted.
BallColor_Disabled() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key BallColor.Disabled: Disabled.
BallColor_Failed() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key BallColor.Failed: Failed.
BallColor_InProgress() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key BallColor.InProgress: In progress.
BallColor_NotBuilt() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key BallColor.NotBuilt: Not built.
BallColor_Pending() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key BallColor.Pending: Pending.
BallColor_Success() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key BallColor.Success: Success.
BallColor_Unstable() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key BallColor.Unstable: Unstable.
ballColorTd() - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Display the ball in a TD.
ballColorTd(Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Display the ball in a TD.
ballColorTd(Map) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Display the ball in a TD.
ballColorTd(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Display the ball in a TD.
bar() - Method in interface lib.TestTagLib
bar(Closure) - Method in interface lib.TestTagLib
bar(Map) - Method in interface lib.TestTagLib
bar(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.TestTagLib
base - Variable in class hudson.model.labels.LabelExpression.Not
base - Variable in class hudson.model.labels.LabelExpression.Paren
Base64(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator.Base64
baseDirInitialized() - Method in class jenkins.model.lazy.AbstractLazyLoadRunMap
baseline - Variable in class hudson.scm.PollingResult
Baseline of the comparison.
baseList - Variable in class hudson.widgets.HistoryWidget
The given data model of records.
BaseParser_MustBePositive(Object) - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.Messages
Key BaseParser.MustBePositive: step must be positive, but found {0}.
BaseParser_OutOfRange(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.Messages
Key BaseParser.OutOfRange: {0} is an invalid value. Must be within {1} and {2}.
BaseParser_StartEndReversed(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.Messages
Key BaseParser.StartEndReversed: You mean {0}-{1}?.
baseResourceURL - Variable in class hudson.PluginWrapper
Base URL for loading static resources from this plugin.
baseUrl - Variable in class hudson.widgets.HistoryWidget
BasicApiTokenHelper - Class in jenkins.security
BasicApiTokenHelper() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.BasicApiTokenHelper
BasicAuthenticationFilter - Class in hudson.security
Implements the dual authentication mechanism.
BasicAuthenticationFilter() - Constructor for class hudson.security.BasicAuthenticationFilter
BasicHeaderApiTokenAuthenticator - Class in jenkins.security
Checks if the password given in the BASIC header matches the user's API token.
BasicHeaderApiTokenAuthenticator() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.BasicHeaderApiTokenAuthenticator
BasicHeaderAuthenticator - Class in jenkins.security
When Jenkins receives HTTP basic authentication, this hook will validate the username/password pair.
BasicHeaderAuthenticator() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.BasicHeaderAuthenticator
BasicHeaderProcessor - Class in jenkins.security
Takes "username:password" given in the Authorization HTTP header and authenticates the request.
BasicHeaderProcessor() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.BasicHeaderProcessor
BasicHeaderRealPasswordAuthenticator - Class in jenkins.security
Checks if the password given in the BASIC header matches the user's actual password, as opposed to other pseudo-passwords like API tokens.
BasicHeaderRealPasswordAuthenticator() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.BasicHeaderRealPasswordAuthenticator
BatchCommandInstaller - Class in hudson.tools
Installs tool via script execution of Batch script.
BatchCommandInstaller(String, String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.tools.BatchCommandInstaller
BatchCommandInstaller_DescriptorImpl_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.tools.Messages
Key BatchCommandInstaller.DescriptorImpl.displayName: Run Batch Command.
BatchCommandInstaller.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.tools
BatchFile - Class in hudson.tasks
Executes commands by using Windows batch file.
BatchFile(String) - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.BatchFile
BatchFile_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BatchFile.DisplayName: Execute Windows batch command.
BatchFile_invalid_exit_code_range(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BatchFile.invalid_exit_code_range: Invalid errorlevel value: {0}. Check help section.
BatchFile_invalid_exit_code_zero() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BatchFile.invalid_exit_code_zero: ERRORLEVEL zero is ignored and does not make the build unstable.
BatchFile.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.tasks
bean - Variable in class hudson.model.Api
Model object to be exposed as XML/JSON/etc.
BecauseLabelIsBusy(Label) - Constructor for class hudson.model.queue.CauseOfBlockage.BecauseLabelIsBusy
BecauseLabelIsOffline(Label) - Constructor for class hudson.model.queue.CauseOfBlockage.BecauseLabelIsOffline
BecauseNodeIsBusy(Node) - Constructor for class hudson.model.queue.CauseOfBlockage.BecauseNodeIsBusy
BecauseNodeIsNotAcceptingTasks(Node) - Constructor for class hudson.model.queue.CauseOfBlockage.BecauseNodeIsNotAcceptingTasks
BecauseNodeIsOffline(Node) - Constructor for class hudson.model.queue.CauseOfBlockage.BecauseNodeIsOffline
BecauseOfBuildInProgress(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Constructor for class hudson.model.AbstractProject.BecauseOfBuildInProgress
BecauseOfDownstreamBuildInProgress(AbstractProject<?, ?>) - Constructor for class hudson.model.AbstractProject.BecauseOfDownstreamBuildInProgress
BecauseOfUpstreamBuildInProgress(AbstractProject<?, ?>) - Constructor for class hudson.model.AbstractProject.BecauseOfUpstreamBuildInProgress
before() - Method in class hudson.FilePath.AbstractInterceptorCallableWrapper
Executed before the actual FileCallable is invoked.
before() - Method in annotation type hudson.init.Initializer
Indicates that this initializer is a necessary step before achieving the specified milestone.
before() - Method in annotation type hudson.init.Terminator
Indicates that this terminator is a necessary step before achieving the specified milestone.
beforeChannel(JnlpConnectionState) - Method in class jenkins.slaves.DefaultJnlpSlaveReceiver
beforeDisconnect(SlaveComputer, TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.slaves.ComputerLauncher
Allows the ComputerLauncher to prepare for a disconnect.
beforeDisconnect(SlaveComputer, TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.slaves.ComputerLauncherFilter
beforeDisconnect(SlaveComputer, TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.slaves.DelegatingComputerLauncher
beforeDisconnect(SlaveComputer, StreamTaskListener) - Method in class hudson.slaves.ComputerLauncher
beforeOf(Initializer) - Method in class hudson.init.InitializerFinder
beforeOf(Terminator) - Method in class hudson.init.TerminatorFinder
beforeUse(AbstractBuild, FilePath, BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.model.WorkspaceListener
Called before a build uses a workspace.
belongsTo(Job) - Method in class hudson.model.Fingerprint.BuildPtr
Returns true if Fingerprint.BuildPtr points to the given job or one of its subordinates.
binary(byte[], int, int) - Method in class jenkins.websocket.WebSocketSession
Binary(Label, Label, LabelOperatorPrecedence) - Constructor for class hudson.model.labels.LabelExpression.Binary
bind(String, Object) - Method in class jenkins.util.groovy.GroovyHookScript
bindJSON(StaplerRequest, Class<T>, JSONObject) - Static method in class hudson.model.Descriptor
Replacement for StaplerRequest.bindJSON(Class, JSONObject) which honors Descriptor.newInstance(StaplerRequest, JSONObject).
bInheritHandle - Variable in class hudson.util.jna.WINBASE.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
BLANK_NONSECRET_PASSWORD_FIELDS_WITHOUT_ITEM_CONFIGURE - Static variable in class hudson.util.Secret
block - Variable in class hudson.cli.QuietDownCommand
block() - Method in class hudson.model.CheckPoint
Waits until the previous build in progress reaches a check point, identified by the given identifier, or until the current executor becomes the youngest build in progress.
block() - Method in class hudson.util.OneShotEvent
Blocks until the event becomes the signaled state.
block() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Full-width space in the form table that can be filled with arbitrary HTML.
block(long) - Method in class hudson.util.OneShotEvent
Blocks until the event becomes the signaled state.
block(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Full-width space in the form table that can be filled with arbitrary HTML.
block(BuildListener, String) - Method in class hudson.model.CheckPoint
Like CheckPoint.block() but allows for richer logging.
block(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Full-width space in the form table that can be filled with arbitrary HTML.
block(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Full-width space in the form table that can be filled with arbitrary HTML.
blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding - Variable in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
True to keep builds of this project in queue when downstream projects are building.
blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding - Variable in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
True to keep builds of this project in queue when upstream projects are building.
blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
BlockedBecauseOfBuildInProgress - Class in jenkins.model
Indicates that a new build is blocked because the previous build is already in progress.
BlockedBecauseOfBuildInProgress(Run<?, ?>) - Constructor for class jenkins.model.BlockedBecauseOfBuildInProgress
Creates a cause for the specified build.
BlockedBecauseOfBuildInProgress_ETA(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key BlockedBecauseOfBuildInProgress.ETA: (ETA: {0}).
BlockedBecauseOfBuildInProgress_shortDescription(Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key BlockedBecauseOfBuildInProgress.shortDescription: Build #{0} is already in progress{1}.
BlockedItem(Queue.NotWaitingItem) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Queue.BlockedItem
BlockedItem(Queue.WaitingItem) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Queue.BlockedItem
blocksRestart() - Method in exception jenkins.model.queue.AsynchronousExecution
Allows an executable to indicate whether it is currently doing something which should prevent Jenkins from being shut down safely.
BLUE - hudson.model.BallColor
BLUE - Static variable in class hudson.util.ColorPalette
BLUE_ANIME - hudson.model.BallColor
BooleanParameterDefinition - Class in hudson.model
ParameterDefinition that is either 'true' or 'false'.
BooleanParameterDefinition(String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.BooleanParameterDefinition
BooleanParameterDefinition(String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.BooleanParameterDefinition
BooleanParameterDefinition_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key BooleanParameterDefinition.DisplayName: Boolean Parameter.
BooleanParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.model
BooleanParameterValue - Class in hudson.model
BooleanParameterValue(String, boolean) - Constructor for class hudson.model.BooleanParameterValue
BooleanParameterValue(String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.BooleanParameterValue
booleanRadio() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Binds a boolean field to two radio buttons that say Yes/No OK/Cancel Top/Bottom.
booleanRadio(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Binds a boolean field to two radio buttons that say Yes/No OK/Cancel Top/Bottom.
booleanRadio(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Binds a boolean field to two radio buttons that say Yes/No OK/Cancel Top/Bottom.
booleanRadio(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Binds a boolean field to two radio buttons that say Yes/No OK/Cancel Top/Bottom.
BootFailure - Exception in hudson.util
Indicates a fatal boot problem, among ErrorObject
BootFailure() - Constructor for exception hudson.util.BootFailure
BootFailure(Throwable) - Constructor for exception hudson.util.BootFailure
bottomButtonBar() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Creates a button bar at the bottom of the page for things like "Submit".
bottomButtonBar(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Creates a button bar at the bottom of the page for things like "Submit".
bottomButtonBar(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Creates a button bar at the bottom of the page for things like "Submit".
bottomButtonBar(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Creates a button bar at the bottom of the page for things like "Submit".
breadcrumb() - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Used inside <l:layout> to render additional breadcrumb items.
breadcrumb(Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Used inside <l:layout> to render additional breadcrumb items.
breadcrumb(Map) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Used inside <l:layout> to render additional breadcrumb items.
breadcrumb(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Used inside <l:layout> to render additional breadcrumb items.
breadcrumb_config_outline() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Adds one more in-page breadcrumb that jumps to sections in the page.
breadcrumb_config_outline(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Adds one more in-page breadcrumb that jumps to sections in the page.
breadcrumb_config_outline(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Adds one more in-page breadcrumb that jumps to sections in the page.
breadcrumb_config_outline(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Adds one more in-page breadcrumb that jumps to sections in the page.
breadcrumbBar() - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Generates the bar that shows breadcrumbs, along with its associated dynamic behaviours.
breadcrumbBar(Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Generates the bar that shows breadcrumbs, along with its associated dynamic behaviours.
breadcrumbBar(Map) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Generates the bar that shows breadcrumbs, along with its associated dynamic behaviours.
breadcrumbBar(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Generates the bar that shows breadcrumbs, along with its associated dynamic behaviours.
breakable() - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Send escaped value to output decorated to be safely broken into lines when necessary
breakable(Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Send escaped value to output decorated to be safely broken into lines when necessary
breakable(Map) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Send escaped value to output decorated to be safely broken into lines when necessary
breakable(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Send escaped value to output decorated to be safely broken into lines when necessary
breakableString(String) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
Get a string that can be safely broken to several lines when necessary.
build - Variable in class hudson.cli.ConsoleCommand
build - Variable in class hudson.scm.AbstractScmTagAction
build - Variable in class hudson.scm.ChangeLogSet
build - Variable in class hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger.BuildAction
build - Variable in class hudson.util.ChartUtil.NumberOnlyBuildLabel
build - Variable in class jenkins.model.StandardArtifactManager
build() - Method in class hudson.model.DependencyGraph
build() - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics.LoadStatisticsSnapshot.Builder
build() - Method in class hudson.util.DataSetBuilder
build() - Method in class hudson.util.Retrier.Builder
Create a Retrier object with the specification set in this builder.
build(SearchableModelObject, SearchItem) - Static method in class hudson.search.SuggestedItem
Given a SearchItem, builds a SuggestedItem hierarchy by looking up parent items (if applicable).
Build<P extends Project<P,​B>,​B extends Build<P,​B>> - Class in hudson.model
A build of a Project.
Build(P) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Build
Creates a new build.
Build(P, File) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Build
Loads a build from a log file.
Build(P, Calendar) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Build
BUILD - hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor
BUILD - Static variable in class hudson.model.Computer
BUILD - Static variable in interface hudson.model.Item
BUILD_NOW - Static variable in class hudson.scm.PollingResult
Constant that uses PollingResult.Change.INCOMPARABLE which forces an immediate build.
BUILD_NOW_TEXT - Static variable in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
BUILD_NOW_TEXT - Static variable in class jenkins.model.ParameterizedJobMixIn
Allows customization of the human-readable display name to be rendered in the Build Now link.
build_permalink() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
build_permalink(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
build_permalink(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
build_permalink(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Build_post_build_steps_failed() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Build.post_build_steps_failed: Post-build steps failed.
BUILD_SCHEDULING_REFUSED - Static variable in class hudson.cli.BuildCommand
Build.BuildExecution - Class in hudson.model
Build.RunnerImpl - Class in hudson.model
as of 1.467 Please use Build.BuildExecution
BuildableItem - Interface in hudson.model
Item that can be "built", for whatever meaning of "build".
BuildableItem(Queue.NotWaitingItem) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Queue.BuildableItem
BuildableItem(Queue.WaitingItem) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Queue.BuildableItem
BuildableItemWithBuildWrappers - Interface in hudson.model
AbstractProject that has associated BuildWrappers.
buildableStartMilliseconds - Variable in class hudson.model.Queue.NotWaitingItem
When did this job exit the Queue.waitingList phase?
BuildAction(AbstractBuild) - Constructor for class hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger.BuildAction
BuildAction(Run<?, ?>) - Constructor for class hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger.BuildAction
BuildAuthorizationToken - Class in hudson.model
2008-07-20 Use ACL and Item.BUILD. This code is only here for the backward compatibility.
BuildAuthorizationToken(String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.BuildAuthorizationToken
BuildAuthorizationToken_InvalidTokenProvided() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key BuildAuthorizationToken.InvalidTokenProvided: Invalid token provided..
BuildAuthorizationToken.ConverterImpl - Class in hudson.model
BuildBadgeAction - Interface in hudson.model
Action that puts a little icon (or icons) next to the build in the build history.
BuildButtonColumn - Class in hudson.views
BuildButtonColumn() - Constructor for class hudson.views.BuildButtonColumn
BuildButtonColumn_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.views.Messages
Key BuildButtonColumn.DisplayName: Build Button.
BuildButtonColumn.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.views
buildCaption() - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
buildCaption(Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
buildCaption(Map) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
buildCaption(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
BuildCommand - Class in hudson.cli
Builds a job, and optionally waits until its completion.
BuildCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.BuildCommand
BuildCommand_CLICause_CannotBuildConfigNotSaved(Object) - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key BuildCommand.CLICause.CannotBuildConfigNotSaved: Cannot build {0} because its configuration has not been saved..
BuildCommand_CLICause_CannotBuildDisabled(Object) - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key BuildCommand.CLICause.CannotBuildDisabled: Cannot build {0} because it is disabled..
BuildCommand_CLICause_CannotBuildUnknownReasons(Object) - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key BuildCommand.CLICause.CannotBuildUnknownReasons: Cannot build {0} for unknown reasons..
BuildCommand_CLICause_ShortDescription(Object) - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key BuildCommand.CLICause.ShortDescription: Started from command line by {0}.
BuildCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key BuildCommand.ShortDescription: Builds a job, and optionally waits until its completion..
BuildCommand.CLICause - Class in hudson.cli
buildCommandLine(FilePath) - Method in class hudson.tasks.BatchFile
buildCommandLine(FilePath) - Method in class hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter
buildCommandLine(FilePath) - Method in class hudson.tasks.Shell
buildComponentInformation() - Method in class jenkins.telemetry.Telemetry
Produces a list of Jenkins core and plugin version numbers to include in telemetry implementations for which this would be relevant.
buildDependencyGraph(AbstractProject, DependencyGraph) - Method in class hudson.tasks.BuildTrigger
buildDependencyGraph(AbstractProject, DependencyGraph) - Method in class hudson.tasks.Fingerprinter
buildDependencyGraph(AbstractProject, DependencyGraph) - Method in class hudson.util.DescribableList
Picks up DependencyDeclarers and allow it to build dependencies.
buildDependencyGraph(AbstractProject, DependencyGraph) - Method in interface jenkins.model.DependencyDeclarer
buildDependencyGraph(AbstractProject, DependencyGraph) - Method in class jenkins.triggers.ReverseBuildTrigger
buildDependencyGraph(DependencyGraph) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
Builds the dependency graph.
buildDependencyGraph(DependencyGraph) - Method in class hudson.model.Project
buildDescribable(StaplerRequest, List<? extends Descriptor<T>>) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
buildDescribable(StaplerRequest, List<? extends Descriptor<T>>, String) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
BuildDiscarder - Class in jenkins.model
Implementation of "Discard old build records" feature.
BuildDiscarder() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.BuildDiscarder
BuildDiscarder.ConverterImpl - Class in jenkins.model
Job.logRotator used to be typed as LogRotator, so such configuration file ends up trying to unmarshal BuildDiscarder and not its subtype.
BuildDiscarderDescriptor - Class in jenkins.model
BuildDiscarderDescriptor() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.BuildDiscarderDescriptor
BuildDiscarderDescriptor(Class) - Constructor for class jenkins.model.BuildDiscarderDescriptor
BuildDiscarderProperty - Class in jenkins.model
Defines a BuildDiscarder.
BuildDiscarderProperty(BuildDiscarder) - Constructor for class jenkins.model.BuildDiscarderProperty
BuildDiscarderProperty_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key BuildDiscarderProperty.displayName: Discard old builds.
BuildDiscarderProperty.ConditionallyHidden - Class in jenkins.model
BuildDiscarderProperty.DescriptorImpl - Class in jenkins.model
buildEnvironment(Run<?, ?>, EnvVars) - Method in class hudson.model.BooleanParameterValue
Exposes the name/value as an environment variable.
buildEnvironment(Run<?, ?>, EnvVars) - Method in interface hudson.model.EnvironmentContributingAction
Called by Run to allow plugins to contribute environment variables.
buildEnvironment(Run<?, ?>, EnvVars) - Method in class hudson.model.FileParameterValue
Exposes the originalFileName as an environment variable.
buildEnvironment(Run<?, ?>, EnvVars) - Method in class hudson.model.ParametersAction
buildEnvironment(Run<?, ?>, EnvVars) - Method in class hudson.model.ParameterValue
Adds environmental variables for the builds to the given map.
buildEnvironment(Run<?, ?>, EnvVars) - Method in class hudson.model.PasswordParameterValue
buildEnvironment(Run<?, ?>, EnvVars) - Method in class hudson.model.RunParameterValue
Exposes the name/value as an environment variable.
buildEnvironment(Run<?, ?>, EnvVars) - Method in class hudson.model.StringParameterValue
Exposes the name/value as an environment variable.
buildEnvironment(Run<?, ?>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
Adds environmental variables for the builds to the given map.
buildEnvironment(TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Creates an environment variable override to be used for launching processes on this node.
buildEnvironmentFor(Job, EnvVars, TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.model.EnvironmentContributor
Contributes environment variables used for a job.
buildEnvironmentFor(Job, EnvVars, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.model.CoreEnvironmentContributor
buildEnvironmentFor(Run, EnvVars, TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.model.EnvironmentContributor
Contributes environment variables used for a build.
buildEnvironmentFor(Run, EnvVars, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.model.CoreEnvironmentContributor
buildEnvironments - Variable in class hudson.model.AbstractBuild
During the build this field remembers BuildWrapper.Environments created by BuildWrapper.
buildEnvVar() - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Renders a help entry for one environment variable.
buildEnvVar(Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Renders a help entry for one environment variable.
buildEnvVar(Map) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Renders a help entry for one environment variable.
buildEnvVar(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Renders a help entry for one environment variable.
buildEnvVars(EnvVars) - Method in class hudson.model.JDK
Sets PATH and JAVA_HOME from this JDK.
buildEnvVars(EnvVars) - Method in class hudson.tasks.Maven.MavenInstallation
buildEnvVars(EnvVars) - Method in class hudson.tools.ToolInstallation
Expose any environment variables that this tool installation wants the build to see.
buildEnvVars(EnvVars, TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.slaves.EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty
buildEnvVars(EnvVars, TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeProperty
Creates environment variable override for launching child processes in this node.
buildEnvVars(EnvVars, Maven.MavenInstallation) - Method in class hudson.tasks.Maven
Build up the environment variables toward the Maven launch.
buildEnvVars(AbstractBuild<?, ?>, EnvVars) - Method in interface hudson.model.EnvironmentContributingAction
buildEnvVars(AbstractBuild<?, ?>, EnvVars) - Method in class hudson.model.ParameterValue
buildEnvVars(AbstractBuild<?, ?>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class hudson.model.ParameterValue
buildEnvVars(AbstractBuild<?, ?>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
buildEnvVars(Map<String, String>) - Method in class hudson.model.Environment
Adds environmental variables for the builds to the given map.
buildEnvVars(Map<String, String>) - Method in class hudson.model.JDK
as of 1.460. Use JDK.buildEnvVars(EnvVars)
buildEnvVarsFilterRules() - Method in class hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter
buildEnvVarsFilterRules() - Method in interface jenkins.tasks.filters.EnvVarsFilterableBuilder
The order is respected for the execution.
builder - Variable in class jenkins.util.groovy.AbstractGroovyViewModule
builder() - Static method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics.LoadStatisticsSnapshot
Builder - Class in hudson.tasks
BuildSteps that perform the actual build.
Builder() - Constructor for class hudson.model.LoadStatistics.LoadStatisticsSnapshot.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.Builder
Builder(Callable<V>, BiPredicate<Integer, V>, String) - Constructor for class hudson.util.Retrier.Builder
Constructor of the builder with the required parameters.
BUILDERS - Static variable in interface hudson.tasks.BuildStep
as of 1.286. Use Builder.all() for read access, and use Extension for registration.
BuildExecution() - Constructor for class hudson.model.Build.BuildExecution
buildHealth() - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
buildHealth(Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
buildHealth(Map) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
buildHealth(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
BuildHistoryWidget<T> - Class in hudson.widgets
Displays the build history on the side panel.
BuildHistoryWidget(Queue.Task, Iterable<T>, HistoryWidget.Adapter<? super T>) - Constructor for class hudson.widgets.BuildHistoryWidget
BuildHistoryWidget_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.widgets.Messages
Key BuildHistoryWidget.DisplayName: Build History.
buildLink() - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Generates a link to a build.
buildLink(Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Generates a link to a build.
buildLink(Map) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Generates a link to a build.
buildLink(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Generates a link to a build.
BuildListener - Interface in hudson.model
Receives events that happen during a build.
BuildListenerAdapter - Class in jenkins.util
Wraps a TaskListener as a BuildListener for compatibility with APIs which historically expected the latter.
BuildListenerAdapter(TaskListener) - Constructor for class jenkins.util.BuildListenerAdapter
buildListTable() - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Creates a table of builds.
buildListTable(Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Creates a table of builds.
buildListTable(Map) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Creates a table of builds.
buildListTable(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Creates a table of builds.
BuildListTable - Class in jenkins.widgets
BuildListTable() - Constructor for class jenkins.widgets.BuildListTable
buildNew(String, ApiTokenStore.HashValue) - Static method in class jenkins.security.apitoken.ApiTokenStore.HashedToken
buildNewFromLegacy(ApiTokenStore.HashValue, boolean) - Static method in class jenkins.security.apitoken.ApiTokenStore.HashedToken
buildProgressBar() - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Progress bar for a build in progress.
buildProgressBar(Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Progress bar for a build in progress.
buildProgressBar(Map) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Progress bar for a build in progress.
buildProgressBar(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
Progress bar for a build in progress.
BuildPtr(Run) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Fingerprint.BuildPtr
BuildPtr(String, int) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Fingerprint.BuildPtr
BuildQueueWidget - Class in jenkins.widgets
Show the default build queue.
BuildQueueWidget() - Constructor for class jenkins.widgets.BuildQueueWidget
buildRangeLink() - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
buildRangeLink(Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
buildRangeLink(Map) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
buildRangeLink(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
BuildReference<R> - Class in jenkins.model.lazy
Reference (by default a SoftReference) to a build object.
BuildReference(String, R) - Constructor for class jenkins.model.lazy.BuildReference
BuildReference.DefaultHolderFactory - Class in jenkins.model.lazy
Default factory if none other are installed.
BuildReference.Holder<R> - Interface in jenkins.model.lazy
An abstraction of Reference.
BuildReference.HolderFactory - Interface in jenkins.model.lazy
Extensible factory for creating build references.
builds - Variable in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
All the builds keyed by their build number.
builds - Variable in class hudson.model.BuildTimelineWidget
BuildStatusIcon - Class in org.jenkins.ui.icon
An icon used for build statuses
BuildStatusIcon(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.jenkins.ui.icon.BuildStatusIcon
BuildStatusIcon(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.jenkins.ui.icon.BuildStatusIcon
buildStatusSummary() - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
buildStatusSummary(Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
buildStatusSummary(Map) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
buildStatusSummary(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.JenkinsTagLib
buildStep() - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
buildStep(EnvVarsFilterableBuilder) - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
Specify the build step that want to run the command to enable the environment filters
BuildStep - Interface in hudson.tasks
One step of the whole build process.
BuildStep.PublisherList - Class in hudson.tasks
List of publisher descriptor.
BuildStepCompatibilityLayer - Class in hudson.tasks
since 1.150
BuildStepCompatibilityLayer() - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.BuildStepCompatibilityLayer
BuildStepDescriptor<T extends BuildStep & Describable<T>> - Class in hudson.tasks
BuildStepDescriptor() - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor
Infers the type of the corresponding BuildStep from the outer class.
BuildStepDescriptor(Class<? extends T>) - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor
BuildStepListener - Class in hudson.model
Receives events that happen as a build executes BuildSteps.
BuildStepListener() - Constructor for class hudson.model.BuildStepListener
BuildStepMonitor - Enum in hudson.tasks
BuildTimelineWidget - Class in hudson.model
UI widget for showing the SIMILE timeline control.
BuildTimelineWidget(RunList<?>) - Constructor for class hudson.model.BuildTimelineWidget
BuildTimeTrend - Class in jenkins.widgets
BuildTimeTrend() - Constructor for class jenkins.widgets.BuildTimeTrend
BuildTrigger - Class in hudson.tasks
Triggers builds of other projects.
BuildTrigger(String, boolean) - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.BuildTrigger
BuildTrigger(String, Result) - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.BuildTrigger
BuildTrigger(String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.BuildTrigger
BuildTrigger(Collection<? extends AbstractProject>, Result) - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.BuildTrigger
BuildTrigger(List<AbstractProject>, Result) - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.BuildTrigger
BuildTrigger_Disabled(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BuildTrigger.Disabled: {0} is disabled. Triggering skipped.
BuildTrigger_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BuildTrigger.DisplayName: Build other projects.
BuildTrigger_InQueue(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BuildTrigger.InQueue: {0} is already in the queue.
BuildTrigger_NoProjectSpecified() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BuildTrigger.NoProjectSpecified: No project specified.
BuildTrigger_NoSuchProject(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BuildTrigger.NoSuchProject: No such project ‘{0}’. Did you mean ‘{1}’?.
BuildTrigger_NotBuildable(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BuildTrigger.NotBuildable: {0} is not buildable.
BuildTrigger_ok_ancestor_is_null() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BuildTrigger.ok_ancestor_is_null: Ancestor/Context Unknown: the project specified cannot be validated.
BuildTrigger_Triggering(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BuildTrigger.Triggering: Triggering a new build of {0}.
BuildTrigger_you_have_no_permission_to_build_(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BuildTrigger.you_have_no_permission_to_build_: You have no permission to build {0}.
BuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.tasks
BuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl.ItemListenerImpl - Class in hudson.tasks
BuildVariableContributor - Class in hudson.model
Contributes build variables to builds.
BuildVariableContributor() - Constructor for class hudson.model.BuildVariableContributor
buildVariablesFor(AbstractBuild, Map<String, String>) - Method in class hudson.model.BuildVariableContributor
Contributes build variables used for a build.
buildWithParameters(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty
buildWithParameters(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, TimeDuration) - Method in class hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty
BuildWrapper - Class in hudson.tasks
Pluggability point for performing pre/post actions for the build process.
BuildWrapper() - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.BuildWrapper
BuildWrapper.Environment - Class in hudson.tasks
Represents the environment set up by BuildWrapper.setUp(Build,Launcher,BuildListener).
BuildWrapperDescriptor - Class in hudson.tasks
BuildWrapperDescriptor() - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.BuildWrapperDescriptor
Infers the type of the corresponding Describable from the outer class.
BuildWrapperDescriptor(Class<? extends BuildWrapper>) - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.BuildWrapperDescriptor
BuildWrappers - Class in hudson.tasks
List of all installed BuildWrapper.
BuildWrappers() - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.BuildWrappers
BUILTIN - Static variable in class hudson.model.PermalinkProjectAction.Permalink
List of PermalinkProjectAction.Permalinks that are built into Jenkins.
BuiltInComputerPinger() - Constructor for class hudson.model.ComputerPinger.BuiltInComputerPinger
BuiltInNodeMigration - Class in jenkins.model
Inform the admin about the migration.
BuiltInNodeMigration() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.BuiltInNodeMigration
BuiltInNodeMigration_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key BuiltInNodeMigration.DisplayName: Built-In Node Name and Label Migration.
BulkChange - Class in hudson
Transaction-like object that can be used to make a bunch of changes to an object, and defer the Saveable.save() until the end.
BulkChange(Saveable) - Constructor for class hudson.BulkChange
busyExecutors - Variable in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
Number of busy executors and how it changes over time.
BY_FULL_NAME - Static variable in class hudson.model.Items
A comparator of Item instances that uses a case-insensitive comparison of Item.getFullName().
BY_NAME - Static variable in class hudson.model.Items
A comparator of Item instances that uses a case-insensitive comparison of Item.getName().
ByCLI(String) - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.OfflineCause.ByCLI
ByMap(Map<String, V>) - Constructor for class hudson.util.VariableResolver.ByMap
BYPASS - Static variable in class jenkins.security.s2m.CallableDirectionChecker
Switch to disable all the defense mechanism completely.
ByReference() - Constructor for class hudson.util.jna.SHELLEXECUTEINFO.DUMMYUNIONNAME_union.ByReference
ByteArrayOutputStream2 - Class in hudson.util
ByteArrayOutputStream with access to its raw buffer.
ByteArrayOutputStream2() - Constructor for class hudson.util.ByteArrayOutputStream2
ByteArrayOutputStream2(int) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ByteArrayOutputStream2
byTimestamp(long, long) - Method in class hudson.util.RunList
Filter the list by timestamp.
ByValue() - Constructor for class hudson.util.jna.SHELLEXECUTEINFO.DUMMYUNIONNAME_union.ByValue
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