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AbstractSecuredConnectorFactory - Class in winstone
AbstractSecuredConnectorFactory() - Constructor for class winstone.AbstractSecuredConnectorFactory
ACCESS_LOGGER_CLASSNAME - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
ACCESSLOG_RESOURCES - Static variable in class winstone.accesslog.SimpleAccessLogger
all(Class<?>) - Static method in class winstone.cmdline.Option
List up all the known options.
ARGUMENTS_REALM_PASSWORD - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
ARGUMENTS_REALM_ROLES - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
ArgumentsRealm - Class in winstone.realm
Base class for authentication realms.
ArgumentsRealm(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class winstone.realm.ArgumentsRealm
Constructor - this sets up an authentication realm, using the arguments supplied on the command line as a source of userNames/passwords/roles.


bool(String, boolean) - Static method in class winstone.cmdline.Option
booleanArg(Map<String, String>, String, boolean) - Static method in class winstone.cmdline.Option


clazz(String, Class) - Static method in class winstone.cmdline.Option
CmdLineParser - Class in winstone.cmdline
Command line argument parser, Winstone style.
CmdLineParser(List<Option<?>>) - Constructor for class winstone.cmdline.CmdLineParser
COMMON_LIB_FOLDER - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
COMPRESSION - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
CompressionScheme - Enum Class in winstone.cmdline
The compression schemes supported by the server.
CONFIG - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
configureSsl(Map<String, String>, Server) - Method in class winstone.AbstractSecuredConnectorFactory
ConnectorFactory - Interface in winstone
Interface that defines the necessary methods for being a connection listener within winstone.
CONTROL_PORT - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
CONTROL_PORT - Static variable in class


DEBUG - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
DEBUG - Static variable in class
defaultValue - Variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
deployEmbeddedWarfile(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class winstone.Launcher
doStop() - Method in class winstone.accesslog.SimpleAccessLogger


file(String) - Static method in class winstone.cmdline.Option
FileRealm - Class in winstone.realm
FileRealm(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class winstone.realm.FileRealm
Constructor - this sets up an authentication realm, using the file supplied on the command line as a source of userNames/passwords/roles.
FILEREALM_CONFIGFILE - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option


get(Map<String, String>) - Method in class winstone.cmdline.Option.OBoolean
get(Map<String, String>) - Method in class winstone.cmdline.Option.OCompression
get(Map<String, String>) - Method in class winstone.cmdline.Option.ODebugInt
get(Map<String, String>) - Method in class winstone.cmdline.Option.OFile
get(Map<String, String>) - Method in class winstone.cmdline.Option.OInt
get(Map<String, String>) - Method in class winstone.cmdline.Option.OString
get(Map<String, String>, boolean) - Method in class winstone.cmdline.Option.OBoolean
get(Map<String, String>, int) - Method in class winstone.cmdline.Option.OInt
get(Map<String, String>, File) - Method in class winstone.cmdline.Option.OFile
get(Map<String, String>, Class<T>) - Method in class winstone.cmdline.Option.OClass
get(Map<String, String>, Class<T>, ClassLoader) - Method in class winstone.cmdline.Option.OClass
get(Map<String, String>, String) - Method in class winstone.cmdline.Option.OString
get(Map<String, String>, CompressionScheme) - Method in class winstone.cmdline.Option.OCompression
getArgsFromCommandLine(String[]) - Static method in class winstone.Launcher
getCharArray(Map<String, String>) - Method in class winstone.cmdline.Option.OString
getHostByName(String) - Method in class winstone.HostGroup
getHostname() - Method in class winstone.HostConfiguration
getNestedError() - Method in exception winstone.WinstoneException
Get the nested error or exception
getSSLContext(Map<String, String>) - Method in class winstone.AbstractSecuredConnectorFactory
Used to get the base ssl context in which to create the server socket.
getString(String) - Method in class winstone.WinstoneResourceBundle
Default getString method
getString(String, Object) - Method in class winstone.WinstoneResourceBundle
Perform a string replace for a single from/to pair.
getString(String, Object[]) - Method in class winstone.WinstoneResourceBundle
Perform a string replace for a set of from/to pairs.
getWebRoot(File, File) - Method in class winstone.HostConfiguration
Setup the webroot.
globalReplace(String, String[][]) - Static method in class winstone.WinstoneResourceBundle
globalReplace(String, String, String) - Static method in class winstone.WinstoneResourceBundle
Just does a string swap, replacing occurrences of from with to.
GZIP - Enum constant in enum class winstone.cmdline.CompressionScheme


handleControlRequest(Socket) - Method in class winstone.Launcher
HELP - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
HOST - Static variable in class
HostConfiguration - Class in winstone
Manages the references to individual webapps within the container.
HostConfiguration(Server, String, ClassLoader, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class winstone.HostConfiguration
HostGroup - Class in winstone
Manages the references to individual hosts within the container.
HostGroup(Server, ClassLoader, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class winstone.HostGroup
HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
HTTP_LISTEN_ADDRESS - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
HTTP_PORT - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
HTTP_UNIX_DOMAIN_PATH - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
HTTP2_LISTEN_ADDRESS - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
HTTP2_PORT - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
Http2ConnectorFactory - Class in winstone
This class add the HTTP/2 Listener This is the class that gets launched by the command line, and owns the server socket, etc.
Http2ConnectorFactory() - Constructor for class winstone.Http2ConnectorFactory
HttpConnectorFactory - Class in winstone
Implements the main listener daemon thread.
HttpConnectorFactory() - Constructor for class winstone.HttpConnectorFactory
HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_ALIAS - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
HTTPS_EXCLUDE_CIPHER_SUITES - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
HTTPS_EXCLUDE_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
HTTPS_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
HTTPS_KEY_MANAGER_TYPE - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
HTTPS_KEY_STORE - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
HTTPS_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
HTTPS_LISTEN_ADDRESS - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
HTTPS_PORT - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
HTTPS_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
HTTPS_REDIRECT_HTTP - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
HTTPS_SNI_HOST_CHECK - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
HTTPS_SNI_REQUIRED - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
HTTPS_VERIFY_CLIENT - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
HttpsConnectorFactory - Class in winstone
Implements the main listener daemon thread.
HttpsConnectorFactory() - Constructor for class winstone.HttpsConnectorFactory


init(int) - Static method in class winstone.Logger
init(Level) - Static method in class winstone.Logger
Initialises default streams
init(Level, boolean) - Static method in class winstone.Logger
Initialize default streams
initHost(String, ClassLoader, Map<String, String>) - Method in class winstone.HostGroup
initLogger(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class winstone.Launcher
intArg(Map<String, String>, String, int) - Static method in class winstone.cmdline.Option
integer(String) - Static method in class winstone.cmdline.Option
integer(String, int) - Static method in class winstone.cmdline.Option
isIn(Map<String, String>) - Method in class winstone.cmdline.Option
isRunning() - Method in class winstone.Launcher
isWildcard() - Method in class winstone.cmdline.Option
Indicates an option name that takes some argument.


JAVA_HOME - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
JETTY_ACCEPTORS - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
JETTY_SELECTORS - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option


keystore - Variable in class winstone.AbstractSecuredConnectorFactory
keystorePassword - Variable in class winstone.AbstractSecuredConnectorFactory


Launcher - Class in winstone
Implements the main launcher daemon thread.
Launcher(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class winstone.Launcher
Constructor - initialises the web app, object pools, control port and the available protocol listeners.
log(Level, WinstoneResourceBundle, String) - Static method in class winstone.Logger
log(Level, WinstoneResourceBundle, String, Object) - Static method in class winstone.Logger
log(Level, WinstoneResourceBundle, String, Object...) - Static method in class winstone.Logger
log(Level, WinstoneResourceBundle, String, Object[], Throwable) - Static method in class winstone.Logger
log(Level, WinstoneResourceBundle, String, Object, Throwable) - Static method in class winstone.Logger
log(Level, WinstoneResourceBundle, String, String, Object[], Throwable) - Static method in class winstone.Logger
log(Level, WinstoneResourceBundle, String, Throwable) - Static method in class winstone.Logger
log(Request, Response) - Method in class winstone.accesslog.SimpleAccessLogger
LOG_THROWING_LINE_NO - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
LOG_THROWING_THREAD - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
logDirectMessage(Level, String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class winstone.Logger
LOGFILE - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
Logger - Class in winstone
A utility class for logging event and status messages.
Logger() - Constructor for class winstone.Logger


main(String[]) - Static method in class winstone.Launcher
Main method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class
Parses command line parameters, and calls the appropriate method for executing the winstone operation required.
MAX_PARAM_COUNT - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
MIME_TYPES - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option


name - Variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
Option name without the "--" prefix.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class winstone.cmdline.CompressionScheme


OBoolean(String, boolean) - Constructor for class winstone.cmdline.Option.OBoolean
OClass(String, Class) - Constructor for class winstone.cmdline.Option.OClass
OCompression(String, CompressionScheme) - Constructor for class winstone.cmdline.Option.OCompression
ODebugInt(String, int) - Constructor for class winstone.cmdline.Option.ODebugInt
OFile(String) - Constructor for class winstone.cmdline.Option.OFile
OInt(String, int) - Constructor for class winstone.cmdline.Option.OInt
Option<T> - Class in winstone.cmdline
Command line options used in Launcher.
Option(String, Class<T>, T) - Constructor for class winstone.cmdline.Option
Option.OBoolean - Class in winstone.cmdline
Option.OClass - Class in winstone.cmdline
Option.OCompression - Class in winstone.cmdline
Option.ODebugInt - Class in winstone.cmdline
Option.OFile - Class in winstone.cmdline
Option.OInt - Class in winstone.cmdline
Option.OString - Class in winstone.cmdline
OString(String, String) - Constructor for class winstone.cmdline.Option.OString


parse(String[], String) - Method in class winstone.cmdline.CmdLineParser
PORT - Static variable in class
PREFIX - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
printUsage() - Static method in class winstone.Launcher
put(Map<String, String>, String) - Method in class winstone.cmdline.Option


QTP_MAXTHREADS - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option


REALM_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
RELOAD_TYPE - Static variable in class winstone.Launcher
reloadWebApp(String) - Method in class winstone.HostConfiguration
remove(Map<String, String>) - Method in class winstone.cmdline.Option
REQUEST_FORM_CONTENT_SIZE - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
REQUEST_HEADER_SIZE - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
RESOURCES - Static variable in class winstone.Launcher
RESPONSE_HEADER_SIZE - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
run() - Method in class winstone.Launcher
The main run method.
run() - Method in class winstone.ShutdownHook


server - Variable in class winstone.Launcher
SESSION_COOKIE_NAME - Static variable in class winstone.WinstoneSession
Name of the cookie that stores HTTP session ID.
SESSION_EVICTION - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
SESSION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
setCurrentDebugLevel(int) - Static method in class winstone.Logger
shutdown() - Method in class winstone.Launcher
SHUTDOWN_TYPE - Static variable in class winstone.Launcher
ShutdownHook - Class in winstone
A jvm hook to force the calling of the web-app destroy before the process terminates
ShutdownHook(Launcher) - Constructor for class winstone.ShutdownHook
SIMPLE_ACCESS_LOGGER_FILE - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
SIMPLE_ACCESS_LOGGER_FORMAT - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
SimpleAccessLogger - Class in winstone.accesslog
Simulates an apache "combined" style logger, which logs User-Agent, Referer, etc
SimpleAccessLogger(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class winstone.accesslog.SimpleAccessLogger
spawnListener(String, List<Connector>) - Method in class winstone.Launcher
Instantiates listeners.
SSL_RESOURCES - Static variable in class winstone.AbstractSecuredConnectorFactory
start(Map<String, String>, Server) - Method in interface winstone.ConnectorFactory
After the listener is loaded and initialized, this starts the thread
start(Map<String, String>, Server) - Method in class winstone.Http2ConnectorFactory
start(Map<String, String>, Server) - Method in class winstone.HttpConnectorFactory
start(Map<String, String>, Server) - Method in class winstone.HttpsConnectorFactory
string(String) - Static method in class winstone.cmdline.Option
string(String, String) - Static method in class winstone.cmdline.Option
stringArg(Map<String, String>, String, String) - Static method in class winstone.cmdline.Option


toString() - Method in class winstone.cmdline.Option
type - Variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
Expected type.


USAGE - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
USAGE - Static variable in class winstone.Launcher
Overridable usage screen
USE_JMX - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class winstone.cmdline.CompressionScheme
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class winstone.cmdline.CompressionScheme
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


WARFILE - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
WEBROOT - Static variable in class winstone.cmdline.Option
winstone - package winstone
WINSTONE_PORT_FILE_NAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class winstone.Launcher
winstone.accesslog - package winstone.accesslog
winstone.cmdline - package winstone.cmdline
winstone.realm - package winstone.realm - package
WinstoneControl - Class in
Included so that we can control winstone from the command line a little more easily.
WinstoneControl() - Constructor for class
WinstoneControlOption - Class in
WinstoneControlOption() - Constructor for class
WinstoneException - Exception in winstone
Master exception within the servlet container.
WinstoneException(String) - Constructor for exception winstone.WinstoneException
Create an exception with a useful message for the system administrator.
WinstoneException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception winstone.WinstoneException
Create an exception with a useful message for the system administrator and a nested throwable object.
WinstoneResourceBundle - Class in winstone
A ResourceBundle that includes the ability to do string replacement on the resources it retrieves.
WinstoneResourceBundle(String) - Constructor for class winstone.WinstoneResourceBundle
WinstoneResourceBundle(String, Locale) - Constructor for class winstone.WinstoneResourceBundle
WinstoneResourceBundle(String, Locale, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class winstone.WinstoneResourceBundle
WinstoneSession - Class in winstone
Expose the property to remain compatible with Winstone 1.0
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form