Class |
Description |
AbortException |
Signals a failure where the error was anticipated and diagnosed.
AboutJenkins |
Show "About Jenkins" link.
AbstractAsyncNodeMonitorDescriptor<T> |
AbstractAsyncNodeMonitorDescriptor.Result<T> |
AbstractAuthenticationToken |
AbstractBuild<P extends AbstractProject<P,R>,R extends AbstractBuild<P,R>> |
Base implementation of Run s that build software.
AbstractBuild.DependencyChange |
Represents a change in the dependency.
AbstractBuildRangeCommand |
AbstractCIBase |
AbstractCloudComputer<T extends AbstractCloudSlave> |
AbstractCloudImpl |
Additional convenience implementation on top of Cloud that are likely useful to
typical Cloud implementations.
AbstractCloudSlave |
AbstractCommandInstaller |
A generic script-based installer.
AbstractCommandInstaller.Descriptor<TInstallerClass extends AbstractCommandInstaller> |
AbstractDescribableImpl<T extends AbstractDescribableImpl<T>> |
AbstractDiskSpaceMonitor |
AbstractGroovyViewModule |
Base class for utility classes for Groovy view scripts
AbstractItem |
Partial default implementation of Item .
AbstractItemOptionHandler |
AbstractLazyLoadRunMap<R> |
SortedMap that keeps build records by their build numbers, in the descending order
(newer ones first.)
AbstractLazyLoadRunMap.Direction |
AbstractMarkupText |
AbstractModelObject |
AbstractNodeMonitorDescriptor<T> |
Convenient base class for common NodeMonitor implementation
where the "monitoring" consists of executing something periodically on every node
and taking some action based on its result.
AbstractPasswordBasedSecurityRealm |
Partial implementation of SecurityRealm for username/password based authentication.
AbstractProject<P extends AbstractProject<P,R>,R extends AbstractBuild<P,R>> |
Base implementation of Job s that build software.
AbstractProject.AbstractProjectDescriptor |
AbstractProject.BecauseOfBuildInProgress |
AbstractProject.BecauseOfDownstreamBuildInProgress |
Because the downstream build is in progress, and we are configured to wait for that.
AbstractProject.BecauseOfUpstreamBuildInProgress |
Because the upstream build is in progress, and we are configured to wait for that.
AbstractProject.LabelValidator |
AbstractProjectOptionHandler |
AbstractQueueSorterImpl |
AbstractQueueTask |
AbstractScmTagAction |
Common part of CVSSCM.TagAction and SubversionTagAction .
AbstractStatusIcon |
AbstractSubTask |
AbstractTaskListener |
AbstractTopLevelItem |
AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider |
AccessControlled |
AccessDeniedException |
AccessDeniedException2 |
AccessDeniedException3 |
AccessDeniedException with more information.
AccessDeniedHandlerImpl |
Handles AccessDeniedException happened during request processing.
AccountCreationFailedException |
Thrown if an account creation was attempted but failed due to invalid data being entered into a form.
AccountExpiredException |
AcegiSecurityException |
AcegiSecurityExceptionFilter |
Gate-keeper that controls access to Hudson's model objects.
ACLContext |
Action |
Object that contributes additional information, behaviors, and UIs to ModelObject
(more specifically Actionable objects, which most interesting ModelObject s are.)
Actionable |
AdaptedIterator<T,U> |
Iterator that adapts the values returned from another iterator.
AddJobToViewCommand |
AdministrativeError |
AdministrativeMonitor |
Checks the health of a subsystem of Jenkins and if there's something
that requires administrator's attention, notify the administrator.
AdministrativeMonitorsApi |
AdministrativeMonitorsApiData |
AdministrativeMonitorsConfiguration |
AdministrativeMonitorsDecorator |
Show notifications and popups for active administrative monitors on all pages.
AdminWhitelistRule |
Advapi32 |
Advapi32.ChangeServiceConfig2Info |
Advapi32.Handler |
Advapi32.HandlerEx |
AgentComputerUtil |
AgentProtocol |
AllView |
View that contains everything.
AllView.DescriptorImpl |
AlternativeUiTextProvider |
Provides the alternative text to be rendered in the UI.
AlternativeUiTextProvider.Message<T> |
AnnotatedLargeText<T> |
AnonymousAuthenticationToken |
ANTLRException |
AperiodicWork |
Extension point which allows scheduling a task with variable interval.
Api |
Used to expose remote access API for ".../api/"
ApiCrumbExclusion |
JENKINS-22474: Makes API Token calls bypass CSRF protection to ease usage
ApiTokenFilter |
ApiTokenProperty |
Remembers the API token for this user, that can be used like a password to login.
ApiTokenProperty.DescriptorImpl |
ApiTokenProperty.TokenInfoAndStats |
ApiTokenPropertyConfiguration |
Configuration for the new token generation when a user is created
ApiTokenPropertyDisabledDefaultAdministrativeMonitor |
Monitor that the API Token are not generated by default without the user interaction.
ApiTokenPropertyEnabledNewLegacyAdministrativeMonitor |
Monitor that the API Token cannot be created for a user without existing legacy token
ApiTokenStats |
ApiTokenStats.SingleTokenStats |
ApiTokenStore |
ApiTokenStore.HashedToken |
AppearanceCategory |
Global configuration of appearance configuration.
AppearanceGlobalConfiguration |
ArchitectureMonitor |
Discovers the architecture of the system to display in the agent list page.
ArchitectureMonitor.DescriptorImpl |
Archiver |
ArchiverFactory |
Area |
Represents a two dimensional area.
ArgumentListBuilder |
Used to build up arguments for a process invocation.
ArtifactArchiver |
Copies the artifacts into an archive directory.
ArtifactArchiver.DescriptorImpl |
ArtifactArchiver.Migrator |
ArtifactManager |
Manager of artifacts for one build.
ArtifactManagerConfiguration |
ArtifactManagerFactory |
Pluggable ability to manage transfer and/or storage of build artifacts.
ArtifactManagerFactoryDescriptor |
Definition of a kind of artifact manager.
AssetManager |
Serves files located in the /assets classpath directory via the Jenkins core ClassLoader.
AsyncAperiodicWork |
AsynchronousAdministrativeMonitor |
Convenient partial implementation of AdministrativeMonitor that involves a background "fixing" action
once the user opts in for the execution of it.
AsynchronousExecution |
Special means of indicating that an executable will proceed in the background without consuming a native thread ( Executor ).
AsyncPeriodicWork |
AtmostOneTaskExecutor<V> |
Executor -like class that executes a single task repeatedly, in such a way that a single execution
can cover multiple pending queued requests.
AtomicFileWriter |
Buffered FileWriter that supports atomic operations.
Authentication |
AuthenticationException |
AuthenticationManager |
AuthenticationManagerProxy |
AuthenticationManager proxy that delegates to another instance.
AuthenticationProcessingFilter2 |
Login filter with a change for Jenkins so that
we can pick up the hidden "from" form field defined in login.jelly
to send the user back to where he came from, after a successful authentication.
AuthenticationProvider |
AuthenticationServiceException |
AuthenticationSuccessHandler |
Like SimpleUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler but does not allow open redirects.
AuthorizationStrategy |
Controls authorization throughout Hudson.
AuthorizationStrategy.Unsecured |
AuthorizationStrategy.Unsecured.DescriptorImpl |
AutoCompletionCandidates |
Data representation of the auto-completion candidates.
AWTProblem |
BackgroundGlobalBuildDiscarder |
Background task actually running background build discarders.
BadCredentialsException |
Badge |
Definition of a badge that can be returned by a ManagementLink implementation.
Badge.Severity |
BallColor |
Ball color used for the build status indication.
BasicApiTokenHelper |
BasicAuthenticationFilter |
Implements the dual authentication mechanism.
BasicHeaderApiTokenAuthenticator |
Checks if the password given in the BASIC header matches the user's API token.
BasicHeaderAuthenticator |
When Jenkins receives HTTP basic authentication, this hook will validate the username/password
BasicHeaderProcessor |
Takes "username:password" given in the Authorization HTTP header and authenticates
the request.
BasicHeaderRealPasswordAuthenticator |
Checks if the password given in the BASIC header matches the user's actual password,
as opposed to other pseudo-passwords like API tokens.
BatchCommandInstaller |
Installs tool via script execution of Batch script.
BatchCommandInstaller.DescriptorImpl |
BatchFile |
Executes commands by using Windows batch file.
BatchFile.DescriptorImpl |
BlockedBecauseOfBuildInProgress |
Indicates that a new build is blocked because the previous build is already in progress.
BooleanParameterDefinition |
BooleanParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl |
BooleanParameterValue |
BooleanUserExperimentalFlag |
BootFailure |
Build<P extends Project<P,B>,B extends Build<P,B>> |
BuildableItem |
Item that can be "built", for
whatever meaning of "build".
BuildableItemWithBuildWrappers |
BuildAuthorizationToken |
BuildAuthorizationToken.ConverterImpl |
BuildBadgeAction |
Action that puts a little icon (or icons)
next to the build in the build history.
BuildButtonColumn |
BuildButtonColumn.DescriptorImpl |
BuildCommand |
Builds a job, and optionally waits until its completion.
BuildCommand.CLICause |
BuildDiscarder |
Implementation of "Discard old build records" feature.
BuildDiscarder.ConverterImpl |
BuildDiscarderDescriptor |
BuildDiscarderProperty |
BuildDiscarderProperty.ConditionallyHidden |
BuildDiscarderProperty.DescriptorImpl |
Builder |
BuildHistoryWidget<T> |
Displays the build history on the side panel.
BuildHistoryWidget.FactoryImpl |
BuildListener |
Receives events that happen during a build.
BuildListenerAdapter |
BuildListTable |
BuildQueueWidget |
Show the default build queue.
BuildQueueWidget.ComputerSetFactoryImpl |
BuildQueueWidget.ViewFactoryImpl |
BuildReference<R> |
BuildReference.DefaultHolderFactory |
Default factory if none other are installed.
BuildReference.Holder<R> |
BuildReference.HolderFactory |
Extensible factory for creating build references.
BuildStatusIcon |
An icon used for build statuses
BuildStep |
One step of the whole build process.
BuildStep.PublisherList |
List of publisher descriptor.
BuildStepCompatibilityLayer |
BuildStepDescriptor<T extends BuildStep & Describable<T>> |
BuildStepListener |
Receives events that happen as a build executes BuildStep s.
BuildStepMonitor |
BuildTimelineWidget |
BuildTimeTrend |
BuildTrigger |
Triggers builds of other projects.
BuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl |
BuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl.ItemListenerImpl |
BuildVariableContributor |
Contributes build variables to builds.
BuildWrapper |
Pluggability point for performing pre/post actions for the build process.
BuildWrapperDescriptor |
BuildWrappers |
BuiltInNodeMigration |
Inform the admin about the migration.
BulkChange |
Transaction-like object that can be used to make a bunch of changes to an object, and defer the until the end.
ByteArrayOutputStream2 |
CallableDirectionChecker |
Inspects Callable s that run on the controller.
CallableDirectionChecker.ChannelConfiguratorImpl |
CancelQuietDownCommand |
Cancel previous quiet down Jenkins - preparation for a restart
CaptchaSupport |
Extension point for adding Captcha Support to User Registration Page CaptchaSupport .
CaptchaSupportDescriptor |
CaseInsensitiveComparator |
Categories |
It is a logic representation of a set of Category .
Category |
Cause |
Cause object base class.
Cause.LegacyCodeCause |
Cause.RemoteCause |
Cause.UpstreamCause |
A build is triggered by another build (AKA upstream build.)
Cause.UpstreamCause.ConverterImpl |
Cause.UpstreamCause.DeeplyNestedUpstreamCause |
Cause.UserCause |
Cause.UserIdCause |
A build is started by an user action.
CauseAction |
CauseAction.ConverterImpl |
CauseOfBlockage |
If something is blocked/vetoed, this object represents why.
CauseOfBlockage.BecauseLabelIsBusy |
Build is blocked because everyone that matches the specified label is fully busy
CauseOfBlockage.BecauseLabelIsOffline |
Build is blocked because all the nodes that match a given label is offline.
CauseOfBlockage.BecauseNodeIsBusy |
Build is blocked because a node is fully busy
CauseOfBlockage.BecauseNodeIsNotAcceptingTasks |
Build is blocked because a node (or its retention strategy) is not accepting tasks.
CauseOfBlockage.BecauseNodeIsOffline |
Build is blocked because a node is offline.
CauseOfInterruption |
CauseOfInterruption.UserInterruption |
Indicates that the build was interrupted from UI.
ChainedServletFilter |
Servlet Filter that chains multiple Filter s.
ChangeLogAnnotator |
Performs mark up on changelog messages to be displayed.
ChangeLogParser |
Encapsulates the file format of the changelog.
ChangeLogSet<T extends ChangeLogSet.Entry> |
Represents SCM change list.
ChangeLogSet.AffectedFile |
Represents a file change.
ChangeLogSet.Entry |
ChannelConfigurator |
Intercepts the new creation of Channel and tweak its configuration.
ChannelPinger |
Establish a periodic ping to keep connections between agents
and the main Jenkins node alive.
ChannelPinger.SetUpRemotePing |
Channels |
Various convenient subtype of Channel s.
CharacterEncodingFilter |
Filter that sets the character encoding to be used in parsing the request
to avoid Non-ASCII characters garbled.
ChartUtil |
Chart generation utility code around JFreeChart.
ChartUtil.NumberOnlyBuildLabel |
Can be used as a graph label.
CheckPoint |
Provides a mechanism for synchronizing build executions in the face of concurrent builds.
ChoiceParameterDefinition |
ChoiceParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl |
ChunkedInputStream |
Transparently coalesces chunks of a HTTP stream that uses
Transfer-Encoding chunked.
ChunkedOutputStream |
Implements HTTP chunking support.
ClassFilterImpl |
Customized version of ClassFilter.DEFAULT .
ClassicPluginStrategy |
ClassLoaderReflectionToolkit |
Reflective access to various ClassLoader methods which are otherwise protected .
ClassLoaderSanityThreadFactory |
ClassLoaderStatisticsSlaveInfo |
ClasspathBuilder |
Used to build up an argument in the classpath format.
ClearQueueCommand |
Clears the build queue
CLIAction |
Shows usage of CLI and commands.
CliAuthenticator |
CLICommand |
Base class for Hudson CLI.
CliCrumbExclusion |
Makes CLI HTTP fallback work with CSRF protection enabled (JENKINS-18114).
CliLink |
CLIMethod |
Annotates methods on model objects to expose them as CLI commands.
CLIRegisterer |
CLIResolver |
Annotates a resolver method that binds a portion of the command line arguments and parameters
to an instance whose CLIMethod is invoked for the final processing.
CliTransportAuthenticator |
ClockDifference |
Represents a clock difference.
ClockMonitor |
ClockMonitor.DescriptorImpl |
CloneableCLICommand |
CloseProofOutputStream |
Cloud |
Creates Node s to dynamically expand/shrink the agents attached to Hudson.
Cloud.CloudState |
Parameter object for Cloud .
CloudProvisioningListener |
Allows extensions to be notified of events in any Cloud and to prevent
provisioning from a Cloud .
CloudRetentionStrategy |
CloudSet |
CloudSet.DescriptorImpl |
CloudSlaveRetentionStrategy<T extends Computer> |
CloudsLink |
CollectionSearchIndex<SMT extends SearchableModelObject> |
ColorPalette |
Color constants consistent with the Hudson color palette.
ComboBoxModel |
Model object for dynamically filed combo box, which is really just ArrayList<String>
CommandInstaller |
Installs a tool by running an arbitrary shell command.
CommandInstaller.DescriptorImpl |
CommandInterpreter |
CompletedInitializationMonitor |
CompositeCauseOfBlockage |
Represents the fact that there was at least one Queue.JobOffer which rejected a task.
CompositeIOException |
CompoundEnumeration<T> |
CompressedFile |
Represents write-once read-many file that can be optionally compressed
to save disk space.
Computer |
Represents the running state of a remote computer that holds Executor s.
Computer.DisplayExecutor |
A value class to provide a consistent snapshot view of the state of an executor to avoid race conditions
during rendering of the executors list.
Computer.DisplayExecutor.InternalComputerListener |
Computer.TerminationRequest |
Used to trace requests to terminate a computer.
ComputerConnector |
ComputerConnectorDescriptor |
ComputerLauncher |
Extension point to allow control over how Computer s are "launched",
meaning how they get connected to their agent program.
ComputerLauncherFilter |
ComputerListener |
Receives notifications about status changes of Computer s.
ComputerPanelBox |
Adds box rendered in the computer side panel.
ComputerPinger |
A way to see if a computer is reachable.
ComputerPinger.BuiltInComputerPinger |
Default pinger - use Java built-in functionality.
ComputerRetentionWork |
Periodically checks the agents and try to reconnect dead agents.
ComputerSet |
Serves as the top of Computer s in the URL hierarchy.
ComputerSet.DescriptorImpl |
ConfidentialKey |
Confidential information that gets stored as a singleton in Jenkins, mostly some random token value.
ConfidentialStore |
The actual storage for the data held by ConfidentialKey s, and the holder
of the master secret.
Configuration |
ConfigureLink |
Connection |
ConnectionActivityMonitor |
Makes sure that connections to agents are alive, and if they are not, cut them off.
ConnectNodeCommand |
Reconnect to a node or nodes.
ConsistentHash<T> |
Consistent hash.
ConsistentHash.Hash<T> |
Hashes an object to some value.
ConsoleAnnotationDescriptor |
ConsoleAnnotationOutputStream<T> |
Used to convert plain text console output (as byte sequence) + embedded annotations into HTML (as char sequence),
by using ConsoleAnnotator .
ConsoleAnnotator<T> |
Annotates one line of console output.
ConsoleAnnotatorFactory<T> |
ConsoleCommand |
cat/tail/head of the console output.
ConsoleLink |
ConsoleLogFilter |
A hook to allow filtering of information that is written to the console log.
ConsoleNote<T> |
Data that hangs off from a console output.
ConsoleUrlProvider |
Extension point that allows implementations to redirect build console links to a specified URL.
ConsoleUrlProviderGlobalConfiguration |
Allows administrators to activate and sort ConsoleUrlProvider extensions to set defaults for all users.
ConsoleUrlProviderUserProperty |
Allows users to activate and sort ConsoleUrlProvider extensions based on their preferences.
ConsoleUrlProviderUserProperty.DescriptorImpl |
ContainerAuthentication |
Authentication implementation for Principal
given through HttpServletRequest .
ContextResettingExecutorService |
ControllerExecutorsAgents |
ControllerExecutorsNoAgents |
CopyJobCommand |
Copies a job from CLI.
CopyOnWrite |
Represents fields that are protected for concurrency by the copy-on-write semantics.
CopyOnWriteList<E> |
List -like implementation that has copy-on-write semantics.
CopyOnWriteList.ConverterImpl |
Converter implementation for XStream.
CopyOnWriteMap<K,V> |
Map that has copy-on-write semantics.
CopyOnWriteMap.Hash<K,V> |
CopyOnWriteMap.Hash.ConverterImpl |
CopyOnWriteMap.Tree<K,V> |
CopyOnWriteMap.Tree.ConverterImpl |
CoreEnvironmentContributor |
EnvironmentContributor that adds the basic set of environment variables that
we've been exposing historically.
Correlator |
This class stores a UUID identifying this instance for telemetry reporting to allow deduplication or merging of submitted records.
CreateJobCommand |
Creates a new job by reading stdin as a configuration XML file.
CreateNodeCommand |
CreateViewCommand |
CredentialsExpiredException |
CriticalXStreamException |
Wraps XStreamException to indicate it is critical for Jenkins.
CronTab |
Table for driving scheduled tasks.
CrontabLexer |
CronTabList |
CrontabParser |
CrontabParser.ExprContext |
CrontabParser.StartRuleContext |
CrontabParser.TermContext |
CrontabParser.TokenContext |
CrontabParserBaseListener |
This class provides an empty implementation of CrontabParserListener ,
which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset
of the available methods.
CrontabParserListener |
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by
CrontabParser .
CrumbExclusion |
Allows plugins to define exceptions to the CSRF protection filter.
CrumbFilter |
Checks for and validates crumbs on requests that cause state changes, to
protect against cross site request forgeries.
CrumbFilter.ErrorCustomizer |
CrumbIssuer |
A CrumbIssuer represents an algorithm to generate a nonce value, known as a
crumb, to counter cross site request forgery exploits.
CrumbIssuer.RestrictedApi |
CrumbIssuerDescriptor<T extends CrumbIssuer> |
Describes global configuration for crumb issuers.
CryptoConfidentialKey |
CSRFAdministrativeMonitor |
Monitor that the CSRF protection is enabled on the application.
CustomClassFilter |
Allows extensions to adjust the behavior of ClassFilter.DEFAULT .
CustomClassFilter.Contributed |
Standard filter which can load whitelists and blacklists from plugins.
CustomClassFilter.Static |
Standard filter which pays attention to a system property.
CyclicGraphDetector<N> |
Traverses a directed graph and if it contains any cycle, throw an exception.
CyclicGraphDetector.CycleDetectedException |
DaemonThreadFactory |
DailyCheck |
DataAccessException |
DataAccessResourceFailureException |
DataRetrievalFailureException |
DataSetBuilder<Row extends Comparable,Column extends Comparable> |
Builds CategoryDataset .
DecodingStream |
Hex-binary decoding stream.
DefaultConfidentialStore |
Default portable implementation of ConfidentialStore that uses
a directory inside $JENKINS_HOME.
DefaultConsoleUrlProvider |
DefaultConsoleUrlProvider.DescriptorImpl |
DefaultCrumbIssuer |
A crumb issuing algorithm based on the request principal and the remote address.
DefaultCrumbIssuer.DescriptorImpl |
DefaultGlobalSettingsProvider |
DefaultGlobalSettingsProvider.DescriptorImpl |
DefaultJnlpSlaveReceiver |
Match the name against the agent name and route the incoming agent as Slave .
DefaultMyViewsTabBar |
DefaultMyViewsTabBar.DescriptorImpl |
DefaultSCMCheckoutStrategyImpl |
DefaultSCMCheckoutStrategyImpl.DescriptorImpl |
DefaultScriptListener |
DefaultSettingsProvider |
DefaultSettingsProvider.DescriptorImpl |
DefaultSimplePageDecorator |
In case there are no other implementations we will fallback to this implementation.
DefaultUserCanonicalIdResolver |
Default User.CanonicalIdResolver to escape unsupported characters and generate user ID.
DefaultViewsTabBar |
DefaultViewsTabBar.DescriptorImpl |
DelegatingComputerLauncher |
Base implementation of ComputerLauncher that to be used by launchers that
perform some initialization (typically something cloud/v12n related
to power up the machine), and then delegate to another ComputerLauncher
to connect.
DelegatingComputerLauncher.DescriptorImpl |
DelegatingOutputStream |
DeleteBuildsCommand |
Deletes builds records in a bulk.
DeleteJobCommand |
CLI command, which deletes a job or multiple jobs.
DeleteNodeCommand |
CLI command, which deletes Jenkins nodes.
DeleteViewCommand |
DependecyDeclarer |
DependencyDeclarer |
Marker interface for project-associated objects that can participate
in the dependency graph computation process.
DependencyGraph |
Maintains the build dependencies between AbstractProject s
for efficient dependency computation.
DependencyGraph.Dependency |
Represents an edge in the dependency graph.
DependencyRunner |
Runs a job on all projects in the order of dependencies
DependencyRunner.ProjectRunnable |
Describable<T extends Describable<T>> |
DescribableList<T extends Describable<T>,D extends Descriptor<T>> |
DescribableList.ConverterImpl |
Converter implementation for XStream.
DescribableList.Owner |
Descriptor<T extends Describable<T>> |
Metadata about a configurable instance.
Descriptor.FormException |
Descriptor.PropertyType |
Descriptor.Self |
Special type indicating that Descriptor describes itself.
DescriptorByNameOwner |
DescriptorExtensionList<T extends Describable<T>,D extends Descriptor<T>> |
DescriptorList<T extends Describable<T>> |
DescriptorVisibilityFilter |
DetachedPluginsUtil |
Dedicated class to handle the logic related to so-called detached plugins.
DetachedPluginsUtil.DetachedPlugin |
Information about plugins that were originally in the core.
DirectedGraph<N> |
A possible cyclic directed graph.
DirectedGraph.SCC<N> |
Strongly connected component (SCC) of a graph.
DirectlyModifiableTopLevelItemGroup |
Item group which supports items being directly moved in or out of it.
DirectlyModifiableView |
Marker interface for View its items can be modified.
DirectoryBrowserSupport |
Has convenience methods to serve file system.
DirectoryBrowserSupport.Path |
Represents information about one file or folder.
DirScanner |
Visits a directory and its contents and pass them to the FileVisitor .
DirScanner.Filter |
DirScanner.Full |
Scans everything recursively.
DirScanner.Glob |
Scans by using Ant GLOB syntax.
DisabledException |
DisablePluginCommand |
Disable one or more installed plugins.
DisconnectNodeCommand |
CLI Command, which disconnects nodes.
DiskSpaceMonitor |
Checks available disk space of the remote FS root.
DiskSpaceMonitor.DescriptorImpl |
DiskSpaceMonitorDescriptor |
DiskSpaceMonitorDescriptor.DiskSpace |
Value object that represents the disk space.
DiskSpaceMonitorDescriptor.GetUsableSpace |
DiskSpaceMonitorNodeProperty |
NodeProperty that allows users to set agent specific disk space thresholds.
DiskSpaceMonitorNodeProperty.DescriptorImpl |
DisplayNameListener |
DistributedBuilds |
DNSMultiCast |
DoActionFilter |
DomainValidator |
Domain name validation routines.
DomainValidator.ArrayType |
DomainValidator.Item |
Used to specify overrides when creating a new class.
DotNet |
.NET related code.
DoubleLaunchChecker |
Makes sure that no other Hudson uses our JENKINS_HOME directory,
to forestall the problem of running multiple instances of Hudson that point to the same data directory.
DoubleLaunchChecker.Schedule |
DownloadFromUrlInstaller |
Partial convenience implementation of ToolInstaller that just downloads
an archive from the URL and extracts it.
DownloadFromUrlInstaller.DescriptorImpl<T extends DownloadFromUrlInstaller> |
DownloadFromUrlInstaller.Installable |
Downloadable and installable tool.
DownloadFromUrlInstaller.InstallableList |
Used for JSON databinding to parse the obtained list.
DownloadService |
Service for plugins to periodically retrieve update data files
(like the one in the update center) through browsers.
DownloadService.Downloadable |
Represents a periodically updated JSON data file obtained from a remote URL.
DownloadService.DownloadableListener |
This installs itself as a listener to changes to the Downloadable extension list and will download the metadata
for any newly added Downloadables.
DropdownsTagLib |
DualOutputStream |
DumbSlave |
Default Slave implementation for computers that do not belong to a higher level structure,
like grid or cloud.
DumbSlave.DescriptorImpl |
EditDistance |
Computes the string edit distance.
EditType |
Designates the SCM operation.
EnablePluginCommand |
Enables one or more installed plugins.
EncodingStream |
Hex-binary encoding stream.
EncryptedSlaveAgentJnlpFile |
Serves the JNLP file.
EnumConverter |
Converter for enums.
Environment |
Represents some resources that are set up for the duration of a build
to be torn down when the build is over.
EnvironmentContributingAction |
Action that contributes environment variables during a build.
EnvironmentContributor |
Contributes environment variables to builds.
EnvironmentContributor.EnvVarsHtml |
Serves the combined list of environment variables available from this plugin.
EnvironmentList |
EnvironmentSpecific<T extends EnvironmentSpecific<T>> |
Represents any concept that can be adapted for a certain environment.
EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty |
EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty.DescriptorImpl |
EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty.Entry |
EnvVars |
Environment variables.
EnvVarsFilterableBuilder |
Builder step that wants to integrate local environment filter rules should implement this interface
EnvVarsFilterException |
Exception that occurs during the environment filtering process, with helper to track the source.
EnvVarsFilterGlobalConfiguration |
Configuration of the filter rules that are applied globally,
after filtering which rule applies on which builder
EnvVarsFilterGlobalRule |
Environment variables filter rule that is configured globally for all jobs.
EnvVarsFilterLocalRule |
Environment variables filter rule that is specific to a job configuration, using script-specific variables, etc.
EnvVarsFilterLocalRuleDescriptor |
Descriptor for the local rule.
EnvVarsFilterRule |
The order of execution of the rules is determined by first their type (local before global)
and then, by default, their Extension.ordinal() , higher ordinal first, but configuration can customize the order.
EnvVarsFilterRuleContext |
Information that is used for the environment filtering process.
EnvVarsFilterRuleWrapper |
Helper class that provide the list of rules (local + global) for a given builder.
EnvVarsSlaveInfo |
EphemeralNode |
Node s that are not persisted as configuration by itself.
ErrorAttributeFilter |
Record the current user authentication for later impersonation if the response is 404 Not Found.
ErrorLoggingExecutorService |
Executor service that logs unchecked exceptions / errors in Runnable .
ErrorObject |
Basis for error model objects.
EscapedMarkupFormatter |
EscapedMarkupFormatter.DescriptorImpl |
ExceptionCatchingThreadFactory |
ThreadFactory that creates a thread, which in turn displays a stack trace
when it terminates unexpectedly.
Executables |
Executor |
Thread that executes builds.
ExecutorListener |
A listener for task related events from executors.
ExecutorsWidget |
The default executors widget.
ExecutorsWidget.ComputerFactoryImpl |
ExecutorsWidget.ComputerSetFactoryImpl |
ExecutorsWidget.ViewFactoryImpl |
ExitLifecycle |
Lifecycle that delegates the responsibility to restart Jenkins to an external
watchdog such as SystemD or OpenRC.
ExpandableDetailsNote |
Renders a button that can be clicked to reveal additional block tag (and HTML inside it.)
ExpandableDetailsNote.DescriptorImpl |
Extension |
Marks a field, a method, or a class for automatic discovery, so that Hudson can locate
implementations of ExtensionPoint s automatically.
ExtensionComponent<T> |
Discovered Extension object with a bit of metadata for Hudson.
ExtensionComponentSet |
ExtensionFilter |
ExtensionFinder |
Discovers the implementations of an extension point.
ExtensionFinder.DefaultGuiceExtensionAnnotation |
ExtensionFinder.GuiceExtensionAnnotation<T extends Annotation> |
Captures information about the annotation that we use to mark Guice-instantiated components.
ExtensionFinder.GuiceFinder |
Discovers components via sezpoz but instantiates them by using Guice.
ExtensionFinder.Sezpoz |
The bootstrap implementation that looks for the Extension marker.
ExtensionList<T> |
Retains the known extension instances for the given type 'T'.
ExtensionListListener |
ExtensionListView |
Compatibility layer for legacy manual registration of extension points.
ExtensionPoint |
Marker interface that designates extensible components
in Jenkins that can be implemented by plugins.
ExtensionPoint.LegacyInstancesAreScopedToHudson |
Used by designers of extension points (direct subtypes of ExtensionPoint ) to indicate that
the legacy instances are scoped to Jenkins instance.
ExtensionRefreshException |
Failure |
Represents an error induced by user, encountered during HTTP request processing.
FederatedLoginService |
Abstraction for a login mechanism through external authenticator/identity provider
(instead of username/password.)
FederatedLoginService.UnclaimedIdentityException |
FederatedLoginServiceUserProperty |
FeedAdapter<E> |
Provides a RSS feed view of the data.
FieldUtils |
FileBoolean |
Uses a presence/absence of a file as a persisted boolean storage.
FileChannelWriter |
This class has been created to help make AtomicFileWriter hopefully more reliable in some corner cases.
FileFingerprintStorage |
Default file system storage implementation for fingerprints.
FileFingerprintStorage.DescriptorImpl |
FileParameterDefinition |
FileParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl |
FileParameterValue |
FileParameterValue.FileItemImpl |
Default implementation from File .
FilePath |
File like object with remoting support.
FilePath.AbstractInterceptorCallableWrapper<T> |
FilePath.DisplayOption |
FilePath.ExplicitlySpecifiedDirScanner |
Helper class to make it easy to send an explicit list of files using FilePath methods.
FilePath.FileCallable<T> |
Code that gets executed on the machine where the FilePath is local.
FilePath.FileCallableWrapperFactory |
This extension point allows to contribute a wrapper around a fileCallable so that a plugin can "intercept" a
FilePath.FileMaskNoMatchesFoundException |
FilePath.TarCompression |
Supported tar file compression methods.
FilePathGlobalSettingsProvider |
FilePathGlobalSettingsProvider.DescriptorImpl |
FilePathSettingsProvider |
FilePathSettingsProvider.DescriptorImpl |
FileSystemProvisioner |
FileSystemProvisioner.Default |
FileVisitor |
Visits files in a directory recursively.
FilteredFunctionContext |
FunctionContext that removes some XPath
function names that are deemed bad as user input.
Fingerprint |
A file being tracked by Jenkins.
Fingerprint.BuildPtr |
Fingerprint.ProjectRenameListener |
Fingerprint.Range |
Range of build numbers [start,end).
Fingerprint.RangeItem |
Fingerprint.RangeSet |
Fingerprint.RangeSet.ConverterImpl |
Converter Implementation for RangeSet.
FingerprintCleanupThread |
Scans the fingerprint database and remove old records
that are no longer relevant.
Fingerprinter |
Records fingerprints of the specified files.
Fingerprinter.DescriptorImpl |
Fingerprinter.FingerprintAction |
Action for displaying fingerprints.
FingerprintFacet |
Plugin-specific additions to fingerprint information.
FingerprintMap |
FingerprintStorage |
Pluggable fingerprint storage API for fingerprints.
FingerprintStorageDescriptor |
FIPS140 |
Utilities to help code change behaviour when it is desired to run in a FIPS-140 enabled environment.
FixedSet |
Set of SearchItem s that are statically known upfront.
FlushProofOutputStream |
FoldableAction |
An action interface that allows action data to be folded together.
ForkOutputStream |
FormApply |
Server-side code related to the <f:apply> button.
FormElementPathPageDecorator |
FormFieldValidator |
FormFieldValidator.Base64 |
FormFieldValidator.Executable |
FormFieldValidator.HudsonURL |
Checks if the given value is an URL to some Hudson's top page.
FormFieldValidator.NonNegativeInteger |
FormFieldValidator.URLCheck |
FormFieldValidator.WorkspaceDirectory |
FormFieldValidator.WorkspaceFileMask |
FormFieldValidator.WorkspaceFilePath |
FormFillFailure |
Represents a failure in a form field doFillXYZ method.
FormTagLib |
FormValidation |
Represents the result of the form field validation.
FormValidation.CheckMethod |
Builds up the check URL for the client-side JavaScript to call back.
FormValidation.FileValidator |
Performs an application-specific validation on the given file.
FormValidation.Kind |
Indicates the kind of result.
FormValidation.URLCheck |
Convenient base class for checking the validity of URLs.
FrameOptionsPageDecorator |
Adds the 'X-Frame-Options' header to all web pages.
FreeStyleBuild |
FreeStyleProject |
Free-style software project.
FreeStyleProject.DescriptorImpl |
FullControlOnceLoggedInAuthorizationStrategy |
AuthorizationStrategy that grants full-control to authenticated user
and optionally read access to anonymous users
FullControlOnceLoggedInAuthorizationStrategy.DescriptorImpl |
FullDuplexHttpChannel |
FullDuplexHttpService |
FullDuplexHttpService.Response |
HTTP response that allows a client to use this service.
FullHeader |
Header that provides its own resources as full replacement.
Function1<R,P1> |
Unary function y=f(x) .
Functions |
Utility functions used in views.
Functions.RunUrl |
URL decomposed for easier computation of relevant URLs.
Functions.ThreadGroupMap |
FutureImpl |
Created when Queue.Item is created so that the caller can track the progress of the task.
FutureLoad |
Estimated future load to Hudson.
Futures |
Various Future implementations.
GenericItemOptionHandler<T extends Item> |
Refers to an Item by its name.
GetJobCommand |
GetNodeCommand |
GetViewCommand |
GlobalBuildDiscarderConfiguration |
Global configuration UI for background build discarders
GlobalBuildDiscarderListener |
Run background build discarders on an individual job once a build is finalized
GlobalBuildDiscarderStrategy |
Extension point for global background build discarders.
GlobalBuildDiscarderStrategyDescriptor |
GlobalCloudConfiguration |
GlobalConfiguration |
Convenient base class for extensions that contributes to the system configuration page but nothing
else, or to manage the global configuration of a plugin implementing several extension points.
GlobalConfigurationCategory |
GlobalConfigurationCategory.Security |
Security related configurations.
GlobalConfigurationCategory.Unclassified |
This category represents the catch-all I-dont-know-what-category-it-is instance,
used for those GlobalConfiguration s that don't really deserve/need a separate
GlobalCrumbIssuerConfiguration |
Show the crumb configuration to the system config page.
GlobalDefaultViewConfiguration |
Adds the default view configuration to the system config page.
GlobalFingerprintConfiguration |
Allows configuring the settings of fingerprints.
GlobalMavenConfig |
GlobalNodePropertiesConfiguration |
GlobalPluginConfiguration |
Include config.jelly defined for Plugin s.
GlobalProjectNamingStrategyConfiguration |
Configures the project naming strategy.
GlobalQuietPeriodConfiguration |
Configures the system-default quiet period.
GlobalSCMRetryCountConfiguration |
Configures global SCM retry count default.
GlobalSecurityConfiguration |
Security configuration.
GlobalSecurityConfiguration.DescriptorImpl |
GlobalSettingsProvider |
GlobalSettingsProviderDescriptor |
GlobalToolConfiguration |
GNUCLibrary |
GNU C library.
GrantedAuthority |
GrantedAuthorityImpl |
GrantedAuthoritySid |
Graph |
A JFreeChart-generated graph that's bound to UI.
GroovyCommand |
Executes the specified groovy script.
GroovyHookScript |
A collection of Groovy scripts that are executed as various hooks.
GroovyInitScript |
Run the initialization script, if it exists.
GroovyshCommand |
Executes Groovy shell.
GroupDetails |
Represents the details of a group.
Hash |
Generates a pseudo-random sequence of integers in the specified range.
HasWidgets |
Classes implementing this interface can have widgets, and they can be accessed using relative urls "widget/widgetName"
HeadBufferingStream |
Header |
Extension point that provides capabilities to render a specific header.
HealthReport |
Represents health of something (typically project).
HealthReport.ConverterImpl |
Fix deserialization of older data.
HealthReportingAction |
An Action that can return information about the health of the Job.
HeapSpaceStringConverter |
Up to XStream 1.3 the default StringConverter in XStream
used String.intern() , which stressed the
(rather limited) PermGen space with a large XML file.
HelpCommand |
Show the list of all commands.
HexBinaryConverter |
HexStringConfidentialKey |
HistoricalSecrets |
Historical algorithms for decrypting Secret s.
HistoryPageEntry<T> |
HistoryPageFilter<T> |
History page filter.
HistoryWidget<O extends ModelObject,T> |
Displays the history of records (normally Run s) on the side panel.
HistoryWidget.Adapter<T> |
HistoryWidget.FactoryImpl |
HMACConfidentialKey |
ConfidentialKey that's used for creating a token by hashing some information with secret
(such as hash(msg|secret) ).
HsErrPidFile |
Serves hs_err_pid file.
HsErrPidList |
Finds crash dump reports and show them in the UI.
HttpResponses |
Various HttpResponse implementations.
HttpServletFilter |
HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter2 |
HttpSessionListener |
Hudson |
Hudson.CloudList |
Hudson.MasterComputer |
HudsonAuthenticationEntryPoint |
For anonymous requests to pages that require authentication,
first respond with HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN ,
then redirect browsers automatically to the login page.
HudsonFailedToLoad |
Model object used to display the generic error when Jenkins start up fails fatally during initialization.
HudsonFilter |
Filter that Jenkins uses to implement security support.
HudsonHomeDiskUsageChecker |
HudsonHomeDiskUsageMonitor |
Monitors the disk usage of JENKINS_HOME , and if it's almost filled up, warn the user.
HudsonHomeDiskUsageMonitor.Solution |
Extension point for suggesting solutions for full JENKINS_HOME.
HudsonIsLoading |
Model object used to display "Jenkins is loading data".
HudsonIsRestarting |
Model object used to display "Hudson is restarting".
HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm |
HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.DescriptorImpl |
HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.Details |
UserProperty that provides the UserDetails view of the User object.
HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.Details.ConverterImpl |
HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.Details.DescriptorImpl |
HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.ManageUserLinks |
HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.SignupInfo |
HudsonPrivateSecurityRealmTagLib |
HyperlinkNote |
Turns a text into a hyperlink by specifying the URL separately.
HyperlinkNote.DescriptorImpl |
I18n |
Internationalization REST (ish) API.
Icon |
Simple icon metadata class.
IconFormat |
Format for the icon.
IconSet |
An icon set.
IconSpec |
Icon Specification.
IconType |
Icon type.
IdentityRootAction |
A simple root action that exposes the public key to users so that they do not need to search for the
X-Instance-Identity response header, also exposes the fingerprint of the public key so that people
can verify a fingerprint of a master before connecting to it.
IdStrategy |
The strategy to use for manipulating converting names (e.g.
IdStrategy.CaseInsensitive |
IdStrategy.CaseInsensitive.DescriptorImpl |
IdStrategy.CaseSensitive |
IdStrategy.CaseSensitive.DescriptorImpl |
IdStrategy.CaseSensitiveEmailAddress |
IdStrategy.CaseSensitiveEmailAddress.DescriptorImpl |
IdStrategyDescriptor |
ImmutableListConverter |
ImmutableList should convert like a list, instead of via serialization.
ImmutableMapConverter |
ImmutableSetConverter |
ImmutableSortedSetConverter |
ImpersonatingExecutorService |
ImpersonatingScheduledExecutorService |
ImpersonatingUserDetailsService |
ImpersonatingUserDetailsService2 |
UserDetailsService for those SecurityRealm
that doesn't allow query of other users.
IncompatibleAntVersionDetected |
Model object used to display the error top page if
we find out that the container is picking up its own Ant and that's not 1.7.
IncompatibleServletVersionDetected |
Model object used to display the error top page if
we find out that the container doesn't support servlet 2.4.
IncompatibleVMDetected |
Model object used to display the error top page if
we find out that XStream is running in pure-java mode.
Indenter<J extends Job> |
Used by projectView.jelly to indent modules.
InetAddressValidator |
InetAddress validation and conversion routines ( ).
InitializationErrorInvocationHandler |
InvocationHandler that reports the same exception over and over again when methods are invoked
on the interface.
Initializer |
Placed on methods to indicate that this method is to be run during the Jenkins start up to perform
some sort of initialization tasks, for example:
InitializerFinder |
InitialUserContent |
Prepares userContent folder and put a readme if it doesn't exist.
InitMilestone |
Various key milestone in the initialization process of Hudson.
InitReactorListener |
ReactorListener s that get notified of the Hudson initialization process.
InitReactorRunner |
Executes the Reactor for the purpose of bootup.
InitStrategy |
Strategy pattern of the various key decision making during the Jenkins initialization.
InstallerTranslator |
Actually runs installations.
InstallPluginCommand |
Installs a plugin either from a file, an URL, or from update center.
InstallSourceProperty |
InstallSourceProperty.DescriptorImpl |
InstallState |
Jenkins install state.
InstallStateFilter |
InstallUncaughtExceptionHandler |
Deals with exceptions that get thrown all the way up to the Stapler rendering layer.
InstallUncaughtExceptionHandler.ErrorCustomizer |
InstallUtil |
Jenkins install utilities.
InstanceIdentityProvider<PUB extends PublicKey,PRIV extends PrivateKey> |
A source of instance identity.
InstanceIdentityProvider.KeyTypes<PUB extends PublicKey,PRIV extends PrivateKey> |
Holds information about the paired keytypes that can be used to form the various identity keys.
InsufficientAuthenticationException |
InsufficientPermissionDetected |
Model object used to display the error top page if
we find that we don't have enough permissions to run.
InterceptingExecutorService |
InterceptingProxy |
Creates a proxy that traps every method call.
InterceptingScheduledExecutorService |
InterruptedBuildAction |
Action added to Run to record the cause of interruption.
InvalidBuildsDir |
InvisibleAction |
InvocationInterceptor |
IOException2 |
IOHubProvider |
Singleton holder of IOHub
IOUtils |
Adds more to commons-io.
Item |
Basic configuration unit in Hudson.
ItemCategory |
ItemCategory.UncategorizedCategory |
The default ItemCategory , if an item doesn't belong anywhere else, this is where it goes by default.
ItemDeletion |
ItemGroup<T extends Item> |
Represents a grouping inherent to a kind of Item s.
ItemGroupMixIn |
Defines a bunch of static methods to be used as a "mix-in" for ItemGroup
ItemListener |
Receives notifications about CRUD operations of Item .
Items |
Convenience methods related to Item .
ItemVisitor |
Iterators |
Iterators.CountingPredicate<T> |
Iterators.DuplicateFilterIterator<T> |
Remove duplicates from another iterator.
Iterators.FilterIterator<T> |
Creates a filtered view of another iterator.
Iterators.FlattenIterator<U,T> |
Produces {A,B,C,D,E,F} from {{A,B},{C},{},{D,E,F}}.
JarURLValidatorImpl |
Deprecated. |
JavaSystemProperties |
Collect the value of various Java system properties describing the environment.
JavaUtils |
Utility class for Java environment management and checks.
JavaVersionRecommendationAdminMonitor |
JavaVMArguments |
List of arguments for Java VM and application.
Information about JDK installation.
JDK.ConverterImpl |
JDK.DescriptorImpl |
Jenkins |
Root object of the system.
Jenkins.CloudList |
Jenkins.DescriptorImpl |
Jenkins.EnforceSlaveAgentPortAdministrativeMonitor |
Jenkins.JenkinsHolder |
Hook for a test harness to intercept Jenkins.get()
Do not use in the production code as the signature may change.
Jenkins.MasterComputer |
Jenkins.MasterRestartNotifyier |
JenkinsANTLRErrorListener |
JenkinsClassLoader |
JenkinsHeader |
Default Header provided by Jenkins
JenkinsHttpSessionListener |
JenkinsJVM |
A utility class to identify if the current JVM is the one that is running Jenkins
JenkinsLocationConfiguration |
Stores the location of Jenkins (e-mail address and the HTTP URL.)
JenkinsReloadFailed |
Indicates that Jenkins is interrupted during reload.
JenkinsTagLib |
JenkinsWidgetFactory |
JnaException |
Exception in the registry code.
JnlpAgentReceiver |
JNLPLauncher |
JNLPLauncher.DescriptorImpl |
JnlpSlaveAgentProtocol |
JnlpSlaveAgentProtocol4 |
Master-side implementation for JNLP4-connect protocol.
JnlpSlaveRestarterInstaller |
Actual agent restart logic.
Job<JobT extends Job<JobT,RunT>,RunT extends Run<JobT,RunT>> |
A job is an runnable entity under the monitoring of Hudson.
Job.LastItemListener |
Job.SubItemBuildsLocationImpl |
JobColumn |
JobColumn.DescriptorImpl |
JobGlobalBuildDiscarderStrategy |
Periodically call a job's configured build discarder in the background.
JobGlobalBuildDiscarderStrategy.DescriptorImpl |
JobOptionHandler |
Refer to Job by its name.
JobProperty<J extends Job<?,?>> |
Extensible property of Job .
JobPropertyDescriptor |
Jobs |
JSONSignatureValidator |
JVMBuilder |
Used to build up launch parameters for a Java virtual machine.
Kernel32 |
JNA interface to Windows Kernel32 exports.
Kernel32Utils |
KeyedDataStorage<T,P> |
Convenient base class for implementing data storage.
Label |
Label.ConverterImpl |
LabelAssignmentAction |
Action that can be submitted to Queue that controls where
the task runs.
LabelAtom |
Atomic single token label, like "foo" or "bar".
LabelAtomProperty |
LabelAtomPropertyDescriptor |
LabelAutoCompleteSeeder |
Utility class for taking the current input value and computing a list of potential terms to match against the
list of defined labels.
LabelExpression |
Boolean expression of labels.
LabelExpression.And |
LabelExpression.Binary |
LabelExpression.Iff |
LabelExpression.Implies |
LabelExpression.Not |
LabelExpression.Or |
LabelExpression.Paren |
No-op but useful for preserving the parenthesis in the user input.
LabelExpressionLexer |
LabelExpressionParser |
LabelExpressionParser.ExprContext |
LabelExpressionParser.Term1Context |
LabelExpressionParser.Term2Context |
LabelExpressionParser.Term3Context |
LabelExpressionParser.Term4Context |
LabelExpressionParser.Term5Context |
LabelExpressionParser.Term6Context |
LabelExpressionParserBaseListener |
This class provides an empty implementation of LabelExpressionParserListener ,
which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset
of the available methods.
LabelExpressionParserListener |
LabelFinder |
Automatically adds labels to Node s.
LabelOperatorPrecedence |
Precedence of the top most operator.
LabelValidator |
Plugins may want to contribute additional restrictions on the use of specific labels for specific context items.
LabelVisitor<V,P> |
LastDurationColumn |
LastDurationColumn.DescriptorImpl |
LastFailureColumn |
LastFailureColumn.DescriptorImpl |
LastGrantedAuthoritiesProperty |
Remembers the set of GrantedAuthority s that was obtained the last time the user has logged in.
LastGrantedAuthoritiesProperty.DescriptorImpl |
LastGrantedAuthoritiesProperty.SecurityListenerImpl |
Listen to the login success/failure event to persist GrantedAuthority s properly.
LastStableColumn |
LastStableColumn.DescriptorImpl |
LastSuccessColumn |
LastSuccessColumn.DescriptorImpl |
Launcher |
Starts a process.
Launcher.DecoratedLauncher |
A launcher which delegates to a provided inner launcher.
Launcher.DummyLauncher |
Launcher.IOTriplet |
Launcher.LocalLauncher |
Launcher.RemoteLauncher |
Launches processes remotely by using the given channel.
Launcher.RemoteLauncher.ProcImpl |
Launcher.RemoteProcess |
Remoting interface of a remote process
LauncherDecorator |
Decorates Launcher so that one can intercept executions of commands
and alters the command being executed, such as doing this in fakeroot, sudo, pfexec, etc.
LayoutTagLib |
LazyBuildMixIn<JobT extends Job<JobT,RunT> & Queue.Task & LazyBuildMixIn.LazyLoadingJob<JobT,RunT>,RunT extends Run<JobT,RunT> & LazyBuildMixIn.LazyLoadingRun<JobT,RunT>> |
Makes it easier to use a lazy RunMap from a Job implementation.
LazyBuildMixIn.ItemListenerImpl |
LazyBuildMixIn.LazyLoadingJob<JobT extends Job<JobT,RunT> & Queue.Task & LazyBuildMixIn.LazyLoadingJob<JobT,RunT>,RunT extends Run<JobT,RunT> & LazyBuildMixIn.LazyLoadingRun<JobT,RunT>> |
Marker for a Job which uses this mixin.
LazyBuildMixIn.LazyLoadingRun<JobT extends Job<JobT,RunT> & Queue.Task & LazyBuildMixIn.LazyLoadingJob<JobT,RunT>,RunT extends Run<JobT,RunT> & LazyBuildMixIn.LazyLoadingRun<JobT,RunT>> |
Marker for a Run which uses this mixin.
LazyBuildMixIn.RunMixIn<JobT extends Job<JobT,RunT> & Queue.Task & LazyBuildMixIn.LazyLoadingJob<JobT,RunT>,RunT extends Run<JobT,RunT> & LazyBuildMixIn.LazyLoadingRun<JobT,RunT>> |
Accompanying helper for the run type.
LegacyApiTokenAdministrativeMonitor |
Monitor the list of users that still have legacy token
LegacyApiTokenAdministrativeMonitor.RevokeAllSelectedModel |
LegacyApiTokenAdministrativeMonitor.RevokeAllSelectedUserAndUuid |
LegacyAuthorizationStrategy |
LegacyAuthorizationStrategy.DescriptorImpl |
LegacySecurityRealm |
LegacySecurityRealm.DescriptorImpl |
Lifecycle |
Provides the capability for starting/stopping/restarting/uninstalling Hudson.
Lifecycle.PlaceholderLifecycle |
LineEndingConversion |
Converts line endings of a string.
LineEndingConversion.EOLType |
Supported line ending types for conversion
LineTransformationOutputStream |
Filtering OutputStream that buffers text by line, so that the derived class
can perform some manipulation based on the contents of the whole line.
LineTransformationOutputStream.Delegating |
Convenience subclass for cases where you wish to process lines being sent to an underlying stream.
ListBoxModel |
Model object of dynamically filled list box.
ListBoxModel.Option |
ListChangesCommand |
Retrieves a change list for the specified builds.
Listeners |
Utilities for working with listener interfaces.
ListJobsCommand |
Lists all jobs (in a specific view).
ListPluginsCommand |
Outputs a list of installed plugins.
ListView |
Displays Job s in a flat list view.
ListView.DescriptorImpl |
ListView.Listener |
ListViewColumn |
Extension point for adding a column to a table rendering of Item s, such as ListView .
ListViewColumnDescriptor |
Loadable |
Object whose state can be loaded from disk.
LoadBalancer |
LoadPredictor |
Predicts future load to the system, to assist the scheduling decisions
LoadPredictor.CurrentlyRunningTasks |
Considers currently running tasks and their completion.
LoadStatistics |
Utilization statistics for a node or a set of nodes.
LoadStatistics.LoadStatisticsSnapshot |
Holds a snapshot of the current statistics.
LoadStatistics.LoadStatisticsSnapshot.Builder |
Use a builder so we can add more stats if needed.
LoadStatistics.LoadStatisticsUpdater |
Periodically update the load statistics average.
LocalPluginManager |
LockedException |
LogRecorder |
Records a selected set of logs so that the system administrator
can diagnose a specific aspect of the system.
LogRecorder.ComputerLogInitializer |
LogRecorder.Target |
Logger that this recorder monitors, and its log level.
LogRecorderManager |
LogRotator |
LogRotator.CollatedLogRotatorException |
LogRotator.LRDescriptor |
LogTaskListener |
Lookup |
Type-safe instance map.
LRUStringConverter |
Main |
Entry point to Hudson from command line.
ManageJenkinsAction |
Adds the "Manage Jenkins" link to the top page.
ManagementLink |
Extension point to add icon to http://server/hudson/manage page.
ManagementLink.Category |
Categories supported by this version of core.
MapperDelegate |
Works like MapperWrapper except it lets the subtype
change the delegation target.
MappingWorksheet |
Defines a mapping problem for answering "where do we execute this task?"
MappingWorksheet.ExecutorSlot |
MarkFindingOutputStream |
MarkupFormatter |
Generalization of a function that takes text with some markup and converts that to HTML.
MarkupFormatterDescriptor |
MarkupText |
Mutable representation of string with HTML mark up.
MaskingClassLoader |
ClassLoader that masks a specified set of classes
from its parent class loader.
MasterBuildConfiguration |
Adds the configuration regarding building on the built-in node.
MasterToSlaveCallable<V,T extends Throwable> |
Convenient Callable meant to be run on agent.
MasterToSlaveFileCallable<T> |
Maven |
Build by using Maven.
Maven.DescriptorImpl |
Maven.MavenInstallation |
Represents a Maven installation in a system.
Maven.MavenInstallation.ConverterImpl |
Maven.MavenInstallation.DescriptorImpl |
Maven.MavenInstaller |
Automatic Maven installer from
Maven.MavenInstaller.DescriptorImpl |
Maven.ProjectWithMaven |
Maven3MojoNote |
Marks the log line that reports that Maven3 is executing a mojo.
Maven3MojoNote.DescriptorImpl |
MavenConsoleAnnotator |
Filter OutputStream that places annotations that marks various Maven outputs.
MavenErrorNote |
MavenErrorNote.DescriptorImpl |
MavenMojoNote |
Marks the log line that reports that Maven is executing a mojo.
MavenMojoNote.DescriptorImpl |
MavenWarningNote |
Marks the warning messages from Maven.
MavenWarningNote.DescriptorImpl |
MemoryReductionUtil |
Utilities to reduce memory footprint
MemoryUsageMonitor |
Monitors the memory usage of the system in OS specific way.
MemoryUsageMonitor.MemoryGroup |
A memory group is conceptually a set of memory pools.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
Messages |
Generated localization support class.
MetaLocaleDrivenResourceProvider |
Look up plugin-provided localized resources for the given URL.
MissingDependencyException |
Exception thrown if plugin resolution fails due to missing dependencies
ModelHyperlinkNote |
ModelHyperlinkNote.DescriptorImpl |
ModelObject |
A model object has a human readable name.
ModelObjectWithChildren |
ModelObject that has the children context menu in the breadcrumb.
ModelObjectWithContextMenu |
ModelObjectWithContextMenu.ContextMenu |
Data object that represents the context menu.
ModelObjectWithContextMenu.ContextMenuVisibility |
Allows an action to decide whether it will be visible in a context menu.
ModelObjectWithContextMenu.MenuItem |
ModelObjectWithContextMenu.MenuItemType |
ModifiableItemGroup<T extends Item> |
ItemGroup that is a general purpose container, which allows users and the rest of the program
to create arbitrary items into it.
ModifiableTopLevelItemGroup |
ModifiableViewGroup |
MonitorMarkedNodeOffline |
If NodeMonitor marks the node as offline, we'll show this to the admin to get their attention.
MonitorOfflineCause |
Offline cause to denote it was node monitor what put computer offline.
MorphTagLibrary |
Jelly tag library for literal-like tags, with an ability to add arbitrary attributes taken from a map.
MultipartFormDataParser |
Wraps commons file-upload and handles a "multipart/form-data" form submission
(that often includes file upload.)
MultiStageTimeSeries |
Maintains several TimeSeries with different update frequencies to satisfy three goals;
(1) retain data over long timespan, (2) save memory, and (3) retain accurate data for the recent past.
MultiStageTimeSeries.TimeScale |
Choose which datapoint to use.
MultiStageTimeSeries.TrendChart |
MyView |
View that only contains projects for which the current user has access to.
MyView.DescriptorImpl |
MyViewsProperty |
A UserProperty that remembers user-private views.
MyViewsProperty.DescriptorImpl |
MyViewsProperty.GlobalAction |
MyViewsTabBar |
Extension point for adding a MyViewsTabBar header to Projects MyViewsProperty .
MyViewsTabBar.GlobalConfigurationImpl |
MyViewsTabBarDescriptor |
NamingThreadFactory |
Thread factory that sets thread name so we know who is responsible for so many threads being created.
NestedProjectsCategory |
Designed for project hierarchies with folders.
NewFromListTagLib |
NioChannelSelector |
Singleton holder of NioChannelHub
Node |
Base type of Jenkins agents (although in practice, you probably extend Slave to define a new agent type).
Node.InternalComputerListener |
Let Nodes be aware of the lifecycle of their own Computer .
Node.Mode |
Constants that control how Hudson allocates jobs to agents.
NodeDescriptor |
NodeList |
NodeList.ConverterImpl |
Converter implementation for XStream.
NodeListener |
Listen to Node CRUD operations.
NodeMonitor |
Extension point for managing and monitoring Node s.
NodeMonitorUpdater |
When an agent is connected, redo the node monitoring.
NodeOptionHandler |
Refers to Node by its name.
NodeProperty<N extends Node> |
Extensible property of Node .
NodePropertyDescriptor |
NodeProvisioner |
NodeProvisioner.NodeProvisionerInvoker |
Periodically invoke NodeProvisioners
NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode |
The node addition activity in progress.
NodeProvisioner.StandardStrategyImpl |
The default strategy.
NodeProvisioner.Strategy |
Extension point for node provisioning strategies.
NodeProvisioner.StrategyDecision |
Nodes |
Manages all the nodes for Jenkins.
Nodes.ScheduleMaintenanceAfterSavingNode |
NodesLink |
NodeSpecific<T extends NodeSpecific<T>> |
Represents any concept that can be adapted for a node.
NoFingerprintMatch |
NoHomeDir |
Model object used to display the error top page if
we couldn't create the home directory.
NonLocalizable |
Localizable implementation that actually doesn't localize.
NonSerializableSecurityContext |
The same as SecurityContextImpl but doesn't serialize Authentication .
NoopFilter |
Filter that does nothing.
NoOverlapCategoryAxis |
This class implements X-axis label skipping algorithm to
avoid drawing overlapping labels.
NoTempDir |
Model object used to display the error top page if
there appears to be no temporary directory.
Notifier |
BuildStep s that run after the build is completed.
NotReallyRoleSensitiveCallable<V,T extends Throwable> |
Callable adapter for situations where Callable is not used for remoting but
just as a convenient function that has parameterized return value and exception type.
NullChangeLogParser |
NullIdDescriptorMonitor |
Some old descriptors apparently has the getId() method that's used in different ways
and that's causing errors like JENKINS-8866, so detect and report that.
NullSCM |
NullSCM.DescriptorImpl |
NullStream |
OfflineCause |
OfflineCause.ByCLI |
OfflineCause.ChannelTermination |
Caused by unexpected channel termination.
OfflineCause.IdleOfflineCause |
Caused by idle period.
OfflineCause.LaunchFailed |
Caused by failure to launch.
OfflineCause.SimpleOfflineCause |
OfflineCause that renders a static text,
but without any further UI.
OfflineCause.UserCause |
Taken offline by user.
OfflineNodeCommand |
CLI Command, which puts the Jenkins node offline.
OldDataMonitor |
Tracks whether any data structure changes were corrected when loading XML,
that could be resaved to migrate that data to the new format.
OldDataMonitor.ManagementLinkImpl |
OldDataMonitor.VersionRange |
OneOffExecutor |
Executor that's temporarily added to carry out tasks that doesn't consume
regular executors, like a matrix project parent build.
OneShotEvent |
Concurrency primitive.
OnlineNodeCommand |
CLI Command, which moves the node to the online state.
OnMaster |
Marks the objects in Jenkins that only exist in the core
and not on agents.
OperatingSystemEndOfLifeAdminMonitor |
OptionalJobProperty<J extends Job<?,?>> |
Job property which may or may not be present.
OptionalJobProperty.OptionalJobPropertyDescriptor |
OptionalPermissions |
Telemetry implementation that gathers information about optional permissions.
OptionHandlerExtension |
OptionHandler s that should be auto-discovered.
Options |
OverallLoadStatistics |
LoadStatistics for the entire system (the master and all the agents combined),
and all the jobs that are running on it.
PackedMap<K,V> |
Read-only map implementation that uses less memory than HashMap / TreeMap .
PackedMap.ConverterImpl |
Should persist like a regular map.
PageDecorator |
Participates in the rendering of HTML pages for all pages of Hudson.
PaneStatusProperties |
PaneStatusProperties.DescriptorImpl |
ParameterDefinition |
Defines a parameter for a build.
ParameterDefinition.ParameterDescriptor |
ParameterizedJobMixIn<JobT extends Job<JobT,RunT> & ParameterizedJobMixIn.ParameterizedJob<JobT,RunT> & Queue.Task,RunT extends Run<JobT,RunT> & Queue.Executable> |
ParameterizedJobMixIn.ParameterizedJob<JobT extends Job<JobT,RunT> & ParameterizedJobMixIn.ParameterizedJob<JobT,RunT> & Queue.Task,RunT extends Run<JobT,RunT> & Queue.Executable> |
Marker for job using this mixin, and default implementations of many methods.
ParameterizedJobOptionHandler |
ParametersAction |
Records the parameter values used for a build.
ParametersDefinitionProperty |
Keeps a list of the parameters defined for a project.
ParametersDefinitionProperty.DescriptorImpl |
ParameterValue |
A value for a parameter in a build.
ParserConfigurator |
PartialHeader |
Header that relies on core resources (images, CSS, JS, etc.) to perform
partial replacements.
PasswordParameterDefinition |
Parameter whose value is a Secret and is hidden from the UI.
PasswordParameterDefinition.ParameterDescriptorImpl |
PasswordParameterValue |
PathRemover |
PathRemover.PathChecker |
PathRemover.RetryStrategy |
PeepholePermalink |
PeepholePermalink.RunListenerImpl |
PeopleRedirect |
PeopleRedirect.AsynchPeople |
PeopleRedirect.People |
PeopleRedirect.TransientFactory |
PeriodicWork |
Extension point to perform a periodic task in Hudson (through Timer .)
PermalinkList |
PermalinkProjectAction |
PermalinkProjectAction.Permalink |
Permalink as a strategy pattern.
Permission |
Permission, which represents activity that requires a security privilege.
PermissionAdder |
Service which can add permissions for a given user to the configured authorization strategy.
PermissionGroup |
PermissionScope |
Represents the model class Permission acts on and scoped to.
PersistedList<T> |
Collection whose change is notified to the parent object for persistence.
PersistedList.ConverterImpl |
Converter implementation for XStream.
PersistenceRoot |
Root object of a persisted object tree
that gets its own file system directory.
PersistentDescriptor |
Marker interface for Descriptors which use xml persistent data, and as such need to load from disk when instantiated.
PingFailureAnalyzer |
Get notified when a channel triggered a ping failure, but before the channel is killed.
PlainTextConsoleOutputStream |
Filters out console notes.
Platform |
Strategy object that absorbs the platform differences.
Plugin |
Base class of Hudson plugin.
Plugin.DummyImpl |
Dummy instance of Plugin to be used when a plugin didn't
supply one on its own.
PluginFirstClassLoader2 |
Class loader that consults the plugin's WEB-INF/lib/*.jar and WEB-INF/classes
directories and the Jenkins core class loader (in that order).
PluginLabelUtil |
PluginLocaleDrivenResourceProvider |
Contribute localizations for arbitrary resources from plugins.
PluginManager |
PluginManager.FailedPlugin |
Remembers why a plugin failed to deploy.
PluginManager.MetadataCache |
PluginManager.PluginCycleDependenciesMonitor |
PluginManager.PluginDeprecationMonitor |
PluginManager.PluginUpdateMonitor |
PluginManager.PluginUpdateMonitor.PluginUpdateInfo |
PluginManager.UberClassLoader |
PluginManager.UpdateCenterProxy |
This allows "Update Center" to live at the URL
/pluginManager/updates/ in addition to its /updateCenter/
URL which is provided by Jenkins.getUpdateCenter() .
PluginManagerStaplerOverride |
Extension point for selectively overriding parts of the PluginManager views
Anything extending this and registered with an @Extension can replace existing views and define new views.
PluginManagerTagLib |
PluginServletFilter |
Servlet Filter that chains multiple Filter s, provided by plugins
PluginsLink |
PluginStrategy |
PluginSubtypeMarker |
Discovers the subtype of Plugin and generates service loader index file.
PluginWrapper |
Represents a Jenkins plug-in and associated control information
for Jenkins to control Plugin .
PluginWrapper.Dependency |
PluginWrapper.PluginDisableResult |
The result of the disablement of a plugin and its dependents plugins.
PluginWrapper.PluginDisableStatus |
An enum to hold the status of a disabling action against a plugin.
PluginWrapper.PluginDisableStrategy |
The strategies defined for disabling a plugin.
PluginWrapper.PluginWrapperAdministrativeMonitor |
Administrative Monitor for failed plugins
PollingResult |
Immutable object that represents the result of SCM polling.
PollingResult.Change |
Degree of changes between the previous state and this state.
PosixException |
PrincipalSid |
Proc |
External process wrapper.
Proc.LocalProc |
Locally launched process.
Proc.ProcWithJenkins23271Patch |
An instance of Proc , which has an internal workaround for JENKINS-23271.
Proc.RemoteProc |
ProcessKiller |
Extension point that defines more elaborate way of killing processes, such as
sudo or pfexec, for ProcessTree .
ProcessKillingVeto |
Allows extensions to veto killing processes.
ProcessKillingVeto.VetoCause |
Describes the cause for a process killing veto.
ProcessTree |
Represents a snapshot of the process tree of the current system.
ProcessTree.Local |
Represents a local process tree, where this JVM and the process tree run on the same system.
ProcessTree.ProcessCallable<T> |
ProcessTree.Remote |
Represents a process tree over a channel.
ProcessTreeRemoting |
ProcessTreeRemoting.IOSProcess |
ProcessTreeRemoting.IProcessTree |
ProgressiveRendering |
A helper thread which does some computation in the background and displays incremental results using JavaScript.
Project<P extends Project<P,B>,B extends Build<P,B>> |
Buildable software project.
ProjectNamingStrategy |
This ExtensionPoint allows to enforce the name of projects/jobs.
ProjectNamingStrategy.DefaultProjectNamingStrategy |
Default implementation which does not restrict the name to any form.
ProjectNamingStrategy.DefaultProjectNamingStrategy.DescriptorImpl |
ProjectNamingStrategy.PatternProjectNamingStrategy |
Naming strategy which allows the admin to define a pattern a job's name has to follow.
ProjectNamingStrategy.PatternProjectNamingStrategy.DescriptorImpl |
ProjectNamingStrategy.ProjectNamingStrategyDescriptor |
ProjectTagLib |
ProminentProjectAction |
Marker interface for Action s that should be displayed
at the top of the project page.
PropertyDescriptor<P extends Describable<P>,T> |
Base Descriptor type used for XyzProperty classes.
Protector |
Encrypt/decrypt data by using a "session" key that only lasts for
the duration of the server instance.
ProviderNotFoundException |
ProxyConfiguration |
HTTP proxy configuration.
ProxyConfiguration.DescriptorImpl |
ProxyConfigurationManager |
ProxyInjector |
Injector that delegates to another one.
ProxyView |
A view that delegates to another.
ProxyView.DescriptorImpl |
Publisher |
BuildStep s that run after the build is completed.
Publisher.DescriptorExtensionListImpl |
Publisher has a special sort semantics that requires a subtype.
QueryBuilder |
Builds up a query string.
QueryParameterMap |
Parses the query string of the URL into a key/value pair.
Queue |
Build queue.
Queue.BuildableItem |
Queue.Executable |
Represents the real meat of the computation run by Executor .
Queue.FlyweightTask |
Queue.Item |
Item in a queue.
Queue.JobOffer |
Data structure created for each idle Executor .
Queue.LeftItem |
Queue.NonBlockingTask |
Queue.NotWaitingItem |
Queue.QueueAction |
An optional interface for actions on Queue.Item.
Queue.QueueDecisionHandler |
Extension point for deciding if particular job should be scheduled or not.
Queue.Saver |
Schedule call for near future once items change.
Queue.State |
Simple queue state persistence object.
Queue.StubItem |
A Stub class for Queue.Item which exposes only the name of the Task to be displayed when the user
has DISCOVERY permissions only.
Queue.StubTask |
A Stub class for Queue.Task which exposes only the name of the Task to be displayed when the user
has DISCOVERY permissions only.
Queue.Task |
Task whose execution is controlled by the queue.
Queue.TransientTask |
Queue.WaitingItem |
QueueIdStrategy |
Pluggable strategy to generate queue item IDs as well as persist an optional opaque state whenever the queue is persisted.
QueueIdStrategy.DefaultStrategy |
Default implementation if no extension is found.
QueueItem |
Interface used by Jelly views to render a queue item through <t:queue> .
QueueItemAuthenticator |
Extension point to run Queue.Executable s under a specific identity for better access control.
QueueItemAuthenticatorConfiguration |
QueueItemAuthenticatorConfiguration.ProviderImpl |
QueueItemAuthenticatorDescriptor |
QueueItemAuthenticatorProvider |
There are cases where a plugin need to provide a QueueItemAuthenticator that cannot be controlled or
configured by the user.
QueueListener |
Listener for events in Queue .
QueueSorter |
Singleton extension point for sorting buildable items
QueueTaskDispatcher |
Vetos the execution of a task on a node
QueueTaskFilter |
QueueTaskFuture<R extends Queue.Executable> |
Future that can be used to wait for the start and the end of the task execution
(such as a build.)
QuickSilver |
QuietDownCommand |
Quiet down Jenkins - preparation for a restart
RareOrImpossibleDateException |
This exception is thrown when trying to determine the previous or next occurrence of a given date determines
that it's not happened, or going to happen, within some time period (e.g.
ReconfigurableDescribable<T extends ReconfigurableDescribable<T>> |
Marks modern Describable s that allow the current instances to pass information down to the next
instance when the configuration is submitted.
Recorder |
BuildStep s that run after the build is completed.
RedactSecretJsonInErrorMessageSanitizer |
ReflectionUtils |
Utility code for reflection.
ReflectionUtils.Parameter |
RegexValidator |
Regular Expression validation (using JDK 1.4+ regex support).
RegistryKey |
Represents a Win32 registry key.
RekeySecretAdminMonitor |
RelativePath |
Used in conjunction with QueryParameter to refer to
nearby parameters that belong to different parents.
ReloadConfigurationCommand |
Reload everything from the file system.
ReloadJobCommand |
Reloads job from the disk.
ReloadLink |
RememberMeServices |
RememberMeServicesProxy |
RememberMeServices proxy.
RemotingDiagnostics |
Various remoting operations related to diagnostics.
RemotingDiagnostics.HeapDump |
Heap dump, exposable to URL via Stapler.
RemotingVersionInfo |
Provides information about Remoting versions used within the core.
RemotingWorkDirSettings |
RemotingWorkDirSettings.DescriptorImpl |
RemoveJobFromViewCommand |
RenameAction |
RenameAction.TransientActionFactoryImpl |
RenderOnDemandClosure |
Captured Jelly Script that can be rendered later on demand from JavaScript.
ReopenableFileOutputStream |
ReopenableRotatingFileOutputStream |
RepositoryBrowser<E extends ChangeLogSet.Entry> |
Connects Hudson to repository browsers like ViewCVS or FishEye,
so that Hudson can generate links to them.
RepositoryBrowsers |
Resource |
ResourceActivity |
Activity that requires certain resources for its execution.
ResourceBundleUtil |
ResourceController |
ResourceDomainConfiguration |
Configure the resource root URL, an alternative root URL to serve resources from
to not need Content-Security-Policy headers, which mess with desired complex output.
ResourceDomainFilter |
ResourceDomainRecommendation |
ResourceDomainRootAction |
ResourceDomainRootAction.Token |
ResourceList |
List of Resource s that an activity needs.
ResponseHeaderFilter |
This filter allows you to modify headers set by the container or other servlets
that are out of your control.
ResponseTimeMonitor |
Monitors the round-trip response time to this agent.
ResponseTimeMonitor.Data |
Immutable representation of the monitoring data.
ResponseTimeMonitor.DescriptorImpl |
RestartListener |
Extension point that allows plugins to veto the restart.
RestartListener.Default |
Default logic.
RestartNotSupportedException |
Indicates that the Lifecycle doesn't support restart.
RestartRequiredException |
Indicates that the plugin cannot be deployed without a restart.
RestrictedSince |
Accompanies Restricted annotation to indicate when the access restriction was placed.
RestrictiveEntityResolver |
An EntityResolver that will fail to resolve any entities.
Result |
The build outcome.
Result.OptionHandlerImpl |
ResultTrend |
Describes an Result trend by taking the comparing the result of the current and the previous build.
RetainVariablesLocalRule |
Local rule that removes all the non-retained variables for that step.
RetainVariablesLocalRule.DescriptorImpl |
RetainVariablesLocalRule.ProcessVariablesHandling |
RetentionStrategy<T extends Computer> |
Controls when to take Computer offline, bring it back online, or even to destroy it.
RetentionStrategy.Always |
RetentionStrategy.Always.DescriptorImpl |
RetentionStrategy.Demand |
RetentionStrategy.Demand.DescriptorImpl |
Retrier<V> |
This class implements a process of doing some action repeatedly synchronously until it is performed successfully.
Retrier.Builder<V> |
Builder to create a Retrier object.
ReverseBuildTrigger |
ReverseBuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl |
ReverseBuildTrigger.ItemListenerImpl |
ReverseBuildTrigger.RunListenerImpl |
ReverseProxySetupMonitor |
Looks out for a broken reverse proxy setup that doesn't rewrite the location header correctly.
RewindableFileOutputStream |
RewindableRotatingFileOutputStream |
RingBufferLogHandler |
Log Handler that stores the log records into a ring buffer.
RobustCollectionConverter |
CollectionConverter that ignores XStreamException .
RobustReflectionConverter |
Custom ReflectionConverter that handle errors more gracefully.
RobustReflectionConverter.DuplicateFieldException |
Roles |
Predefined Role s in Jenkins.
RootAction |
Marker interface for actions that are added to Jenkins .
RootUrlNotSetMonitor |
Jenkins URL is required for a lot of operations in both core and plugins.
RoutingDecisionProvider |
RSAConfidentialKey |
RSADigitalSignatureConfidentialKey |
RSA digital signature as ConfidentialKey to prevent accidental leak of private key.
RSS related code.
Run<JobT extends Job<JobT,RunT>,RunT extends Run<JobT,RunT>> |
A particular execution of Job .
Run.RedirectUp |
Run.RunnerAbortedException |
Run.StatusSummarizer |
Run.Summary |
RunAction |
RunAction2 |
Optional interface for Action s that add themselves to a Run .
RunIdMigrator |
Converts legacy builds directories to the current format.
RunList<R extends Run> |
List of Run s, sorted in the descending date order.
RunListener<R extends Run> |
Receives notifications about builds.
RunListProgressiveRendering |
Makes it possible to incrementally render some information from a RunList .
RunMap<R extends Run<?,R>> |
RunMap.Constructor<R extends Run<?,R>> |
RunParameterDefinition |
RunParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl |
RunParameterDefinition.RunParameterFilter |
Constants that control how Run Parameter is filtered.
RunParameterValue |
RunRangeCommand |
RunWithSCM<JobT extends Job<JobT,RunT>,RunT extends Run<JobT,RunT> & RunWithSCM<JobT,RunT>> |
Allows a Run to provide SCM -related methods, such as providing changesets and culprits.
SafeRestartCommand |
Safe Restart Jenkins - do not accept any new jobs and try to pause existing.
SafeTimerTask |
Wrapper so that a fatal error in TimerTask will not terminate the timer.
SafeTimerTask.ExceptionRunnable |
SafeURLConverter |
Saveable |
Object whose state is persisted to XML.
SaveableListener |
Receives notifications about save actions on Saveable objects in Hudson.
ScheduleResult |
ScheduleResult.Created |
ScheduleResult.Existing |
ScheduleResult.Refused |
Captures the configuration information in it.
SCMCheckoutStrategy |
SCMCheckoutStrategyDescriptor |
SCMDecisionHandler |
Extension point for various decisions about SCM operations for Item instances.
SCMDescriptor<T extends SCM> |
SCMedItem |
SCMListener |
Receives notifications about SCM activities in Hudson.
SCMPollListener |
A hook for listening to polling activities in Jenkins.
SCMRevisionState |
Immutable object that represents revisions of the files in the repository,
used to represent the result of
a SCM polling.
List of all installed SCMs.
SCMTrigger |
Trigger that checks for SCM updates periodically.
SCMTrigger.AdministrativeMonitorImpl |
SCMTrigger.BuildAction |
Associated with Run to show the polling log
that triggered that build.
SCMTrigger.DescriptorImpl |
SCMTrigger.SCMTriggerCause |
SCMTriggerItem |
SCMTriggerItem.SCMTriggerItems |
Scrambler |
Scrambles, but does not encrypt, text.
ScriptListener |
A listener to track in-process script use.
ScriptListener.ListenerOutputStream |
ScriptListener.ListenerWriter |
Search |
Web-bound object that provides search/navigation capability.
Search.Item |
Search.Result |
SearchableModelObject |
SearchFactory |
SearchIndex |
Conceptually a set of SearchItem s that provide quick look-up
from their names.
SearchIndexBuilder |
SearchItem |
SearchItems |
SearchResult |
Secret |
Glorified String that uses encryption in the persisted form, to avoid accidental exposure of a secret.
Secret.ConverterImpl |
SecretRewriter |
Rewrites XML files by looking for Secrets that are stored with the old key and replaces them
by the new encrypted values.
SecureRequester |
An extension point for authorizing REST API access to an object where an unsafe result type would be produced.
SecureRequester.Default |
SecurityConfiguration |
SecurityContext |
SecurityContext.FromSpring |
SecurityContext.ToSpring |
SecurityContextExecutorService |
Creates a delegating ExecutorService
implementation whose submit and related methods capture the current
SecurityContext and then wrap any runnable/callable objects in another
runnable/callable that sets the context before execution and resets it
SecurityContextHolder |
SecurityContextImpl |
SecurityIsOffMonitor |
Unsecured Jenkins is, well, insecure.
SecurityListener |
Listener notified of various significant events related to security.
SecurityMode |
What security enforcement does Hudson do?
SecurityRealm |
Pluggable security realm that connects external user database to Hudson.
SecurityRealm.SecurityComponents |
Just a tuple so that we can create various inter-related security related objects and
return them all at once.
SecuritySystemProperties |
Telemetry implementation gathering information about system properties.
SequentialExecutionQueue |
Executor that collapses two equal Runnable s into one,
and makes sure no two equal Runnable s get executed simultaneously.
ServerTcpPort |
Used in conjunction with /lib/form/serverTcpPort tag to parse the submitted JSON back into a port number.
Service |
SessionIdCommand |
Prints the current session ID number (that changes for every run)
to allow clients to reliably wait for a restart.
SetBuildDescriptionCommand |
SetBuildDisplayNameCommand |
SetContextClassLoader |
SettingsProvider |
SettingsProviderDescriptor |
SetupWizard |
A Jenkins instance used during first-run to provide a limited set of services while
initial installation is in progress
Shell |
Executes a series of commands by using a shell.
Shell.DescriptorImpl |
Shell32 |
typedef struct _SHELLEXECUTEINFO {
DWORD cbSize;
ULONG fMask;
HWND hwnd;
LPCTSTR lpParameters;
LPCTSTR lpDirectory;
int nShow;
LPCTSTR lpClass;
HKEY hkeyClass;
DWORD dwHotKey;
union {
HANDLE hMonitor;
HANDLE hProcess;
ShiftedCategoryAxis |
CategoryAxis shifted to left to eliminate redundant space
between area and the Y-axis.
ShutdownLink |
Sid |
SidACL |
ACL that checks permissions based on GrantedAuthority
of the Authentication .
SimpleBuildStep |
A build step (like a Builder or Publisher ) which may be called at an arbitrary time during a build (or multiple times), run, and be done.
SimpleBuildStep.LastBuildAction |
SimpleBuildStep.LastBuildActionFactory |
SimpleBuildWrapper |
SimpleBuildWrapper.Context |
SimpleBuildWrapper.Disposer |
An optional callback to run at the end of the wrapped block.
SimpleGlobalBuildDiscarderStrategy |
Apply a user-specified build discarder periodically on all jobs.
SimpleGlobalBuildDiscarderStrategy.DescriptorImpl |
SimplePageDecorator |
Participates in the rendering of the login page
SimpleParameterDefinition |
Convenient base class for ParameterDefinition whose value can be represented in a context-independent single string token.
SimpleScheduledRetentionStrategy |
SimpleScheduledRetentionStrategy.DescriptorImpl |
Slave |
Information about a Hudson agent node.
Slave.JnlpJar |
Web-bound object used to serve jar files for inbound connections.
Slave.SlaveDescriptor |
SlaveComputer |
SlaveRestarter |
Extension point to control how to restart an inbound agent when it loses the connection with the master.
SlaveSystemInfo |
Extension point that contributes to the system information page of Computer .
SlaveToMasterCallable<V,T extends Throwable> |
Convenient Callable that are meant to run on the master (sent by agent/CLI/etc).
SlaveToMasterFileCallable<T> |
SlowTriggerAdminMonitor |
SlowTriggerAdminMonitor.Value |
SolarisSMFLifecycle |
Lifecycle for Hudson installed as SMF service.
SourceCodeEscapers |
SparseACL |
Access control list.
SparseACL.Entry |
StackedAreaRenderer2 |
Modified StackedAreaRenderer .
StandaloneProjectsCategory |
Designed for projects with a self-contained configuration and history.
StandardArtifactManager |
Default artifact manager which transfers files over the remoting channel and stores them inside the build directory.
StandardOutputSwapper |
StaplerDispatches |
Telemetry implementation gathering information about Stapler dispatch routes.
StaplerDispatches.StaplerTrace |
StaplerDispatchValidator |
Validates views dispatched by Stapler.
StaplerFilteredActionListener |
Log a warning message when a "getter" or "doAction" function or fragment view that was filtered out by SECURITY-400 new rules
StaticRoutingDecisionProvider |
Fill the list of getter methods that are whitelisted for Stapler
Each item in the set are formatted to correspond exactly to what Function.getDisplayName() returns
StatisticsLink |
StatusColumn |
Shows the status icon for item.
StatusColumn.DescriptorImpl |
StatusFilter |
Job Filter that will filter jobs based on its disabled status
StatusFilter.StatusFilterDescriptor |
StatusIcon |
Item can return this from the "getIconColor" method so that
its "status icon" can be shown in Hudson UI.
StockStatusIcon |
StopBuildsCommand |
StreamBuildListener |
StreamCopyThread |
StreamResource |
StreamTaskListener |
StringParameterDefinition |
Parameter whose value is a string value.
StringParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl |
StringParameterValue |
StructuredForm |
Obtains the structured form data from StaplerRequest .
SU |
Executes Callable as the super user, by forking a new process and executing the closure in there
if necessary.
SubTask |
SubTaskContributor |
SuggestedItem |
One item of a search result.
SuspiciousRequestFilter |
SwapSpaceMonitor |
Checks the swap space availability.
SwapSpaceMonitor.DescriptorImpl |
SwapSpaceMonitor.MemoryUsage2 |
Memory Usage.
Symbol |
Helper class to load symbols from Jenkins core or plugins.
SymbolRequest |
SymbolRequest.Builder |
SystemdLifecycle |
Lifecycle that delegates its responsibility to systemd(1) .
SystemInfoLink |
SystemLogLink |
SystemProperties |
SystemProperties.AgentCopier |
SystemProperties.Listener |
SystemPropertySlaveInfo |
TableNestChecker |
XMLFilter that checks the proper nesting of table related tags.
TagCloud<T> |
Represents an order-preserving tag cloud
where each keyword gets a weight and displayed according to their weight.
TagCloud.WeightFunction<T> |
TaskAction |
Partial Action implementation for those who kick some
processing asynchronously (such as SCM tagging.)
TaskListener |
Receives events that happen during some lengthy operation
that has some chance of failures, such as a build, SCM change polling,
agent launch, and so on.
Tasks |
TaskThread |
Thread for performing one-off task.
TaskThread.ListenerAndText |
TcpSlaveAgentListener |
Listens to incoming TCP connections, for example from agents.
TcpSlaveAgentListener.ConnectionFromCurrentPeer |
Connection terminated because we are reconnected from the current peer.
TcpSlaveAgentListener.PingAgentProtocol |
This extension provides a Ping protocol that allows people to verify that the TcpSlaveAgentListener is alive.
Telemetry |
Extension point for collecting JEP-214 telemetry.
Telemetry.TelemetryReporter |
TemporarySpaceMonitor |
Monitors the disk space of "/tmp".
TemporarySpaceMonitor.DescriptorImpl |
TemporarySpaceMonitor.GetTempSpace |
Terminator |
TerminatorFinder |
TermMilestone |
Various key milestone in the termination process of Jenkins.
TestTagLib |
TextFile |
Represents a text file.
TextParameterDefinition |
TextParameterDefinition.DescriptorImpl |
TextParameterValue |
ThreadDumpSlaveInfo |
TimeDuration |
Represents a length of something, like 3sec .
TimeDuration.StaplerConverterImpl |
Timer |
TimerTrigger |
Trigger that runs a job periodically.
TimerTrigger.DescriptorImpl |
TimerTrigger.TimerTriggerCause |
TimeSeries |
Scalar value that changes over the time (such as load average, Q length, # of executors, etc.)
TimeUnit2 |
TimeZoneProperty |
A UserProperty that allows a user to specify a time zone for displaying time.
TimeZoneProperty.DescriptorImpl |
TokenBasedRememberMeServices |
TokenBasedRememberMeServices2 |
TokenBasedRememberMeServices with modification so as not to rely
on the user password being available.
TokenUuidAndPlainValue |
Contains information about the token and the secret value.
ToolConfigurationCategory |
Global configuration of tool locations and installers.
ToolDescriptor<T extends ToolInstallation> |
ToolInstallation |
Formalization of a tool installed in nodes used for builds.
ToolInstallation.ToolConverter |
Subclasses can extend this for data migration from old field storing home directory.
ToolInstaller |
An object which can ensure that a generic ToolInstallation in fact exists on a node.
ToolInstaller.ToolInstallerEntry |
ToolInstaller.ToolInstallerList |
ToolInstallerDescriptor<T extends ToolInstaller> |
ToolLocationNodeProperty |
ToolLocationNodeProperty.DescriptorImpl |
ToolLocationNodeProperty.ToolLocation |
ToolLocationTranslator |
This Jenkins-wide extension points can participate in determining the actual node-specific path
of the ToolInstallation for the given Node .
ToolProperty<T extends ToolInstallation> |
ToolPropertyDescriptor |
ToolsTagLib |
TooManyJobsButNoView |
If Hudson is run with a lot of jobs but no views, suggest the user that they can create views.
TopLevelItem |
Item that can be directly displayed under Jenkins or other containers.
TopLevelItemDescriptor |
TopLevelItemOptionHandler |
TransientActionFactory<T> |
Allows you to add actions to any kind of object at once.
TransientActionFactory.Cache |
TransientBuildActionFactory |
TransientComputerActionFactory |
TransientFingerprintFacetFactory |
TransientProjectActionFactory |
TransientUserActionFactory |
Extension point for inserting transient Action s into User s.
TransientViewActionFactory |
Extension point for adding transient Action s to View s.
TreeString |
TreeString is an alternative string representation that saves the
memory when you have a large number of strings that share common prefixes
(such as various file names.)
TreeString.ConverterImpl |
Default Converter implementation for XStream that does interning
scoped to one unmarshalling.
TreeStringBuilder |
Trigger<J extends Item> |
Trigger.Cron |
Runs every minute to check TimerTrigger and schedules build.
TriggerDescriptor |
TriggeredItem |
An item which can be configured with Trigger s.
Triggers |
TypedFilter |
UnionSearchIndex |
Union of two sets.
UnixLifecycle |
Lifecycle implementation when Hudson runs on the embedded
servlet container on Unix.
UnixSlaveRestarter |
On Unix, restart via exec-ing to itself.
UnlabeledLoadStatistics |
UnprotectedRootAction |
RootAction s that are accessible to requests that do not have the READ permission on Jenkins .
UnwrapSecurityExceptionFilter |
If a security exception caused JellyTagException ,
rethrow it accordingly so that ExceptionTranslationFilter
can pick it up and initiate the redirection.
UpdateCenter |
Controls update center capability.
UpdateCenter.CoreUpdateMonitor |
UpdateCenter.PluginEntry |
Deprecated. |
UpdateCenter.UpdateCenterConfiguration |
Strategy object for controlling the update center's behaviors.
UpdateJobCommand |
UpdateNodeCommand |
UpdateSite |
Source of the update center information, like ""
UpdateSite.Deprecation |
Represents a deprecation of a certain component.
UpdateSite.Entry |
UpdateSite.IssueTracker |
Metadata for one issue tracker provided by the update site.
UpdateSite.WarningType |
UpdateSite.WarningVersionRange |
A version range for Warning s indicates which versions of a given plugin are affected
by it.
UpdateSiteWarningsConfiguration |
Configuration for update site-provided warnings.
UpdateSiteWarningsMonitor |
Administrative monitor showing plugin/core warnings published by the configured update site to the user.
UpdateViewCommand |
Uptime |
Keeps track of the uptime of Jenkins.
Uptime |
Records approximations of when Jenkins was started and the current time, to allow for computation of uptime.
URICheckEncodingMonitor |
UrlAnnotator |
Annotates URLs in the console output to hyperlink.
URLClassLoader2 |
URLConnectionDecorator |
Decorates the connections that Jenkins open to access external resources.
UrlHelper |
Objective is to validate an URL in a lenient way sufficiently strict to avoid too weird URL
but to still allow particular internal URL to be accepted
UrlValidator |
URL Validation routines.
UsageStatistics |
UsageStatistics.CombinedCipherInputStream |
UsageStatistics.CombinedCipherOutputStream |
Asymmetric cipher is slow and in case of Sun RSA implementation it can only encrypt the first block.
User |
Represents a user.
User |
User.AllUsers |
User.CanonicalIdResolver |
Resolves User IDs by ID, full names or other strings.
User.FullNameIdResolver |
Resolve user ID from full name
User.UserIDCanonicalIdResolver |
Tries to verify if an ID is valid.
UserAgentURLConnectionDecorator |
UserAvatarResolver |
Infers avatar image URLs for users
UserDetails |
UserDetailsCache |
Cache layer for UserDetails lookup.
UserDetailsService |
UserDetailsServiceProxy |
UserDetailsService proxy that delegates to another instance.
UserExperimentalFlag<T> |
User specific experimental flag to enable or disable specific behavior.
UserExperimentalFlagsProperty |
Per user experimental flags to enable features that still not completely ready to be active by default.
UserExperimentalFlagsProperty.DescriptorImpl |
UserIdMapper |
UserLanguages |
UserLanguages.AcceptLanguageFilter |
UserMayOrMayNotExistException |
UserMayOrMayNotExistException2 |
Thrown from UserDetailsService.loadUserByUsername(String)
to indicate that the underlying SecurityRealm is incapable
of retrieving the information, and furthermore, the system cannot
tell if such an user exists or not.
UsernameNotFoundException |
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken |
UserNameResolver |
Finds full name off the user when none is specified.
UserProperty |
Extensible property of User .
UserPropertyDescriptor |
UserSearchProperty |
UserSearchProperty.DescriptorImpl |
UserSeedChangeListener |
Listener notified when a user was requested to changed their seed
UserSeedProperty |
The seed stored in this property is used to have a revoke feature on the session
without having to hack the session management that depends on the application server used to run the instance.
UserSeedProperty.DescriptorImpl |
UserSeedSecurityListener |
Util |
Various utility methods that don't have more proper home.
VariableResolver<V> |
Resolves variables to its value, while encapsulating
how that resolution happens.
VariableResolver.ByMap<V> |
VariableResolver.Union<V> |
VersionCommand |
Retrieves the current version.
View |
View.PropertyList |
ViewDescriptor |
ViewGroup |
ViewGroupMixIn |
Implements ViewGroup to be used as a "mix-in".
ViewJob<JobT extends ViewJob<JobT,RunT>,RunT extends Run<JobT,RunT>> |
Job that monitors activities that happen outside Hudson,
which requires occasional batch reload activity to obtain the up-to-date information.
ViewJobFilter |
Each ViewJobFilter contributes to or removes from the list of Jobs for a view.
ViewOptionHandler |
Refers to View by its name.
ViewProperty |
Extensible property of View .
ViewPropertyDescriptor |
ViewsTabBar |
Extension point for adding a ViewsTabBar header to Projects ListView .
ViewsTabBar.GlobalConfigurationImpl |
ViewsTabBarDescriptor |
VirtualFile |
Abstraction over File , FilePath , or other items such as network resources or ZIP entries.
WaitNodeOfflineCommand |
CLI command, which waits till the node switches to the offline state.
WaitNodeOnlineCommand |
CLI command, which waits till the node switches to the online state.
WeakLogHandler |
Delegating Handler that uses WeakReference ,
which de-registers itself when an object disappears via GC.
WeatherColumn |
WeatherColumn.DescriptorImpl |
WeatherIcon |
All the weather icons
WebAppMain |
Entry point when Hudson is used as a webapp.
WebAppMain.FileAndDescription |
Add some metadata to a File, allowing to trace setup issues
WebAuthenticationDetails |
WebSocketAgents |
WebSocketEcho |
WebSockets |
Support for serving WebSocket responses.
WebSocketSession |
One WebSocket connection.
WhoAmI |
Expose the data needed for /whoAmI, so it can be exposed by Api.
WhoAmICommand |
Report the current granted authorities
Widget |
Box to be rendered in the side panel.
WidgetFactory<T extends HasWidgets,W extends Widget> |
Allows you to add new widgets to various kind of objects whose class implements HasWidgets .
WindowsInstallerLink |
WindowsServiceLifecycle |
Lifecycle for Hudson installed as Windows service.
WindowsUtil |
Utilities for the Windows Platform.
WinIOException |
IOException originated from Windows API call.
WinswSlaveRestarter |
With winsw, restart via winsw
WorkspaceBrowser |
Allows to access a workspace as an alternative to online build node.
WorkspaceCleanupThread |
Clean up old left-over workspaces from agents.
WorkspaceList |
Used by Computer to keep track of workspaces that are actively in use.
WorkspaceList.Entry |
Book keeping for workspace allocation.
WorkspaceList.Lease |
Represents a leased workspace that needs to be returned later.
WorkspaceListener |
WorkspaceLocator |
Allow extensions to override workspace locations
on given agents or projects.
WorkspaceSnapshot |
WorkUnit |
WorkUnitContext |
XmlFile |
Represents an XML data file that Jenkins uses as a data file.
XMLUtils |
Utilities useful when working with various XML types.
XStream2 |
XStream customized in various ways for Jenkins’ needs.
XStream2.PassthruConverter<T> |
Create a nested ConverterImpl subclass that extends this class to run some
callback code just after a type is unmarshalled by RobustReflectionConverter.
XStream2SecurityUtils |
Strongly inspired by
and taking into account
Once the related issue is fixed, we will be able to use the regular method from XStream.
XStreamDOM |
XML DOM like structure to preserve a portion of XStream data as-is, so that you can
process it later in a separate XStream call.
XStreamDOM.ConverterImpl |
XStreamDOM.WriterImpl |
YesNoMaybe |
Enum that represents Boolean state (including null for the absence.)
ZipExtractionInstaller |
Installs a tool into the Hudson working area by downloading and unpacking a ZIP file.
ZipExtractionInstaller.DescriptorImpl |