Package hudson

Class DescriptorExtensionList<T extends Describable<T>,D extends Descriptor<T>>

Type Parameters:
D - Represents the descriptor type. This is Descriptor<T> normally but often there are subtypes of descriptors, like ViewDescriptor, NodeDescriptor, etc, and this parameter points to those for better type safety of users. The actual value of 'D' is not necessary for the operation of this code, so it's purely for convenience of the users of this class.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<D>, Collection<D>, List<D>, OnMaster
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class DescriptorExtensionList<T extends Describable<T>,D extends Descriptor<T>> extends ExtensionList<D>
ExtensionList for holding a set of Descriptors, which is a group of descriptors for the same extension point. Use Jenkins.getDescriptorList(Class) to obtain instances.