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_AboutJenkins_Description() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key AboutJenkins.Description: See the version and license information..
_AboutJenkins_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key AboutJenkins.DisplayName: About Jenkins.
_AbstractBuild_Building() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractBuild_Building: Building.
_AbstractBuild_BuildingInWorkspace(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractBuild.BuildingInWorkspace: in workspace {0}.
_AbstractBuild_BuildingOnMaster() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractBuild.BuildingOnMaster: Building on the built-in node.
_AbstractBuild_BuildingRemotely(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractBuild.BuildingRemotely: Building remotely on {0}.
_AbstractBuild_KeptBecause(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractBuild.KeptBecause: This build is kept because of {0}..
_AbstractItem_BeingDeleted(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractItem.BeingDeleted: {0} is currently being deleted.
_AbstractItem_FailureToStopBuilds(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractItem.FailureToStopBuilds: Failed to interrupt and stop {0,choice,1#{0,number,integer} build|1<{0,number,integer} builds} of {1}.
_AbstractItem_NewNameInUse(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractItem.NewNameInUse: The name “{0}” is already in use..
_AbstractItem_NewNameUnchanged() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractItem.NewNameUnchanged: The new name is the same as the current name..
_AbstractItem_NoSuchJobExists(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractItem.NoSuchJobExists: No such job ‘{0}’ exists. Perhaps you meant ‘{1}’?.
_AbstractItem_NoSuchJobExistsWithoutSuggestion(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractItem.NoSuchJobExistsWithoutSuggestion: No such job ‘{0}’ exists..
_AbstractItem_Pronoun() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractItem.Pronoun: Item.
_AbstractItem_TaskNoun() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractItem.TaskNoun: Build.
_AbstractNodeMonitorDescriptor_NoDataYet() - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key AbstractNodeMonitorDescriptor.NoDataYet: Not yet.
_AbstractProject_Aborted() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.Aborted: Aborted.
_AbstractProject_AwaitingBuildForWorkspace() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.AwaitingBuildForWorkspace: Awaiting build to get a workspace..
_AbstractProject_AwaitingWorkspaceToComeOnline(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.AwaitingWorkspaceToComeOnline: We need to schedule a new build to get a workspace, but deferring {0}ms in the hope that one will become available soon.
_AbstractProject_BuildPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.BuildPermission.Description: This permission grants the ability to start a new build..
_AbstractProject_CancelPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.CancelPermission.Description: This permission grants the ability to cancel a scheduled, or abort a running, build..
_AbstractProject_CustomWorkspaceEmpty() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.CustomWorkspaceEmpty: Custom workspace is empty..
_AbstractProject_Disabled() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.Disabled: Build disabled.
_AbstractProject_DiscoverPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.DiscoverPermission.Description: This permission grants discover access to jobs. Lower than read permissions, it allows you to redirect anonymous users to the login page when they try to access a job url. Without it they would get a 404 error and wouldn''t be able to discover project names..
_AbstractProject_DownstreamBuildInProgress(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.DownstreamBuildInProgress: Downstream project ‘{0}’ is already building.
_AbstractProject_ExtendedReadPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.ExtendedReadPermission.Description: This permission grants read-only access to project configurations. Please be aware that sensitive information in your builds, such as passwords, will be exposed to a wider audience by granting this permission..
_AbstractProject_NewBuildForWorkspace() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.NewBuildForWorkspace: Scheduling a new build to get a workspace..
_AbstractProject_NoBuilds() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.NoBuilds: No existing build. Scheduling a new one..
_AbstractProject_NoSCM() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.NoSCM: No SCM.
_AbstractProject_NoWorkspace() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.NoWorkspace: No workspace is available, so can’t check for updates..
_AbstractProject_PollingABorted() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.PollingABorted: SCM polling aborted.
_AbstractProject_PollingVetoed(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.PollingVetoed: SCM polling vetoed by {0}.
_AbstractProject_Pronoun() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.Pronoun: Project.
_AbstractProject_ScmAborted() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.ScmAborted: SCM check out aborted.
_AbstractProject_UpstreamBuildInProgress(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.UpstreamBuildInProgress: Upstream project ‘{0}’ is already building.
_AbstractProject_WipeOutPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.WipeOutPermission.Description: This permission grants the ability to wipe out the contents of a workspace..
_AbstractProject_WorkspaceOffline() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.WorkspaceOffline: Workspace is offline..
_AbstractProject_WorkspacePermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.WorkspacePermission.Description: This permission grants the ability to retrieve the contents of a workspace Jenkins checked out for performing builds. If you don’t want a user to access files in the workspace (e.g. source code checked out from SCM or intermediate build results) through the workspace browser, you can revoke this permission..
_AbstractProject_WorkspaceTitle(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.WorkspaceTitle: Workspace of {0}.
_AbstractProject_WorkspaceTitleOnComputer(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key AbstractProject.WorkspaceTitleOnComputer: Workspace of {0} on {1}.
_AccessDeniedException_MissingPermissions(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key AccessDeniedException.MissingPermissions: {0} is missing a permission, one of {1} is required.
_AccessDeniedException2_MissingPermission(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key AccessDeniedException2.MissingPermission: {0} is missing the {1} permission.
_AddJobToViewCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key AddJobToViewCommand.ShortDescription: Adds jobs to view..
_AdministrativeMonitorsDecorator_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key AdministrativeMonitorsDecorator.DisplayName: Administrative Monitors Notifier.
_Ant_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Ant.DisplayName: Invoke Ant.
_Ant_ExecFailed() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Ant.ExecFailed: command execution failed..
_Ant_ExecutableNotFound(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Ant.ExecutableNotFound: Cannot find executable from the chosen Ant installation "{0}".
_Ant_GlobalConfigNeeded() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Ant.GlobalConfigNeeded: Maybe you need to configure where your Ant installations are?.
_Ant_NotADirectory(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Ant.NotADirectory: {0} is not a directory.
_Ant_NotAntDirectory(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Ant.NotAntDirectory: {0} doesn’t look like an Ant directory.
_Ant_ProjectConfigNeeded() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Ant.ProjectConfigNeeded: Maybe you need to configure the job to choose one of your Ant installations?.
_api() - Method in interface jenkins.PluginManagerTagLib
_api(Closure) - Method in interface jenkins.PluginManagerTagLib
_api(Map) - Method in interface jenkins.PluginManagerTagLib
_api(Map, Closure) - Method in interface jenkins.PluginManagerTagLib
_Api_MultipleMatch(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Api.MultipleMatch: XPath "{0}" matched {1} nodes. Create XPath that only matches one, or use the "wrapper" query parameter to wrap them all under a root element..
_Api_NoXPathMatch(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Api.NoXPathMatch: XPath {0} didn’t match.
_Api_WrapperParamInvalid() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Api.WrapperParamInvalid: The wrapper parameter can only contain alphanumeric characters or dash/dot/underscore. The first character has to be a letter or underscore..
_ApiTokenProperty_ChangeToken_CapabilityNotAllowed() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ApiTokenProperty.ChangeToken.CapabilityNotAllowed: <div>Capability to generate a legacy token without an existing one is currently disabled in the security configuration</div>.
_ApiTokenProperty_ChangeToken_Success() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ApiTokenProperty.ChangeToken.Success: <div>Updated. See the new token in the field above</div>.
_ApiTokenProperty_ChangeToken_SuccessHidden() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ApiTokenProperty.ChangeToken.SuccessHidden: <div>Updated. You need to login as the user to see the token</div>.
_ApiTokenProperty_ChangeToken_TokenIsHidden() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ApiTokenProperty.ChangeToken.TokenIsHidden: Token is hidden.
_ApiTokenProperty_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ApiTokenProperty.DisplayName: API Token.
_ApiTokenProperty_LegacyTokenName() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ApiTokenProperty.LegacyTokenName: Legacy Token.
_ApiTokenProperty_NoLegacyToken() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ApiTokenProperty.NoLegacyToken: This user currently does not have a legacy token.
_ApiTokenPropertyDisabledDefaultAdministrativeMonitor_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.security.apitoken.Messages
Key ApiTokenPropertyDisabledDefaultAdministrativeMonitor.displayName: Legacy API Token not generated by default.
_ApiTokenPropertyEnabledNewLegacyAdministrativeMonitor_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.security.apitoken.Messages
Key ApiTokenPropertyEnabledNewLegacyAdministrativeMonitor.displayName: Legacy API Token can be created even without existing.
_ArchitectureMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key ArchitectureMonitor.DisplayName: Architecture.
_ArtifactArchiver_ARCHIVING_ARTIFACTS() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key ArtifactArchiver.ARCHIVING_ARTIFACTS: Archiving artifacts.
_ArtifactArchiver_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key ArtifactArchiver.DisplayName: Archive the artifacts.
_ArtifactArchiver_NoIncludes() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key ArtifactArchiver.NoIncludes: No artifacts are configured for archiving. You probably forgot to set the file pattern, so please go back to the configuration and specify it. If you really did mean to archive all the files in the workspace, please specify "**".
_ArtifactArchiver_NoMatchFound(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key ArtifactArchiver.NoMatchFound: No artifacts found that match the file pattern "{0}". Configuration error?.
_ArtifactArchiver_SkipBecauseOnlyIfSuccessful() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key ArtifactArchiver.SkipBecauseOnlyIfSuccessful: Skipped archiving because build is not successful.
_AuthorizationStrategy_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key AuthorizationStrategy.DisplayName: Anyone can do anything.
_await() - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
_await() - Method in class hudson.model.ResourceController
_BallColor_Aborted() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key BallColor.Aborted: Aborted.
_BallColor_Disabled() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key BallColor.Disabled: Disabled.
_BallColor_Failed() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key BallColor.Failed: Failed.
_BallColor_InProgress() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key BallColor.InProgress: In progress.
_BallColor_NotBuilt() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key BallColor.NotBuilt: Not built.
_BallColor_Pending() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key BallColor.Pending: Pending.
_BallColor_Success() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key BallColor.Success: Success.
_BallColor_Unstable() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key BallColor.Unstable: Unstable.
_BaseParser_MustBePositive(Object) - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.Messages
Key BaseParser.MustBePositive: step must be positive, but found {0}.
_BaseParser_OutOfRange(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.Messages
Key BaseParser.OutOfRange: {0} is an invalid value. Must be within {1} and {2}.
_BaseParser_StartEndReversed(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.Messages
Key BaseParser.StartEndReversed: You mean {0}-{1}?.
_BatchCommandInstaller_DescriptorImpl_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.tools.Messages
Key BatchCommandInstaller.DescriptorImpl.displayName: Run Batch Command.
_BatchFile_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BatchFile.DisplayName: Execute Windows batch command.
_BatchFile_invalid_exit_code_range(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BatchFile.invalid_exit_code_range: Invalid errorlevel value: {0}. Check help section.
_BatchFile_invalid_exit_code_zero() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BatchFile.invalid_exit_code_zero: ERRORLEVEL zero is ignored and does not make the build unstable.
_BlockedBecauseOfBuildInProgress_ETA(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key BlockedBecauseOfBuildInProgress.ETA: (ETA: {0}).
_BlockedBecauseOfBuildInProgress_shortDescription(Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key BlockedBecauseOfBuildInProgress.shortDescription: Build #{0} is already in progress{1}.
_BooleanParameterDefinition_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key BooleanParameterDefinition.DisplayName: Boolean Parameter.
_Build_post_build_steps_failed() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Build.post_build_steps_failed: Post-build steps failed.
_BuildAuthorizationToken_InvalidTokenProvided() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key BuildAuthorizationToken.InvalidTokenProvided: Invalid token provided..
_BuildButtonColumn_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.views.Messages
Key BuildButtonColumn.DisplayName: Build Button.
_BuildCommand_CLICause_CannotBuildConfigNotSaved(Object) - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key BuildCommand.CLICause.CannotBuildConfigNotSaved: Cannot build {0} because its configuration has not been saved..
_BuildCommand_CLICause_CannotBuildDisabled(Object) - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key BuildCommand.CLICause.CannotBuildDisabled: Cannot build {0} because it is disabled..
_BuildCommand_CLICause_CannotBuildUnknownReasons(Object) - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key BuildCommand.CLICause.CannotBuildUnknownReasons: Cannot build {0} for unknown reasons..
_BuildCommand_CLICause_ShortDescription(Object) - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key BuildCommand.CLICause.ShortDescription: Started from command line by {0}.
_BuildCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key BuildCommand.ShortDescription: Builds a job, and optionally waits until its completion..
_BuildDiscarderProperty_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key BuildDiscarderProperty.displayName: Discard old builds.
_BuildHistoryWidget_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.widgets.Messages
Key BuildHistoryWidget.DisplayName: Build History.
_BuildTrigger_Disabled(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BuildTrigger.Disabled: {0} is disabled. Triggering skipped.
_BuildTrigger_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BuildTrigger.DisplayName: Build other projects.
_BuildTrigger_InQueue(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BuildTrigger.InQueue: {0} is already in the queue.
_BuildTrigger_NoProjectSpecified() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BuildTrigger.NoProjectSpecified: No project specified.
_BuildTrigger_NoSuchProject(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BuildTrigger.NoSuchProject: No such project ‘{0}’. Did you mean ‘{1}’?.
_BuildTrigger_NotBuildable(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BuildTrigger.NotBuildable: {0} is not buildable.
_BuildTrigger_ok_ancestor_is_null() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BuildTrigger.ok_ancestor_is_null: Ancestor/Context Unknown: the project specified cannot be validated.
_BuildTrigger_Triggering(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BuildTrigger.Triggering: Triggering a new build of {0}.
_BuildTrigger_you_have_no_permission_to_build_(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key BuildTrigger.you_have_no_permission_to_build_: You have no permission to build {0}.
_BuiltInNodeMigration_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key BuiltInNodeMigration.DisplayName: Built-In Node Name and Label Migration.
_calcRevisionsFromBuild(AbstractBuild<?, ?>, Launcher, TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
_CancelQuietDownCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CancelQuietDownCommand.ShortDescription: Cancel the effect of the "quiet-down" command..
_CannotBeInstalled(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.tools.Messages
Key CannotBeInstalled: Installer "{0}" cannot be used to install "{1}" on the node "{2}".
_Cause_LegacyCodeCause_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.LegacyCodeCause.ShortDescription: Legacy code started this job. No cause information is available.
_Cause_RemoteCause_ShortDescription(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.RemoteCause.ShortDescription: Started by remote host {0}.
_Cause_RemoteCause_ShortDescriptionWithNote(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.RemoteCause.ShortDescriptionWithNote: Started by remote host {0} with note: {1}.
_Cause_UpstreamCause_CausedBy() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.UpstreamCause.CausedBy: originally caused by:.
_Cause_UpstreamCause_ShortDescription(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.UpstreamCause.ShortDescription: Started by upstream project "{0}" build number {1}.
_Cause_UserCause_ShortDescription(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.UserCause.ShortDescription: Started by user {0}.
_Cause_UserIdCause_ShortDescription(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.UserIdCause.ShortDescription: Started by user {0}.
_CauseOfInterruption_ShortDescription(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CauseOfInterruption.ShortDescription: Aborted by {0}.
_ChoiceParameterDefinition_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ChoiceParameterDefinition.DisplayName: Choice Parameter.
_ChoiceParameterDefinition_MissingChoices() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ChoiceParameterDefinition.MissingChoices: Requires Choices..
_ClassLoaderStatisticsSlaveInfo_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.slaves.systemInfo.Messages
Key ClassLoaderStatisticsSlaveInfo.DisplayName: Remote Class Loader Statistics.
_ClearQueueCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key ClearQueueCommand.ShortDescription: Clears the build queue..
_CLI_clear_queue_shortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key CLI.clear-queue.shortDescription: Clears the build queue..
_CLI_disable_job_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CLI.disable-job.shortDescription: Disables a job..
_CLI_enable_job_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CLI.enable-job.shortDescription: Enables a job..
_CLI_keep_build_shortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key CLI.keep-build.shortDescription: Mark the build to keep the build forever..
_CLI_keep_build_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CLI.keep-build.shortDescription: Mark the build to keep the build forever..
_CLI_online_node_shortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key CLI.online-node.shortDescription: Resume using a node for performing builds, to cancel out the earlier "offline-node" command..
_CLI_restart_shortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key CLI.restart.shortDescription: Restart Jenkins.
_CLI_restart_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CLI.restart.shortDescription: Restart Jenkins..
_CLI_safe_restart_shortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key CLI.safe-restart.shortDescription: Safely restart Jenkins.
_CLI_safe_restart_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CLI.safe-restart.shortDescription: Safely restart Jenkins..
_CLI_safe_shutdown_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CLI.safe-shutdown.shortDescription: Puts Jenkins into the quiet mode, wait for existing builds to be completed, and then shut down Jenkins..
_CLI_shutdown_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CLI.shutdown.shortDescription: Immediately shuts down Jenkins server..
_CliLink_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key CliLink.Description: Access/manage Jenkins from your shell, or from your script..
_CliLink_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key CliLink.DisplayName: Jenkins CLI.
_CliProtocol_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CliProtocol.displayName: Jenkins CLI Protocol/1 (unencrypted).
_CliProtocol2_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CliProtocol2.displayName: Jenkins CLI Protocol/2 (transport encryption).
_ClockDifference_Ahead(Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key ClockDifference.Ahead: {0} ahead.
_ClockDifference_Behind(Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key ClockDifference.Behind: {0} behind.
_ClockDifference_Failed() - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key ClockDifference.Failed: Failed to check.
_ClockDifference_InSync() - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key ClockDifference.InSync: In sync.
_ClockMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key ClockMonitor.DisplayName: Clock Difference.
_Cloud_ProvisionPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key Cloud.ProvisionPermission.Description: Provision new nodes.
_CommandInstaller_DescriptorImpl_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.tools.Messages
Key CommandInstaller.DescriptorImpl.displayName: Run Shell Command.
_CommandInstaller_no_command() - Static method in class hudson.tools.Messages
Key CommandInstaller.no_command: Must provide a command to run..
_CommandInstaller_no_toolHome() - Static method in class hudson.tools.Messages
Key CommandInstaller.no_toolHome: Must provide a tool home directory..
_CommandInterpreter_CommandFailed() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key CommandInterpreter.CommandFailed: command execution failed.
_CommandInterpreter_UnableToDelete(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key CommandInterpreter.UnableToDelete: Unable to delete script file {0}.
_CommandInterpreter_UnableToProduceScript() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key CommandInterpreter.UnableToProduceScript: Unable to produce a script file.
_CompletedInitializationMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.diagnostics.Messages
Key CompletedInitializationMonitor.DisplayName: Jenkins Initialization Monitor.
_Computer_BadChannel() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.BadChannel: Agent node offline or not a remote channel (such as the built-in node)..
_Computer_BuildPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.BuildPermission.Description: This permission allows users to run jobs as them on agents..
_Computer_Caption(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.Caption: Agent {0}.
_Computer_ConfigurePermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.ConfigurePermission.Description: This permission allows users to configure agents..
_Computer_ConnectPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.ConnectPermission.Description: This permission allows users to connect agents or mark agents as online..
_Computer_CreatePermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.CreatePermission.Description: This permission allows users to create agents..
_Computer_DeletePermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.DeletePermission.Description: This permission allows users to delete existing agents..
_Computer_DisconnectPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.DisconnectPermission.Description: This permission allows users to disconnect agents or mark agents as temporarily offline..
_Computer_ExtendedReadPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.ExtendedReadPermission.Description: This permission allows users to read agent configuration..
_Computer_NoSuchSlaveExists(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.NoSuchSlaveExists: No such agent "{0}" exists. Did you mean "{1}"?.
_Computer_NoSuchSlaveExistsWithoutAdvice(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.NoSuchSlaveExistsWithoutAdvice: No such agent "{0}" exists..
_Computer_Permissions_Title() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.Permissions.Title: Agent.
_ComputerLauncher_abortedLaunch() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key ComputerLauncher.abortedLaunch: Launching agent process aborted..
_ComputerLauncher_JavaVersionResult(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key ComputerLauncher.JavaVersionResult: {0} -version returned {1}..
_ComputerLauncher_NoJavaFound(Object) - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key ComputerLauncher.NoJavaFound: Java version {0} was found but 1.8 or later is needed..
_ComputerLauncher_unexpectedError() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key ComputerLauncher.unexpectedError: Unexpected error in launching an agent. This is probably a bug in Jenkins.
_ComputerLauncher_UnknownJavaVersion(Object) - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key ComputerLauncher.UnknownJavaVersion: Couldn’t figure out the Java version of {0}.
_ComputerSet_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ComputerSet.DisplayName: Nodes.
_ComputerSet_NoSuchSlave(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ComputerSet.NoSuchSlave: No such agent: {0}.
_ComputerSet_SlaveAlreadyExists(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ComputerSet.SlaveAlreadyExists: Agent called ‘{0}’ already exists.
_ComputerSet_SpecifySlaveToCopy() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ComputerSet.SpecifySlaveToCopy: Specify which agent to copy.
_ConfigureLink_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ConfigureLink.Description: Configure global settings and paths..
_ConfigureLink_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ConfigureLink.DisplayName: Configure System.
_ConfigureTools_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ConfigureTools.Description: Configure tools, their locations and automatic installers..
_ConfigureTools_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ConfigureTools.DisplayName: Global Tool Configuration.
_connect(boolean) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Allows implementing-classes to provide an implementation for the connect method.
_connect(boolean) - Method in class hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer
_connect(boolean) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins.MasterComputer
_ConnectionActivityMonitor_OfflineCause() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key ConnectionActivityMonitor.OfflineCause: Repeated ping attempts failed.
_ConnectNodeCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key ConnectNodeCommand.ShortDescription: Reconnect to a node(s).
_ConsoleCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key ConsoleCommand.ShortDescription: Retrieves console output of a build..
_ConsoleLink_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ConsoleLink.Description: Executes arbitrary script for administration/trouble-shooting/diagnostics..
_ConsoleLink_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ConsoleLink.DisplayName: Script Console.
_ControllerExecutorsAgents_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.diagnostics.Messages
Key ControllerExecutorsAgents.DisplayName: Built-in Node With Agents Executors Configured Monitor.
_ControllerExecutorsNoAgents_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.diagnostics.Messages
Key ControllerExecutorsNoAgents.DisplayName: Built-in Node Without Agents Executors Configured Monitor.
_CopyJobCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CopyJobCommand.ShortDescription: Copies a job..
_CreateJobCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CreateJobCommand.ShortDescription: Creates a new job by reading stdin as a configuration XML file..
_CreateNodeCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CreateNodeCommand.ShortDescription: Creates a new node by reading stdin as a XML configuration..
_CreateViewCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CreateViewCommand.ShortDescription: Creates a new view by reading stdin as a XML configuration..
_CronTab_do_you_really_mean_every_minute_when_you(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.Messages
Key CronTab.do_you_really_mean_every_minute_when_you: Do you really mean "every minute" when you say "{0}"? Perhaps you meant "{1}" to poll once per hour.
_CronTab_short_cycles_in_the_day_of_month_field_w() - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.Messages
Key CronTab.short_cycles_in_the_day_of_month_field_w: Short cycles in the day-of-month field will behave oddly near the end of a month.
_CronTab_spread_load_evenly_by_using_rather_than_(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.Messages
Key CronTab.spread_load_evenly_by_using_rather_than_: Spread load evenly by using ‘{0}’ rather than ‘{1}’.
_CronTabList_InvalidInput(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.Messages
Key CronTabList.InvalidInput: Invalid input: "{0}": {1}.
_CSRFAdministrativeMonitor_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.security.csrf.Messages
Key CSRFAdministrativeMonitor.displayName: CSRF Protection Monitor.
_DefaultCrumbIssuer_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.security.csrf.Messages
Key DefaultCrumbIssuer.DisplayName: Default Crumb Issuer.
_DefaultGlobalSettingsProvider_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.mvn.Messages
Key DefaultGlobalSettingsProvider.DisplayName: Use default maven global settings.
_DefaultMyViewsTabsBar_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.views.Messages
Key DefaultMyViewsTabsBar.DisplayName: Default My Views TabBar.
_DefaultProjectNamingStrategy_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key DefaultProjectNamingStrategy.DisplayName: Default.
_DefaultSettingsProvider_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.mvn.Messages
Key DefaultSettingsProvider.DisplayName: Use default maven settings.
_DefaultViewsTabsBar_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.views.Messages
Key DefaultViewsTabsBar.DisplayName: Default Views TabBar.
_DeleteBuildsCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key DeleteBuildsCommand.ShortDescription: Deletes build record(s)..
_DeleteJobCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key DeleteJobCommand.ShortDescription: Deletes job(s)..
_DeleteNodeCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key DeleteNodeCommand.ShortDescription: Deletes node(s).
_DeleteViewCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key DeleteViewCommand.ShortDescription: Deletes view(s)..
_DeprecatedAgentProtocolMonitor_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.slaves.Messages
Key DeprecatedAgentProtocolMonitor.displayName: Deprecated Agent Protocol Monitor.
_Descriptor_From(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Descriptor.From: (from <a href="{1}" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">{0}</a>).
_DisablePluginCommand_NoSuchStrategy(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key DisablePluginCommand.NoSuchStrategy: This strategy ({0}) does not exist. Allowed strategies are {1}.
_DisablePluginCommand_PrintUsageSummary() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key DisablePluginCommand.PrintUsageSummary: Disable the plugins with the given short names. You can define how to proceed with the dependent plugins and if a restart after should be done. You can also set the quiet mode to avoid extra info in the console..
_DisablePluginCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key DisablePluginCommand.ShortDescription: Disable one or more installed plugins..
_DisablePluginCommand_StatusMessage(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key DisablePluginCommand.StatusMessage: Disabling ''{0}'': {1} ({2}).
_DisconnectNodeCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key DisconnectNodeCommand.ShortDescription: Disconnects from a node..
_DiskSpaceMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key DiskSpaceMonitor.DisplayName: Free Disk Space.
_DiskSpaceMonitor_MarkedOffline(Object) - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key DiskSpaceMonitor.MarkedOffline: Making {0} offline temporarily due to the lack of disk space.
_DiskSpaceMonitor_MarkedOnline(Object) - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key DiskSpaceMonitor.MarkedOnline: Putting {0} back online as there is enough disk space again.
_DiskSpaceMonitorDescriptor_DiskSpace_FreeSpace(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key DiskSpaceMonitorDescriptor.DiskSpace.FreeSpace: {0}GB left on {1}..
_DiskSpaceMonitorDescriptor_DiskSpace_FreeSpaceTooLow(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key DiskSpaceMonitorDescriptor.DiskSpace.FreeSpaceTooLow: Disk space is too low. Only {0}GB left on {1}..
_doBuild(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty
_doBuild(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, TimeDuration) - Method in class hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty
Interprets the form submission and schedules a build for a parameterized job.
_doScript(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, String) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
_doScript(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, RequestDispatcher, VirtualChannel, ACL) - Static method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
_DumbSlave_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key DumbSlave.displayName: Permanent Agent.
_EnablePluginCommand_MissingDependencies(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key EnablePluginCommand.MissingDependencies: Cannot enable plugin {0} as it is missing the dependency {1}.
_EnablePluginCommand_NoSuchPlugin(Object) - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key EnablePluginCommand.NoSuchPlugin: No such plugin found with the name {0}.
_EnablePluginCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key EnablePluginCommand.ShortDescription: Enables one or more installed plugins transitively..
_EnforceSlaveAgentPortAdministrativeMonitor_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key EnforceSlaveAgentPortAdministrativeMonitor.displayName: Enforce TCP Agent Port.
_entryForm() - Method in interface jenkins.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealmTagLib
_entryForm(Closure) - Method in interface jenkins.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealmTagLib
_entryForm(Map) - Method in interface jenkins.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealmTagLib
_entryForm(Map, Closure) - Method in interface jenkins.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealmTagLib
_entryFormPage() - Method in interface jenkins.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealmTagLib
_entryFormPage(Closure) - Method in interface jenkins.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealmTagLib
_entryFormPage(Map) - Method in interface jenkins.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealmTagLib
_entryFormPage(Map, Closure) - Method in interface jenkins.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealmTagLib
_EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty.displayName: Environment variables.
_EnvVarsSlaveInfo_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.slaves.systemInfo.Messages
Key EnvVarsSlaveInfo.DisplayName: Environment Variables.
_EscapedMarkupFormatter_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.markup.Messages
Key EscapedMarkupFormatter.DisplayName: Plain text.
_Executor_NotAvailable() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Executor.NotAvailable: N/A.
_FileFingerprintStorage_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.fingerprints.Messages
Key FileFingerprintStorage.DisplayName: Local Fingerprint Storage.
_FileParameterDefinition_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key FileParameterDefinition.DisplayName: File Parameter.
_FileParameterValue_IndexTitle() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key FileParameterValue.IndexTitle: File Parameters.
_FilePath_did_not_manage_to_validate_may_be_too_sl(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key FilePath.did_not_manage_to_validate_may_be_too_sl: Did not manage to validate {0} (may be too slow).
_FilePath_TildaDoesntWork() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key FilePath.TildaDoesntWork: ‘~’ is only supported in a Unix shell and nowhere else..
_FilePath_validateAntFileMask_doesntMatchAndSuggest(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key FilePath.validateAntFileMask.doesntMatchAndSuggest: ‘{0}’ doesn’t match anything, but ‘{1}’ does. Perhaps that’s what you mean?.
_FilePath_validateAntFileMask_doesntMatchAnything(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key FilePath.validateAntFileMask.doesntMatchAnything: ‘{0}’ doesn’t match anything.
_FilePath_validateAntFileMask_doesntMatchAnythingAndSuggest(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key FilePath.validateAntFileMask.doesntMatchAnythingAndSuggest: ‘{0}’ doesn’t match anything: even ‘{1}’ doesn’t exist.
_FilePath_validateAntFileMask_matchWithCaseInsensitive(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key FilePath.validateAntFileMask.matchWithCaseInsensitive: ‘{0}’ doesn’t match anything because it is treated case sensitively. You can deactivate case sensitivity to get matches.
_FilePath_validateAntFileMask_portionMatchAndSuggest(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key FilePath.validateAntFileMask.portionMatchAndSuggest: ‘{0}’ doesn’t match anything, although ‘{1}’ exists.
_FilePath_validateAntFileMask_portionMatchButPreviousNotMatchAndSuggest(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key FilePath.validateAntFileMask.portionMatchButPreviousNotMatchAndSuggest: ‘{0}’ doesn’t match anything: ‘{1}’ exists but not ‘{2}’.
_FilePath_validateAntFileMask_whitespaceSeparator() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key FilePath.validateAntFileMask.whitespaceSeparator: Whitespace can no longer be used as the separator. Please Use ‘,’ as the separator instead..
_FilePath_validateRelativePath_noSuchDirectory(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key FilePath.validateRelativePath.noSuchDirectory: No such directory: ‘{0}’.
_FilePath_validateRelativePath_noSuchFile(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key FilePath.validateRelativePath.noSuchFile: No such file: ‘{0}’.
_FilePath_validateRelativePath_notDirectory(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key FilePath.validateRelativePath.notDirectory: ‘{0}’ is not a directory.
_FilePath_validateRelativePath_notFile(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key FilePath.validateRelativePath.notFile: ‘{0}’ is not a file.
_FilePath_validateRelativePath_wildcardNotAllowed() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key FilePath.validateRelativePath.wildcardNotAllowed: Wildcard is not allowed here.
_FilePathGlobalSettingsProvider_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.mvn.Messages
Key FilePathGlobalSettingsProvider.DisplayName: Global settings file on filesystem.
_FilePathSettingsProvider_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.mvn.Messages
Key FilePathSettingsProvider.DisplayName: Settings file in filesystem.
_find(Class<T>, Hudson) - Method in class hudson.ExtensionFinder
_findResource(ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class jenkins.ClassLoaderReflectionToolkit
Find the resource with the given name.
_findResources(ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class jenkins.ClassLoaderReflectionToolkit
Return an enumeration of URL objects representing all the resources with the given name.
_Fingerprinter_Aborted() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Fingerprinter.Aborted: Aborted.
_Fingerprinter_Action_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Fingerprinter.Action.DisplayName: See Fingerprints.
_Fingerprinter_DigestFailed(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Fingerprinter.DigestFailed: Failed to compute digest for {0}.
_Fingerprinter_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Fingerprinter.DisplayName: Record fingerprints of files to track usage.
_Fingerprinter_Failed() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Fingerprinter.Failed: Failed to record fingerprints.
_Fingerprinter_FailedFor(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Fingerprinter.FailedFor: failed to record fingerprint for {0}.
_Fingerprinter_Recording() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Fingerprinter.Recording: Recording fingerprints.
_for(AbstractProject) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SCM
_for(AbstractProject) - Static method in class jenkins.scm.SCMCheckoutStrategyDescriptor
_for(Job) - Static method in class hudson.scm.SCM
Determines which kinds of SCMs are applicable to a given project.
_for(T) - Static method in class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotator
List all the console annotators that can work for the specified context type.
_FormFieldValidator_did_not_manage_to_validate_may_be_too_sl(Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key FormFieldValidator.did_not_manage_to_validate_may_be_too_sl: Did not manage to validate {0} (may be too slow).
_FormValidation_Error_Details() - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key FormValidation.Error.Details: (show details).
_FormValidation_ValidateRequired() - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key FormValidation.ValidateRequired: Required.
_FreeStyleProject_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key FreeStyleProject.Description: This is the central feature of Jenkins. Jenkins will build your project, combining any SCM with any build system, and this can be even used for something other than software build..
_FreeStyleProject_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key FreeStyleProject.DisplayName: Freestyle project.
_FullControlOnceLoggedInAuthorizationStrategy_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key FullControlOnceLoggedInAuthorizationStrategy.DisplayName: Logged-in users can do anything.
_Functions_NoExceptionDetails() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key Functions.NoExceptionDetails: No Exception details.
_getFingerprint(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Gets a Fingerprint object if it exists.
_GetJobCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key GetJobCommand.ShortDescription: Dumps the job definition XML to stdout..
_GetNodeCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key GetNodeCommand.ShortDescription: Dumps the node definition XML to stdout..
_getRuns() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
_getRuns() - Method in class hudson.model.Job
Gets all the runs.
_getRuns() - Method in class hudson.model.ViewJob
_getRuns() - Method in class jenkins.model.lazy.LazyBuildMixIn
Same as LazyBuildMixIn.getRunMap() but suitable for Job._getRuns().
_getUsages() - Method in class hudson.model.Fingerprint
_GetViewCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key GetViewCommand.ShortDescription: Dumps the view definition XML to stdout..
_GlobalCloudConfiguration_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key GlobalCloudConfiguration.DisplayName: Configure Clouds.
_GlobalDefaultViewConfiguration_ViewDoesNotExist(Object) - Static method in class hudson.views.Messages
Key GlobalDefaultViewConfiguration.ViewDoesNotExist: The specified view does not exist: {0}.
_GlobalSecurityConfiguration_Description() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key GlobalSecurityConfiguration.Description: Secure Jenkins; define who is allowed to access/use the system..
_GlobalSecurityConfiguration_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key GlobalSecurityConfiguration.DisplayName: Configure Global Security.
_GroovyCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key GroovyCommand.ShortDescription: Executes the specified Groovy script. .
_GroovyInitScript_init() - Static method in class hudson.init.impl.Messages
Key GroovyInitScript.init: Executing user-defined init script.
_GroovyshCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key GroovyshCommand.ShortDescription: Runs an interactive groovy shell..
_hasPermission(Authentication, Permission) - Method in class hudson.security.SidACL
_HealthReport_EmptyString() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key HealthReport.EmptyString: .
_HelpCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key HelpCommand.ShortDescription: Lists all the available commands or a detailed description of single command..
_HttpResponses_Saved() - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key HttpResponses.Saved: Saved.
_Hudson_AdministerPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.AdministerPermission.Description: This permission grants the ability to make system-wide configuration changes, as well as perform highly sensitive operations that amounts to full local system access (within the scope granted by the underlying OS.).
_Hudson_BadPortNumber(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.BadPortNumber: Bad port number {0}.
_Hudson_BadPortNumber(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Hudson.BadPortNumber: Bad port number {0}.
_Hudson_Computer_Caption() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.Computer.Caption: Built-In Node.
_Hudson_Computer_Caption() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Hudson.Computer.Caption: Built-in Node.
_Hudson_Computer_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.Computer.DisplayName: Built-In Node.
_Hudson_Computer_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Hudson.Computer.DisplayName: Built-in.
_Hudson_Computer_IncorrectNumberOfExecutors() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Hudson.Computer.IncorrectNumberOfExecutors: Incorrect field "Number of executors". It should be a non-negative number..
_Hudson_ControlCodeNotAllowed(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.ControlCodeNotAllowed: No control code is allowed: {0}.
_Hudson_ControlCodeNotAllowed(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Hudson.ControlCodeNotAllowed: No control code is allowed: {0}.
_Hudson_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.DisplayName: Jenkins.
_Hudson_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Hudson.DisplayName: Jenkins.
_Hudson_JobAlreadyExists(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.JobAlreadyExists: A job already exists with the name ‘{0}’.
_Hudson_JobAlreadyExists(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Hudson.JobAlreadyExists: A job already exists with the name ‘{0}’.
_Hudson_JobNameConventionNotApplyed(Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Hudson.JobNameConventionNotApplyed: ‘{0}’ does not match the job name convention pattern {1}.
_Hudson_MustBeAtLeast(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.MustBeAtLeast: Must be {0} or greater.
_Hudson_MustBeAtMost(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.MustBeAtMost: Must be {0} or less.
_Hudson_NodeBeingRemoved() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.NodeBeingRemoved: Node is being removed.
_Hudson_NodeBeingRemoved() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Hudson.NodeBeingRemoved: Node is being removed.
_Hudson_NodeDescription() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.NodeDescription: the Jenkins controller''s built-in node.
_Hudson_NodeDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Hudson.NodeDescription: the Jenkins controller''s built-in node.
_Hudson_NoJavaInPath(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.NoJavaInPath: java is not in your PATH. Maybe you need to <a href="{0}/configure">configure JDKs</a>?.
_Hudson_NoJavaInPath(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Hudson.NoJavaInPath: java is not in your PATH. Maybe you need to <a href="{0}/configure">configure JDKs</a>?.
_Hudson_NoName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.NoName: No name is specified.
_Hudson_NoName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Hudson.NoName: No name is specified.
_Hudson_NoSuchDirectory(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.NoSuchDirectory: No such directory: {0}.
_Hudson_NotANegativeNumber() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.NotANegativeNumber: Not a negative number.
_Hudson_NotANonNegativeNumber() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.NotANonNegativeNumber: Number may not be negative.
_Hudson_NotANumber() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.NotANumber: Not a number.
_Hudson_NotAPlugin(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.NotAPlugin: {0} is not a Jenkins plugin.
_Hudson_NotAPositiveNumber() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.NotAPositiveNumber: Not a positive number.
_Hudson_NotJDKDir(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.NotJDKDir: {0} doesn’t look like a JDK directory.
_Hudson_NotUsesUTF8ToDecodeURL() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.NotUsesUTF8ToDecodeURL: Your container doesn’t use UTF-8 to decode URLs. If you use non-ASCII characters as a job name etc, this will cause problems. See <a href="https://www.jenkins.io/redirect/configuring-servlet-containers">Containers</a> and <a href="https://www.jenkins.io/redirect/troubleshooting/utf8-url-decoding">Tomcat i18n</a> for more details..
_Hudson_NotUsesUTF8ToDecodeURL() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Hudson.NotUsesUTF8ToDecodeURL: Your container doesn’t use UTF-8 to decode URLs. If you use non-ASCII characters as a job name etc, this will cause problems. See <a href="https://www.jenkins.io/redirect/troubleshooting/utf8-url-decoding">Tomcat i18n</a> for more details..
_Hudson_Permissions_Title() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.Permissions.Title: Overall.
_Hudson_ReadPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.ReadPermission.Description: The read permission is necessary for viewing almost all pages of Jenkins. This permission is useful when you don’t want unauthenticated users to see Jenkins pages: revoke this permission from the anonymous user, then add "authenticated" pseudo-user and grant the read access..
_Hudson_RunScriptsPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.RunScriptsPermission.Description: Deprecated - please use the Overall/Administer permission instead.
_Hudson_TrailingDot() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.TrailingDot: A name cannot end with ‘.’.
_Hudson_UnsafeChar(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.UnsafeChar: ‘{0}’ is an unsafe character.
_Hudson_UnsafeChar(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Hudson.UnsafeChar: ‘{0}’ is an unsafe character.
_Hudson_USER_CONTENT_README() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.USER_CONTENT_README: Files in this directory will be served under your http://yourjenkins/userContent/.
_Hudson_ViewAlreadyExists(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.ViewAlreadyExists: A view already exists with the name "{0}".
_Hudson_ViewAlreadyExists(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Hudson.ViewAlreadyExists: A view already exists with the name "{0}".
_Hudson_ViewName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Hudson.ViewName: All.
_Hudson_ViewName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Hudson.ViewName: All.
_HudsonHomeDiskUsageMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.diagnosis.Messages
Key HudsonHomeDiskUsageMonitor.DisplayName: Disk Usage Monitor.
_HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm_CreateAccount_InvalidEmailAddress() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.CreateAccount.InvalidEmailAddress: Invalid e-mail address.
_HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm_CreateAccount_PasswordNotMatch() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.CreateAccount.PasswordNotMatch: Password didn''t match.
_HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm_CreateAccount_PasswordRequired() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.CreateAccount.PasswordRequired: Password is required.
_HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm_CreateAccount_TextNotMatchWordInImage() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.CreateAccount.TextNotMatchWordInImage: Text didn''t match the word shown in the image.
_HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm_CreateAccount_UserNameAlreadyTaken() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.CreateAccount.UserNameAlreadyTaken: User name is already taken.
_HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm_CreateAccount_UserNameInvalidCharacters() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.CreateAccount.UserNameInvalidCharacters: User name must only contain alphanumeric characters, underscore and dash.
_HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm_CreateAccount_UserNameInvalidCharactersCustom(Object) - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.CreateAccount.UserNameInvalidCharactersCustom: User name must match the following expression: {0}.
_HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm_CreateAccount_UserNameRequired() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.CreateAccount.UserNameRequired: User name is required.
_HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm_Details_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.Details.DisplayName: Password.
_HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm_Details_PasswordError() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.Details.PasswordError: The confirmed password is not the same as the one entered. Please make sure to type the same password twice..
_HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.DisplayName: Jenkins’ own user database.
_HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm_ManageUserLinks_Description() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.ManageUserLinks.Description: Create/delete/modify users that can log in to this Jenkins..
_HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm_ManageUserLinks_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.ManageUserLinks.DisplayName: Manage Users.
_HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm_SignupWarning() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.SignupWarning: With signup enabled, anyone on your network can become an authenticated user. It is recommended in this case to minimize the permissions granted to any authenticated user..
_HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm_WouldYouLikeToSignUp(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.WouldYouLikeToSignUp: This {0} {1} is new to Jenkins. Would you like to sign up?.
_IdStrategy_CaseInsensitive_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key IdStrategy.CaseInsensitive.DisplayName: Case insensitive.
_IdStrategy_CaseSensitive_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key IdStrategy.CaseSensitive.DisplayName: Case sensitive.
_IdStrategy_CaseSensitiveEmailAddress_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key IdStrategy.CaseSensitiveEmailAddress.DisplayName: Case sensitive (email address).
_InitialUserContent_init() - Static method in class hudson.init.impl.Messages
Key InitialUserContent.init: Preparing initial user content.
_InstallFromApache() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key InstallFromApache: Install from Apache.
_InstallPluginCommand_DidYouMean(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key InstallPluginCommand.DidYouMean: {0} looks like a short plugin name. Did you mean ‘{1}’?.
_InstallPluginCommand_InstallingFromUpdateCenter(Object) - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key InstallPluginCommand.InstallingFromUpdateCenter: Installing {0} from update center.
_InstallPluginCommand_InstallingPluginFromLocalFile(Object) - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key InstallPluginCommand.InstallingPluginFromLocalFile: Installing a plugin from local file: {0}.
_InstallPluginCommand_InstallingPluginFromStdin() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key InstallPluginCommand.InstallingPluginFromStdin: Installing a plugin from standard input.
_InstallPluginCommand_InstallingPluginFromUrl(Object) - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key InstallPluginCommand.InstallingPluginFromUrl: Installing a plugin from {0}.
_InstallPluginCommand_NotAValidSourceName(Object) - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key InstallPluginCommand.NotAValidSourceName: {0} is neither a valid file, URL, nor a plugin artifact name in the update center.
_InstallPluginCommand_NoUpdateCenterDefined() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key InstallPluginCommand.NoUpdateCenterDefined: Note that no update center is defined in this Jenkins..
_InstallPluginCommand_NoUpdateDataRetrieved(Object) - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key InstallPluginCommand.NoUpdateDataRetrieved: No update center data is retrieved yet from: {0}.
_InstallPluginCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key InstallPluginCommand.ShortDescription: Installs a plugin either from a file, an URL, or from update center. .
_InstallSourceProperty_DescriptorImpl_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.tools.Messages
Key InstallSourceProperty.DescriptorImpl.displayName: Install automatically.
_Item_CONFIGURE_description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Item.CONFIGURE.description: Change the configuration of a job..
_Item_CREATE_description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Item.CREATE.description: Create a new job..
_Item_DELETE_description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Item.DELETE.description: Delete a job..
_Item_Permissions_Title() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Item.Permissions.Title: Job.
_Item_READ_description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Item.READ.description: See a job. (You may deny this permission but allow Discover to force an anonymous user to log in to see the job.).
_Item_RENAME_description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Item.RENAME.description: Rename a job..
_ItemGroupMixIn_may_not_copy_as_it_contains_secrets_and_(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ItemGroupMixIn.may_not_copy_as_it_contains_secrets_and_: May not copy {0} as it contains secrets and {1} has {2}/{3} but not /{4}.
_JavadocArchiver_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key JavadocArchiver.DisplayName: Publish Javadoc.
_JavadocArchiver_DisplayName_Generic() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key JavadocArchiver.DisplayName.Generic: Document.
_JavadocArchiver_DisplayName_Javadoc() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key JavadocArchiver.DisplayName.Javadoc: Javadoc.
_JavadocArchiver_NoMatchFound(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key JavadocArchiver.NoMatchFound: No javadoc found in {0}: {1}.
_JavadocArchiver_Publishing() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key JavadocArchiver.Publishing: Publishing Javadoc.
_JavadocArchiver_UnableToCopy(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key JavadocArchiver.UnableToCopy: Unable to copy Javadoc from {0} to {1}.
_JavaLevelAdminMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.monitor.Messages
Key JavaLevelAdminMonitor.DisplayName: Recommended Java Version.
_JDK_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key JDK.DisplayName: JDK.
_Jenkins_CheckDisplayName_DisplayNameNotUniqueWarning(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Jenkins.CheckDisplayName.DisplayNameNotUniqueWarning: The display name, "{0}", is already in use by another job and could cause confusion and delay..
_Jenkins_CheckDisplayName_NameNotUniqueWarning(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Jenkins.CheckDisplayName.NameNotUniqueWarning: The display name, "{0}", is used as a name by a job and could cause confusing search results..
_Jenkins_IsRestarting() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Jenkins.IsRestarting: Jenkins is restarting.
_Jenkins_Manage_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Jenkins.Manage.Description: This permission grants the ability to configure parts of the overall system configuration that are not expected to have an impact on the overall stability and security of the system..
_Jenkins_NotAllowedName(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Jenkins.NotAllowedName: “{0}” is not an allowed name.
_Jenkins_SystemRead_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Jenkins.SystemRead.Description: This permission grants read-only access to large parts of the overall system configuration..
_JenkinsLocationConfiguration_does_not_look_like_an_email_address() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key JenkinsLocationConfiguration.does_not_look_like_an_email_address: Does not look like an email address.
_JNLPLauncher_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key JNLPLauncher.displayName: Launch agent by connecting it to the controller.
_JnlpSlaveAgentProtocol_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.slaves.Messages
Key JnlpSlaveAgentProtocol.displayName: Inbound TCP Agent Protocol/1 (deprecated, unencrypted).
_JnlpSlaveAgentProtocol2_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.slaves.Messages
Key JnlpSlaveAgentProtocol2.displayName: Inbound TCP Agent Protocol/2 (deprecated, unencrypted).
_JnlpSlaveAgentProtocol3_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.slaves.Messages
Key JnlpSlaveAgentProtocol3.displayName: Inbound TCP Agent Protocol/3 (deprecated, basic encryption).
_JnlpSlaveAgentProtocol4_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.slaves.Messages
Key JnlpSlaveAgentProtocol4.displayName: Inbound TCP Agent Protocol/4 (TLS encryption).
_Job_AllRecentBuildFailed() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Job.AllRecentBuildFailed: All recent builds failed..
_Job_BuildStability(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Job.BuildStability: Build stability: {0}.
_Job_minutes() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Job.minutes: mins.
_Job_NOfMFailed(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Job.NOfMFailed: {0} out of the last {1} builds failed..
_Job_NoRecentBuildFailed() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Job.NoRecentBuildFailed: No recent builds failed..
_Job_NoRenameWhileBuilding() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Job.NoRenameWhileBuilding: Unable to rename a job while it is building..
_Job_Pronoun() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Job.Pronoun: Project.
_Job_you_must_use_the_save_button_if_you_wish() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Job.you_must_use_the_save_button_if_you_wish: You must use the Save button if you wish to rename a job..
_JobColumn_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.views.Messages
Key JobColumn.DisplayName: Name.
_JobGlobalBuildDiscarderStrategy_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key JobGlobalBuildDiscarderStrategy.displayName: Project Build Discarder.
_Label_GroupOf(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Label.GroupOf: group of {0}.
_Label_InvalidLabel() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Label.InvalidLabel: invalid label.
_Label_ProvisionedFrom(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Label.ProvisionedFrom: Provisioned from {0}.
_LabelExpression_InvalidBooleanExpression(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key LabelExpression.InvalidBooleanExpression: Invalid boolean expression: {0}.
_LabelExpression_LabelLink(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key LabelExpression.LabelLink: <a href="{0}{2}">Label {1}</a> matches {3,choice,0#no nodes|1#1 node|1<{3} nodes}{4,choice,0#|1# and 1 cloud|1< and {4} clouds}. Permissions or other restrictions provided by plugins may further reduce that list..
_LabelExpression_NoMatch() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key LabelExpression.NoMatch: No agent/cloud matches this label expression..
_LabelExpression_NoMatch_DidYouMean(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key LabelExpression.NoMatch_DidYouMean: No agent/cloud matches this label expression. Did you mean ‘{1}’ instead of ‘{0}’?.
_LabelExpression_ObsoleteMasterLabel() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key LabelExpression_ObsoleteMasterLabel: This expression includes the label <code>master</code> that is no longer used for the built-in node. Use <code>built-in</code> instead. <a href="https://www.jenkins.io/redirect/built-in-node-migration/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Learn more.</a>.
_LastDurationColumn_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.views.Messages
Key LastDurationColumn.DisplayName: Last Duration.
_LastFailureColumn_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.views.Messages
Key LastFailureColumn.DisplayName: Last Failure.
_LastStableColumn_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.views.Messages
Key LastStableColumn.DisplayName: Last Stable.
_LastSuccessColumn_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.views.Messages
Key LastSuccessColumn.DisplayName: Last Success.
_LegacyApiTokenAdministrativeMonitor_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.security.apitoken.Messages
Key LegacyApiTokenAdministrativeMonitor.displayName: Legacy API Token usage.
_LegacyAuthorizationStrategy_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key LegacyAuthorizationStrategy.DisplayName: Legacy mode.
_LegacySecurityRealm_Displayname() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key LegacySecurityRealm.Displayname: Delegate to servlet container.
_ListChangesCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key ListChangesCommand.ShortDescription: Dumps the changelog for the specified build(s)..
_ListJobsCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key ListJobsCommand.ShortDescription: Lists all jobs in a specific view or item group..
_ListPluginsCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key ListPluginsCommand.ShortDescription: Outputs a list of installed plugins..
_ListView_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ListView.DisplayName: List View.
_LoadStatistics_Legends_AvailableExecutors() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key LoadStatistics.Legends.AvailableExecutors: Available executors.
_LoadStatistics_Legends_BusyExecutors() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key LoadStatistics.Legends.BusyExecutors: Busy executors.
_LoadStatistics_Legends_ConnectingExecutors() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key LoadStatistics.Legends.ConnectingExecutors: Connecting executors.
_LoadStatistics_Legends_DefinedExecutors() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key LoadStatistics.Legends.DefinedExecutors: Defined executors.
_LoadStatistics_Legends_IdleExecutors() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key LoadStatistics.Legends.IdleExecutors: Idle executors.
_LoadStatistics_Legends_OnlineExecutors() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key LoadStatistics.Legends.OnlineExecutors: Online executors.
_LoadStatistics_Legends_QueueLength() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key LoadStatistics.Legends.QueueLength: Queue length.
_LoadStatistics_Legends_TotalExecutors() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key LoadStatistics.Legends.TotalExecutors: Total executors.
_LogRecorder_Target_Empty_Warning() - Static method in class hudson.logging.Messages
Key LogRecorder.Target.Empty.Warning: Setting the Root (empty) logger to FINE or below is strongly discouraged as it excessively hurts performances. It may well crash Jenkins and prevent it to start..
_LogRecorderManager_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.logging.Messages
Key LogRecorderManager.DisplayName: System Log.
_LogRecorderManager_init() - Static method in class hudson.logging.Messages
Key LogRecorderManager.init: Initializing log recorders.
_LogRecorderManager_LoggerNotFound(Object) - Static method in class hudson.logging.Messages
Key LogRecorderManager.LoggerNotFound: A logger named "{0}" does not exist. Add a logger by this name to a log recorder before attempting to configure its level..
_Mailer_Address_Not_Configured() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Mailer.Address.Not.Configured: address not configured yet <nobody@nowhere>.
_Mailer_Localhost_Error() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Mailer.Localhost.Error: Please set a valid host name, instead of localhost.
_Mailer_NotHttp_Error() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key Mailer.NotHttp.Error: The URL is invalid, please ensure you are using http:// or https:// with a valid domain..
_ManageJenkinsAction_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ManageJenkinsAction.DisplayName: Manage Jenkins.
_ManagementLink_Category_CONFIGURATION() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ManagementLink.Category.CONFIGURATION: System Configuration.
_ManagementLink_Category_MISC() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ManagementLink.Category.MISC: Other.
_ManagementLink_Category_SECURITY() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ManagementLink.Category.SECURITY: Security.
_ManagementLink_Category_STATUS() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ManagementLink.Category.STATUS: Status Information.
_ManagementLink_Category_TOOLS() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ManagementLink.Category.TOOLS: Tools and Actions.
_ManagementLink_Category_TROUBLESHOOTING() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ManagementLink.Category.TROUBLESHOOTING: Troubleshooting.
_ManagementLink_Category_UNCATEGORIZED() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ManagementLink.Category.UNCATEGORIZED: Uncategorized.
_Maven_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Maven.DisplayName: Invoke top-level Maven targets.
_Maven_ExecFailed() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Maven.ExecFailed: command execution failed.
_Maven_NoExecutable(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Maven.NoExecutable: Couldn’t find any executable in {0}.
_Maven_NotMavenDirectory(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Maven.NotMavenDirectory: {0} doesn’t look like a Maven directory.
_MemoryUsageMonitor_TOTAL() - Static method in class hudson.diagnosis.Messages
Key MemoryUsageMonitor.TOTAL: Total.
_MemoryUsageMonitor_USED() - Static method in class hudson.diagnosis.Messages
Key MemoryUsageMonitor.USED: Used.
_MonitorMarkedNodeOffline_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key MonitorMarkedNodeOffline.DisplayName: Node Marked Offline Due to Health Check.
_MultiStageTimeSeries_EMPTY_STRING() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key MultiStageTimeSeries.EMPTY_STRING: .
_MyView_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key MyView.DisplayName: My View.
_MyViewsProperty_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key MyViewsProperty.DisplayName: My Views.
_MyViewsProperty_GlobalAction_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key MyViewsProperty.GlobalAction.DisplayName: My Views.
_MyViewsProperty_ViewExistsCheck_AlreadyExists(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key MyViewsProperty.ViewExistsCheck.AlreadyExists: A view with name {0} already exists.
_MyViewsProperty_ViewExistsCheck_NotExist(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key MyViewsProperty.ViewExistsCheck.NotExist: A view with name {0} does not exist.
_NestedProjects_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.model.item_category.Messages
Key NestedProjects.Description: Create project categories or project hierarchies with folders. Folders can be created manually or automatically based on repositories..
_NestedProjects_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.item_category.Messages
Key NestedProjects.DisplayName: Nested Projects.
_Node_BecauseNodeIsNotAcceptingTasks(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Node.BecauseNodeIsNotAcceptingTasks: ‘{0}’ is not accepting tasks.
_Node_BecauseNodeIsReserved(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Node.BecauseNodeIsReserved: ‘{0}’ is reserved for jobs with matching label expression.
_Node_LabelMissing(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Node.LabelMissing: ‘{0}’ doesn’t have label ‘{1}’.
_Node_LackingBuildPermission(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Node.LackingBuildPermission: ‘{0}’ lacks permission to run on ‘{1}’.
_Node_Mode_EXCLUSIVE() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Node.Mode.EXCLUSIVE: Only build jobs with label expressions matching this node.
_Node_Mode_NORMAL() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Node.Mode.NORMAL: Use this node as much as possible.
_NodeDescriptor_CheckName_Mandatory() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key NodeDescriptor.CheckName.Mandatory: Name is mandatory.
_NodeProvisioner_EmptyString() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key NodeProvisioner.EmptyString: .
_NodesLink_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key NodesLink.Description: Add, remove, control and monitor the various nodes that Jenkins runs jobs on..
_NodesLink_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key NodesLink.DisplayName: Manage Nodes and Clouds.
_NoneSecurityRealm_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key NoneSecurityRealm.DisplayName: None.
_NullIdDescriptorMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.diagnosis.Messages
Key NullIdDescriptorMonitor.DisplayName: Missing Descriptor ID.
_NullSCM_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.scm.Messages
Key NullSCM.DisplayName: None.
_OfflineCause_connection_was_broken_(Object) - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key OfflineCause.connection_was_broken_: Connection was broken: {0}.
_OfflineCause_connection_was_broken_simple() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key OfflineCause.connection_was_broken_simple: Connection was broken.
_OfflineCause_LaunchFailed() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key OfflineCause.LaunchFailed: This agent is offline because Jenkins failed to launch the agent process on it..
_OfflineNodeCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key OfflineNodeCommand.ShortDescription: Stop using a node for performing builds temporarily, until the next "online-node" command..
_OldDataMonitor_Description() - Static method in class hudson.diagnosis.Messages
Key OldDataMonitor.Description: Scrub configuration files to remove remnants from old plugins and earlier versions..
_OldDataMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.diagnosis.Messages
Key OldDataMonitor.DisplayName: Manage Old Data.
_OnlineNodeCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key OnlineNodeCommand.ShortDescription: Resume using a node for performing builds, to cancel out the earlier "offline-node" command..
_ParameterAction_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ParameterAction.DisplayName: Parameters.
_ParameterizedJobMixIn_build_now() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key ParameterizedJobMixIn.build_now: Build Now.
_ParameterizedJobMixIn_build_with_parameters() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key ParameterizedJobMixIn.build_with_parameters: Build with Parameters.
_ParametersDefinitionProperty_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ParametersDefinitionProperty.DisplayName: This project is parameterized.
_PasswordParameterDefinition_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key PasswordParameterDefinition.DisplayName: Password Parameter.
_PatternProjectNamingStrategy_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key PatternProjectNamingStrategy.DisplayName: Pattern.
_PatternProjectNamingStrategy_NamePatternInvalidSyntax() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key PatternProjectNamingStrategy.NamePatternInvalidSyntax: regular expression''s syntax is invalid..
_PatternProjectNamingStrategy_NamePatternRequired() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key PatternProjectNamingStrategy.NamePatternRequired: Name Pattern is required.
_Permalink_LastBuild() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Permalink.LastBuild: Last build.
_Permalink_LastCompletedBuild() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Permalink.LastCompletedBuild: Last completed build.
_Permalink_LastFailedBuild() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Permalink.LastFailedBuild: Last failed build.
_Permalink_LastStableBuild() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Permalink.LastStableBuild: Last stable build.
_Permalink_LastSuccessfulBuild() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Permalink.LastSuccessfulBuild: Last successful build.
_Permalink_LastUnstableBuild() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Permalink.LastUnstableBuild: Last unstable build.
_Permalink_LastUnsuccessfulBuild() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Permalink.LastUnsuccessfulBuild: Last unsuccessful build.
_Permission_Permissions_Title() - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key Permission.Permissions.Title: N/A.
_PluginManager_adoptThisPlugin() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.adoptThisPlugin: <strong>This plugin is up for adoption!</strong> We are looking for new maintainers. Visit our <a href="https://www.jenkins.io/doc/developer/plugin-governance/adopt-a-plugin/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Adopt a Plugin</a> initiative for more information..
_PluginManager_ago(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.ago: {0} ago.
_PluginManager_CheckUpdateServerError(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.CheckUpdateServerError: There were errors checking the update sites: {0}.
_PluginManager_compatWarning() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.compatWarning: Warning: The new version of this plugin is marked as incompatible with the installed version. This is usually the case because its behavior or APIs changed, or because it uses a different settings format than the installed version. Other plugins with a dependency on this plugin may be incompatible with this update and no longer work as expected, jobs using this plugin may need to be reconfigured, and/or you may not be able to cleanly revert to the prior version without manually restoring old settings. Consult the plugin release notes for details..
_PluginManager_ConfigureUpdateCenterPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.ConfigureUpdateCenterPermission.Description: Deprecated - Please use the Overall/Administer permission instead.
_PluginManager_connectionFailed() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.connectionFailed: Unable to connect to the URL..
_PluginManager_coreWarning(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.coreWarning: Warning: This plugin is built for Jenkins {0} or newer. Jenkins will refuse to load this plugin if installed..
_PluginManager_depCompatWarning() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.depCompatWarning: Warning: This plugin requires newer versions of dependencies and at least one of those plugins is not compatible with the installed version. This is usually the case because its behavior or APIs changed, or it uses a different settings format than the installed version. Other plugins with a dependency on that plugin may be incompatible with this update and no longer work as expected, jobs using that plugin may need to be reconfigured, and/or you may not be able to cleanly revert to the prior version without manually restoring old settings. Consult the plugin release notes for details..
_PluginManager_depCoreWarning(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.depCoreWarning: Warning: This plugin has dependencies on other plugins that require Jenkins {0} or newer. Jenkins will refuse to load the dependencies requiring a newer version of Jenkins, and in turn loading this plugin will fail..
_PluginManager_deprecationWarning(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.deprecationWarning: <strong>This plugin is deprecated.</strong> In general, this means that it is either obsolete, no longer being developed, or may no longer work. <a href="{0}" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Learn more.</a>.
_PluginManager_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.DisplayName: Plugin Manager.
_PluginManager_emptyUpdateSiteUrl() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.emptyUpdateSiteUrl: The update site cannot be empty. Please enter a valid url..
_PluginManager_insecureUrl() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.insecureUrl: You are using an insecure URL to download the plugin, use at your own risk!.
_PluginManager_invalidUrl() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.invalidUrl: You are using an invalid URL to download the plugin, only file, https and http (not recommended) are supported..
_PluginManager_newerVersionExists(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.newerVersionExists: A newer version than being offered for installation exists (version {0}), so the latest bug fixes or features are not available to you. This is typically the case when plugin requirements, e.g. a recent version of Jenkins, are not satisfied. If you are using the latest version of Jenkins offered to you, this plugin release may not be available to your release line yet. See the <a href="{1}" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">plugin documentation</a> for information about its requirements..
_PluginManager_parentCompatWarning() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.parentCompatWarning: The following plugins are affected by this:.
_PluginManager_parentDepCompatWarning() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.parentDepCompatWarning: The following plugins are incompatible:.
_PluginManager_PluginCycleDependenciesMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.PluginCycleDependenciesMonitor.DisplayName: Cyclic Dependencies Detector.
_PluginManager_PluginDeprecationMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.PluginDeprecationMonitor.DisplayName: Deprecated Plugin Monitor.
_PluginManager_PluginDoesntSupportDynamicLoad_RestartRequired(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.PluginDoesntSupportDynamicLoad.RestartRequired: {0} plugin doesn’t support dynamic loading. Jenkins needs to be restarted for the update to take effect..
_PluginManager_PluginIsAlreadyInstalled_RestartRequired(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.PluginIsAlreadyInstalled.RestartRequired: {0} plugin is already installed. Jenkins needs to be restarted for the update to take effect..
_PluginManager_PluginUpdateMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.PluginUpdateMonitor.DisplayName: Invalid Plugin Configuration.
_PluginManager_PortNotANumber() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.PortNotANumber: Port is not a number.
_PluginManager_PortNotInRange(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.PortNotInRange: Port doesn’t range from {0} to {1}.
_PluginManager_securityWarning() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.securityWarning: Warning: This plugin version may not be safe to use. Please review the following security notices:.
_PluginManager_unavailable() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.unavailable: Unavailable.
_PluginManager_UnexpectedException() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.UnexpectedException: Unexpected exception going through the retrying process of checking update servers.
_PluginManager_UpdateSiteChangeLogLevel(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.UpdateSiteChangeLogLevel: Change the log level of {0} logger to WARNING or below to see more information and the error message of every attempt.
_PluginManager_UpdateSiteError(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.UpdateSiteError: Error checking update sites for {0} attempt(s). Last exception was: {1}.
_PluginManager_UploadPluginsPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginManager.UploadPluginsPermission.Description: Deprecated - Please use the Overall/Administer permission instead.
_PluginsLink_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key PluginsLink.Description: Add, remove, disable or enable plugins that can extend the functionality of Jenkins..
_PluginsLink_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key PluginsLink.DisplayName: Manage Plugins.
_PluginWrapper_Already_Disabled(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginWrapper.Already.Disabled: The plugin ''{0}'' was already disabled.
_PluginWrapper_disabled_2(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginWrapper.disabled_2: Required plugin is disabled: {0} ({1}).
_PluginWrapper_Error_Disabling(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginWrapper.Error.Disabling: There was an error disabling the ''{0}'' plugin. Error: ''{1}''.
_PluginWrapper_failed_to_load_dependency_2(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginWrapper.failed_to_load_dependency_2: Failed to load: {0} ({1} {2}).
_PluginWrapper_failed_to_load_plugin_2(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginWrapper.failed_to_load_plugin_2: Failed to load: {0} ({1} {2}).
_PluginWrapper_missing(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginWrapper.missing: Plugin is missing: {0} ({1}).
_PluginWrapper_NoSuchPlugin(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginWrapper.NoSuchPlugin: No such plugin found with the name ''{0}''.
_PluginWrapper_obsolete_2(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginWrapper.obsolete_2: Update required: {0} ({1} {2}) to be updated to {3} or higher.
_PluginWrapper_obsoleteCore(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginWrapper.obsoleteCore: Jenkins ({1}) or higher required.
_PluginWrapper_Plugin_Disabled(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginWrapper.Plugin.Disabled: Plugin ''{0}'' disabled.
_PluginWrapper_Plugin_Has_Dependent(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginWrapper.Plugin.Has.Dependent: The plugin ''{0}'' has, at least, one dependent plugin ({1}) and the disable strategy is {2}, so it cannot be disabled.
_PluginWrapper_PluginWrapperAdministrativeMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key PluginWrapper.PluginWrapperAdministrativeMonitor.DisplayName: Plugins Failed To Load.
_ProxyConfiguration_FailedToConnect(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key ProxyConfiguration.FailedToConnect: Failed to connect to {0} (code {1})..
_ProxyConfiguration_FailedToConnectViaProxy(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key ProxyConfiguration.FailedToConnectViaProxy: Failed to connect to {0}..
_ProxyConfiguration_MalformedTestUrl(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key ProxyConfiguration.MalformedTestUrl: Malformed Test URL {0}..
_ProxyConfiguration_Success() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key ProxyConfiguration.Success: Success.
_ProxyConfiguration_TestUrlRequired() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key ProxyConfiguration.TestUrlRequired: Test URL is required..
_ProxyView_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ProxyView.DisplayName: Include a global view.
_ProxyView_NoSuchViewExists(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ProxyView.NoSuchViewExists: Global view {0} does not exist.
_put(R) - Method in class jenkins.model.lazy.AbstractLazyLoadRunMap
_Queue_AllNodesOffline(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.AllNodesOffline: All nodes of label ‘{0}’ are offline.
_Queue_BlockedBy(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.BlockedBy: Blocked by ‘{0}’.
_Queue_ExceptionCanRun() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.ExceptionCanRun: Exception evaluating if the queue can run the task.
_Queue_ExceptionCanTake() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.ExceptionCanTake: Exception evaluating if the node can take the task.
_Queue_executor_slot_already_in_use() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.executor_slot_already_in_use: Executor slot already in use.
_Queue_FinishedWaiting() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.FinishedWaiting: Finished waiting.
_Queue_HudsonIsAboutToShutDown() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.HudsonIsAboutToShutDown: Jenkins is about to shut down.
_Queue_init() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.init: Restoring the build queue.
_Queue_InProgress() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.InProgress: A build is already in progress.
_Queue_InQuietPeriod(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.InQuietPeriod: In the quiet period. Expires in {0}.
_Queue_LabelHasNoNodes(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.LabelHasNoNodes: There are no nodes with the label ‘{0}’.
_Queue_node_has_been_removed_from_configuration(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.node_has_been_removed_from_configuration: {0} has been removed from configuration.
_Queue_NodeOffline(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.NodeOffline: ‘{0}’ is offline.
_Queue_Unknown() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.Unknown: ???.
_Queue_WaitingForNextAvailableExecutor() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.WaitingForNextAvailableExecutor: Waiting for next available executor.
_Queue_WaitingForNextAvailableExecutorOn(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Queue.WaitingForNextAvailableExecutorOn: Waiting for next available executor on ‘{0}’.
_QueueSorter_installDefaultQueueSorter() - Static method in class hudson.model.queue.Messages
Key QueueSorter.installDefaultQueueSorter: Installing default queue sorter.
_QuietDownCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key QuietDownCommand.ShortDescription: Quiet down Jenkins, in preparation for a restart. Don’t start any builds..
_RekeySecretAdminMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key RekeySecretAdminMonitor.DisplayName: Re-keying.
_ReloadConfigurationCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key ReloadConfigurationCommand.ShortDescription: Discard all the loaded data in memory and reload everything from file system. Useful when you modified config files directly on disk..
_ReloadJobCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key ReloadJobCommand.ShortDescription: Reload job(s).
_ReloadLink_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ReloadLink.Description: Discard all the loaded data in memory and reload everything from file system. Useful when you modified config files directly on disk..
_ReloadLink_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ReloadLink.DisplayName: Reload Configuration from Disk.
_RemoveJobFromViewCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key RemoveJobFromViewCommand.ShortDescription: Removes jobs from view..
_ResourceDomainConfiguration_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.DisplayName: Resource Domain Recommendation.
_ResourceDomainConfiguration_Empty() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.Empty: Without a resource root URL, resources will be served from the Jenkins URL with Content-Security-Policy set..
_ResourceDomainConfiguration_Exception(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.Exception: An exception occurred with the URL: {0}.
_ResourceDomainConfiguration_FailedIdentityCheck(Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.FailedIdentityCheck: An error occurred when checking the instance identity at that URL: {0} {1}.
_ResourceDomainConfiguration_Invalid() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.Invalid: Not a valid URL..
_ResourceDomainConfiguration_InvalidRootURL(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.InvalidRootURL: Jenkins URL is set to an invalid value, please report a bug: {0}.
_ResourceDomainConfiguration_IOException(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.IOException: Failed to connect: {0}.
_ResourceDomainConfiguration_NeedsRootURL() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.NeedsRootURL: Can only set resource root URL if Jenkins URL is set..
_ResourceDomainConfiguration_NotJenkins() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.NotJenkins: The specified URL does not appear to point to a Jenkins instance..
_ResourceDomainConfiguration_OtherJenkins() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.OtherJenkins: The specified URL points to a different Jenkins instance..
_ResourceDomainConfiguration_ResourceResponse() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.ResourceResponse: The specified URL points to a previously set up resource root URL..
_ResourceDomainConfiguration_SameAsCurrent() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.SameAsCurrent: You are currently accessing Jenkins through a URL similar to the proposed resource root URL. Saving this URL might remove your access to Jenkins..
_ResourceDomainConfiguration_SameAsJenkinsRoot() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.SameAsJenkinsRoot: Cannot use the same host name for both Jenkins URL and resource root URL..
_ResourceDomainConfiguration_SomeJenkins() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.SomeJenkins: The specified URL points to a Jenkins instance, but could not determine whether it is this or another instance..
_ResourceDomainConfiguration_ThisJenkins() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key ResourceDomainConfiguration.ThisJenkins: The specified URL is a valid resource root URL candidate..
_ResponseTimeMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key ResponseTimeMonitor.DisplayName: Response Time.
_ResponseTimeMonitor_MarkedOffline(Object) - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key ResponseTimeMonitor.MarkedOffline: Making {0} offline because it is not responding.
_ResponseTimeMonitor_TimeOut(Object) - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key ResponseTimeMonitor.TimeOut: Timed out for last {0} attempts.
_ResultTrend_Aborted() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ResultTrend.Aborted: Aborted.
_ResultTrend_Failure() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ResultTrend.Failure: Failure.
_ResultTrend_Fixed() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ResultTrend.Fixed: Fixed.
_ResultTrend_NotBuilt() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ResultTrend.NotBuilt: Not built.
_ResultTrend_NowUnstable() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ResultTrend.NowUnstable: Now unstable.
_ResultTrend_StillFailing() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ResultTrend.StillFailing: Still failing.
_ResultTrend_StillUnstable() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ResultTrend.StillUnstable: Still unstable.
_ResultTrend_Success() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ResultTrend.Success: Success.
_ResultTrend_Unstable() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ResultTrend.Unstable: Unstable.
_RetainVariablesLocalRule_CharacteristicEnvVarsFormValidationOK() - Static method in class jenkins.tasks.filters.impl.Messages
Key RetainVariablesLocalRule.CharacteristicEnvVarsFormValidationOK: In addition to any environment variables listed above, Jenkins will also retain environment variables it needs to identify and kill runaway processes when the build is done..
_RetainVariablesLocalRule_CharacteristicEnvVarsFormValidationWarning() - Static method in class jenkins.tasks.filters.impl.Messages
Key RetainVariablesLocalRule.CharacteristicEnvVarsFormValidationWarning: It is recommended to retain characteristic environment variables, because Jenkins uses them to identify and kill runaway processes after a build is finished..
_RetainVariablesLocalRule_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.tasks.filters.impl.Messages
Key RetainVariablesLocalRule.DisplayName: Only Keep Specified Environment Variables.
_RetainVariablesLocalRule_RemovalMessage(Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.tasks.filters.impl.Messages
Key RetainVariablesLocalRule.RemovalMessage: The following environment variables were removed by ''{0}'': {1}.
_RetainVariablesLocalRule_REMOVE_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.tasks.filters.impl.Messages
Key RetainVariablesLocalRule_REMOVE_DisplayName: Remove from environment.
_RetainVariablesLocalRule_RESET_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.tasks.filters.impl.Messages
Key RetainVariablesLocalRule_RESET_DisplayName: Reset to default value.
_RetainVariablesLocalRule_ResetMessage(Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.tasks.filters.impl.Messages
Key RetainVariablesLocalRule.ResetMessage: The following environment variables were reset to their system default value by ''{0}'': {1}.
_RetentionStrategy_Always_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key RetentionStrategy.Always.displayName: Keep this agent online as much as possible.
_RetentionStrategy_Demand_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key RetentionStrategy.Demand.displayName: Bring this agent online when in demand, and take offline when idle.
_RetentionStrategy_Demand_OfflineIdle() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key RetentionStrategy.Demand.OfflineIdle: Offline because computer was idle; it will be relaunched when needed..
_Retrier_Attempt(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key Retrier.Attempt: Attempt #{0} to do the action {1}.
_Retrier_AttemptFailed(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key Retrier.AttemptFailed: The attempt #{0} to do the action {1} failed.
_Retrier_CallingListener(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key Retrier.CallingListener: Calling the listener of the allowed exception ''{0}'' at the attempt #{1} to do the action {2}.
_Retrier_ExceptionFailed(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key Retrier.ExceptionFailed: The attempt #{0} to do the action {1} failed with an allowed exception:.
_Retrier_ExceptionThrown(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key Retrier.ExceptionThrown: The attempt #{0} to do the action {1} threw a non-allowed exception, re-throwing.
_Retrier_Interruption(Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key Retrier.Interruption: The attempts to do the action {0} have been interrupted.
_Retrier_NoSuccess(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key Retrier.NoSuccess: Attempted the action {0} for {1} time(s) with no success.
_Retrier_Sleeping(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key Retrier.Sleeping: Sleeping for {0} milliseconds before a new attempt for the action {1}.
_Retrier_Success(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key Retrier.Success: Performed the action {0} successfully at the attempt #{1}.
_ReverseBuildTrigger_build_after_other_projects_are_built() - Static method in class jenkins.triggers.Messages
Key ReverseBuildTrigger.build_after_other_projects_are_built: Build after other projects are built.
_ReverseBuildTrigger_running_as_cannot_even_see_for_trigger_f(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.triggers.Messages
Key ReverseBuildTrigger.running_as_cannot_even_see_for_trigger_f: Running as {0} cannot even see {1} for trigger from {2}.
_ReverseProxySetupMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.diagnosis.Messages
Key ReverseProxySetupMonitor.DisplayName: Reverse Proxy Setup.
_RootUrlNotSetMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.diagnostics.Messages
Key RootUrlNotSetMonitor.DisplayName: Root URL not configured Monitor.
_run() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.DownloadJob
_run() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.HudsonDowngradeJob
_run() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.InstallationJob
_run() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.PluginDowngradeJob
_Run__is_waiting_for_a_checkpoint_on_(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run._is_waiting_for_a_checkpoint_on_: {0} is waiting for a checkpoint on {1}.
_Run_ArtifactsBrowserTitle(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.ArtifactsBrowserTitle: Artifacts of {0} {1}.
_Run_ArtifactsPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.ArtifactsPermission.Description: This permission grants the ability to retrieve the artifacts produced by builds. If you don’t want an user to access the artifacts, you can do so by revoking this permission..
_Run_BuildAborted() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.BuildAborted: Build was aborted.
_Run_DeletePermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.DeletePermission.Description: This permission allows users to manually delete specific builds from the build history..
_Run_InProgressDuration(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.InProgressDuration: {0} and counting.
_Run_MarkedExplicitly() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.MarkedExplicitly: This record is explicitly marked to be kept..
_Run_NotStartedYet() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.NotStartedYet: Not started yet.
_Run_Permissions_Title() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.Permissions.Title: Run.
_Run_running_as_(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.running_as_: Running as {0}.
_Run_running_as_SYSTEM() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.running_as_SYSTEM: Running as SYSTEM.
_Run_Summary_Aborted() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.Summary.Aborted: aborted.
_Run_Summary_BackToNormal() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.Summary.BackToNormal: back to normal.
_Run_Summary_BrokenForALongTime() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.Summary.BrokenForALongTime: broken for a long time.
_Run_Summary_BrokenSince(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.Summary.BrokenSince: broken since build {0}.
_Run_Summary_BrokenSinceThisBuild() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.Summary.BrokenSinceThisBuild: broken since this build.
_Run_Summary_NotBuilt() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.Summary.NotBuilt: not built.
_Run_Summary_Stable() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.Summary.Stable: stable.
_Run_Summary_Unknown() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.Summary.Unknown: ?.
_Run_Summary_Unstable() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.Summary.Unstable: unstable.
_Run_UnableToDelete(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.UnableToDelete: Unable to delete {0}: {1}.
_Run_UpdatePermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Run.UpdatePermission.Description: This permission allows users to update description and other properties of a build, for example to leave notes about the cause of a build failure..
_RunParameterDefinition_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key RunParameterDefinition.DisplayName: Run Parameter.
_SCM_Permissions_Title() - Static method in class hudson.scm.Messages
Key SCM.Permissions.Title: SCM.
_SCM_TagPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.scm.Messages
Key SCM.TagPermission.Description: This permission allows users to create a new tag in the source code repository for a given build..
_SCMTrigger_AdministrativeMonitorImpl_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.triggers.Messages
Key SCMTrigger.AdministrativeMonitorImpl.DisplayName: Too Many SCM Polling Threads.
_SCMTrigger_BuildAction_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.triggers.Messages
Key SCMTrigger.BuildAction.DisplayName: Polling Log.
_SCMTrigger_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.triggers.Messages
Key SCMTrigger.DisplayName: Poll SCM.
_SCMTrigger_getDisplayName(Object) - Static method in class hudson.triggers.Messages
Key SCMTrigger.getDisplayName: {0} Polling Log.
_SCMTrigger_no_schedules_hooks() - Static method in class hudson.triggers.Messages
Key SCMTrigger.no_schedules_hooks: No schedules so will only run due to SCM changes if triggered by a post-commit hook.
_SCMTrigger_no_schedules_no_hooks() - Static method in class hudson.triggers.Messages
Key SCMTrigger.no_schedules_no_hooks: Post commit hooks are being ignored and no schedules so will never run due to SCM changes.
_SCMTrigger_SCMTriggerCause_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.triggers.Messages
Key SCMTrigger.SCMTriggerCause.ShortDescription: Started by an SCM change.
_SCMTriggerItem_PollingVetoed(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.triggers.Messages
Key SCMTriggerItem.PollingVetoed: SCM polling vetoed by {0}.
_SecurityIsOffMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.diagnostics.Messages
Key SecurityIsOffMonitor.DisplayName: Disabled Security.
_SessionIdCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key SessionIdCommand.ShortDescription: Outputs the session ID, which changes every time Jenkins restarts..
_SetBuildDescriptionCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key SetBuildDescriptionCommand.ShortDescription: Sets the description of a build..
_SetBuildDisplayNameCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key SetBuildDisplayNameCommand.ShortDescription: Sets the displayName of a build..
_setOwner(Fingerprint) - Method in class jenkins.model.FingerprintFacet
Backdoor for Fingerprint to set itself to its facets.
_SetupWizard_ConfigureInstance_RootUrl_Empty() - Static method in class jenkins.install.Messages
Key SetupWizard_ConfigureInstance_RootUrl_Empty: The URL cannot be empty.
_SetupWizard_ConfigureInstance_RootUrl_Invalid() - Static method in class jenkins.install.Messages
Key SetupWizard_ConfigureInstance_RootUrl_Invalid: The URL is invalid, please ensure you are using http:// or https:// with a valid domain..
_SetupWizard_ConfigureInstance_ValidationErrors() - Static method in class jenkins.install.Messages
Key SetupWizard_ConfigureInstance_ValidationErrors: Some settings are invalid. See the error messages for details..
_SetupWizard_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.install.Messages
Key SetupWizard.DisplayName: Setup Wizard.
_Shell_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Shell.DisplayName: Execute shell.
_Shell_invalid_exit_code_range(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Shell.invalid_exit_code_range: Invalid exit code value: {0}. Check help section.
_Shell_invalid_exit_code_zero() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key Shell.invalid_exit_code_zero: Exit code zero is ignored and does not make the build unstable.
_ShutdownLink_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ShutdownLink.Description: Stops executing new builds, so that the system can be eventually shut down safely..
_ShutdownLink_DisplayName_cancel() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ShutdownLink.DisplayName_cancel: Cancel Shutdown.
_ShutdownLink_DisplayName_prepare() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ShutdownLink.DisplayName_prepare: Prepare for Shutdown.
_ShutdownLink_DisplayName_update() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ShutdownLink.DisplayName_update: Update shutdown preparation.
_ShutdownLink_ShutDownReason_title() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ShutdownLink.ShutDownReason_title: Reason.
_ShutdownLink_ShutDownReason_update() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ShutdownLink.ShutDownReason_update: Update reason.
_ShutdownLink_ShuttingDownInProgressDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ShutdownLink.ShuttingDownInProgressDescription: Jenkins is currently shutting down. New builds are not executing..
_signalAll() - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
_signalAll() - Method in class hudson.model.ResourceController
_SimpleGlobalBuildDiscarderStrategy_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key SimpleGlobalBuildDiscarderStrategy.displayName: Specific Build Discarder.
_SimpleScheduledRetentionStrategy_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key SimpleScheduledRetentionStrategy.displayName: Bring this agent online according to a schedule.
_SimpleScheduledRetentionStrategy_FinishedUpTime() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key SimpleScheduledRetentionStrategy.FinishedUpTime: Computer has finished its scheduled uptime.
_Slave_InvalidConfig_Executors(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Slave.InvalidConfig.Executors: Invalid agent configuration for {0}. Invalid number of executors..
_Slave_InvalidConfig_NoName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Slave.InvalidConfig.NoName: Invalid agent configuration. Name is empty.
_Slave_Network_Mounted_File_System_Warning() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Slave.Network.Mounted.File.System.Warning: Are you sure you want to use network mounted file system for FS root? Note that this directory does not need to be visible to the controller..
_Slave_Remote_Director_Mandatory() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Slave.Remote.Director.Mandatory: Remote directory is mandatory.
_Slave_Remote_Relative_Path_Warning() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Slave.Remote.Relative.Path.Warning: Are you sure you want to use a relative path for the FS root? Note that relative paths require that you can assure that the selected launcher provides a consistent current working directory. Using an absolute path is highly recommended..
_Slave_Terminated(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Slave.Terminated: {0} agent was terminated.
_Slave_UnixSlave() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Slave.UnixSlave: This is a Unix agent.
_Slave_WindowsSlave() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Slave.WindowsSlave: This is a Windows agent.
_SlaveComputer_DisconnectedBy(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key SlaveComputer.DisconnectedBy: Disconnected by {0}{1}.
_SlowTriggerAdminMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.triggers.Messages
Key SlowTriggerAdminMonitor.DisplayName: Cron Triggers Monitor.
_StandaloneProjects_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.model.item_category.Messages
Key StandaloneProjects.Description: Create projects with a self-contained configuration and history. These projects can be at the top-level or grouped within folders..
_StandaloneProjects_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.item_category.Messages
Key StandaloneProjects.DisplayName: Standalone Projects.
_StatisticsLink_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key StatisticsLink.Description: Check your resource utilization and see if you need more computers for your builds..
_StatisticsLink_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key StatisticsLink.DisplayName: Load Statistics.
_StatusColumn_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.views.Messages
Key StatusColumn.DisplayName: Status.
_StatusFilter_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.views.Messages
Key StatusFilter.DisplayName: Status Filter.
_StringParameterDefinition_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key StringParameterDefinition.DisplayName: String Parameter.
_SwapSpaceMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key SwapSpaceMonitor.DisplayName: Free Swap Space.
_SystemInfoLink_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key SystemInfoLink.Description: Displays various environmental information to assist trouble-shooting..
_SystemInfoLink_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key SystemInfoLink.DisplayName: System Information.
_SystemLogLink_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key SystemLogLink.Description: System log captures output from <code>java.util.logging</code> output related to Jenkins..
_SystemLogLink_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key SystemLogLink.DisplayName: System Log.
_SystemPropertySlaveInfo_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.slaves.systemInfo.Messages
Key SystemPropertySlaveInfo.DisplayName: System Properties.
_TcpSlaveAgentListener_PingAgentProtocol_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key TcpSlaveAgentListener.PingAgentProtocol.displayName: Ping protocol.
_TemporarySpaceMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key TemporarySpaceMonitor.DisplayName: Free Temp Space.
_terminate(TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.slaves.AbstractCloudSlave
Performs the removal of the underlying resource from the cloud.
_TestJavadocArchiver_DisplayName_Javadoc() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key TestJavadocArchiver.DisplayName.Javadoc: Test Javadoc.
_TextParameterDefinition_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key TextParameterDefinition.DisplayName: Multi-line String Parameter.
_this() - Method in class hudson.model.Run
Obtains 'this' in a more type safe signature.
_ThreadDumpSlaveInfo_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.slaves.systemInfo.Messages
Key ThreadDumpSlaveInfo.DisplayName: Thread Dump.
_TimerTrigger_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.triggers.Messages
Key TimerTrigger.DisplayName: Build periodically.
_TimerTrigger_MissingWhitespace() - Static method in class hudson.triggers.Messages
Key TimerTrigger.MissingWhitespace: You appear to be missing whitespace between * and *..
_TimerTrigger_no_schedules_so_will_never_run() - Static method in class hudson.triggers.Messages
Key TimerTrigger.no_schedules_so_will_never_run: No schedules so will never run.
_TimerTrigger_the_specified_cron_tab_is_rare_or_impossible() - Static method in class hudson.triggers.Messages
Key TimerTrigger.the_specified_cron_tab_is_rare_or_impossible: This schedule will match dates only rarely (e.g. February 29) or never (e.g. June 31), so this job may be triggered very rarely, if at all..
_TimerTrigger_TimerTriggerCause_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.triggers.Messages
Key TimerTrigger.TimerTriggerCause.ShortDescription: Started by timer.
_TimerTrigger_would_last_have_run_at_would_next_run_at(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.triggers.Messages
Key TimerTrigger.would_last_have_run_at_would_next_run_at: Would last have run at {0}; would next run at {1}..
_TimeZoneProperty_current_time_in_(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key TimeZoneProperty.current_time_in_: Current time in {0}: {1}.
_TimeZoneProperty_current_time_on_server_in_in_proposed_di(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key TimeZoneProperty.current_time_on_server_in_in_proposed_di: Current time on server in {0}: {1}; in proposed display zone: {2}.
_TimeZoneProperty_DisplayDefaultTimeZone() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key TimeZoneProperty.DisplayDefaultTimeZone: Default.
_TimeZoneProperty_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key TimeZoneProperty.DisplayName: User Defined Time Zone .
_Token_Created_on(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key Token.Created.on: Token created on {0}.
_tokenNames - Static variable in class hudson.model.labels.LabelExpressionParser
_tokenNames - Static variable in class hudson.scheduler.CrontabParser
_tokenSet_0 - Static variable in class hudson.model.labels.LabelExpressionLexer
_tokenSet_1 - Static variable in class hudson.model.labels.LabelExpressionLexer
_tokenSet_2 - Static variable in class hudson.model.labels.LabelExpressionLexer
_ToolDescriptor_NotADirectory(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tools.Messages
Key ToolDescriptor.NotADirectory: {0} is not a directory on the Jenkins controller (but perhaps it exists on some agents).
_ToolLocationNodeProperty_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.tools.Messages
Key ToolLocationNodeProperty.displayName: Tool Locations.
_TooManyJobsButNoView_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.diagnosis.Messages
Key TooManyJobsButNoView.DisplayName: Too Many Jobs Not Organized in Views.
_TopLevelItemDescriptor_NotApplicableIn(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key TopLevelItemDescriptor.NotApplicableIn: {0} items are not applicable within {1}.
_Trigger_init() - Static method in class hudson.triggers.Messages
Key Trigger.init: Initializing timer for triggers.
_tryWithLock(Runnable) - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
Invokes the supplied Runnable if the Queue lock was obtained without blocking.
_Uncategorized_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.model.item_category.Messages
Key Uncategorized.Description: Item types that have not yet been categorized by their plugin maintainer..
_Uncategorized_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.model.item_category.Messages
Key Uncategorized.DisplayName: Uncategorized.
_UpdateCenter_CoreUpdateMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.CoreUpdateMonitor.DisplayName: Jenkins Update Notification.
_UpdateCenter_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.DisplayName: Update Center.
_UpdateCenter_DownloadButNotActivated() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.DownloadButNotActivated: Downloaded Successfully. Will be activated during the next boot.
_UpdateCenter_init() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.init: Initialing update center.
_UpdateCenter_n_a() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.n_a: N/A.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_agent() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.agent: Agent Management.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_android() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.android: Android Development.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_api_plugin() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.api-plugin: Library plugins (for use by other plugins).
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_builder() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.builder: Build Tools.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_buildwrapper() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.buildwrapper: Build Wrappers.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_cli() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.cli: Command Line Interface.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_cloud() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.cloud: Cloud Providers.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_cluster() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.cluster: Cluster Management.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_database() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.database: Database.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_deployment() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.deployment: Deployment.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_devops() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.devops: DevOps.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_devsecops() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.devsecops: DevSecOps.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_dotnet() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.dotnet: .NET Development.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_external() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.external: External Site/Tool Integrations.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_groovy_related() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.groovy-related: Groovy-related.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_ios() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.ios: iOS Development.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_listview_column() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.listview-column: List view columns.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_maven() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.maven: Maven.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_misc() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.misc: Miscellaneous.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_must_be_labeled() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.must-be-labeled: Uncategorized.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_notifier() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.notifier: Build Notifiers.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_orchestration() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.orchestration: Orchestration.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_page_decorator() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.page-decorator: Page Decorators.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_parameter() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.parameter: Build Parameters.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_post_build() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.post-build: Other Post-Build Actions.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_python() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.python: Python Development.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_report() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.report: Build Reports.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_ruby() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.ruby: Ruby Development.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_runcondition() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.runcondition: RunConditions for use by the Run Condition plugin.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_scala() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.scala: Scala Development.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_scm() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.scm: Source Code Management.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_scm_related() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.scm-related: Source Code Management related.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_security() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.security: Security.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_test() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.test: Testing.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_theme() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.theme: UI Themes.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_trigger() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.trigger: Build Triggers.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_ui() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.ui: User Interface.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_unrecognized(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.unrecognized: Misc ({0}).
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_upload() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.upload: Artifact Uploaders.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_user() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.user: Authentication and User Management.
_UpdateCenter_PluginCategory_view() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.view: Views.
_UpdateCenter_Status_CheckingInternet() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.Status.CheckingInternet: Checking internet connectivity.
_UpdateCenter_Status_CheckingJavaNet() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.Status.CheckingJavaNet: Checking update center connectivity.
_UpdateCenter_Status_ConnectionFailed(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.Status.ConnectionFailed: <span class=error>Failed to connect to {0}. Perhaps you need to <a href="../pluginManager/advanced">configure HTTP proxy?</a></span>.
_UpdateCenter_Status_Success() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.Status.Success: Success.
_UpdateCenter_Status_UnknownHostException(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key UpdateCenter.Status.UnknownHostException: <span class=error>Failed to resolve host name {0}. Perhaps you need to <a href="../pluginManager/advanced">configure HTTP proxy?</a></span>.
_UpdateJobCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key UpdateJobCommand.ShortDescription: Updates the job definition XML from stdin. The opposite of the get-job command..
_UpdateNodeCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key UpdateNodeCommand.ShortDescription: Updates the node definition XML from stdin. The opposite of the get-node command..
_UpdateSiteWarningsMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.security.Messages
Key UpdateSiteWarningsMonitor.DisplayName: Update Site Warnings.
_UpdateViewCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key UpdateViewCommand.ShortDescription: Updates the view definition XML from stdin. The opposite of the get-view command..
_URICheckEncodingMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.diagnostics.Messages
Key URICheckEncodingMonitor.DisplayName: Check URI Encoding.
_User_IllegalFullname(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key User.IllegalFullname: "{0}" is prohibited as a full name for security reasons..
_User_IllegalUsername(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key User.IllegalUsername: "{0}" is prohibited as a username for security reasons..
_UserDetailsServiceProxy_UnableToQuery(Object) - Static method in class hudson.security.Messages
Key UserDetailsServiceProxy.UnableToQuery: Unable to query user information: {0}.
_UserSearchProperty_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.search.Messages
Key UserSearchProperty.DisplayName: Setting for search.
_UserSeedProperty_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.security.seed.Messages
Key UserSeedProperty.DisplayName: Session Termination.
_Util_day(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key Util.day: {0} {0,choice,0#days|1#day|1<days}.
_Util_hour(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key Util.hour: {0} hr.
_Util_millisecond(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key Util.millisecond: {0} ms.
_Util_minute(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key Util.minute: {0} min.
_Util_month(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key Util.month: {0} mo.
_Util_second(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key Util.second: {0} sec.
_Util_year(Object) - Static method in class hudson.Messages
Key Util.year: {0} yr.
_VersionCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key VersionCommand.ShortDescription: Outputs the current version..
_View_ConfigurePermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key View.ConfigurePermission.Description: This permission allows users to change the configuration of views..
_View_CreatePermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key View.CreatePermission.Description: This permission allows users to create new views..
_View_DeletePermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key View.DeletePermission.Description: This permission allows users to delete existing views..
_View_DisplayNameNotUniqueWarning(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key View.DisplayNameNotUniqueWarning: The display name, "{0}", is already in use by another view and could cause confusion and delay..
_View_MissingMode() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key View.MissingMode: No view type is specified.
_View_Permissions_Title() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key View.Permissions.Title: View.
_View_ReadPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key View.ReadPermission.Description: This permission allows users to see views (implied by generic read access)..
_WaitNodeOfflineCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key WaitNodeOfflineCommand.ShortDescription: Wait for a node to become offline..
_WaitNodeOnlineCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key WaitNodeOnlineCommand.ShortDescription: Wait for a node to become online..
_WeatherColumn_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.views.Messages
Key WeatherColumn.DisplayName: Weather.
_WhoAmICommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key WhoAmICommand.ShortDescription: Reports your credential and permissions..
_WindowsInstallerLink_Description() - Static method in class hudson.lifecycle.Messages
Key WindowsInstallerLink.Description: Installs Jenkins as a Windows service to this system, so that Jenkins starts automatically when the machine boots..
_WindowsInstallerLink_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.lifecycle.Messages
Key WindowsInstallerLink.DisplayName: Install as Windows Service.
_WindowsSlaveInstaller_ConfirmInstallation() - Static method in class hudson.lifecycle.Messages
Key WindowsSlaveInstaller.ConfirmInstallation: This will install an agent as a Windows service, so that a Jenkins agent starts automatically when the machine boots..
_WindowsSlaveInstaller_DotNetRequired() - Static method in class hudson.lifecycle.Messages
Key WindowsSlaveInstaller.DotNetRequired: .NET Framework 4.0 or later is required for this feature.
_WindowsSlaveInstaller_InstallationSuccessful() - Static method in class hudson.lifecycle.Messages
Key WindowsSlaveInstaller.InstallationSuccessful: Installation was successful. Would you like to start the service now?.
_WindowsSlaveInstaller_RootFsDoesntExist(Object) - Static method in class hudson.lifecycle.Messages
Key WindowsSlaveInstaller.RootFsDoesntExist: Agent root directory ‘{0}’ doesn’t exist.
_withLock(Callable<V, T>) - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
Some operations require to be performed with the Queue lock held.
_withLock(Callable<V, T>) - Method in class hudson.model.ResourceController
_withLock(Runnable) - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
Some operations require to be performed with the Queue lock held.
_withLock(Runnable) - Method in class hudson.model.ResourceController
_withLock(Callable<V>) - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
Some operations require to be performed with the Queue lock held.
_withLock(Callable<V>) - Method in class hudson.model.ResourceController
_WorkspaceSnapshotSCM_IncorrectJobType(Object) - Static method in class hudson.fsp.Messages
Key WorkspaceSnapshotSCM.IncorrectJobType: {0} isn’t a job that has a workspace..
_WorkspaceSnapshotSCM_NoBuild(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.fsp.Messages
Key WorkspaceSnapshotSCM.NoBuild: There’s no qualifying build for the {0} permalink in {1}.
_WorkspaceSnapshotSCM_NoSuchJob(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.fsp.Messages
Key WorkspaceSnapshotSCM.NoSuchJob: No such job ‘{0}’ exists. Perhaps you meant ‘{1}’?.
_WorkspaceSnapshotSCM_NoSuchPermalink(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.fsp.Messages
Key WorkspaceSnapshotSCM.NoSuchPermalink: No such permalink ‘{0}’ exists for {1}.
_WorkspaceSnapshotSCM_NoWorkspace(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.fsp.Messages
Key WorkspaceSnapshotSCM.NoWorkspace: {0} {1} doesn’t have a workspace snapshot attached, probably because when the build was done, no other jobs needed its workspace snapshot. Please run another build in {0} to get the workspace snapshot taken..
_ZipExtractionInstaller_bad_connection() - Static method in class hudson.tools.Messages
Key ZipExtractionInstaller.bad_connection: Server rejected connection..
_ZipExtractionInstaller_could_not_connect() - Static method in class hudson.tools.Messages
Key ZipExtractionInstaller.could_not_connect: Could not connect to URL..
_ZipExtractionInstaller_DescriptorImpl_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.tools.Messages
Key ZipExtractionInstaller.DescriptorImpl.displayName: Extract *.zip/*.tar.gz.
_ZipExtractionInstaller_malformed_url() - Static method in class hudson.tools.Messages
Key ZipExtractionInstaller.malformed_url: Malformed URL..
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