Class AbstractBitbucketEndpoint

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BitbucketCloudEndpoint, BitbucketServerEndpoint

public abstract class AbstractBitbucketEndpoint extends AbstractDescribableImpl<AbstractBitbucketEndpoint>
  • Method Details

    • getDisplayName

      @CheckForNull public abstract String getDisplayName()
      Optional name to use to describe the end-point.
      the name to use for the end-point
    • getServerUrl

      @NonNull public abstract String getServerUrl()
      The URL of this endpoint.
      the URL of the endpoint.
    • getBitbucketJenkinsRootUrl

      @CheckForNull public String getBitbucketJenkinsRootUrl()
      Jenkins Server Root URL to be used by this Bitbucket endpoint. The global setting from Jenkins.get().getRootUrl() will be used if this field is null or equals an empty string.
      the verbatim setting provided by endpoint configuration
    • setBitbucketJenkinsRootUrl

      @DataBoundSetter public void setBitbucketJenkinsRootUrl(String bitbucketJenkinsRootUrl)
    • getEndpointJenkinsRootUrl

      @NonNull public String getEndpointJenkinsRootUrl()
      Jenkins Server Root URL to be used by this Bitbucket endpoint. The global setting from Jenkins.get().getRootUrl() will be used if this field is null or equals an empty string.
      the normalized value from setting provided by endpoint configuration (if not empty), or the global setting of the Jenkins Root URL
    • getEndpointJenkinsRootUrl

      @NonNull public static String getEndpointJenkinsRootUrl(String serverUrl)
      Look up in the current endpoint configurations if one exists for the serverUrl, and return its normalized endpointJenkinsRootUrl value, or the normalized global default Jenkins Root URL if nothing was found or if the setting is an empty string; empty string if there was an error finding the global default Jenkins Root URL value (e.g. core not started). This is the routine intended for external consumption when one needs a Jenkins Root URL to use for webhook configuration.
      serverUrl - Bitbucket Server URL for the endpoint config
      the normalized custom or default Jenkins Root URL value
    • getRepositoryUrl

      @NonNull public abstract String getRepositoryUrl(@NonNull String repoOwner, @NonNull String repository)
      The user facing URL of the specified repository.
      repoOwner - the repository owner.
      repository - the repository.
      the user facing URL of the specified repository.
    • isManageHooks

      public final boolean isManageHooks()
      Returns true if and only if Jenkins is supposed to auto-manage hooks for this end-point.
      true if and only if Jenkins is supposed to auto-manage hooks for this end-point.
    • getCredentialsId

      @CheckForNull public final String getCredentialsId()
      Returns the IdCredentials.getId() of the credentials to use for auto-management of hooks.
      the IdCredentials.getId() of the credentials to use for auto-management of hooks.
    • credentials

      @CheckForNull public com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.common.StandardCredentials credentials()
      Looks up the StandardCredentials to use for auto-management of hooks.
      the credentials or null.
    • authenticator

      @CheckForNull public BitbucketAuthenticator authenticator()
      Retrieves the BitbucketAuthenticator to use for auto-management of hooks.
      the authenticator or null.
    • getDescriptor

      public AbstractBitbucketEndpointDescriptor getDescriptor()
      Specified by:
      getDescriptor in interface Describable<AbstractBitbucketEndpoint>
      getDescriptor in class AbstractDescribableImpl<AbstractBitbucketEndpoint>