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cacheHit - Variable in class hudson.util.KeyedDataStorage
Number of cache hits (of all the total queries.)
calcAutoCompleteSettings(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class hudson.model.Descriptor
Computes the auto-completion setting
calcCheckUrl(Map, String, Object, String) - Method in class hudson.Functions
Determines the parameters that client-side needs for a form validation check.
calcFillSettings(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class hudson.model.Descriptor
Computes the list of other form fields that the given field depends on, via the doFillXyzItems method, and sets that as the 'fillDependsOn' attribute.
calcRevisionsFromBuild(AbstractBuild<?, ?>, Launcher, TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
calcRevisionsFromBuild(Run<?, ?>, FilePath, Launcher, TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.scm.NullSCM
calcRevisionsFromBuild(Run<?, ?>, FilePath, Launcher, TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
Calculates the SCMRevisionState that represents the state of the workspace of the given build.
calculate(Run<?, ?>, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.widgets.BuildListTable
calculate(Run<?, ?>, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.widgets.BuildTimeTrend
calculate(Run<?, ?>, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.widgets.RunListProgressiveRendering
calculateCategorySize(int, Rectangle2D, RectangleEdge) - Method in class hudson.util.ShiftedCategoryAxis
calculateCulprits() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractBuild
calculateCulprits() - Method in interface jenkins.scm.RunWithSCM
Method used for actually calculating the culprits from scratch.
call() - Method in class hudson.FilePath.AbstractInterceptorCallableWrapper
call() - Method in class hudson.slaves.ChannelPinger.SetUpRemotePing
call(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class hudson.util.InterceptingProxy
Intercepts every method call.
call(P1) - Method in interface hudson.util.Function1
CallableDirectionChecker - Class in jenkins.security.s2m
Inspects Callables that run on the controller.
CallableDirectionChecker() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.s2m.CallableDirectionChecker
CallableDirectionChecker.ChannelConfiguratorImpl - Class in jenkins.security.s2m
Installs CallableDirectionChecker to every channel.
callback(int) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32.Handler
callback(int, int, Pointer, Pointer) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32.HandlerEx
callback(int, Pointer) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32.SERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTION
callback(Cause.UpstreamCause, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in class hudson.model.Cause.UpstreamCause.ConverterImpl
callback(CauseAction, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in class hudson.model.CauseAction.ConverterImpl
callback(HealthReport, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in class hudson.model.HealthReport.ConverterImpl
callback(HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.Details, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in class hudson.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.Details.ConverterImpl
callback(ToolInstallation, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in class hudson.tools.ToolInstallation.ToolConverter
callback(T, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in class hudson.util.XStream2.PassthruConverter
canAccept(MappingWorksheet.WorkChunk) - Method in class hudson.model.queue.MappingWorksheet.ExecutorChunk
Is this executor chunk and the given work chunk compatible? Can the latter be run on the former?
canAdd(TopLevelItem) - Method in interface jenkins.model.DirectlyModifiableTopLevelItemGroup
Returns true if a particular item may be added to this group.
canAdd(TopLevelItem) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
cancel() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.RestartJenkinsJob
Cancel job
cancel(boolean) - Method in class hudson.model.queue.FutureImpl
cancel(Queue.Item) - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
cancel(Queue.Task) - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
Cancels the item in the queue.
CANCEL - Static variable in interface hudson.model.Item
canceled() - Method in class jenkins.util.ProgressiveRendering
Checks whether the task has been canceled.
Canceled() - Constructor for class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.RestartJenkinsJob.Canceled
CancelQuietDownCommand - Class in hudson.cli
Cancel previous quiet down Jenkins - preparation for a restart
CancelQuietDownCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.CancelQuietDownCommand
CancelQuietDownCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CancelQuietDownCommand.ShortDescription: Cancel the effect of the "quiet-down" command..
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.model.BuildAuthorizationToken.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.model.Fingerprint.RangeSet.ConverterImpl
Check if the given class can be converted (i.e.
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.model.Label.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeList.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteList.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap.Hash.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap.Tree.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.DescribableList.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.HeapSpaceStringConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.HexBinaryConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.LRUStringConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.PackedMap.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.PersistedList.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.RobustCollectionConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.RobustReflectionConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.Secret.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.xstream.ImmutableListConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.xstream.ImmutableMapConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.xstream.ImmutableSetConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.xstream.ImmutableSortedSetConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.XStream2.PassthruConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class jenkins.model.BuildDiscarder.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class jenkins.util.TreeString.ConverterImpl
canConvert(Class) - Method in class jenkins.util.xstream.AtomicBooleanConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in class jenkins.util.xstream.XStreamDOM.ConverterImpl
canDelete() - Method in class hudson.model.User
With ADMINISTER permission, can delete users with persisted data but can't delete self.
canDelete(View) - Method in class hudson.model.MyViewsProperty
canDelete(View) - Method in interface hudson.model.ViewGroup
Determine whether a view may be deleted.
canDelete(View) - Method in class hudson.model.ViewGroupMixIn
canDelete(View) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
canLogOut() - Method in class hudson.security.SecurityRealm
Returns true if this SecurityRealm supports explicit logout operation.
CannotBeInstalled(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.tools.Messages
Key CannotBeInstalled: Installer "{0}" cannot be used to install "{1}" on the node "{2}".
CanonicalIdResolver() - Constructor for class hudson.model.User.CanonicalIdResolver
canonicalLabels(JSONArray) - Static method in class jenkins.util.PluginLabelUtil
Replaces labels with their canonical form and removes duplicates
canProvision(Label) - Method in class hudson.slaves.Cloud
canProvision(Cloud.CloudState) - Method in class hudson.slaves.Cloud
Returns true if this cloud is capable of provisioning new nodes for the given label.
canProvision(Cloud, Label, int) - Method in class hudson.slaves.CloudProvisioningListener
canProvision(Cloud, Cloud.CloudState, int) - Method in class hudson.slaves.CloudProvisioningListener
Allows extensions to prevent a cloud from provisioning.
canRead() - Method in class jenkins.util.VirtualFile
Checks whether this file can be read.
canRestart() - Method in class hudson.lifecycle.Lifecycle
The same as Lifecycle.verifyRestartable() except the status is indicated by the return value, not by an exception.
canRewriteHudsonWar() - Method in class hudson.lifecycle.Lifecycle
canRun(Queue.Item) - Method in class hudson.model.queue.QueueTaskDispatcher
Called whenever Queue is considering if Queue.Item is ready to execute immediately (which doesn't necessarily mean that it gets executed right away — it's still subject to executor availability), or if it should be considered blocked.
canRun(ResourceList) - Method in class hudson.model.ResourceController
Checks if an activity that requires the given resource list can run immediately.
canTake(Node, Queue.BuildableItem) - Method in class hudson.model.queue.QueueTaskDispatcher
Called when Queue is deciding where to execute the given task.
canTake(Node, Queue.Task) - Method in class hudson.model.queue.QueueTaskDispatcher
canTake(Queue.BuildableItem) - Method in class hudson.model.Node
Called by the Queue to determine whether or not this node can take the given task.
canTake(Queue.BuildableItem) - Method in class hudson.model.Queue.JobOffer
canTake(Queue.BuildableItem) - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeProperty
Called by the Node to help determine whether or not it should take the given task.
canTake(Queue.Task) - Method in class hudson.model.Node
canTake(Queue.Task) - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeProperty
canToggleLogKeep() - Method in class hudson.model.Run
Checks whether keep status can be toggled.
canUpgrade() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Data
Do we support upgrade?
canWork() - Method in class jenkins.slaves.restarter.SlaveRestarter
Called on the agent to see if this restarter can work on this agent.
canWork() - Method in class jenkins.slaves.restarter.UnixSlaveRestarter
canWork() - Method in class jenkins.slaves.restarter.WinswSlaveRestarter
capacity() - Method in class hudson.model.queue.MappingWorksheet.ExecutorChunk
Number of executors in this chunk.
capitalize(String) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
Converts "abc" to "Abc".
captcha - Variable in class hudson.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.SignupInfo
CaptchaSupport - Class in hudson.security.captcha
Extension point for adding Captcha Support to User Registration Page CaptchaSupport.
CaptchaSupport() - Constructor for class hudson.security.captcha.CaptchaSupport
CaptchaSupportDescriptor - Class in hudson.security.captcha
CaptchaSupportDescriptor() - Constructor for class hudson.security.captcha.CaptchaSupportDescriptor
CASE_INSENSITIVE - Static variable in class jenkins.model.IdStrategy
The default case insensitive strategy.
CaseInsensitive() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.IdStrategy.CaseInsensitive
CaseInsensitiveComparator - Class in hudson.util
CaseSensitive() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.IdStrategy.CaseSensitive
CaseSensitiveEmailAddress() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.IdStrategy.CaseSensitiveEmailAddress
cast(ConsoleAnnotator<? super T>) - Static method in class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotator
Cast operation that restricts T.
cast(Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in class hudson.util.Iterators
Casts Iterable by taking advantage of its covariant-ness.
cast(Object) - Method in class hudson.util.AlternativeUiTextProvider.Message
Assists pattern matching in the AlternativeUiTextProvider implementation.
cast(Iterator<? extends T>) - Static method in class hudson.util.Iterators
Casts Iterator by taking advantage of its covariant-ness.
categories - Variable in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Plugin
Categories for grouping plugins, taken from labels assigned to wiki page.
Categories - Class in jenkins.model.item_category
It is a logic representation of a set of Category.
Categories() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.item_category.Categories
category - Variable in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.PluginEntry
Category - Class in jenkins.model.item_category
Represents an ItemCategory and its TopLevelItems.
Category(String, String, String, int, int, List<Map<String, Serializable>>) - Constructor for class jenkins.model.item_category.Category
cause - Variable in class hudson.cli.DisconnectNodeCommand
cause - Variable in class hudson.cli.OfflineNodeCommand
cause - Variable in class hudson.PluginManager.FailedPlugin
cause - Variable in class hudson.slaves.OfflineCause.ChannelTermination
cause - Variable in exception hudson.util.AWTProblem
cause - Variable in exception hudson.util.JenkinsReloadFailed
Cause - Class in hudson.model
Cause object base class.
Cause() - Constructor for class hudson.model.Cause
Cause_LegacyCodeCause_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.LegacyCodeCause.ShortDescription: Legacy code started this job. No cause information is available.
Cause_RemoteCause_ShortDescription(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.RemoteCause.ShortDescription: Started by remote host {0}.
Cause_RemoteCause_ShortDescriptionWithNote(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.RemoteCause.ShortDescriptionWithNote: Started by remote host {0} with note: {1}.
Cause_UpstreamCause_CausedBy() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.UpstreamCause.CausedBy: originally caused by:.
Cause_UpstreamCause_ShortDescription(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.UpstreamCause.ShortDescription: Started by upstream project "{0}" build number {1}.
Cause_UserCause_ShortDescription(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.UserCause.ShortDescription: Started by user {0}.
Cause_UserIdCause_ShortDescription(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Cause.UserIdCause.ShortDescription: Started by user {0}.
Cause.LegacyCodeCause - Class in hudson.model
since 2009-02-08
Cause.RemoteCause - Class in hudson.model
Cause.UpstreamCause - Class in hudson.model
A build is triggered by another build (AKA upstream build.)
Cause.UpstreamCause.ConverterImpl - Class in hudson.model
Cause.UpstreamCause.DeeplyNestedUpstreamCause - Class in hudson.model
Cause.UserCause - Class in hudson.model
Cause.UserIdCause - Class in hudson.model
A build is started by an user action.
CauseAction - Class in hudson.model
CauseAction(Cause) - Constructor for class hudson.model.CauseAction
CauseAction(Cause...) - Constructor for class hudson.model.CauseAction
CauseAction(CauseAction) - Constructor for class hudson.model.CauseAction
CauseAction(Collection<? extends Cause>) - Constructor for class hudson.model.CauseAction
CauseAction.ConverterImpl - Class in hudson.model
CauseOfBlockage - Class in hudson.model.queue
If something is blocked/vetoed, this object represents why.
CauseOfBlockage() - Constructor for class hudson.model.queue.CauseOfBlockage
CauseOfBlockage.BecauseLabelIsBusy - Class in hudson.model.queue
Build is blocked because everyone that matches the specified label is fully busy
CauseOfBlockage.BecauseLabelIsOffline - Class in hudson.model.queue
Build is blocked because all the nodes that match a given label is offline.
CauseOfBlockage.BecauseNodeIsBusy - Class in hudson.model.queue
Build is blocked because a node is fully busy
CauseOfBlockage.BecauseNodeIsNotAcceptingTasks - Class in hudson.model.queue
Build is blocked because a node (or its retention strategy) is not accepting tasks.
CauseOfBlockage.BecauseNodeIsOffline - Class in hudson.model.queue
Build is blocked because a node is offline.
CauseOfInterruption - Class in jenkins.model
Records why an executor is interrupted.
CauseOfInterruption() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.CauseOfInterruption
CauseOfInterruption_ShortDescription(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CauseOfInterruption.ShortDescription: Aborted by {0}.
CauseOfInterruption.UserInterruption - Class in jenkins.model
Indicates that the build was interrupted from UI.
cbSize - Variable in class hudson.util.jna.SHELLEXECUTEINFO
ceil(long) - Method in class hudson.scheduler.CronTab
Computes the nearest future timestamp that matches this cron tab.
ceil(Calendar) - Method in class hudson.scheduler.CronTab
ChainedServletFilter - Class in hudson.security
Servlet Filter that chains multiple Filters.
ChainedServletFilter() - Constructor for class hudson.security.ChainedServletFilter
ChainedServletFilter(Collection<? extends Filter>) - Constructor for class hudson.security.ChainedServletFilter
ChainedServletFilter(Filter...) - Constructor for class hudson.security.ChainedServletFilter
change - Variable in class hudson.scm.PollingResult
Degree of the change between baseline and remote.
changeApiToken() - Method in class jenkins.security.ApiTokenProperty
Each token can be revoked now and new tokens can be requested without altering existing ones.
changeExtension(File, String) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Returns a file name by changing its extension.
changeListener - Static variable in class hudson.diagnosis.OldDataMonitor
CHANGELOG_URL - Static variable in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
ChangeLogAnnotator - Class in hudson.scm
Performs mark up on changelog messages to be displayed.
ChangeLogAnnotator() - Constructor for class hudson.scm.ChangeLogAnnotator
ChangeLogParser - Class in hudson.scm
Encapsulates the file format of the changelog.
ChangeLogParser() - Constructor for class hudson.scm.ChangeLogParser
ChangeLogSet<T extends ChangeLogSet.Entry> - Class in hudson.scm
Represents SCM change list.
ChangeLogSet(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Constructor for class hudson.scm.ChangeLogSet
ChangeLogSet(Run<?, ?>, RepositoryBrowser<?>) - Constructor for class hudson.scm.ChangeLogSet
ChangeLogSet.AffectedFile - Interface in hudson.scm
Represents a file change.
ChangeLogSet.Entry - Class in hudson.scm
ChangeServiceConfig2(Pointer, int, Advapi32.ChangeServiceConfig2Info) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
ChangeServiceConfig2Info() - Constructor for class hudson.util.jna.Advapi32.ChangeServiceConfig2Info
channel - Variable in class hudson.cli.CLICommand
No longer used.
channel - Variable in class hudson.Launcher
channelClosed(JnlpConnectionState) - Method in class jenkins.slaves.DefaultJnlpSlaveReceiver
ChannelConfigurator - Class in jenkins.security
Intercepts the new creation of Channel and tweak its configuration.
ChannelConfigurator() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.ChannelConfigurator
ChannelConfiguratorImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.s2m.CallableDirectionChecker.ChannelConfiguratorImpl
ChannelPinger - Class in hudson.slaves
Establish a periodic ping to keep connections between agents and the main Jenkins node alive.
ChannelPinger() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.ChannelPinger
ChannelPinger.SetUpRemotePing - Class in hudson.slaves
Channels - Class in hudson.slaves
Various convenient subtype of Channels.
Channels() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.Channels
ChannelTermination(Exception) - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.OfflineCause.ChannelTermination
CharacterEncodingFilter - Class in hudson.util
Filter that sets the character encoding to be used in parsing the request to avoid Non-ASCII characters garbled.
CharacterEncodingFilter() - Constructor for class hudson.util.CharacterEncodingFilter
charAt(int) - Method in class hudson.AbstractMarkupText
charset - Variable in class hudson.model.Run
Charset in which the log file is written.
ChartUtil - Class in hudson.util
Chart generation utility code around JFreeChart.
ChartUtil() - Constructor for class hudson.util.ChartUtil
ChartUtil.NumberOnlyBuildLabel - Class in hudson.util
Can be used as a graph label.
chdir(String) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.GNUCLibrary
CHEBYSHEV_N - Static variable in class hudson.util.ChartUtil
check() - Method in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator.Base64
check() - Method in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator
check() - Method in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator.Executable
check() - Method in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator.HudsonURL
check() - Method in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator.NonNegativeInteger
check() - Method in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator.WorkspaceFileMask
check() - Method in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator.WorkspaceFilePath
check() - Method in class hudson.util.FormValidation.URLCheck
Implement the actual form validation logic, by using other convenience methods defined in this class.
check() - Method in interface jenkins.PluginManagerTagLib
check(Closure) - Method in interface jenkins.PluginManagerTagLib
check(AbstractProject<?, ?>, Label) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject.LabelValidator
Check the use of the label within the specified context.
check(Item, Label) - Method in interface jenkins.model.labels.LabelValidator
Validates the use of a label within a particular context.
check(AbstractCloudComputer) - Method in class hudson.slaves.CloudRetentionStrategy
check(SlaveComputer) - Method in class hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy.Always
check(SlaveComputer) - Method in class hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy.Demand
check(SlaveComputer) - Method in class hudson.slaves.SimpleScheduledRetentionStrategy
check(Path) - Method in interface jenkins.util.io.PathRemover.PathChecker
check(Calendar) - Method in class hudson.scheduler.CronTabList
Returns true if the given calendar matches
check(Map) - Method in interface jenkins.PluginManagerTagLib
check(Map, Closure) - Method in interface jenkins.PluginManagerTagLib
check(RoleSensitive, Collection<Role>) - Method in class jenkins.security.s2m.CallableDirectionChecker
check(T) - Method in class hudson.slaves.CloudSlaveRetentionStrategy
check(T) - Method in class hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy
This method will be called periodically to allow this strategy to decide what to do with its owning agent.
CHECK - Static variable in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator
checkAbortPermission() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
checkAbortPermission() - Method in class hudson.model.queue.QueueTaskFilter
checkAbortPermission() - Method in interface hudson.model.Queue.Task
Checks the permission to see if the current user can abort this executable.
checkAnyPermission(AccessControlled, Permission[]) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
Checks if the current security principal has one of the supplied permissions.
checkAnyPermission(Permission...) - Method in interface hudson.security.AccessControlled
Convenient short-cut for getACL().checkAnyPermission(permission)
checkAnyPermission(Permission...) - Method in class hudson.security.ACL
Checks if the current security principal has one of the supplied permissions.
checkAnyPermission(Object, Permission[]) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
This version is so that the 'checkAnyPermission' on layout.jelly degrades gracefully if "it" is not an AccessControlled object.
checkApplicableIn(ItemGroup) - Method in class hudson.model.TopLevelItemDescriptor
Checks if this top level item is applicable within the specified item group.
checkBeforeCopy(Item, ItemGroup) - Static method in class hudson.model.listeners.ItemListener
Call before a job is copied into a new parent, to allow the ItemListener implementations the ability to veto the copy operation before it starts.
checkbox() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
<input type="checkbox"> tag that takes true/false for @checked, which is more Jelly friendly.
checkbox(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
<input type="checkbox"> tag that takes true/false for @checked, which is more Jelly friendly.
checkbox(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
<input type="checkbox"> tag that takes true/false for @checked, which is more Jelly friendly.
checkbox(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
<input type="checkbox"> tag that takes true/false for @checked, which is more Jelly friendly.
checkChannel() - Method in class hudson.cli.CLICommand
Specific to Remoting-based protocol.
checkConnection(UpdateCenter.ConnectionCheckJob, String) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.UpdateCenterConfiguration
Check network connectivity by trying to establish a connection to the host in connectionCheckUrl.
checkCreatePermission(ItemGroup, TopLevelItemDescriptor) - Method in class hudson.security.ACL
Checks if the current security principal has the permission to create top level items within the specified item group.
checkCreatePermission(ViewGroup, ViewDescriptor) - Method in class hudson.security.ACL
Checks if the current security principal has the permission to create views within the specified view group.
checkCycle() - Method in class hudson.slaves.CloudSlaveRetentionStrategy
When do we check again next time?
checkDisplayName(View, String) - Method in class hudson.model.ViewDescriptor
Validation of the display name field.
checkExecutable(File) - Method in class hudson.util.FormFieldValidator.Executable
Provides an opportunity for derived classes to do additional checks on the executable.
checkForCollectionDoSAttack(UnmarshallingContext, long) - Static method in class hudson.util.XStream2SecurityUtils
Check the consumed time adding elements to collections or maps.
checkGoodName(String) - Static method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Check if the given name is suitable as a name for job, view, etc.
checkHomeDirectory(File) - Method in class hudson.model.JDK.DescriptorImpl
Checks if the JAVA_HOME is a valid JAVA_HOME path.
checkHomeDirectory(File) - Method in class hudson.tasks.Maven.MavenInstallation.DescriptorImpl
Checks if the MAVEN_HOME is valid.
checkHomeDirectory(File) - Method in class hudson.tools.ToolDescriptor
May be overridden to provide tool-specific validation of a tool home directory.
checkIsReachable(InetAddress, int) - Static method in class hudson.model.ComputerPinger
Is this computer reachable via the given address?
checkItem(Item, Label) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject.LabelValidator
Validates the use of a label within a particular context.
checkJavaVersion(PrintStream, String, BufferedReader) - Static method in class hudson.slaves.ComputerLauncher
Given the output of "java -version" in r, determine if this version of Java is supported, or throw IOException.
checkJenkinsJVM() - Static method in class jenkins.util.JenkinsJVM
Verify that the classloader that loaded this class is the classloader from which Jenkins has been started.
checkMac(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class jenkins.security.HMACConfidentialKey
Convenience method for verifying the MAC code.
checkMac(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.security.HMACConfidentialKey
Verifies MAC constructed from HMACConfidentialKey.mac(String)
CheckMethod(Descriptor, String) - Constructor for class hudson.util.FormValidation.CheckMethod
checkName(String) - Method in class hudson.model.ComputerSet
Makes sure that the given name is good as an agent name.
checkName(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.ProjectNamingStrategy
checkName(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.ProjectNamingStrategy.DefaultProjectNamingStrategy
checkName(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.ProjectNamingStrategy.PatternProjectNamingStrategy
checkName(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.ProjectNamingStrategy
Called when creating a new job.
checkNotJenkinsJVM() - Static method in class jenkins.util.JenkinsJVM
Verify that the classloader that loaded this class is not the classloader from which Jenkins has been started.
checkout(AbstractBuild.AbstractBuildExecution) - Method in class jenkins.scm.SCMCheckoutStrategy
Performs the checkout step.
checkout(AbstractBuild<?, ?>, Launcher, FilePath, BuildListener, File) - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
checkout(AbstractBuild, Launcher, BuildListener, File) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
checkout(Run<?, ?>, Launcher, FilePath, TaskListener, File, SCMRevisionState) - Method in class hudson.scm.NullSCM
checkout(Run<?, ?>, Launcher, FilePath, TaskListener, File, SCMRevisionState) - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
Obtains a fresh workspace of the module(s) into the specified directory of the specified machine.
checkPermission(AbstractProject<?, ?>, BuildAuthorizationToken, StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Static method in class hudson.model.BuildAuthorizationToken
checkPermission(Job<?, ?>, BuildAuthorizationToken, StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Static method in class hudson.model.BuildAuthorizationToken
checkPermission(AccessControlled, Permission) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
checkPermission(Permission) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
checkPermission(Permission) - Method in interface hudson.security.AccessControlled
Convenient short-cut for getACL().checkPermission(permission)
checkPermission(Permission) - Method in class hudson.security.ACL
Checks if the current security principal has this permission.
checkPermission(Permission) - Method in class hudson.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm
checkPermission(Object, Permission) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
This version is so that the 'checkPermission' on layout.jelly degrades gracefully if "it" is not an AccessControlled object.
CheckPoint - Class in hudson.model
Provides a mechanism for synchronizing build executions in the face of concurrent builds.
CheckPoint(String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.CheckPoint
CheckPoint(String, Object) - Constructor for class hudson.model.CheckPoint
For advanced uses.
checkRename(String) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractItem
Allows subclasses to block renames for domain-specific reasons.
checkRename(String) - Method in class hudson.model.Job
checkRoles(RoleChecker) - Method in class jenkins.MasterToSlaveFileCallable
checkRoles(RoleChecker) - Method in class jenkins.security.MasterToSlaveCallable
checkRoles(RoleChecker) - Method in class jenkins.security.NotReallyRoleSensitiveCallable
checkRoles(RoleChecker) - Method in class jenkins.security.SlaveToMasterCallable
checkRoles(RoleChecker) - Method in class jenkins.SlaveToMasterFileCallable
checkSanity() - Method in class hudson.scheduler.CronTab
Checks if this crontab entry looks reasonable, and if not, return an warning message.
checkSanity() - Method in class hudson.scheduler.CronTabList
Checks if this crontab entry looks reasonable, and if not, return an warning message.
checkSCM - Variable in class hudson.cli.BuildCommand
checkTriggers(Calendar) - Static method in class hudson.triggers.Trigger
checkUpdateCenter(UpdateCenter.ConnectionCheckJob, String) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.UpdateCenterConfiguration
Check connection to update center server.
child(String) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
The same as FilePath(FilePath,String) but more OO.
child(String) - Method in class jenkins.util.VirtualFile
Obtains a child file.
chmod(int) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Sets the file permission.
chmod(String, int) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.GNUCLibrary
ChoiceParameterDefinition - Class in hudson.model
ChoiceParameterDefinition(String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition
Databound constructor for reflective instantiation.
ChoiceParameterDefinition(String, String[], String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition
ChoiceParameterDefinition(String, String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition
ChoiceParameterDefinition_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ChoiceParameterDefinition.DisplayName: Choice Parameter.
ChoiceParameterDefinition_MissingChoices() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ChoiceParameterDefinition.MissingChoices: Requires Choices..
ChoiceParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.model
CHOICES_DELIMETER - Static variable in class hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition
CHOICES_DELIMITER - Static variable in class hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition
chooseAction() - Method in class hudson.scm.AbstractScmTagAction
chown(String, int, int) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.GNUCLibrary
ChunkedInputStream - Class in hudson.util
Transparently coalesces chunks of a HTTP stream that uses Transfer-Encoding chunked.
ChunkedInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ChunkedInputStream
ChunkedInputStream constructor
ChunkedOutputStream - Class in hudson.util
Implements HTTP chunking support.
ChunkedOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ChunkedOutputStream
Wraps a stream and chunks the output.
ChunkedOutputStream(OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ChunkedOutputStream
Wraps a stream and chunks the output.
class_entry() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Invisible <f:entry> type for embedding a descriptor's $class field.
class_entry(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Invisible <f:entry> type for embedding a descriptor's $class field.
class_entry(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Invisible <f:entry> type for embedding a descriptor's $class field.
class_entry(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Invisible <f:entry> type for embedding a descriptor's $class field.
CLASSES_ROOT - Static variable in class hudson.util.jna.RegistryKey
ClassFilterImpl - Class in jenkins.security
Customized version of ClassFilter.DEFAULT.
ClassicPluginStrategy - Class in hudson
ClassicPluginStrategy(PluginManager) - Constructor for class hudson.ClassicPluginStrategy
classLoader - Variable in class hudson.PluginWrapper
ClassLoader for loading classes from this plugin.
ClassLoaderReflectionToolkit - Class in jenkins
Reflective access to various ClassLoader methods which are otherwise protected.
ClassLoaderReflectionToolkit() - Constructor for class jenkins.ClassLoaderReflectionToolkit
ClassLoaderSanityThreadFactory - Class in hudson.util
Explicitly sets the Thread.setContextClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader) for threads it creates to its own classloader.
ClassLoaderSanityThreadFactory(ThreadFactory) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ClassLoaderSanityThreadFactory
ClassLoaderStatisticsSlaveInfo - Class in jenkins.slaves.systemInfo
ClassLoaderStatisticsSlaveInfo() - Constructor for class jenkins.slaves.systemInfo.ClassLoaderStatisticsSlaveInfo
ClassLoaderStatisticsSlaveInfo_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.slaves.systemInfo.Messages
Key ClassLoaderStatisticsSlaveInfo.DisplayName: Remote Class Loader Statistics.
classpath() - Method in class hudson.util.JVMBuilder
Returns a builder object for creating classpath arguments.
ClasspathBuilder - Class in hudson.util
Used to build up an argument in the classpath format.
ClasspathBuilder() - Constructor for class hudson.util.ClasspathBuilder
clazz - Variable in class hudson.model.Descriptor
The class being described by this descriptor.
clazz - Variable in class hudson.model.Descriptor.PropertyType
cleanFingerprint(Fingerprint, TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.fingerprints.FingerprintStorage
This method performs the cleanup of the given fingerprint.
cleanUp() - Method in class hudson.util.MultipartFormDataParser
If any file is created on the disk, delete them all.
cleanUp() - Static method in class hudson.util.PluginServletFilter
cleanUp() - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Called to shut down the system.
cleanUp() - Method in class jenkins.slaves.IOHubProvider
cleanUp() - Method in class jenkins.slaves.NioChannelSelector
cleanUp(BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractBuild.AbstractBuildExecution
cleanUp(BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.model.Build.BuildExecution
cleanUp(BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.model.Run.RunExecution
Performs final clean up action.
clear() - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
Wipes out all the items currently in the queue, as if all of them are cancelled at once.
clear() - Static method in class hudson.model.User
removed without replacement
clear() - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeList
clear() - Method in class hudson.triggers.SlowTriggerAdminMonitor
clear() - Method in class hudson.util.ArgumentListBuilder
Re-initializes the arguments list.
clear() - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteList
clear() - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap
clear() - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap.Tree
clear() - Method in class hudson.util.PersistedList
clear() - Method in class hudson.util.RingBufferLogHandler
clearContext() - Static method in class org.acegisecurity.context.SecurityContextHolder
clearExtraInformation() - Method in exception org.acegisecurity.AuthenticationException
clearInstallStatus() - Static method in class jenkins.install.InstallUtil
Call to remove any active install status
clearLeftItems() - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
Immediately clear the Queue.getLeftItems() cache.
clearLegacyInstances() - Static method in class hudson.DescriptorExtensionList
Exposed just for the test harness.
clearLegacyInstances() - Static method in class hudson.ExtensionList
Exposed for the test harness to clear all legacy extension instances.
ClearQueueCommand - Class in hudson.cli
Clears the build queue
ClearQueueCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.ClearQueueCommand
ClearQueueCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key ClearQueueCommand.ShortDescription: Clears the build queue..
CLI_clear_queue_shortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key CLI.clear-queue.shortDescription: Clears the build queue..
CLI_disable_job_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CLI.disable-job.shortDescription: Disables a job..
CLI_enable_job_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CLI.enable-job.shortDescription: Enables a job..
CLI_HOST_NAME - Static variable in class hudson.TcpSlaveAgentListener
Host name that we advertise protocol clients to connect to.
CLI_keep_build_shortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key CLI.keep-build.shortDescription: Mark the build to keep the build forever..
CLI_keep_build_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CLI.keep-build.shortDescription: Mark the build to keep the build forever..
CLI_online_node_shortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key CLI.online-node.shortDescription: Resume using a node for performing builds, to cancel out the earlier "offline-node" command..
CLI_PORT - Static variable in class hudson.TcpSlaveAgentListener
Port number that we advertise protocol clients to connect to.
CLI_restart_shortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key CLI.restart.shortDescription: Restart Jenkins.
CLI_restart_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CLI.restart.shortDescription: Restart Jenkins..
CLI_safe_restart_shortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key CLI.safe-restart.shortDescription: Safely restart Jenkins.
CLI_safe_restart_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CLI.safe-restart.shortDescription: Safely restart Jenkins..
CLI_safe_shutdown_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CLI.safe-shutdown.shortDescription: Puts Jenkins into the quiet mode, wait for existing builds to be completed, and then shut down Jenkins..
CLI_shutdown_shortDescription() - Static method in class jenkins.model.Messages
Key CLI.shutdown.shortDescription: Immediately shuts down Jenkins server..
CLIAction - Class in hudson.cli
Shows usage of CLI and commands.
CLIAction() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.CLIAction
CliAuthenticator - Class in hudson.security
No longer used.
CliAuthenticator() - Constructor for class hudson.security.CliAuthenticator
CLICause() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.BuildCommand.CLICause
CLICause(String) - Constructor for class hudson.cli.BuildCommand.CLICause
CLICommand - Class in hudson.cli
Base class for Hudson CLI.
CLICommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.CLICommand
cliConnect(boolean) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Implementation of CLI command "connect-node" moved to ConnectNodeCommand.
CliCrumbExclusion - Class in hudson.cli
Makes CLI HTTP fallback work with CSRF protection enabled (JENKINS-18114).
CliCrumbExclusion() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.CliCrumbExclusion
cliDisconnect(String) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Implementation of CLI command "disconnect-node" moved to DisconnectNodeCommand.
CliLink - Class in jenkins.management
CliLink() - Constructor for class jenkins.management.CliLink
CliLink_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key CliLink.Description: Access/manage Jenkins from your shell, or from your script..
CliLink_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key CliLink.DisplayName: Jenkins CLI.
CLIMethod - Annotation Type in hudson.cli.declarative
Annotates methods on model objects to expose them as CLI commands.
cliOffline(String) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Implementation of CLI command "offline-node" moved to OfflineNodeCommand.
cliOnline() - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Implementation of CLI command "online-node" moved to OnlineNodeCommand.
CliProtocol_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CliProtocol.displayName: Jenkins CLI Protocol/1 (unencrypted).
CliProtocol2_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CliProtocol2.displayName: Jenkins CLI Protocol/2 (transport encryption).
CLIRegisterer - Class in hudson.cli.declarative
Discover CLIMethods and register them as CLICommand implementations.
CLIRegisterer() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.declarative.CLIRegisterer
CLIResolver - Annotation Type in hudson.cli.declarative
Annotates a resolver method that binds a portion of the command line arguments and parameters to an instance whose CLIMethod is invoked for the final processing.
CliTransportAuthenticator - Class in hudson.cli
No longer used.
CliTransportAuthenticator() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.CliTransportAuthenticator
CLOCK - Static variable in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
Load statistics clock cycle in milliseconds.
ClockDifference - Class in hudson.util
Represents a clock difference.
ClockDifference(long) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ClockDifference
ClockDifference_Ahead(Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key ClockDifference.Ahead: {0} ahead.
ClockDifference_Behind(Object) - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key ClockDifference.Behind: {0} behind.
ClockDifference_Failed() - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key ClockDifference.Failed: Failed to check.
ClockDifference_InSync() - Static method in class hudson.util.Messages
Key ClockDifference.InSync: In sync.
ClockMonitor - Class in hudson.node_monitors
NodeMonitor that checks clock of Node to detect out of sync clocks.
ClockMonitor() - Constructor for class hudson.node_monitors.ClockMonitor
ClockMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.node_monitors.Messages
Key ClockMonitor.DisplayName: Clock Difference.
ClockMonitor.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.node_monitors
clogCheck() - Method in class hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger.DescriptorImpl
Checks if the queue is clogged, and if so, activate SCMTrigger.AdministrativeMonitorImpl.
clone() - Method in class hudson.util.ArgumentListBuilder
clone(String) - Static method in class hudson.cli.CLICommand
Obtains a copy of the command for invocation.
CloneableCLICommand - Class in hudson.cli
CloneableCLICommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.CloneableCLICommand
close() - Method in class hudson.BulkChange
Alias for BulkChange.abort() to make BulkChange auto-closeable.
close() - Method in class hudson.cli.Connection
close() - Method in class hudson.CloseProofOutputStream
close() - Method in class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotationOutputStream
close() - Method in class hudson.console.LineTransformationOutputStream
close() - Method in class hudson.console.LineTransformationOutputStream.Delegating
close() - Method in class hudson.logging.WeakLogHandler
close() - Method in class hudson.security.ACLContext
close() - Method in class hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList.Lease
By default, calls WorkspaceList.Lease.release(), but should be idempotent.
close() - Method in class hudson.util.AtomicFileWriter
close() - Method in class hudson.util.ChunkedInputStream
Upon close, this reads the remainder of the chunked message, leaving the underlying socket at a position to start reading the next response without scanning.
close() - Method in class hudson.util.ChunkedOutputStream
Finishes writing to the underlying stream, but does NOT close the underlying stream.
close() - Method in class hudson.util.DelegatingOutputStream
close() - Method in class hudson.util.DualOutputStream
close() - Method in class hudson.util.FileChannelWriter
close() - Method in class hudson.util.ForkOutputStream
close() - Method in class hudson.util.io.ReopenableFileOutputStream
close() - Method in class hudson.util.io.RewindableFileOutputStream
close() - Method in class hudson.util.jna.RegistryKey
close() - Method in class hudson.util.LogTaskListener
close() - Method in class hudson.util.MultipartFormDataParser
close() - Method in class hudson.util.RingBufferLogHandler
close() - Method in class hudson.util.StreamTaskListener
close() - Method in class jenkins.util.MarkFindingOutputStream
close() - Method in class jenkins.util.SetContextClassLoader
close() - Method in class jenkins.util.xstream.XStreamDOM.WriterImpl
close() - Method in class jenkins.websocket.WebSocketSession
close(int) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.GNUCLibrary
closeAndLogFailures(Closeable, Logger, String, String) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Closes the item and logs error to the log in the case of error.
closed(int, String) - Method in class jenkins.websocket.WebSocketSession
CloseProofOutputStream - Class in hudson
CloseProofOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class hudson.CloseProofOutputStream
closeQuietly() - Method in class hudson.util.StreamTaskListener
Closes this listener and swallows any exceptions, if raised.
closeQuietly(InputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use Java 7 try-with-resources instead.
closeQuietly(OutputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use Java 7 try-with-resources instead.
closeQuietly(Reader) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use Java 7 try-with-resources instead.
closeQuietly(Writer) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use Java 7 try-with-resources instead.
CloseServiceHandle(Pointer) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
Cloud - Class in hudson.slaves
Creates Nodes to dynamically expand/shrink the agents attached to Hudson.
Cloud(String) - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.Cloud
Cloud_ProvisionPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key Cloud.ProvisionPermission.Description: Provision new nodes.
Cloud.CloudState - Class in hudson.slaves
Parameter object for Cloud.
CloudList() - Constructor for class hudson.model.Hudson.CloudList
CloudList() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.Jenkins.CloudList
CloudList(Jenkins) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Hudson.CloudList
CloudList(Jenkins) - Constructor for class jenkins.model.Jenkins.CloudList
CloudProvisioningListener - Class in hudson.slaves
Allows extensions to be notified of events in any Cloud and to prevent provisioning from a Cloud.
CloudProvisioningListener() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.CloudProvisioningListener
CloudRetentionStrategy - Class in hudson.slaves
RetentionStrategy implementation for AbstractCloudComputer that terminates it if it remains idle for X minutes.
CloudRetentionStrategy(int) - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.CloudRetentionStrategy
clouds - Variable in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Active Clouds.
CloudSlaveRetentionStrategy<T extends Computer> - Class in hudson.slaves
Default convenience implementation of RetentionStrategy for agents provisioned from Cloud.
CloudSlaveRetentionStrategy() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.CloudSlaveRetentionStrategy
CloudState(Label, int) - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.Cloud.CloudState
cmdAsSingleString(String) - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
Passes a white-space separated single-string command (like "cat abc def") and parse them as a command argument.
cmds() - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
cmds(ArgumentListBuilder) - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
cmds(File, String...) - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
cmds(String...) - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
cmds(List<String>) - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
collated - Variable in exception hudson.tasks.LogRotator.CollatedLogRotatorException
CollatedLogRotatorException(String, Exception...) - Constructor for exception hudson.tasks.LogRotator.CollatedLogRotatorException
CollatedLogRotatorException(String, Collection<Exception>) - Constructor for exception hudson.tasks.LogRotator.CollatedLogRotatorException
COLLECTION_UPDATE_LIMIT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class hudson.util.XStream2
Determine what is the value (in seconds) of the "collectionUpdateLimit" added by XStream to protect against CVE-2021-43859.
CollectionSearchIndex<SMT extends SearchableModelObject> - Class in hudson.search
SearchIndex built on a Map.
CollectionSearchIndex() - Constructor for class hudson.search.CollectionSearchIndex
color - Variable in class hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries
Used to render a line in the trend chart.
color - Variable in class hudson.model.Result
Default ball color for this status.
ColorPalette - Class in hudson.util
Color constants consistent with the Hudson color palette.
ColorPalette() - Constructor for class hudson.util.ColorPalette
COMBINATOR - Static variable in class hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList
The token that combines the project name and unique number to create unique workspace directory.
combine(long, String) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Use individual localization methods instead. See Messages.Util_year(Object) for an example. Deprecated since 2009-06-24, remove method after 2009-12-24.
combine(Fingerprint.Range) - Method in class hudson.model.Fingerprint.Range
Returns the Fingerprint.Range that combines two ranges.
combine(Result) - Method in class hudson.model.Result
Combines two Results and returns the worse one.
combine(Result, Result) - Static method in class hudson.model.Result
Combines two Results and returns the worse one.
combine(SearchIndex...) - Static method in class hudson.search.UnionSearchIndex
combine(Collection<? extends ConsoleAnnotator<? super T>>) - Static method in class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotator
Bundles all the given ConsoleAnnotator into a single annotator.
CombinedCipherInputStream(InputStream, RSAKey, String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.UsageStatistics.CombinedCipherInputStream
CombinedCipherInputStream(InputStream, Cipher, String, int) - Constructor for class hudson.model.UsageStatistics.CombinedCipherInputStream
CombinedCipherOutputStream(OutputStream, RSAKey, String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.UsageStatistics.CombinedCipherOutputStream
CombinedCipherOutputStream(OutputStream, Cipher, String) - Constructor for class hudson.model.UsageStatistics.CombinedCipherOutputStream
combobox() - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Editable drop-down combo box that supports the data binding and AJAX updates.
combobox(Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Editable drop-down combo box that supports the data binding and AJAX updates.
combobox(Map) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Editable drop-down combo box that supports the data binding and AJAX updates.
combobox(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.FormTagLib
Editable drop-down combo box that supports the data binding and AJAX updates.
ComboBoxModel - Class in hudson.util
Model object for dynamically filed combo box, which is really just ArrayList<String>
ComboBoxModel() - Constructor for class hudson.util.ComboBoxModel
ComboBoxModel(int) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ComboBoxModel
ComboBoxModel(String...) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ComboBoxModel
ComboBoxModel(Collection<? extends String>) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ComboBoxModel
command - Variable in class hudson.cli.HelpCommand
command - Variable in class hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter
Command to execute.
CommandInstaller - Class in hudson.tools
Installs a tool by running an arbitrary shell command.
CommandInstaller(String, String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.tools.CommandInstaller
CommandInstaller_DescriptorImpl_displayName() - Static method in class hudson.tools.Messages
Key CommandInstaller.DescriptorImpl.displayName: Run Shell Command.
CommandInstaller_no_command() - Static method in class hudson.tools.Messages
Key CommandInstaller.no_command: Must provide a command to run..
CommandInstaller_no_toolHome() - Static method in class hudson.tools.Messages
Key CommandInstaller.no_toolHome: Must provide a tool home directory..
CommandInstaller.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.tools
CommandInterpreter - Class in hudson.tasks
Common part between Shell and BatchFile.
CommandInterpreter(String) - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter
CommandInterpreter_CommandFailed() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key CommandInterpreter.CommandFailed: command execution failed.
CommandInterpreter_UnableToDelete(Object) - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key CommandInterpreter.UnableToDelete: Unable to delete script file {0}.
CommandInterpreter_UnableToProduceScript() - Static method in class hudson.tasks.Messages
Key CommandInterpreter.UnableToProduceScript: Unable to produce a script file.
commands - Variable in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
commence(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, AuthenticationException) - Method in class hudson.security.HudsonAuthenticationEntryPoint
commenceSignup(FederatedLoginService.FederatedIdentity) - Method in class hudson.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm
Show the sign up page with the data from the identity.
commenceSignup(FederatedLoginService.FederatedIdentity) - Method in class hudson.security.SecurityRealm
Starts the user registration process for a new user that has the given verified identity.
commit() - Method in class hudson.BulkChange
Saves the accumulated changes.
commit() - Method in class hudson.util.AtomicFileWriter
commonFilters() - Method in class hudson.security.SecurityRealm
comparator() - Method in class jenkins.model.lazy.AbstractLazyLoadRunMap
COMPARATOR - Static variable in class hudson.model.RunMap
compare(int, int) - Static method in class hudson.model.queue.AbstractQueueSorterImpl
Use Integer.compare instead. sign(a-b).
compare(long, long) - Static method in class hudson.model.queue.AbstractQueueSorterImpl
Use Long.compare instead. sign(a-b).
compare(ExtensionComponent<Descriptor<Publisher>>, ExtensionComponent<Descriptor<Publisher>>) - Method in class hudson.tasks.Publisher.DescriptorExtensionListImpl
compare(AbstractProject, AbstractProject) - Method in class hudson.model.DependencyGraph
Compare two Projects based on the topological order defined by this Dependency Graph
compare(Queue.BuildableItem, Queue.BuildableItem) - Method in class hudson.model.queue.AbstractQueueSorterImpl
Override this method to provide the ordering of the sort.
compare(ThreadInfo, ThreadInfo) - Method in class hudson.Functions.ThreadGroupMap
compare(String, String) - Method in class hudson.util.CaseInsensitiveComparator
compare(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.IdStrategy.CaseInsensitive
compare(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.IdStrategy.CaseSensitive
compare(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.IdStrategy.CaseSensitiveEmailAddress
compare(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.IdStrategy
Compare two IDs and return their sorting order.
compare(T, String) - Method in interface hudson.widgets.HistoryWidget.Adapter
If record is newer than the key, return a positive number.
compareRemoteRevisionWith(AbstractProject<?, ?>, Launcher, FilePath, TaskListener, SCMRevisionState) - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
compareRemoteRevisionWith(Job<?, ?>, Launcher, FilePath, TaskListener, SCMRevisionState) - Method in class hudson.scm.NullSCM
compareRemoteRevisionWith(Job<?, ?>, Launcher, FilePath, TaskListener, SCMRevisionState) - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
Compares the current state of the remote repository against the given baseline SCMRevisionState.
compareTo(ExtensionComponent<T>) - Method in class hudson.ExtensionComponent
Sort ExtensionComponents in the descending order of ExtensionComponent.ordinal().
compareTo(HealthReport) - Method in class hudson.model.HealthReport
compareTo(Label) - Method in class hudson.model.Label
compareTo(Queue.WaitingItem) - Method in class hudson.model.Queue.WaitingItem
compareTo(UpdateCenter.PluginEntry) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.PluginEntry
compareTo(User) - Method in class hudson.model.User
compareTo(User.CanonicalIdResolver) - Method in class hudson.model.User.CanonicalIdResolver
compareTo(View.UserInfo) - Method in class hudson.model.View.UserInfo
compareTo(PluginWrapper) - Method in class hudson.PluginWrapper
Sort by short name.
compareTo(PermissionGroup) - Method in class hudson.security.PermissionGroup
compareTo(ChartUtil.NumberOnlyBuildLabel) - Method in class hudson.util.ChartUtil.NumberOnlyBuildLabel
compareTo(VirtualFile) - Method in class jenkins.util.VirtualFile
Does case-insensitive comparison.
compareTo(RunT) - Method in class hudson.model.Run
Ordering based on build numbers.
compatibleSinceVersion - Variable in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Plugin
Optional version # from which this plugin release is configuration-compatible.
CompleteBatchJob(List<PluginWrapper>, long, UUID) - Constructor for class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.CompleteBatchJob
CompleteBatchJobStatus() - Constructor for class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.CompleteBatchJob.CompleteBatchJobStatus
completeBuild - Variable in class hudson.model.Result
Is this a complete build - i.e.
completed(Throwable) - Method in exception jenkins.model.queue.AsynchronousExecution
To be called when the task is actually complete.
COMPLETED - hudson.init.InitMilestone
The very last milestone.
COMPLETED - hudson.init.TermMilestone
The very last milestone This is used in Initializer.before() since annotations cannot have null as the default value.
COMPLETED - hudson.model.RunParameterDefinition.RunParameterFilter
COMPLETED - Static variable in class hudson.model.CheckPoint
CheckPoint that indicates that the build is completed.
completedAsynchronous(Throwable) - Method in class hudson.model.Executor
CompletedInitializationMonitor - Class in jenkins.diagnostics
Performs monitoring of Jenkins InitMilestone status.
CompletedInitializationMonitor() - Constructor for class jenkins.diagnostics.CompletedInitializationMonitor
CompletedInitializationMonitor_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.diagnostics.Messages
Key CompletedInitializationMonitor.DisplayName: Jenkins Initialization Monitor.
completedOnly() - Method in class hudson.util.RunList
Filter the list to completed builds.
component - Variable in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Warning
The name of the affected component.
CompositeCauseOfBlockage - Class in jenkins.model.queue
Represents the fact that there was at least one Queue.JobOffer which rejected a task.
CompositeCauseOfBlockage(List<CauseOfBlockage>) - Constructor for class jenkins.model.queue.CompositeCauseOfBlockage
CompositeIOException - Exception in jenkins.util.io
CompositeIOException(String, IOException...) - Constructor for exception jenkins.util.io.CompositeIOException
CompositeIOException(String, List<IOException>) - Constructor for exception jenkins.util.io.CompositeIOException
Construct a new CompositeIOException where the given list of exceptions are added as suppressed exceptions to the new exception.
CompoundEnumeration<T> - Class in hudson.util
Enumeration that aggregates multiple Enumerations.
CompoundEnumeration(Iterable<Enumeration<? extends T>>) - Constructor for class hudson.util.CompoundEnumeration
CompoundEnumeration(Enumeration...) - Constructor for class hudson.util.CompoundEnumeration
compress() - Method in class hudson.util.CompressedFile
Asynchronously schedules the compression of this file.
compress(OutputStream) - Method in enum hudson.FilePath.TarCompression
CompressedFile - Class in hudson.util
Represents write-once read-many file that can be optionally compressed to save disk space.
CompressedFile(File) - Constructor for class hudson.util.CompressedFile
compute() - Method in class hudson.model.View.AsynchPeople
compute() - Method in class jenkins.util.ProgressiveRendering
Actually do the work.
compute() - Method in class jenkins.widgets.RunListProgressiveRendering
computeDisplayName() - Method in class hudson.model.Run.ArtifactList
computeIdleExecutors() - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
computeIdleExecutors() - Method in class hudson.model.OverallLoadStatistics
computeIdleExecutors() - Method in class jenkins.model.UnlabeledLoadStatistics
computeQueueLength() - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
computeQueueLength() - Method in class hudson.model.OverallLoadStatistics
computeQueueLength() - Method in class jenkins.model.UnlabeledLoadStatistics
computer - Variable in class hudson.model.queue.MappingWorksheet.ExecutorChunk
Computer - Class in hudson.model
Represents the running state of a remote computer that holds Executors.
Computer(Node) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Computer
COMPUTER - Static variable in class hudson.security.PermissionScope
Permissions scoped to Nodes or Computers (generally interchangeably).
Computer_BadChannel() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.BadChannel: Agent node offline or not a remote channel (such as the built-in node)..
Computer_BuildPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.BuildPermission.Description: This permission allows users to run jobs as them on agents..
Computer_Caption(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.Caption: Agent {0}.
Computer_ConfigurePermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.ConfigurePermission.Description: This permission allows users to configure agents..
Computer_ConnectPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.ConnectPermission.Description: This permission allows users to connect agents or mark agents as online..
Computer_CreatePermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.CreatePermission.Description: This permission allows users to create agents..
Computer_DeletePermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.DeletePermission.Description: This permission allows users to delete existing agents..
Computer_DisconnectPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.DisconnectPermission.Description: This permission allows users to disconnect agents or mark agents as temporarily offline..
Computer_ExtendedReadPermission_Description() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.ExtendedReadPermission.Description: This permission allows users to read agent configuration..
Computer_NoSuchSlaveExists(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.NoSuchSlaveExists: No such agent "{0}" exists. Did you mean "{1}"?.
Computer_NoSuchSlaveExistsWithoutAdvice(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.NoSuchSlaveExistsWithoutAdvice: No such agent "{0}" exists..
Computer_Permissions_Title() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key Computer.Permissions.Title: Agent.
Computer.DisplayExecutor - Class in hudson.model
A value class to provide a consistent snapshot view of the state of an executor to avoid race conditions during rendering of the executors list.
Computer.DisplayExecutor.InternalComputerListener - Class in hudson.model
Computer.TerminationRequest - Exception in hudson.model
Used to trace requests to terminate a computer.
ComputerConnector - Class in hudson.slaves
Factory of ComputerLauncher.
ComputerConnector() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.ComputerConnector
ComputerConnectorDescriptor - Class in hudson.slaves
ComputerConnectorDescriptor() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.ComputerConnectorDescriptor
computeRelativeNamesAfterRenaming(String, String, String, ItemGroup) - Static method in class hudson.model.Items
Computes the relative name of list of items after a rename or move occurred.
ComputerLauncher - Class in hudson.slaves
Extension point to allow control over how Computers are "launched", meaning how they get connected to their agent program.
ComputerLauncher() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.ComputerLauncher
ComputerLauncher_abortedLaunch() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key ComputerLauncher.abortedLaunch: Launching agent process aborted..
ComputerLauncher_JavaVersionResult(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key ComputerLauncher.JavaVersionResult: {0} -version returned {1}..
ComputerLauncher_NoJavaFound(Object) - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key ComputerLauncher.NoJavaFound: Java version {0} was found but 1.8 or later is needed..
ComputerLauncher_unexpectedError() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key ComputerLauncher.unexpectedError: Unexpected error in launching an agent. This is probably a bug in Jenkins.
ComputerLauncher_UnknownJavaVersion(Object) - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key ComputerLauncher.UnknownJavaVersion: Couldn’t figure out the Java version of {0}.
computerLauncherDescriptors(Slave) - Method in class hudson.model.Slave.SlaveDescriptor
Returns the list of ComputerLauncher descriptors appropriate to the supplied Slave.
ComputerLauncherFilter - Class in hudson.slaves
ComputerLauncher filter that can be used as a base class for decorators.
ComputerLauncherFilter(ComputerLauncher) - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.ComputerLauncherFilter
ComputerListener - Class in hudson.slaves
Receives notifications about status changes of Computers.
ComputerListener() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.ComputerListener
ComputerLogInitializer() - Constructor for class hudson.logging.LogRecorder.ComputerLogInitializer
ComputerPanelBox - Class in hudson.model
Adds box rendered in the computer side panel.
ComputerPanelBox() - Constructor for class hudson.model.ComputerPanelBox
ComputerPinger - Class in hudson.model
A way to see if a computer is reachable.
ComputerPinger() - Constructor for class hudson.model.ComputerPinger
ComputerPinger.BuiltInComputerPinger - Class in hudson.model
Default pinger - use Java built-in functionality.
ComputerRetentionWork - Class in hudson.slaves
Periodically checks the agents and try to reconnect dead agents.
ComputerRetentionWork() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.ComputerRetentionWork
computers - Variable in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Computers in this Jenkins system.
ComputerSet - Class in hudson.model
Serves as the top of Computers in the URL hierarchy.
ComputerSet() - Constructor for class hudson.model.ComputerSet
ComputerSet_DisplayName() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ComputerSet.DisplayName: Nodes.
ComputerSet_NoSuchSlave(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ComputerSet.NoSuchSlave: No such agent: {0}.
ComputerSet_SlaveAlreadyExists(Object) - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ComputerSet.SlaveAlreadyExists: Agent called ‘{0}’ already exists.
ComputerSet_SpecifySlaveToCopy() - Static method in class hudson.model.Messages
Key ComputerSet.SpecifySlaveToCopy: Specify which agent to copy.
ComputerSet.DescriptorImpl - Class in hudson.model
computeSnapshot() - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
Computes a self-consistent snapshot of the load statistics.
computeSnapshot(Iterable<Queue.BuildableItem>) - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
Computes the self-consistent snapshot with the specified queue items.
computeTotalExecutors() - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
computeTotalExecutors() - Method in class hudson.model.OverallLoadStatistics
computeTotalExecutors() - Method in class jenkins.model.UnlabeledLoadStatistics
CONCURRENT_BUILD - Static variable in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
as of 1.464 This flag will have no effect.
ConditionallyHidden() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.BuildDiscarderProperty.ConditionallyHidden
ConfidentialKey - Class in jenkins.security
Confidential information that gets stored as a singleton in Jenkins, mostly some random token value.
ConfidentialKey(String) - Constructor for class jenkins.security.ConfidentialKey
ConfidentialStore - Class in jenkins.security
The actual storage for the data held by ConfidentialKeys, and the holder of the master secret.
ConfidentialStore() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.ConfidentialStore
config() - Method in interface jenkins.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealmTagLib
config(Closure) - Method in interface jenkins.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealmTagLib
config(Map) - Method in interface jenkins.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealmTagLib
config(Map, Closure) - Method in interface jenkins.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealmTagLib
config_assignedLabel() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_assignedLabel(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_assignedLabel(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_assignedLabel(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_blockWhenDownstreamBuilding() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_blockWhenDownstreamBuilding(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_blockWhenDownstreamBuilding(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_blockWhenDownstreamBuilding(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_blockWhenUpstreamBuilding() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_blockWhenUpstreamBuilding(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_blockWhenUpstreamBuilding(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_blockWhenUpstreamBuilding(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_builders() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_builders(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_builders(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_builders(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_buildWrappers() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_buildWrappers(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_buildWrappers(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_buildWrappers(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_concurrentBuild() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_concurrentBuild(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_concurrentBuild(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_concurrentBuild(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_customWorkspace() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_customWorkspace(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_customWorkspace(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_customWorkspace(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_disableBuild() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Configuration entry for disabling a project; applies to ParameterizedJob
config_disableBuild(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Configuration entry for disabling a project; applies to ParameterizedJob
config_disableBuild(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Configuration entry for disabling a project; applies to ParameterizedJob
config_disableBuild(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Configuration entry for disabling a project; applies to ParameterizedJob
config_publishers() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Deprecated as of 1.463.
config_publishers(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Deprecated as of 1.463.
config_publishers(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Deprecated as of 1.463.
config_publishers(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Deprecated as of 1.463.
config_publishers2() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_publishers2(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_publishers2(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_publishers2(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_quietPeriod() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_quietPeriod(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_quietPeriod(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_quietPeriod(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_retryCount() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_retryCount(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_retryCount(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_retryCount(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_scm() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_scm(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_scm(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_scm(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_trigger() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_trigger(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_trigger(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_trigger(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
config_upstream_pseudo_trigger() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Deprecated; empty.
config_upstream_pseudo_trigger(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Deprecated; empty.
config_upstream_pseudo_trigger(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Deprecated; empty.
config_upstream_pseudo_trigger(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Deprecated; empty.
configLines(InputStream) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.DetachedPluginsUtil
configurable() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
configurable(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
configurable(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
configurable(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
Configuration - Class in jenkins.model
use SystemProperties directly
Configuration() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.Configuration
CONFIGURATION - hudson.model.ManagementLink.Category
Configuration pages that don't fit into a more specific section.
configure(UpdateCenter.UpdateCenterConfiguration) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter
Configures update center to get plugins/updates from alternate servers, and optionally using alternate strategies for downloading, installing and upgrading.
configure(JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.Plugin
as of 1.305 override Plugin.configure(StaplerRequest,JSONObject) instead
configure(SAXReader, Object) - Method in class hudson.util.io.ParserConfigurator
Configures the given SAXReader
configure(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.model.Descriptor
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.Descriptor
Invoked when the global configuration page is submitted.
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.UsageStatistics
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.Plugin
Handles the submission for the system configuration.
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.security.csrf.GlobalCrumbIssuerConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.security.GlobalSecurityConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.tasks.Shell.DescriptorImpl
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.tools.ToolDescriptor
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger.DescriptorImpl
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.views.GlobalDefaultViewConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.views.MyViewsTabBar.GlobalConfigurationImpl
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.views.ViewsTabBar.GlobalConfigurationImpl
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.fingerprints.GlobalFingerprintConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.management.AdministrativeMonitorsConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.ArtifactManagerConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.GlobalBuildDiscarderConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.GlobalConfiguration
By default, calls StaplerRequest.bindJSON(Object, JSONObject), appropriate when your implementation has getters and setters for all fields.
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.GlobalNodePropertiesConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.GlobalPluginConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.GlobalProjectNamingStrategyConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.GlobalQuietPeriodConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.GlobalSCMRetryCountConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.model.MasterBuildConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.security.QueueItemAuthenticatorConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.security.UpdateSiteWarningsConfiguration
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class jenkins.tasks.filters.EnvVarsFilterGlobalConfiguration
CONFIGURE - Static variable in class hudson.model.Computer
CONFIGURE - Static variable in interface hudson.model.Item
CONFIGURE - Static variable in class hudson.model.View
CONFIGURE - Static variable in class hudson.security.Permission
Generic configuration access.
CONFIGURE_INSTANCE - Static variable in class jenkins.install.InstallState
CONFIGURE_UPDATECENTER - Static variable in class hudson.PluginManager
in Jenkins 2.222 use Jenkins.ADMINISTER instead
configureAutoRefresh(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, boolean) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
auto refresh has been removed
configuredLocalRules - Variable in class hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter
List of configured environment filter rules
configureDomainAxis(CategoryPlot) - Method in class hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries.TrendChart
configuredPort - Variable in class hudson.TcpSlaveAgentListener
ConfigureLink - Class in jenkins.management
ConfigureLink() - Constructor for class jenkins.management.ConfigureLink
ConfigureLink_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ConfigureLink.Description: Configure global settings and paths..
ConfigureLink_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ConfigureLink.DisplayName: Configure System.
configurePlot(CategoryPlot) - Method in class hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries.TrendChart
configureRangeAxis(NumberAxis) - Method in class hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries.TrendChart
configureRenderer(LineAndShapeRenderer) - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
configureRenderer(LineAndShapeRenderer) - Method in class hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries.TrendChart
ConfigureTools_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ConfigureTools.Description: Configure tools, their locations and automatic installers..
ConfigureTools_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ConfigureTools.DisplayName: Global Tool Configuration.
confirmationLink() - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Produces a hyperlink which when clicked first asks for confirmation, then goes to that URL if confirmed.
confirmationLink(Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Produces a hyperlink which when clicked first asks for confirmation, then goes to that URL if confirmed.
confirmationLink(Map) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Produces a hyperlink which when clicked first asks for confirmation, then goes to that URL if confirmed.
confirmationLink(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Produces a hyperlink which when clicked first asks for confirmation, then goes to that URL if confirmed.
connect(boolean) - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Do the same as Computer.doLaunchSlaveAgent(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) but outside the context of serving a request.
connect(UpdateCenter.DownloadJob, URL) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.UpdateCenterConfiguration
Connects to the given URL for downloading the binary.
connect(Socket) - Method in class hudson.TcpSlaveAgentListener.PingAgentProtocol
CONNECT - Static variable in class hudson.model.Computer
connectingExecutors - Variable in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
Number of executors in the process of coming on-line and how it changes over time.
Connection - Class in hudson.cli
No longer used.
Connection(InputStream, OutputStream) - Constructor for class hudson.cli.Connection
Connection(Socket) - Constructor for class hudson.cli.Connection
CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class jenkins.util.FullDuplexHttpService
Controls the time out of waiting for the 2nd HTTP request to arrive.
ConnectionActivityMonitor - Class in hudson.slaves
Makes sure that connections to agents are alive, and if they are not, cut them off.
ConnectionActivityMonitor() - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.ConnectionActivityMonitor
ConnectionActivityMonitor_OfflineCause() - Static method in class hudson.slaves.Messages
Key ConnectionActivityMonitor.OfflineCause: Repeated ping attempts failed.
ConnectionCheckJob(UpdateSite) - Constructor for class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.ConnectionCheckJob
connectionCheckUrl - Variable in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Data
If this is non-null, Jenkins is going to check the connectivity to this URL to make sure the network connection is up.
ConnectionFromCurrentPeer() - Constructor for class hudson.TcpSlaveAgentListener.ConnectionFromCurrentPeer
ConnectNodeCommand - Class in hudson.cli
Reconnect to a node or nodes.
ConnectNodeCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.ConnectNodeCommand
ConnectNodeCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key ConnectNodeCommand.ShortDescription: Reconnect to a node(s).
CONSISTENT_HASH - Static variable in class hudson.model.LoadBalancer
Uses a consistent hash for scheduling.
ConsistentHash<T> - Class in hudson.util
Consistent hash.
ConsistentHash() - Constructor for class hudson.util.ConsistentHash
ConsistentHash(int) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ConsistentHash
ConsistentHash(ConsistentHash.Hash<T>) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ConsistentHash
ConsistentHash(ConsistentHash.Hash<T>, int) - Constructor for class hudson.util.ConsistentHash
ConsistentHash.Hash<T> - Interface in hudson.util
Hashes an object to some value.
console_link() - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
console_link(Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
console_link(Map) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
console_link(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.jenkins.ProjectTagLib
ConsoleAnnotationDescriptor - Class in hudson.console
Descriptor for ConsoleNote.
ConsoleAnnotationDescriptor() - Constructor for class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotationDescriptor
ConsoleAnnotationDescriptor(Class<? extends ConsoleNote<?>>) - Constructor for class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotationDescriptor
ConsoleAnnotationOutputStream<T> - Class in hudson.console
Used to convert plain text console output (as byte sequence) + embedded annotations into HTML (as char sequence), by using ConsoleAnnotator.
ConsoleAnnotationOutputStream(Writer, ConsoleAnnotator<? super T>, T, Charset) - Constructor for class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotationOutputStream
ConsoleAnnotator<T> - Class in hudson.console
Annotates one line of console output.
ConsoleAnnotator() - Constructor for class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotator
ConsoleAnnotatorFactory<T> - Class in hudson.console
Entry point to the ConsoleAnnotator extension point.
ConsoleAnnotatorFactory() - Constructor for class hudson.console.ConsoleAnnotatorFactory
ConsoleCommand - Class in hudson.cli
cat/tail/head of the console output.
ConsoleCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.ConsoleCommand
ConsoleCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key ConsoleCommand.ShortDescription: Retrieves console output of a build..
ConsoleLink - Class in jenkins.management
ConsoleLink() - Constructor for class jenkins.management.ConsoleLink
ConsoleLink_Description() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ConsoleLink.Description: Executes arbitrary script for administration/trouble-shooting/diagnostics..
ConsoleLink_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.management.Messages
Key ConsoleLink.DisplayName: Script Console.
ConsoleLogFilter - Class in hudson.console
A hook to allow filtering of information that is written to the console log.
ConsoleLogFilter() - Constructor for class hudson.console.ConsoleLogFilter
ConsoleNote<T> - Class in hudson.console
Data that hangs off from a console output.
ConsoleNote() - Constructor for class hudson.console.ConsoleNote
consoleOutput - Variable in class hudson.cli.BuildCommand
CONSULT_REMAINING_STRATEGIES - hudson.slaves.NodeProvisioner.StrategyDecision
This decision is the default decision and indicates that the NodeProvisioner.Strategy either could not provision sufficient resources or did not take any action.
ContainerAuthentication - Class in hudson.security
Authentication implementation for Principal given through HttpServletRequest.
ContainerAuthentication(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class hudson.security.ContainerAuthentication
Servlet container can tie a ServletRequest to the request handling thread, so we need to capture all the information upfront to allow Authentication to be passed to other threads, like update center does.
contains(D) - Method in class hudson.util.DescribableList
contains(Fingerprint.Range) - Method in class hudson.model.Fingerprint.Range
If this range contains every int that's in the other range, return true
contains(Item) - Static method in class jenkins.model.queue.ItemDeletion
Checks if the supplied Item or any of its Item.getParent() are being deleted.
contains(Node) - Method in class hudson.model.Label
contains(Queue.Task) - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
Returns true if this queue contains the said project.
contains(Saveable) - Static method in class hudson.BulkChange
Checks if the given Saveable is currently in the bulk change.
contains(TopLevelItem) - Method in class hudson.model.AllView
contains(TopLevelItem) - Method in class hudson.model.ListView
contains(TopLevelItem) - Method in class hudson.model.MyView
contains(TopLevelItem) - Method in class hudson.model.ProxyView
contains(TopLevelItem) - Method in class hudson.model.View
Checks if the job is in this collection.
contains(Object) - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteList
contains(Object) - Method in class hudson.util.PersistedList
containsKey(Object) - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class hudson.util.PackedMap
containsSymlink(FilePath, OpenOption...) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
containsSymLinkChild(OpenOption...) - Method in class jenkins.util.VirtualFile
containsTmpDirChild(OpenOption...) - Method in class jenkins.util.VirtualFile
containsValue(Object) - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap
contentEquals(InputStream, InputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.contentEquals(java.io.InputStream, java.io.InputStream)
contentEquals(Reader, Reader) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.contentEquals(java.io.Reader, java.io.Reader)
context - Variable in class hudson.model.queue.WorkUnit
Shared context among WorkUnits.
context - Variable in class hudson.PluginManager
as of 1.355 PluginManager can now live longer than Jenkins instance, so use Hudson.getInstance().servletContext instead.
context - Variable in class hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList.Entry
Multiple threads can acquire the same lock if they share the same context object.
Context() - Constructor for class jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildWrapper.Context
Use SimpleBuildWrapper.createContext() instead, so that this context can tell whether or not a disposer will require a workspace context.
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class hudson.WebAppMain
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class jenkins.util.SystemProperties.Listener
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class hudson.WebAppMain
Creates the sole instance of Jenkins and register it to the ServletContext.
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class jenkins.util.SystemProperties.Listener
Called by the servlet container to initialize the ServletContext.
ContextMenu() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.ModelObjectWithContextMenu.ContextMenu
ContextResettingExecutorService - Class in jenkins.util
ExecutorService wrapper that resets the context classloader.
ContextResettingExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Constructor for class jenkins.util.ContextResettingExecutorService
Contributed() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.CustomClassFilter.Contributed
ControllerExecutorsAgents - Class in jenkins.diagnostics
ControllerExecutorsAgents() - Constructor for class jenkins.diagnostics.ControllerExecutorsAgents
ControllerExecutorsAgents_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.diagnostics.Messages
Key ControllerExecutorsAgents.DisplayName: Built-in Node With Agents Executors Configured Monitor.
ControllerExecutorsNoAgents - Class in jenkins.diagnostics
ControllerExecutorsNoAgents() - Constructor for class jenkins.diagnostics.ControllerExecutorsNoAgents
ControllerExecutorsNoAgents_DisplayName() - Static method in class jenkins.diagnostics.Messages
Key ControllerExecutorsNoAgents.DisplayName: Built-in Node Without Agents Executors Configured Monitor.
ControlService(Pointer, int, Advapi32.SERVICE_STATUS) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
conv - Static variable in class hudson.model.Result
convert(long, TimeUnit2) - Method in enum hudson.util.TimeUnit2
Convert the given time duration in the given unit to this unit.
convert(long, TimeUnit) - Method in enum hudson.util.TimeUnit2
Convert the given time duration in the given unit to this unit.
convert(Class, Object) - Method in class hudson.util.EnumConverter
convert(Class, Object) - Method in class jenkins.util.TimeDuration.StaplerConverterImpl
convertEOL(String, LineEndingConversion.EOLType) - Static method in class hudson.util.LineEndingConversion
Convert line endings of a string to the given type.
ConverterImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.BuildAuthorizationToken.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.model.Label.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl() - Constructor for class hudson.util.Secret.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl() - Constructor for class jenkins.util.xstream.XStreamDOM.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(Converter) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Fingerprint.RangeSet.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(Mapper) - Constructor for class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteList.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(Mapper) - Constructor for class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap.Hash.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(Mapper) - Constructor for class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap.Tree.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(Mapper) - Constructor for class hudson.util.DescribableList.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(Mapper) - Constructor for class hudson.util.PackedMap.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(Mapper) - Constructor for class hudson.util.PersistedList.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(Mapper) - Constructor for class jenkins.model.BuildDiscarder.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(XStream) - Constructor for class hudson.slaves.NodeList.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(XStream) - Constructor for class jenkins.util.TreeString.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(XStream2) - Constructor for class hudson.model.Cause.UpstreamCause.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(XStream2) - Constructor for class hudson.model.CauseAction.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(XStream2) - Constructor for class hudson.model.HealthReport.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(XStream2) - Constructor for class hudson.model.JDK.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(XStream2) - Constructor for class hudson.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.Details.ConverterImpl
ConverterImpl(XStream2) - Constructor for class hudson.tasks.Maven.MavenInstallation.ConverterImpl
ConvertSidToStringSid(byte[], PointerByReference) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
ConvertStringSidToSid(String, PointerByReference) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
copy() - Method in class hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter
copy() - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap
copy() - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap.Hash
copy() - Method in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap.Tree
copy(File, OutputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
copy(InputStream, File) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
copy(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.copy(java.io.InputStream, java.io.OutputStream)
copy(InputStream, Writer) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.copy(java.io.InputStream, java.io.Writer)
copy(InputStream, Writer, String) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.copy(java.io.InputStream, java.io.Writer, String)
copy(Reader, OutputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.copy(java.io.Reader, java.io.OutputStream)
copy(Reader, OutputStream, String) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.copy(java.io.Reader, java.io.OutputStream, String)
copy(Reader, Writer) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.copy(java.io.Reader, java.io.Writer)
copy(T, String) - Method in class hudson.model.ItemGroupMixIn
Copies an existing TopLevelItem to a new name.
copy(T, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
copy(T, String) - Method in interface jenkins.model.ModifiableTopLevelItemGroup
Copies a job.
copyBundledPlugin(URL, String) - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
Copies the plugin from the given URL to the given destination.
copyButton() - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Button that copies text into the user's clipboard upon click
copyButton(Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Button that copies text into the user's clipboard upon click
copyButton(Map) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Button that copies text into the user's clipboard upon click
copyButton(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Button that copies text into the user's clipboard upon click
copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class hudson.Util
since 2.335; use Files.copy(Path, Path, CopyOption...) directly
copyFrom(FilePath) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Convenience method to call FilePath.copyTo(FilePath).
copyFrom(InputStream) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Replaces the content of this file by the data from the given InputStream.
copyFrom(URL) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Reads the URL on the current VM, and streams the data to this file using the Remoting channel.
copyFrom(FileItem) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Place the data from FileItem into the file location specified by this FilePath object.
CopyJobCommand - Class in hudson.cli
Copies a job from CLI.
CopyJobCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.CopyJobCommand
CopyJobCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CopyJobCommand.ShortDescription: Copies a job..
copyLarge(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.copyLarge(java.io.InputStream, java.io.OutputStream)
copyLarge(Reader, Writer) - Static method in class hudson.util.IOUtils
Use instead IOUtils.copyLarge(java.io.Reader, java.io.Writer)
CopyOnWrite - Annotation Type in hudson
Represents fields that are protected for concurrency by the copy-on-write semantics.
CopyOnWriteList<E> - Class in hudson.util
List-like implementation that has copy-on-write semantics.
CopyOnWriteList() - Constructor for class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteList
CopyOnWriteList(List<E>) - Constructor for class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteList
CopyOnWriteList.ConverterImpl - Class in hudson.util
Converter implementation for XStream.
CopyOnWriteMap<K,​V> - Class in hudson.util
Map that has copy-on-write semantics.
CopyOnWriteMap() - Constructor for class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap
CopyOnWriteMap(Map<K, V>) - Constructor for class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap
CopyOnWriteMap.Hash<K,​V> - Class in hudson.util
CopyOnWriteMap.Hash.ConverterImpl - Class in hudson.util
CopyOnWriteMap.Tree<K,​V> - Class in hudson.util
CopyOnWriteMap.Tree.ConverterImpl - Class in hudson.util
copyRecursiveTo(FilePath) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Copies the contents of this directory recursively into the specified target directory.
copyRecursiveTo(DirScanner, FilePath, String) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Copies files according to a specified scanner to a target node.
copyRecursiveTo(DirScanner, FilePath, String, FilePath.TarCompression) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Copies files according to a specified scanner to a target node.
copyRecursiveTo(String, FilePath) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Copies the files that match the given file mask to the specified target node.
copyRecursiveTo(String, String, FilePath) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Copies the files that match the given file mask to the specified target node.
copyStream(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Use IOUtils.copy(InputStream, OutputStream)
copyStream(Reader, Writer) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Use IOUtils.copy(Reader, Writer)
copyStreamAndClose(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Use IOUtils.copy(InputStream, OutputStream) in a try-with-resources block
copyStreamAndClose(Reader, Writer) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Use IOUtils.copy(Reader, Writer) in a try-with-resources block
copyTo(FilePath) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Copies this file to the specified target.
copyTo(OutputStream) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Sends the contents of this file into the given OutputStream.
copyToWithPermission(FilePath) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Copies this file to the specified target, with file permissions and other meta attributes intact.
copyWithDefaultValue(ParameterValue) - Method in class hudson.model.BooleanParameterDefinition
copyWithDefaultValue(ParameterValue) - Method in class hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition
copyWithDefaultValue(ParameterValue) - Method in class hudson.model.ParameterDefinition
Create a new instance of this parameter definition and use the passed parameter value as the default value.
copyWithDefaultValue(ParameterValue) - Method in class hudson.model.PasswordParameterDefinition
copyWithDefaultValue(ParameterValue) - Method in class hudson.model.RunParameterDefinition
copyWithDefaultValue(ParameterValue) - Method in class hudson.model.StringParameterDefinition
core - Variable in class hudson.model.UpdateSite.Data
The latest jenkins.war.
core - Variable in class hudson.slaves.ComputerLauncherFilter
core - Variable in class hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap
CORE - hudson.model.UpdateSite.WarningType
CORE - org.jenkins.ui.icon.IconType
CoreEnvironmentContributor - Class in jenkins.model
EnvironmentContributor that adds the basic set of environment variables that we've been exposing historically.
CoreEnvironmentContributor() - Constructor for class jenkins.model.CoreEnvironmentContributor
CoreUpdateMonitor() - Constructor for class hudson.model.UpdateCenter.CoreUpdateMonitor
Correlator - Class in jenkins.telemetry
This class stores a UUID identifying this instance for telemetry reporting to allow deduplication or merging of submitted records.
Correlator() - Constructor for class jenkins.telemetry.Correlator
countAllPoints() - Method in class hudson.util.ConsistentHash
countBuildableItems() - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
Counts all the Queue.BuildableItems currently in the queue.
countBuildableItemsFor(Label) - Method in class hudson.model.Queue
How many Queue.BuildableItems are assigned for the given label?
countBusy() - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Returns the number of Executors that are doing some work right now.
countEntries() - Method in class hudson.util.io.Archiver
Number of files/directories archived.
countExecutors() - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Returns the current size of the executor pool for this computer.
countIdle() - Method in class hudson.model.Computer
Returns the number of idle Executors that can start working immediately.
COUNTRY_CODE_MINUS - jenkins.org.apache.commons.validator.routines.DomainValidator.ArrayType
Update (or get a copy of) the COUNTRY_CODE_TLDS_MINUS table containing deleted country code TLDs
COUNTRY_CODE_PLUS - jenkins.org.apache.commons.validator.routines.DomainValidator.ArrayType
Update (or get a copy of) the COUNTRY_CODE_TLDS_PLUS table containing additonal country code TLDs
COUNTRY_CODE_RO - jenkins.org.apache.commons.validator.routines.DomainValidator.ArrayType
Get a copy of the country code table
countToken(String, String) - Method in class jenkins.org.apache.commons.validator.routines.UrlValidator
Returns the number of times the token appears in the target.
CR - hudson.util.LineEndingConversion.EOLType
create(EnvVars) - Static method in class hudson.model.Environment
Creates Environment implementation that just sets the variables as given in the parameter.
create(Hudson, Class<T>) - Static method in class hudson.ExtensionList
create(File) - Method in interface hudson.model.RunMap.Constructor
create(OutputStream) - Method in class hudson.util.io.ArchiverFactory
Creates an archiver on top of the given stream.
create(Class<T>, Throwable) - Static method in class hudson.util.jna.InitializationErrorInvocationHandler
create(String) - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.CronTabList
create(String, FingerprintMap.FingerprintParams) - Method in class hudson.model.FingerprintMap
create(String, Hash) - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.CronTabList
create(String, String) - Static method in class hudson.search.SearchItems
create(String, String, SearchableModelObject) - Static method in class hudson.search.SearchItems
create(String, String, SearchIndex) - Static method in class hudson.search.SearchItems
create(String, P) - Method in class hudson.util.KeyedDataStorage
Creates a new data object.
create(Jenkins, Class<T>) - Static method in class hudson.ExtensionList
create(Localizable) - Static method in class hudson.slaves.OfflineCause
create(StaplerRequest) - Static method in class hudson.model.BuildAuthorizationToken
create(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, ViewGroup) - Static method in class hudson.model.View
CREATE - Static variable in class hudson.model.Computer
CREATE - Static variable in interface hudson.model.Item
CREATE - Static variable in class hudson.model.View
Permission to create new views.
CREATE - Static variable in class hudson.security.Permission
Generic create access.
CREATE_ADMIN_USER - Static variable in class jenkins.install.InstallState
Creating an admin user for an initial Jenkins install.
createAccount(String, String) - Method in class hudson.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm
Creates a new user account by registering a password to the user.
createAccountByAdmin(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, String, String) - Method in class hudson.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm
Creates a user account.
createAccountFromSetupWizard(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm
Creates a user account.
createAccountWithHashedPassword(String, String) - Method in class hudson.security.HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm
Creates a new user account by registering a JBCrypt Hashed password with the user.
createActions(List<Action>) - Method in class jenkins.model.FingerprintFacet
Create action objects to be contributed to the owner Fingerprint.
createAllFor(Computer) - Static method in class hudson.model.TransientComputerActionFactory
Creates Actions for a node, using all registered TransientComputerActionFactorys.
createAllFor(View) - Static method in class hudson.model.TransientViewActionFactory
Creates Actions for a view, using all registered TransientViewActionFactorys.
createBuildWrapper(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Method in class hudson.model.FileParameterValue
createBuildWrapper(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Method in class hudson.model.ParameterValue
Called at the beginning of a build (but after SCM operations have taken place) to let a ParameterValue contributes a BuildWrapper to the build.
createBuildWrappers(AbstractBuild<?, ?>, Collection<? super BuildWrapper>) - Method in class hudson.model.ParametersAction
createCache() - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
createCallable(Computer) - Method in class hudson.node_monitors.AbstractAsyncNodeMonitorDescriptor
Creates a Callable that performs the monitoring when executed.
createCallable(Computer) - Method in class hudson.node_monitors.ArchitectureMonitor.DescriptorImpl
createCallable(Computer) - Method in class hudson.node_monitors.ClockMonitor.DescriptorImpl
createCallable(Computer) - Method in class hudson.node_monitors.SwapSpaceMonitor.DescriptorImpl
createCallable(Computer) - Method in class hudson.node_monitors.TemporarySpaceMonitor.DescriptorImpl
createChangeLogParser() - Method in class hudson.scm.NullSCM
createChangeLogParser() - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
The returned object will be used to parse changelog.xml.
createChart() - Method in class hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries.TrendChart
Draws a chart into JFreeChart.
createChart(CategoryDataset) - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
Creates a trend chart.
createChildInjector(Module...) - Method in class jenkins.ProxyInjector
createChildInjector(Iterable<? extends Module>) - Method in class jenkins.ProxyInjector
createClassLoader(List<File>, ClassLoader) - Method in class hudson.ClassicPluginStrategy
createClassLoader(List<File>, ClassLoader, Attributes) - Method in class hudson.ClassicPluginStrategy
Creates the classloader that can load all the specified jar files and delegate to the given parent.
createCliAuthenticator(CLICommand) - Method in class hudson.security.SecurityRealm
No longer used.
createClone() - Method in class hudson.cli.CLICommand
Creates a clone to be used to execute a command.
createClone() - Method in class hudson.cli.CloneableCLICommand
createCollection(Class) - Method in class hudson.slaves.NodeList.ConverterImpl
createCollection(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.PackedMap.ConverterImpl
createCollection(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.xstream.ImmutableListConverter
createCollection(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.xstream.ImmutableMapConverter
createCollection(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.xstream.ImmutableSetConverter
createCollection(Class) - Method in class hudson.util.xstream.ImmutableSortedSetConverter
createComputer() - Method in class hudson.model.Node
Creates a new Computer object that acts as the UI peer of this Node.
createComputer() - Method in class hudson.model.Slave
createComputer() - Method in class hudson.slaves.AbstractCloudSlave
createComputer() - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
createContent() - Method in class jenkins.telemetry.impl.DistributedBuilds
createContent() - Method in class jenkins.telemetry.impl.OptionalPermissions
createContent() - Method in class jenkins.telemetry.impl.SecuritySystemProperties
createContent() - Method in class jenkins.telemetry.impl.StaplerDispatches
createContent() - Method in class jenkins.telemetry.impl.UserLanguages
createContent() - Method in class jenkins.telemetry.Telemetry
Returns the content to be sent to the telemetry service.
createContext() - Method in class jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildWrapper
Creates a new SimpleBuildWrapper.Context for use with this wrapper.
createCookie() - Static method in class hudson.EnvVars
Creates a magic cookie that can be used as the model environment variable when we later kill the processes.
createCopyOnWriteList(Class<T>) - Static method in class hudson.ExtensionListView
Creates a seriously hacked up CopyOnWriteList that acts as a view to the current ExtensionList.
created(Queue.WaitingItem) - Static method in class hudson.model.queue.ScheduleResult
created(File) - Method in class jenkins.model.RunIdMigrator
Called when a job is first created.
createDataset() - Method in class hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries.TrendChart
Creates a DefaultCategoryDataset for rendering a graph from a set of MultiStageTimeSeries.
createDateFormat() - Method in enum hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries.TimeScale
Creates a new DateFormat suitable for processing this MultiStageTimeSeries.TimeScale.
createDefault(Jenkins) - Static method in class hudson.PluginManager
Creates the PluginManager to use if no one is provided to a Jenkins object.
createDefaultCrumbIssuer() - Static method in class hudson.security.csrf.GlobalCrumbIssuerConfiguration
createDefaultInitialColumnList() - Static method in class hudson.views.ListViewColumn
createDefaultInitialColumnList(View) - Static method in class hudson.views.ListViewColumn
Creates the list of ListViewColumns to be used for a ListViews and their likes.
createDefaultInitialColumnList(Class<? extends View>) - Static method in class hudson.views.ListViewColumn
Creates the list of ListViewColumns to be used for newly created ListViews and their likes.
createDefaultUpdateSite() - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter
createDescriptorList(Hudson, Class<T>) - Static method in class hudson.DescriptorExtensionList
createDescriptorList(Jenkins, Class<T>) - Static method in class hudson.DescriptorExtensionList
Creates a new instance.
createDirectories(Path, FileAttribute<?>...) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Create a directory by creating all nonexistent parent directories first.
createDownloadable() - Method in class hudson.tools.DownloadFromUrlInstaller.DescriptorImpl
function that creates a DownloadService.Downloadable.
createDummyLease(FilePath) - Static method in class hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList.Lease
Creates a dummy WorkspaceList.Lease object that does no-op in the release.
createEmpty(AbstractBuild) - Static method in class hudson.scm.ChangeLogSet
createEmpty(Run) - Static method in class hudson.scm.ChangeLogSet
Constant instance that represents no changes.
createEmptyChangeLog(File, BuildListener, String) - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
createEmptyChangeLog(File, TaskListener, String) - Method in class hudson.scm.SCM
createExecutable() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
createExecutable() - Method in class hudson.model.queue.QueueTaskFilter
createExecutable() - Method in interface hudson.model.queue.SubTask
Creates Queue.Executable, which performs the actual execution of the task.
createExecutable() - Method in interface jenkins.model.ParameterizedJobMixIn.ParameterizedJob
createFileSet(File, String) - Static method in class hudson.Util
createFileSet(File, String, String) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Creates Ant FileSet with the base dir and include pattern.
createFilter(FilterConfig) - Method in class hudson.security.LegacySecurityRealm
createFilter(FilterConfig) - Method in class hudson.security.SecurityRealm
Creates Filter that all the incoming HTTP requests will go through for authentication.
createFor(AbstractBuild) - Method in class hudson.model.TransientBuildActionFactory
as of 1.461 Override and call TransientBuildActionFactory.createFor(Run) instead.
createFor(AbstractItem) - Method in class jenkins.model.RenameAction.TransientActionFactoryImpl
createFor(AbstractProject) - Method in class hudson.model.TransientProjectActionFactory
Creates actions for the given project.
createFor(Computer) - Method in class hudson.model.TransientComputerActionFactory
Creates actions for the given computer.
createFor(Fingerprint, List<FingerprintFacet>) - Method in class jenkins.model.TransientFingerprintFacetFactory
Creates actions for the given project.
createFor(Job) - Method in class jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildStep.LastBuildActionFactory
createFor(Run) - Method in class hudson.model.TransientBuildActionFactory
Creates actions for the given build.
createFor(User) - Method in class hudson.model.TransientUserActionFactory
Creates actions for the given user.
createFor(View) - Method in class hudson.model.TransientViewActionFactory
returns a list of (transient) actions never null, may be empty
createFor(SearchableModelObject) - Method in class hudson.search.SearchFactory
Creates a Search object.
createFor(T) - Method in class jenkins.model.TransientActionFactory
Creates actions for a given object.
createGraph() - Method in class hudson.util.Graph
Actually render a chart.
createHistoryWidget() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
createHistoryWidget() - Method in class hudson.model.Job
createHistoryWidget() - Method in class jenkins.model.lazy.LazyBuildMixIn
createInstallationJob(UpdateSite.Plugin, UpdateCenter, boolean) - Method in class hudson.model.UpdateSite
Extension point to allow implementations of UpdateSite to create a custom UpdateCenter.InstallationJob.
createInstance(Class<T>, StaplerRequest, String) - Static method in class hudson.scm.RepositoryBrowsers
createInstance(Class<T>, StaplerRequest, JSONObject, String) - Static method in class hudson.scm.RepositoryBrowsers
Creates an instance of RepositoryBrowser from a form submission.
CreateJobCommand - Class in hudson.cli
Creates a new job by reading stdin as a configuration XML file.
CreateJobCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.CreateJobCommand
CreateJobCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CreateJobCommand.ShortDescription: Creates a new job by reading stdin as a configuration XML file..
createJunction(File, File) - Static method in class hudson.os.WindowsUtil
Creates an NTFS junction point if supported.
createLauncher(BuildListener) - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractBuild.AbstractBuildExecution
Creates a Launcher that this build will use.
createLauncher(TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Creates a Launcher for starting processes on the node that has this file.
createLauncher(TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.model.Node
Returns a Launcher for executing programs on this node.
createLauncher(TaskListener) - Method in class hudson.model.Slave
Creates a launcher for the agent.
createLauncher(TaskListener) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
createLinkedDummyLease(FilePath, WorkspaceList.Lease) - Static method in class hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList.Lease
Creates a WorkspaceList.Lease object that points to the specified path, but the lock is controlled by the given parent lease object.
createList(Class<T>) - Static method in class hudson.ExtensionListView
Creates a plain List backed by the current ExtensionList.
createListener() - Method in class hudson.model.AsyncAperiodicWork
createListener() - Method in class hudson.model.AsyncPeriodicWork
createListener() - Method in class hudson.model.TaskThread
Determines where the output of this TaskThread goes.
createLoggerDecorator(Run<?, ?>) - Method in class jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildWrapper
Allows this wrapper to decorate log output.
createMac() - Method in class jenkins.security.HMACConfidentialKey
Creates a new Mac object.
createNeedsMoreExecutor(Localizable) - Static method in class hudson.model.queue.CauseOfBlockage
CreateNodeCommand - Class in hudson.cli
CreateNodeCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.CreateNodeCommand
CreateNodeCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CreateNodeCommand.ShortDescription: Creates a new node by reading stdin as a XML configuration..
createNotReadableVersionOf(DirectoryBrowserSupport.Path) - Static method in class hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport.Path
createOverallTrendChart(MultiStageTimeSeries.TimeScale) - Method in class hudson.model.OverallLoadStatistics
When drawing the overall load statistics, use the total queue length, not LoadStatistics.queueLength, which just shows jobs that are to be run on the master.
createPath(String) - Method in class hudson.model.Node
Gets the FilePath on this node.
createPath(String) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
createPluginStrategy() - Method in class hudson.PluginManager
Creates a hudson.PluginStrategy, looking at the corresponding system property.
createPluginWrapper(File) - Method in class hudson.ClassicPluginStrategy
createPluginWrapper(File) - Method in interface hudson.PluginStrategy
Creates a plugin wrapper, which provides a management interface for the plugin
createProject(TopLevelItemDescriptor, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
createProject(TopLevelItemDescriptor, String, boolean) - Method in class hudson.model.ItemGroupMixIn
createProject(TopLevelItemDescriptor, String, boolean) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
createProject(TopLevelItemDescriptor, String, boolean) - Method in interface jenkins.model.ModifiableTopLevelItemGroup
Creates a new job.
createProject(Class<T>, String) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
Creates a new job.
createProjectFromXML(String, InputStream) - Method in class hudson.model.ItemGroupMixIn
createProjectFromXML(String, InputStream) - Method in class jenkins.model.Jenkins
createProjectFromXML(String, InputStream) - Method in interface jenkins.model.ModifiableTopLevelItemGroup
Creates a new job from its configuration XML.
createProxy() - Method in class hudson.ProxyConfiguration
createProxy(String) - Method in class hudson.ProxyConfiguration
createProxy(String, String, int, String) - Static method in class hudson.ProxyConfiguration
createReference() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractBuild
createReference() - Method in class hudson.model.Run
Called by RunMap to obtain a reference to this run.
createReference() - Method in class jenkins.model.lazy.LazyBuildMixIn.RunMixIn
To implement Run.createReference().
createReference(R) - Method in class hudson.model.RunMap
Reuses the same reference as much as we can.
createReference(R) - Method in class jenkins.model.lazy.AbstractLazyLoadRunMap
Allow subtype to capture a reference.
createRenderOnDemandProxy(JellyContext, String) - Static method in class hudson.Functions
createRuleWrapper(Run<?, ?>, Object, Launcher, List<EnvVarsFilterLocalRule>) - Static method in class jenkins.tasks.filters.EnvVarsFilterRuleWrapper
createRunner() - Method in class hudson.model.Build
as of 1.467 Override the Build.run() method by calling Run.execute(hudson.model.Run.RunExecution) with proper execution object.
createScriptFile(FilePath) - Method in class hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter
Creates a script file in a temporary name in the specified directory.
createSecurityComponents() - Method in class hudson.security.AbstractPasswordBasedSecurityRealm
createSecurityComponents() - Method in class hudson.security.LegacySecurityRealm
createSecurityComponents() - Method in class hudson.security.SecurityRealm
Creates fully-configured AuthenticationManager that performs authentication against the user realm.
createService(StaplerRequest, UUID) - Method in exception jenkins.util.FullDuplexHttpService.Response
CreateService(Pointer, String, String, int, int, int, int, String, String, IntByReference, String, String, String) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Advapi32
createShell() - Method in class jenkins.util.groovy.GroovyHookScript
Can be used to customize the environment in which the script runs.
createShell(InputStream, PrintStream, PrintStream) - Method in class hudson.cli.GroovyshCommand
createSocket(String, int) - Method in class hudson.util.NoClientBindProtocolSocketFactory
createSocket(String, int) - Method in class hudson.util.NoClientBindSSLProtocolSocketFactory
createSocket(String, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in class hudson.util.NoClientBindProtocolSocketFactory
createSocket(String, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in class hudson.util.NoClientBindSSLProtocolSocketFactory
createSocket(String, int, InetAddress, int, HttpConnectionParams) - Method in class hudson.util.NoClientBindProtocolSocketFactory
Attempts to get a new socket connection to the given host within the given time limit.
createSocket(String, int, InetAddress, int, HttpConnectionParams) - Method in class hudson.util.NoClientBindSSLProtocolSocketFactory
Attempts to get a new socket connection to the given host within the given time limit.
createSocket(Socket, String, int, boolean) - Method in class hudson.util.NoClientBindSSLProtocolSocketFactory
createSubList(Collection<?>, Class<T>) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Create a sub-list by only picking up instances of the specified type.
createSubText(Matcher) - Method in class hudson.AbstractMarkupText
createSubText(Matcher) - Method in class hudson.MarkupText
createSubText(Matcher) - Method in class hudson.MarkupText.SubText
createSuccessfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest, UserDetails) - Method in class hudson.security.TokenBasedRememberMeServices2
createSymbolicLink(File, String, boolean) - Static method in class hudson.util.jna.Kernel32Utils
CreateSymbolicLinkW(WString, WString, int) - Method in interface hudson.util.jna.Kernel32
Creates a symbolic link.
createSymlink(File, String, String, TaskListener) - Static method in class hudson.Util
Creates a symlink to targetPath at baseDir+symlinkPath.
createTag(String, Attributes) - Method in class hudson.util.jelly.MorphTagLibrary
This code is really only used for dealing with dynamic tag libraries, so no point in implementing this for statically used tag libraries.
createTagScript(String, Attributes) - Method in class hudson.util.jelly.MorphTagLibrary
createTempDir() - Static method in class hudson.Util
Creates a new temporary directory.
createTempDir(String, String) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Creates a temporary directory inside the directory represented by 'this'
createTempFile(String, String) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Creates a temporary file in the directory that this FilePath object designates.
createTextTempFile(String, String, String) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Creates a temporary file in this directory and set the contents to the given text (encoded in the platform default encoding)
createTextTempFile(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
Creates a temporary file in this directory (or the system temporary directory) and set the contents to the given text (encoded in the platform default encoding)
createTopLevelItem(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse) - Method in class hudson.model.ItemGroupMixIn
Creates a TopLevelItem for example from the submission of the /lib/hudson/newFromList/form tag or throws an exception if it fails.
createTransientActions() - Method in class hudson.model.AbstractProject
createTransientActions() - Method in class hudson.model.Project
createTrendChart(MultiStageTimeSeries.TimeScale) - Method in class hudson.model.LoadStatistics
Creates CategoryDataset which then becomes the basis of the load statistics graph.
createTrendChart(MultiStageTimeSeries.TimeScale, MultiStageTimeSeries...) - Static method in class hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries
createUpdateCenter(UpdateCenter.UpdateCenterConfiguration) - Static method in class hudson.model.UpdateCenter
Creates an update center.
createUpdated(Collection<? extends ParameterValue>) - Method in class hudson.model.ParametersAction
Creates a new ParametersAction that contains all the parameters in this action with the overrides / new values given as parameters.
createValue(CLICommand, String) - Method in class hudson.model.FileParameterDefinition
createValue(CLICommand, String) - Method in class hudson.model.ParameterDefinition
Create a parameter value from the string given in the CLI.
createValue(CLICommand, String) - Method in class hudson.model.SimpleParameterDefinition
createValue(String) - Method in class hudson.model.BooleanParameterDefinition
createValue(String) - Method in class hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition
createValue(String) - Method in class hudson.model.PasswordParameterDefinition
createValue(String) - Method in class hudson.model.RunParameterDefinition
createValue(String) - Method in class hudson.model.SimpleParameterDefinition
Creates a ParameterValue from the string representation.
createValue(String) - Method in class hudson.model.StringParameterDefinition
createValue(String) - Method in class hudson.model.TextParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.model.FileParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.model.ParameterDefinition
Create a parameter value from a GET with query string.
createValue(StaplerRequest) - Method in class hudson.model.SimpleParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.BooleanParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.FileParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.ParameterDefinition
Create a parameter value from a form submission.
createValue(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.PasswordParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.RunParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.StringParameterDefinition
createValue(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class hudson.model.TextParameterDefinition
createVariableResolver(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Method in class hudson.model.BooleanParameterValue
createVariableResolver(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Method in class hudson.model.FileParameterValue
createVariableResolver(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Method in class hudson.model.ParametersAction
Creates an VariableResolver that aggregates all the parameters.
createVariableResolver(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Method in class hudson.model.ParameterValue
Returns a VariableResolver so that other components like Builders can perform variable substitution to reflect parameter values into the build process.
createVariableResolver(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Method in class hudson.model.PasswordParameterValue
createVariableResolver(AbstractBuild<?, ?>) - Method in class hudson.model.StringParameterValue
CreateViewCommand - Class in hudson.cli
CreateViewCommand() - Constructor for class hudson.cli.CreateViewCommand
CreateViewCommand_ShortDescription() - Static method in class hudson.cli.Messages
Key CreateViewCommand.ShortDescription: Creates a new view by reading stdin as a XML configuration..
createViewFromXML(String, InputStream) - Static method in class hudson.model.View
Instantiate View subtype from XML stream.
createWorkUnit(SubTask) - Method in class hudson.model.queue.WorkUnitContext
Called within the queue maintenance process to create a WorkUnit for the given SubTask
createZipArchive(OutputStream) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
as of 1.315. Use FilePath.zip(OutputStream) that has more consistent name.
createZipArchive(OutputStream, String) - Method in class hudson.FilePath
as of 1.315 Use FilePath.zip(OutputStream,String) that has more consistent name.
createZipWithPrefix(String, OpenOption...) - Static method in class hudson.util.io.ArchiverFactory
Zip format, with prefix and optional OpenOptions.
creationDate - Variable in class jenkins.security.ApiTokenProperty.TokenInfoAndStats
CredentialsExpiredException - Exception in org.acegisecurity
use CredentialsExpiredException
CredentialsExpiredException(String) - Constructor for exception org.acegisecurity.CredentialsExpiredException
CredentialsExpiredException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception org.acegisecurity.CredentialsExpiredException
CredentialsExpiredException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.acegisecurity.CredentialsExpiredException
CriticalXStreamException - Exception in jenkins.util.xstream
Wraps XStreamException to indicate it is critical for Jenkins.
CriticalXStreamException(XStreamException) - Constructor for exception jenkins.util.xstream.CriticalXStreamException
CRLF - hudson.util.LineEndingConversion.EOLType
Cron() - Constructor for class hudson.triggers.Trigger.Cron
CRON_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class hudson.triggers.Trigger
Used to be milliseconds, now is seconds since Jenkins 2.289.
CronTab - Class in hudson.scheduler
Table for driving scheduled tasks.
CronTab(String) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CronTab
CronTab(String, int) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CronTab
CronTab(String, int, Hash) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CronTab
CronTab(String, int, Hash, String) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CronTab
CronTab(String, Hash) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CronTab
CronTab_do_you_really_mean_every_minute_when_you(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.Messages
Key CronTab.do_you_really_mean_every_minute_when_you: Do you really mean "every minute" when you say "{0}"? Perhaps you meant "{1}" to poll once per hour.
CronTab_short_cycles_in_the_day_of_month_field_w() - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.Messages
Key CronTab.short_cycles_in_the_day_of_month_field_w: Short cycles in the day-of-month field will behave oddly near the end of a month.
CronTab_spread_load_evenly_by_using_rather_than_(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.Messages
Key CronTab.spread_load_evenly_by_using_rather_than_: Spread load evenly by using ‘{0}’ rather than ‘{1}’.
CrontabLexer - Class in hudson.scheduler
CrontabLexer(InputBuffer) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CrontabLexer
CrontabLexer(LexerSharedInputState) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CrontabLexer
CrontabLexer(InputStream) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CrontabLexer
CrontabLexer(Reader) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CrontabLexer
CronTabList - Class in hudson.scheduler
CronTab list (logically OR-ed).
CronTabList(Collection<CronTab>) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CronTabList
CronTabList_InvalidInput(Object, Object) - Static method in class hudson.scheduler.Messages
Key CronTabList.InvalidInput: Invalid input: "{0}": {1}.
CrontabParser - Class in hudson.scheduler
CrontabParser(ParserSharedInputState) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CrontabParser
CrontabParser(TokenBuffer) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CrontabParser
CrontabParser(TokenBuffer, int) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CrontabParser
CrontabParser(TokenStream) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CrontabParser
CrontabParser(TokenStream, int) - Constructor for class hudson.scheduler.CrontabParser
CrontabParserTokenTypes - Interface in hudson.scheduler
crop(CategoryPlot) - Method in class hudson.model.MultiStageTimeSeries.TrendChart
CrumbExclusion - Class in hudson.security.csrf
Allows plugins to define exceptions to the CSRF protection filter.
CrumbExclusion() - Constructor for class hudson.security.csrf.CrumbExclusion
CrumbFilter - Class in hudson.security.csrf
Checks for and validates crumbs on requests that cause state changes, to protect against cross site request forgeries.
CrumbFilter() - Constructor for class hudson.security.csrf.CrumbFilter
CrumbFilter.ErrorCustomizer - Class in hudson.security.csrf
CrumbIssuer - Class in hudson.security.csrf
A CrumbIssuer represents an algorithm to generate a nonce value, known as a crumb, to counter cross site request forgery exploits.
CrumbIssuer() - Constructor for class hudson.security.csrf.CrumbIssuer
CrumbIssuer.RestrictedApi - Class in hudson.security.csrf
CrumbIssuerDescriptor<T extends CrumbIssuer> - Class in hudson.security.csrf
Describes global configuration for crumb issuers.
CrumbIssuerDescriptor(String, String) - Constructor for class hudson.security.csrf.CrumbIssuerDescriptor
Crumb issuers always take a salt and a request field name.
CryptoConfidentialKey - Class in jenkins.security
ConfidentialKey that stores a SecretKey for shared-secret cryptography (AES).
CryptoConfidentialKey(Class, String) - Constructor for class jenkins.security.CryptoConfidentialKey
CryptoConfidentialKey(String) - Constructor for class jenkins.security.CryptoConfidentialKey
CSP_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport
CSRFAdministrativeMonitor - Class in jenkins.security.csrf
Monitor that the CSRF protection is enabled on the application.
CSRFAdministrativeMonitor() - Constructor for class jenkins.security.csrf.CSRFAdministrativeMonitor
CSRFAdministrativeMonitor_displayName() - Static method in class jenkins.security.csrf.Messages
Key CSRFAdministrativeMonitor.displayName: CSRF Protection Monitor.
css() - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Client-side CSS loading tag.
css(Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Client-side CSS loading tag.
css(Map) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Client-side CSS loading tag.
css(Map, Closure) - Method in interface lib.LayoutTagLib
Client-side CSS loading tag.
CULPRITS_DETERMINED - Static variable in class hudson.model.CheckPoint
CheckPoint that indicates that AbstractBuild.getCulprits() is computed.
current() - Static method in class hudson.BulkChange
Gets the BulkChange instance currently in scope for the current thread.
current() - Static method in class hudson.model.User
Gets the User object representing the currently logged-in user, or null if the current user is anonymous.
current() - Static method in enum hudson.Platform
current() - Static method in class jenkins.util.JavaVMArguments
Gets the process argument list of the current process.
CURRENT_USER - Static variable in class hudson.util.jna.RegistryKey
currentComputer() - Static method in class hudson.model.Computer
Gets the current Computer that the build is running.
currentExecutor() - Static method in class hudson.model.Executor
Returns the executor of the current thread or null if current thread is not an executor.
CurrentlyRunningTasks() - Constructor for class hudson.model.queue.LoadPredictor.CurrentlyRunningTasks
currentlyUpdatingByXml() - Static method in class hudson.model.Items
Checks whether we are in the middle of creating or configuring an item via XML.
CUSTOM_INBOUND_URL_PROPERTY - Static variable in class hudson.slaves.JNLPLauncher
CUSTOM_PLUGIN_MANAGER - Static variable in class hudson.PluginManager
Custom plugin manager system property or context param.
CustomClassFilter - Interface in jenkins.security
Allows extensions to adjust the behavior of ClassFilter.DEFAULT.
CustomClassFilter.Contributed - Class in jenkins.security
Standard filter which can load whitelists and blacklists from plugins.
CustomClassFilter.Static - Class in jenkins.security
Standard filter which pays attention to a system property.
cycle - Variable in exception hudson.util.CyclicGraphDetector.CycleDetectedException
CycleDetectedException(List) - Constructor for exception hudson.util.CyclicGraphDetector.CycleDetectedException
CyclicGraphDetector<N> - Class in hudson.util
Traverses a directed graph and if it contains any cycle, throw an exception.
CyclicGraphDetector() - Constructor for class hudson.util.CyclicGraphDetector
CyclicGraphDetector.CycleDetectedException - Exception in hudson.util
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