Package hudson.model

Interface PersistenceRoot

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
BuildableItem, BuildableItemWithBuildWrappers, DirectlyModifiableTopLevelItemGroup, Item, ItemGroup<T>, ModifiableItemGroup<T>, ModifiableTopLevelItemGroup, ParameterizedJobMixIn.ParameterizedJob<JobT,RunT>, SCMedItem, TopLevelItem, TriggeredItem
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBuild, AbstractCIBase, AbstractCloudSlave, AbstractItem, AbstractProject, AbstractTopLevelItem, Build, DumbSlave, FreeStyleBuild, FreeStyleProject, Hudson, Jenkins, Job, Node, Nodes, Project, Run, Slave, ViewJob

public interface PersistenceRoot extends Saveable
Root object of a persisted object tree that gets its own file system directory.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from interface hudson.model.Saveable

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the root directory on the file system that this Item can use freely for storing the configuration data.

    Methods inherited from interface hudson.model.Saveable

  • Method Details

    • getRootDir

      File getRootDir()
      Gets the root directory on the file system that this Item can use freely for storing the configuration data.

      This parameter is given by the ItemGroup when Item is loaded from memory.